How to properly apply an elastic bandage to your wrist

If the wrist joint is damaged, it is very important to fix it in the correct position. Wrist pain can be caused by injury or chronic illness. When playing some sports, it is also recommended to use a bandage to prevent sprains and reduce stress on the joints. Applying an elastic bandage to the wrist is widely used, for example, in boxing, tennis, and gymnastics.

Wrist pain can also occur during professional activities. Most often, hairdressers, pianists, and people who work a lot at the computer are susceptible to it. Provoking factors may include diabetes and excess body weight.

An elastic bandage on the wrist is used to fix the joint in the correct position. Bandages vary in their degree of elongation, and the lower it is, the less pressure at the site of application. To securely fixate the injured limb, you need to use a bandage with a low degree of elasticity, and as a bandage for active sports, use a more elastic one.

What is it, benefits

Using an elastic bandage on the wrist can solve the following problems:

  • fix movable joints, preventing sprains;
  • distribute the load on muscles and ligaments;
  • remove excess moisture from the body, which is especially important during active training.

It is recommended to fix the wrist joint with an elastic bandage in the following cases (if there is a corresponding doctor’s recommendation):

  • arthritis, arthrosis, osteoarthritis;
  • diseases associated with inflammation of muscles and tendons;
  • paralysis;
  • paresis;
  • bone fractures;
  • muscle strain in the wrist area.

Typical mistakes when wrapping hands

Among the many mistakes made when wrapping brushes, a number of the most common ones can be identified.

  • Folds. Creases, bends and folds lead to pinching of the skin and the formation of seals on the bandage. This, in turn, can lead to pain during the strike and damage to the skin.
  • Squeezing. Limits blood flow in the hand, which in turn leads to decreased sensitivity. In addition, through compression, the joints are fixed in an unnatural state. When carrying out a strong blow, this is fraught with fractures.
  • Weak winding. In this case, you should not hope for an effect and a high degree of protection. Sooner or later, the athlete will simply have to re-bandage his hands.

If the boxer experiences discomfort after wrapping, it is preferable to re-bandage his hands. Otherwise you will have to do this during training. In the worst case, incorrect winding can damage the brushes.

The need to limit the load on the wrist

Applying an elastic bandage to the wrist is performed for preventive and therapeutic purposes.


  • preventing damage to muscles, tendons, joints;
  • reducing the risk of inflammation and irreversible changes in bone and muscle tissue;
  • reducing discomfort when performing monotonous, monotonous work.

When treating chronic or acute diseases, such as arthritis and arthrosis, applying an elastic bandage to the wrist allows you to:

  • reduce the range of motion of the joint, which helps reduce swelling and pain;
  • prevent the development of pathological processes;
  • speed up the recovery of the injured limb.

In addition, the bandage has a massage effect on the tissue, which improves blood circulation in the damaged area and promotes a speedy recovery;

Choosing an elastic bandage

When applying a fixative, it is important to follow the technology and use the right material.

  • Length . At least 50 cm. For working with injuries, products with a length of 90 cm or more are more suitable.
  • Rigidity . For sports bandaging, choose hard and medium bandages. For medicinal purposes - soft. The material must be very elastic in order to hug curves well.
  • Seams . Elastic pharmaceutical products often have seams along the edge. For sports ones - over the entire surface.

Before purchasing a bandage, it is advisable to make sure that it is suitable for certain purposes.

You cannot bandage your hand with a bandage if there are dermatological pathologies in the area where the material adheres, joint destruction, malignant formation in the bandage area, or intolerance to the composition of the tissue from which the fixator is made.

How to apply

You can find out how to apply an elastic bandage to your wrist in each specific case by consulting with your doctor. Independent unskilled bandaging may not improve, but only worsen the situation and lead to more serious consequences. It is imperative to go to a medical facility if it is necessary to apply a bandage for medical reasons.

The general rules for applying an elastic bandage to the wrist are as follows:

  • wrap the bandage around your wrist, starting from the inside;
  • stretch the bandage diagonally across the outside of the palm, between the thumb and forefinger and back through the inside of the palm;
  • wrap the bandage around the wrist and pull it in the opposite direction (along the inside of the palm, between the thumb and index finger) and through the outside of the palm back to the wrist;
  • wrap your wrist and make several turns, partially overlapping the previous layer by at least half the width;
  • secure the bandage.

It is also important to follow the following rules:

  • the tension of the bandage should not be very strong, otherwise there is a high probability of disrupting blood flow in the affected area;
  • The bandage should not be applied to swelling. To relieve swelling, you need to raise your hand up and hold it in this position;
  • Bandage should be done from narrow to wide;
  • There should be no folds or gathers, the bandage should not be twisted;
  • Even tension should be maintained, otherwise the bandage will not hold well.

Why do you need bandages for boxing?


Never put on gloves without wrapping your hands first, as this could cause you to sprain your wrist.

, as well as
injure your knuckles

While you may take your arms for granted when they are healthy, one small injury is all it takes to stop your progress in training.

Because broken knuckles can take a week or even more to heal, and if you continue to exercise, you injure your hands even more, thereby not only guaranteeing yourself constant pain when hit, but also slowing down the healing process.

