How to properly develop fingers after a fracture

About 10 percent of fractures are finger fractures. The phenomenon requires long-term rehabilitation after treatment. Once the bones heal and the plaster is removed, you need to know how to properly develop a finger after a fracture so that it maintains mobility and aesthetics.


The main signs that a finger is broken:

  • Aching pain spreading from the site of injury throughout the finger and even in some cases radiating into the hand and arm itself, right up to the elbow. When you touch the finger, the pain only increases;
  • A hematoma forms, bleeding under the skin;
  • Swelling in the damaged area;
  • Obvious deformation of the finger;
  • Limited movement - unable to straighten fingers. You can check by trying to straighten your arm on the table.

There is a risk that simultaneously with a fracture, joint dislocation may occur, or ligaments and tendons may be damaged.

If the fingers from the index to the little finger have more or less the same signs when fractured, then a fracture of the first, thumb, can be confused with a dislocation or an ordinary bruise. Its main phalanx is more often susceptible to damage.

To accurately diagnose a fracture without displacement, you will have to use an x-ray.

First aid

Rehabilitation after a broken finger and further recovery will directly depend on the provision of pre-medical care. The main steps are as follows:

  • an ice compress should be applied to the damaged area, since the phalanx has a thin structure, the cold is applied for 7-10 minutes, the procedure is repeated after half an hour;
  • the limb must be immobilized by applying a fixing bandage;
  • to avoid traumatic shock, the victim is given painkillers to drink;
  • provide the patient with complete rest and isolate the phalanges from contact with external irritants;
  • accompany the injured person to the nearest medical facility to provide specialized care and correct diagnosis.

At the hospital, the patient will have an X-ray, the nature of the fracture will be determined, and a cast will be applied.


Which treatment method is chosen depends on the characteristics of the individual case:

Treatment methodWhen to usePeculiarities
ConservativeIn the absence of displacement and if the fracture did not involve the jointUsing plaster tape, the doctor will fix the area on the finger that was damaged. A polymer dressing is also used. The finger located nearby can act as a splint.
There is displacement, but the fracture is stable.The displacement is removed under local anesthesia. Surgical intervention is not used. Fixed with plaster tape and a polymer bandage.
Surgical intervention – osteosynthesisWith an unstable form of fracture, when the surfaces of the joints are damaged, there are displaced fragments and pronounced deformation.It is necessary to restore the anatomically correct shape of the finger and hand. The doctor makes cuts, connects the fragments and fixes them using plates, knitting needles and screws. Stitches can be removed after 2-3 weeks.

Distinctive characteristics of finger fractures:

  1. Big. A fracture can occur as a result of severe bruising. Treatment should be as careful as possible, since the bones in this area have a particularly complex arrangement. The doctor must first set the injured bone and then apply a bandage to immobilize the finger until the broken parts heal completely;
  2. Pointing. Often accompanied by dislocation. The treatment does not take long and without complications. In many cases, the index finger can be adjusted without the use of anesthesia;
  3. Average. Fast and clear assistance from a qualified specialist is important here. Such a fracture can provoke further general functionality of the hand;
  4. Nameless. After a fracture, healing takes a long time and is difficult. A plaster cast is needed, as in other cases. But here the doctor’s observation should be especially careful;
  5. Little finger. May break due to an unfortunate fall on the hand. As a result, hand movement is limited, the pain is sharp and point-like.

Frequently asked questions to the doctor

Hand swelling after injury

Hello, my name is Svetlana. 1.5 months have passed since the wrist injury, the plaster was removed, but the finger on the hand does not bend after the fracture, and the hand swells. What can be done to get rid of this and get movement back?

Hello Svetlana. The fact that the finger is motionless is the norm; it is necessary to perform special exercises to help cope with this. Swelling indicates that fluid is accumulating inside from poor blood flow. Physiotherapy, massage and exercise therapy are required, which the doctor will prescribe for you.

Take care of your joints in advance

Hello, my name is Margarita. I have a metacarpal bone injury, I will be wearing a cast for about 2 more weeks. Can I take care in advance about developing the motor activity of the hand as a whole? Is there any instruction that will help me?

Hello Margarita. To answer the question, it is important for me to know: does the finger bend when it is fractured? If the phalanges remain mobile, you can perform simple procedures in a cast that will make life easier after the cast is removed. It is worth practicing bending the phalanx and moving the limbs of the affected arm.

Exercise for fingers after plaster removal

During the treatment of a fracture, a cast is placed on the finger and a significant part of the arm. This limits their mobility. Within a few weeks, the bones grow together, the pain goes away completely, and the question arises of how to develop fingers after a broken arm.

The development of a finger after a fracture should be gradual; sudden loads are unacceptable - this is fraught with re-injury. You should load and train your arm little by little and as gently as possible.

Massage and massage devices

To restore muscles and improve blood circulation, foot massage rollers are used, which are sold in orthopedic salons. The existing seals are rubbed with a finger, without putting excessive pressure on the tissue.

If possible, it is better to hire a professional and begin sessions as soon as possible after removing the splint. Hand movements should be careful; stroking and rubbing techniques with the edge of the palm are used. First, a superficial effect is carried out, then the pressure is increased to get to the ligaments and muscles.

If the fingers of the lower limb are damaged, begin the massage from the thigh, gradually moving to the muscles of the knee and lower leg. At the last stage, the feet are massaged.

It is allowed to use aromatic oils during a massage. Fir and pine oil will have a positive effect. After the procedure, it is recommended to take warm foot baths.


