What you need to know about the treatment of polyarthritis of the shoulder joint.

A disease such as polyarthritis is characterized by simultaneous or sequential inflammatory processes in several joints.

It is deservedly considered one of the most serious diseases that can arise for a number of reasons. That is why the symptoms of polyarthritis are different and require the use of different treatment methods.

You can undergo a course of treatment for polyarthritis at the CELT multidisciplinary clinic. We employ experienced specialists who have everything necessary for the diagnosis and successful treatment of this disease.

At CELT you can get a consultation with a traumatologist-orthopedic specialist.

  • Initial consultation – 3,000
  • Repeated consultation – 2,000

Make an appointment


The causes of polyarthritis of the shoulder and other joints can be very different, from viral diseases to metabolic disorders. They include the following:

  • colds, ARVI;
  • tuberculosis;
  • brucellosis;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • gonorrhea and other sexually transmitted infections;
  • a variety of injuries;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • metabolic disease;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • intense physical activity;
  • allergic reactions;
  • being overweight.

Infectious allergic polyarthritis.

Polyarthritis is classified as infectious, metabolic, rheumatoid or post-traumatic. Unlike infectious arthritis, the cause of metabolic arthritis is a violation of metabolic processes in the joint. Post-traumatic form - the development of inflammation in the joint after an injury.

Allergic arthritis is a consequence of the body’s reaction to various antigens, food and drug allergens, and during the flowering period of plants, an allergy to pollen. On the skin of the diseased joint, urticaria, a polymorphic rash, and angioedema are noted. Treatment of this type of arthritis consists of additional prescription of antihistamines.

Some time after treatment of any infectious disease, arthritis can be triggered. In this case, it is called post-infectious arthritis.

Delay or insufficient treatment of arthritis can lead to the fact that exacerbations can be repeated quite often and doctors in this case diagnose chronic infectious arthritis. Therefore, to prevent complications of arthritis and prevent its transition to the chronic phase, it should be remembered that treatment is prescribed by a specialist doctor. After antibacterial therapy, massage, physiotherapy, physical therapy, taking calcium supplements, multivitamins, and chondroprotectors are indicated.

Clinical manifestations

Depending on the cause of the disease, there are:

  • rheumatoid polyarthritis;
  • infectious polyarthritis;
  • reactive polyarthritis;
  • psoriatic polyarthritis;
  • gouty polyarthritis;
  • post-traumatic polyarthritis and other forms.

The symptoms of polyarthritis of the knee and other joints directly depend on the type of disease. The most common symptoms of the disease are pain in the affected joints, redness of the skin, swelling, impaired joint mobility, etc.


The most important preventive measure is hardening. A hardened body resists various infections well. But you should not allow hypothermia, because it can cause you to get a viral or infectious disease. Therefore, in winter, your feet must be kept warm. It is the legs that are most often exposed to hypothermia.

To detect the disease in the early stages, it is recommended to conduct a comprehensive examination of the whole body annually. Also, do not forget about taking vitamins, because their deficiency weakens the body.

If suspicious symptoms indicating polyarthritis appear, the intra-articular fluid is examined. A certain amount of liquid is collected, it is sown, and the types of pathogen are determined by sowing.

An ultrasound examination is performed to determine the type of arthritis. This method is effective for examining knee and hip joints. It is better to take an ultrasound photo and then consult with several doctors to obtain a more accurate and complete diagnosis.

If initial symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only a doctor can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.


Diagnosis of polyarthritis of the fingers and other joints can be quite difficult, since the causes of this pathological condition are different. Doctors at the CELT clinic have everything necessary to conduct comprehensive diagnostic studies, accurately determine the cause of the disease and make a correct diagnosis. Diagnosis of this disease in our clinic includes the following:

  • examination by a specialist - an orthopedic traumatologist or rheumatologist, taking an anamnesis;
  • determining the connection between polyarthritis and other pathologies or injury;
  • conducting laboratory research;
  • radiography, MRI, ultrasound;
  • arthroscopy if indicated.