As a result, your hand will begin to voluntarily avoid new pain, you will hit worse, and instead of enjoying and honing your skills, you will turn your exercises into one continuous torment. That's not why you started going to the gym, right?

Basic dressing methods

There are many ways to apply an elastic bandage to the wrist. They vary depending on the problems that need to be solved;

  • to bandage the wrists when doing boxing and weightlifting, a bandage with a length of at least 4.5 m is required. In this case, applying an elastic bandage to the wrist begins with a loop on the thumb, gradually covering the entire palm with the bandage, and the bandage is passed between all fingers;
  • for cuts, the method of bandaging the palm from the wrist to the knuckles is used;
  • for bruises, ruptures and sprains, an elastic bandage on the wrist covers the area from the elbow to the area below the knuckles.

The HARTMANN catalog contains a wide range of elastic compression bandages Idealast and Lastodur. Products are available in different lengths, widths and degrees of stretch. Self-fixing bandages are securely held without additional fastening. The high cotton content guarantees a comfortable feeling. Microdot impregnation with hypoallergenic glue allows the product to be used by people prone to allergies. The bandages can be washed at temperatures up to +60 ℃, which is very important both when using them as a sports bandage and for medicinal purposes.

To buy a bandage or other Paul Hartmann products, place an order on our online store website. Qualified managers will help you navigate the catalog and choose a product that meets your needs. You can ask all your questions to the online assistant.

IMPORTANT: both prevention and treatment can only be prescribed to you by a doctor! Before purchasing bandages, be sure to consult a doctor.

Options for bandaging hands

Professional boxers distinguish two main ways of performing wrist wraps: classic and “Cross”.

The classic version is considered the simplest; it is very often used by novice athletes. The algorithm is as follows:

  • fasten the loop on the bandage to your thumb;
  • wrap a bandage around your wrist and at the same time apply it to your thumb;
  • smoothly switch to winding the striking part of the hand;
  • wrap the knuckles;
  • visually evaluate the quality of the produced winding;
  • if poorly protected areas are identified, wrap the remaining bandage;
  • secure the bandage with Velcro or a special holder.

The Cross wrap option is used mainly by advanced boxers. A distinctive feature of this method of wrapping is that due to the use of a denser bandage, the blows are stronger. When using this method, each individual joint is bandaged.

The sequence of actions at the beginning and end is similar to the classical method. The discrepancy occurs only after the stage of winding the knuckles. So, after fixing the knuckles, each finger is wrapped in a bandage. The procedure begins with the phalanges of the thumb, then the index finger is strengthened, etc. After completing each turn, the athlete makes another one around the wrist - this allows for additional stability.

Types of dressings by purpose


Applying a pressure bandage to the arm is used to stop bleeding in open wounds and injuries using a sterile dressing material or cotton fabric carefully ironed with a hot iron.

Immobilizing or fixing

Used to immobilize a limb in case of fractures or dislocations. In this case, a solid dressing material is used - plaster, splints.


To prevent microorganisms from entering the wound, the development of secondary infection and to protect against the influence of harmful environmental factors, such as friction with clothing.


They are used to correct existing joint deformities.


Ensure the supply of necessary medicinal substances to the wound or sore spot.

Depending on the type of use, bandages are divided into soft, hard and elastic. Proper application of a bandage on the arm helps to significantly reduce pain, reduce the number of unnecessary movements and, thereby, prevent the occurrence of muscle spasm and tissue swelling. This is especially important in the case of a broken arm.

In addition to using bandages for injury, they can be used for arthrosis, arthritis, myositis, tendovaginitis - when it is also necessary to provide rest to the sore limb. Elastic bandages are used not only for treatment, but also to prevent injuries. Especially when playing sports.

Hand gloves

You apply the cream to the child’s hands, and after 5 minutes it ends up on the upholstery of the sofa. A familiar picture, isn't it? But the problem can be solved simply: after applying the cream, the child needs to put on gloves.

For butterfly children, soft gloves are an effective way to protect fingers from fusion and moisturize dry skin on the hands. Always wear gloves, day and night, to avoid having to undergo a painful operation to separate your fingers in the future.

Even if you are not bandaging your entire hand, but just one or more fingers, still wear gloves. Then the baby will thank you!

Preparatory activities

The set of basic measures preceding the actual bandaging includes the following steps:

  • Assessing the severity of the problem. If there are clear signs of an open fracture, a deep penetrating wound, heavy bleeding, the formation of partial or complete numbness of the finger, the entire limb, the appearance of blisters with serous contents and signs of charring after a burn, you should immediately seek qualified medical help;
  • Carrying out primary measures within the framework of first aid. We are talking about stopping bleeding, cooling the skin during a burn, treating nearby epidermis and wounds with an antiseptic, etc.

How to properly bandage your toe

Feet are often damaged, especially in the summer, when lightweight shoes are in fashion. The first step is to determine the type of injury:

To carry out the dressing you will need:

In the case of injuries to the legs, the big toe is more often affected, and its fractures are more common than others. If you suspect, you need to bandage the big toe to the adjacent one. And immediately go to the emergency room for an x-ray.