There are many exercises for recovering from a fracture. It is also recommended to add special therapeutic exercises to the standard complex:

  1. Make a fist with your hand and imagine that there is a lighter inside. Try to “ignite” it, thus stretching your thumb. Movements should be smooth and slow.
  2. Lightly clench your thumb inside your fist, and then change the position of your fingers so that your thumb is on the outside. Repeat these compressions several times.
  3. Relax your hand and alternately reach with your thumb all the others - first one by one, and then one after another.
  4. “Salt” an imaginary dish with imaginary salt - collect a pinch of it from your thumb, index and middle fingers.
  5. Clench your fingers into a fist, and with your thumb draw circles in the air to the left, and then to the right. Perform the exercise slowly and with minimal amplitude.

It is necessary to pay a lot of attention to the thumb, since the performance of such exercises will determine how the hand will look and work in the future.

Preparatory procedures

Rubbing the surface of the hand before warming up

Regardless of which part of the arm or leg is broken, it is necessary to begin procedures after the injured area has fully recovered. The pain should go away, then you should start home treatments. Upon discharge, the doctor should show simple manipulations that will help to rehabilitate.

For the effect to be noticeable after a short period of time, you need to perform the exercises at least 3 times a day, for about 10-15 minutes. Before you start, you should soak your hands or feet in warm water with sea salt, this will make it easier for the muscles to work.

Each lesson should begin with a warm-up:

  • rub the injured surface well;
  • make rotational movements in both directions;
  • pull the phalanges forward;
  • connect them together;
  • smoothly bend your entire palm using the table surface.

Development of 2-5 fingers after a fracture of the phalanges

It is advisable to repeat each of the proposed exercises ten times. If it is easy and there is no discomfort, you can do more repetitions. If pain is felt, then the amount should be reduced.

  • Exercise 1 - lock. The fingers need to be clasped together and stretched thoroughly;
  • Exercise 2 - fist. You just need to squeeze and unclench your hand. You should do this slowly, without unnecessary effort, trying to feel every bone and joint. The number of repetitions depends on the basic sensations and comfort;
  • Exercise 3 – caterpillar. First, place the brush perpendicular to the table surface so that your fingertips touch the hard surface. Then you need to lower your palm and press it to the table. Next, gather all your fingers into a fist and straighten them again. Return the brush to its original position. Such movements imitating a caterpillar should be repeated several times;
  • Exercise 4 – stretching. The fingers are joined into a lock and the palms are extended outward in front of you. In this case, the lock cannot be disconnected. You need to stretch, stretching your fingers at the same time. Then the lock is pressed to the body, palms inward and fingers stretched again;
  • Exercise 5 – pile. Squeeze all your fingers into a bunch - a large pinch. Then spread your fingers in different directions. Repeat 10-15 times;
  • Exercise 6 – fan. Spread your fingers in different directions to resemble a fan. You need to spread them as wide as possible. Painful sensations can appear even in the case of a completely healthy hand. If the discomfort is tolerable, then this is normal and is an excellent stretch for the joints;
  • Exercise 7 – slits. Place your two hands together, palms facing each other. Alternately make slits with each pair of fingers, pushing them apart;
  • Exercise 8 – drum. Place your hand on a flat surface, palms down. Alternately lift each finger up and immediately lower it, drumming on the surface, and then lift and lower all fingers together.

You can also resort to exercises to develop fine motor skills - collecting beads, cereals or seeds, typing texts on a computer keyboard, drawing, embroidering, and also regularly practicing with a hand expander.

Despite the intensity of this type of exercise, rehabilitation of finger fractures can take about a month after the cast is removed. It is important not to overwork the arm, thereby limiting the risk of complications. Sometimes the doctor may recommend exercise therapy, massage and physiotherapy. All this will only speed up the process of recovery and return to full activity.

Recommendations for the patient

For successful recovery you need:

  • Follow all instructions of the attending physician and rehabilitation specialist, exercise therapy specialist.
  • Do not skip physical procedures and exercise therapy classes;
  • Follow a protein diet, eat foods containing calcium - dairy products, dried fruits, fish, nuts).
  • Do not overload or overcool the affected limb.
  • Develop fine motor skills: sort through cereals, small objects, draw, sew, etc.
  • Take vitamins with calcium and vitamin D3: calcemin, aquadetrim, teraflex and others.
  • Rehabilitation is one of the main tasks in the treatment of fractures. It helps restore the fingers to their previous functionality and range of motion.
  • It is important for the patient to follow all the doctor’s instructions. Failure to follow recommendations can lead to complications in the treatment of a fracture.


During the rehabilitation period, the following procedures are indicated:

  1. UHF . Used to warm tissues and enhance microcirculation. Improves metabolic and reparative processes, accelerates the formation of callus.
  2. Magnetotherapy . Sessions begin a few days after the injury, and the plaster cast and metal rods are not an obstacle to their implementation. The procedure enhances bone mineralization, improves calcium and phosphorus metabolism, and relieves swelling. The course consists of 10-15 sessions.
  3. Interference currents . Electrodes are applied to the affected area, which deliver rhythmic impulses of various frequencies (from 0 to 100 Hz). After exposure to electric current, blood circulation and tissue trophism improve, pain syndrome decreases, and lymph movement accelerates.
  4. Paraffin or ozokerite applications . The thermal procedure improves blood flow and accelerates bone tissue recovery. In addition, there are more than 70 nerve endings on the skin of the feet. Their irritation has a positive effect on the cardiovascular and endocrine systems.
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