The diagnosis presents serious difficulties and is established taking into account the wedge, picture and laboratory data. X-rays of the joints are without patol, changes, sometimes you can detect widening of the joint spaces due to significant effusion in the joint. ECG and FCG without visible changes. I.-a. items should be differentiated primarily with rheumatic arthritis (see Rheumatism) and the initial stages of rheumatoid arthritis (see). Simultaneous damage to several joints against the background of infection or following it, the absence of “volatility”, somewhat greater persistence during the course, the relative duration of the articular syndrome, the intactness of the heart, a lesser effect from salicylates and the simultaneous disappearance of changes in the joints distinguish I.-a.

Certain difficulties may arise when differentiating I.-a. with allergic arthritis in various infections and with specific arthritis. However, in these cases, signs of the underlying disease are found.


If we are talking about infectious polyarthritis, antibiotics are mandatory. Immunosuppressants and hormonal drugs are an integral part of the treatment of rheumatoid polyarthritis.

In addition, physiotherapeutic procedures are carried out:

  • professional massage;
  • ultrasound;
  • thermal applications;
  • physiotherapy.

Treatment is often carried out in courses during seasonal exacerbations of diseases.

The treatment plan for polyartitis is drawn up by our specialists in accordance with individual indications and the results of diagnostic studies. First of all, efforts are aimed at reducing or eliminating pain and inflammation. For this purpose, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics are used.

Infectious-allergic polyarthritis in childhood

Infectious-allergic polyarthritis in childhood accounts for 6.1% of all joint diseases in children.
It occurs more often in school-age children. The principles of treatment, prognosis and prevention are the same as in adults.


Dolgopolova A.V., Melikhova N.I. and Kuzmina N.N. Clinical manifestations of infectious-allergic polyarthritis in childhood, Vopr, revm., No. 1, p. 35, 1970; Isakov I.I. and Zabolotnykh I.I. Infectious-allergic polyarthritis, L., 1973, bibliogr.; M e l i h o v a N. I. and Kuzmina N. N. About infectious-allergic polyarthritis in childhood, in the book: Rheumatism in children, ed. A. V. Dolgopolova, V. 2, p. 148, M., 1970; Nesterov A.I. About a special clinical variant of infectious-allergic polyarthritis, Vopr, revm., No. 3, p. 3, 1965; Nesterov A.I. and Astapenko M.G. On the classification of joint diseases, ibid., No. 3, p. 47, 1971; Arthritis and allied conditions, ed. by JL Hollander, p. 218, Philadelphia, 1974; V o u 1 e JA a. B u s hanan WW Clinical rheumatology, Oxford—Philadelphia, 1971; Jaffe HL Metabolic, degenerative, and inflammatory diseases of bones and joints, Philadelphia, 1972; TichyH. u. Seifert H. Neue Ergeb-nisse serologischer Untersuchungen in der Rheumatologie, B., 1963.

Orthopedics and traumatology services at CELT

The administration of CELT JSC regularly updates the price list posted on the clinic’s website. However, in order to avoid possible misunderstandings, we ask you to clarify the cost of services by phone: +7

Service namePrice in rubles
Appointment with a surgical doctor (primary, for complex programs)3 000
MRI of the wrist joint (1 joint)7 000

All services

Make an appointment through the application or by calling +7 +7 We work every day:

  • Monday—Friday: 8.00—20.00
  • Saturday: 8.00–18.00
  • Sunday is a day off

The nearest metro and MCC stations to the clinic:

  • Highway of Enthusiasts or Perovo
  • Partisan
  • Enthusiast Highway

Driving directions

Specifics of the disease

As a rule, such infections are staphylococci and streptococci; they are the strongest allergens for the immune system. Thus, an infectious allergic type of polyarthritis is formed.

Currently, the infectious allergic type of polyarthritis has not been thoroughly studied, but scientists have identified a clear relationship between this disease and respiratory tract infections.

The disease appears after diseases such as:

  • tonsillitis,
  • angina,
  • sinusitis,
  • pharyngitis.

It is not completely known why the joints do not begin to be affected in all people who have suffered a staphylococcal or streptococcal respiratory infection.

Modern medicine believes that for the development of arthritis to begin, several additional factors are needed:

  1. allergies specifically to these pathogens (which provokes allergic polyarthritis),
  2. weak immunity,
  3. hormonal dysfunctions,
  4. genetic predisposition.