Dressings have their own rules. A diagram of how to properly bandage a finger or toe:

  • First, thoroughly disinfect and clean the wound. Use peroxide or any antiseptic. Afterwards they are treated with iodine or brilliant green. Do not wash with water or use iodine immediately.
  • Take a sterile cloth larger than the wound. Apply to the affected area. There is no need to tie it.
  • A bandage is wrapped around the wrist of the injured limb. Two circles are performed. They lead to the site of injury through the back of the hand.
  • Hold the napkin with your healthy hand and wrap it in a spiral bandage. They move from bottom to top.
  • Then they descend again through the back of the hand. And wrap it around your wrist.
  • Leave a tail of the bandage. 15 cm is enough. Cut it in half. The ends are tied.

There is a different way to bandage your thumb:

  • Bandaging also starts from the wrist, but goes through the back to the top and makes a spiral turn. Then the bandage moves downwards. And through the palm they return to the back of the hand.
  • Continue applying turns until it is completely tied to the bottom. The bandage will look like a spikelet. This is a technique for applying a spica bandage to a finger.
  • Consolidation occurs in the same way.

The most difficult thing to apply a bandage to is the index finger on the hand, especially on the right, if we are not left-handed. The middle and ring fingers are bandaged together if a fracture is suspected.

Everyone should be able to carry out such dressings. Often at home you have to provide first aid for injuries. To learn about how a spica bandage is applied to the shoulder, you should read here.

All bandages should fit snugly, but you should not put pressure on the injury site. Dressing is carried out at least twice a day. If the bandage becomes dirty earlier, you can re-bandage it more often.

It is imperative to bandage a knocked-out finger on your hand. If a bone is knocked out, it should be tightly bandaged and you should go to a doctor for medical attention.

What role does the length of the bandages play?

The first parameter in which boxing bandages differ from each other is length. And what it should be depends on several factors, including:

  • winding method;
  • the size of your brush;
  • load;
  • the amount of free space inside the glove.

Although the minimum length of the bandage is considered to be 2.5 meters

, many fighters adhere to the “longer is better” rule, because the more wraps you make around your fingers and wrist, the better they will be secured (read: the safer).

In addition, long bandages (4.5 meters or more) allow you to perform professional wrapping options with weights. However, if you are just starting out and have just mastered (and not the first time) the basic method of wrapping a bandage, then perhaps you should stop at a medium-sized pair.

What to pay attention to

There are times when seeing a doctor is necessary even if it concerns the slightest cut.

  • Purulent discharge from the wound. It is worth using Levomekol ointment.
  • Redness and inflammation of the skin near the wound. The skin may become hot.
  • Unpleasant “twitching” at the site of injury.
  • Increase in general body temperature.

Signs indicate that you need to see a doctor. Abscesses cannot be left untreated, otherwise there will be serious complications.

Possible complications and consequences of injury

Many people mistakenly believe that a bruise is not a serious injury, so they do not go to the hospital for professional help, hoping that over time the tissue will heal on its own. Delayed contact with specialists and inadequate treatment can lead to serious complications:

  • Accumulation of coagulated blood inside the joints with the formation of hemarthrosis in the knee area;
  • Impaired joint functionality;
  • The formation of blood clots due to improper care (rough rubbing, unprofessional massage, or leaving the leg at rest for a long time).

It is important! Injury to large joints can lead to the development of arthrosis in old age.

Signs of properly wound bandages

Proper wrapping of boxing bandages is the key to a successful workout without injury. And before you start hitting the punching bag or bag, you need to make sure that no mistakes were made when wrapping.

This can be easily determined: make a dozen blows in the air with your bandaged hand. If you feel friction or the tape becomes loose, rewind. If your brush gets tired quickly, you may have wound it too tightly. Make sure there is no friction from the tape between your middle finger.

Many beginners use a Mexican (elastic) boxing bandage to compress soft tissues. In the first stages, trainers advise wrapping cotton around the hand. It stretches worse, but in this case it is easier for a beginner to determine the tension force.

You can also replace boxing tapes with shingarts - fingerless gloves. They do not require winding. You can study in them only during the first lessons. It is recommended to practice punches on a punching bag or bag only with your hand wrapped in a bandage. Professional boxers wrap their hands with gauze.

A properly bandaged hand allows you to increase the force of the blow and is protected from injury. The brush gets less tired when practicing on a pear or bag. If you are going to train with boxing gloves, be sure to wrap tape around your hand.

What to pay attention to when dressing

Pay special attention to details that will further determine the possibility of developing complications and secondary problems:

  • Whitening of fingertips and areas below the wrist. Such symptoms may indicate that the bandaging is too tight, which is unacceptable;
  • Dirt and fragments of small foreign objects. Indicate the lack of necessary pre-treatment of the problem area using antiseptic hygiene methods;
  • Rapid reddening of the outer surface of the bandage. Indicates active bleeding or a too thin layer of sterile napkin that quickly allows biological substance to pass through;
  • Strong pain. They signal the presence of a serious bruise, sprain or fracture of a finger, possibly with crushing bone fragments.
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