Relatives of a large number of people who have polyarthritis suffer from rheumatism and asthma. It is worth emphasizing that these diseases are allergic in nature.

An important feature of the disease is that it is benign, that is, it cannot lead to joint deformation, limited mobility or disability. This is how the infectious allergic type of polyarthritis is fundamentally different from infectious arthritis or rheumatism

Many people believe that polyarthritis occurs only in older people. This is a misconception. It is known that women under 40 years of age suffer more from this disease. About 75% of the total number of patients are women.

To a large extent, polyarthritis is common in children. Parents should protect their child from viral and cold infections, and immediately begin treatment as soon as the child begins to complain of symptoms such as discomfort in the bronchi or sore throat.

Therapy for allergic arthritis

Therapy is based on identifying the allergen and stopping its effect on the body. If unpleasant symptoms are associated with taking medications, serums or other drugs, then, if possible, it is worth replacing the medication with another one.

If the cause of the development of pathology is not taking the drug, then in this case the patient is prescribed to take antihistamines, such as:

  1. Suprastin.
  2. Diphenhydramine.
  3. Claretin.

In rare cases, it is recommended to take anti-inflammatory drugs in order to avoid the development of complications, such as multiple inflammation of the joints; as a rule, treatment is long-term and can last for several months.

How is the disease treated?

Therapy is carried out simultaneously in three directions. The first is fighting infection, the second is suppressing an allergic reaction and the third is strengthening the body as a whole. Of course, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are needed first. Penicillin drugs are most effective against streptococci, but if the patient does not tolerate them well, erythromycin antibiotics are used.

Among the arsenal of anti-inflammatory drugs, aspirin, brufen, and ibuprofen are mainly prescribed

It is equally important to take antihistamines: for example, suprastin, diphenhydramine. The duration of taking all these drugs depends on the severity of the disease.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to prescribe hormonal drugs. If the disease is severe and is accompanied by vomiting or diarrhea, then appropriate remedies are needed to eliminate them.

In addition, since rheumatoid arthritis can develop, a long course of quinoline drugs is prescribed to prevent it. Finally, to strengthen a weakened body, it is necessary to take multivitamin complexes. Hypoallergenic foods should be included in the therapeutic diet. Fatty foods, chocolate, all orange and red fruits and vegetables, and ice cream are excluded.

After the first days of the acute course of the disease, it is recommended to use the possibilities of physiotherapy. First, gentle ultraviolet irradiation is prescribed, then diathermy and paraffin baths. At the same time, physical therapy exercises are included.

Treatment for polyarthritis of this type usually takes a very long time. On average, a patient is sick for 1 to 2 months. But it happens that the disease lasts for six months or more. If the treatment does not bring the desired result, it goes into a severe stage, and there is a possibility that surgery will be required. If damage to articular tissues and cartilage has become irreversible, then reconstructive articular surgery will most likely be needed.

After successful treatment of polyarthritis, it is necessary to undergo an examination to find and eliminate possible hidden foci of chronic infection. To prevent its relapses, health resort procedures are highly desirable in the future. Marine, hydrogen sulfide, and radon baths are especially useful.

Those who have already suffered such polyarthritis once should draw a conclusion for the rest of their lives: they need to protect themselves in every possible way from infectious lesions not only of the respiratory tract, but also of the entire body. A recovered person remains at risk - the threat of relapse hangs over him like a sword of Damocles.

Be sure to consult your doctor before treating any illness. This will help take into account individual tolerance, confirm the diagnosis, ensure the correctness of treatment and eliminate negative drug interactions. If you use prescriptions without consulting your doctor, it is entirely at your own risk. All information on the site is presented for informational purposes and is not a medical aid. All responsibility for use lies with you.

Prevention methods and prognosis

The disease is easy to avoid if you follow simple rules of prevention. Firstly, you should be careful about all kinds of infections and allergic reactions that are in the body. If symptoms occur, you should immediately seek medical help from your doctor. And secondly, you should undergo regular examinations. The disease is amenable to conservative treatment in the first stages of its development. Effectively selected techniques will help prevent relapses. The advanced form of the disease has a negative effect on the body and requires surgical intervention.


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