Recovery exercises after an ankle fracture

Properly selected exercises after an ankle fracture can quickly restore the functions of the injured limb. Prolonged immobility of the leg causes circulatory disorders throughout the body and the damaged limb, muscles partially atrophy, ligaments weaken.

The use of exercise therapy after an ankle fracture is an opportunity to improve metabolic processes in injured tissues. This is an important process, since it determines how well the bones will heal. With the help of “dosed” physical activity at all stages of treatment and recovery, the patient will be able to quickly recover from a serious injury.

Types of foot fractures

Rehabilitation after a fracture of the foot bones depends on the nature and complexity of the injury itself. The fracture can be open or closed, displaced or non-displaced. It is divided into the following types, depending on the fault line:

  • oblique;
  • longitudinal;
  • transverse;
  • helical;
  • splintered.

Foot injuries are divided into pathological and traumatic .
When a bone is subjected to a strong external impact, for example, a foot strike on a hard surface or a fallen heavy object, the fracture is called traumatic. Some diseases or complications from illness reduce calcium levels and bone strength, causing the bone to break. Such fractures are called pathological.

The main symptoms that accompany a fracture include severe pain, swelling and bruising in the injured area. The pain intensifies with any load on the injured leg.

Right ankle joint

Strengthening and prevention

A weak ankle is the cause of most fractures and other ankle injuries. To avoid dangerous injury, an important joint should be strengthened. You can do this with the help of exercises:

  1. Jump rope regularly. It is better to do this without shoes: the foot will receive maximum load.
  2. Run on your toes.
  3. Collect small objects from the floor with your toes: beads, beads, etc.

An important component of the prevention and strengthening of muscle and bone tissue is nutrition. Include calcium-rich foods in your diet and control your weight: excess weight will negatively affect the condition of the lower leg. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day and lead an active lifestyle.

Prescription of exercise therapy after a foot fracture

Rehabilitation after a foot fracture poses the following tasks for the patient:

  • restoration of foot mobility;
  • activation of the tone of the ligaments and muscles of the damaged area;
  • strengthening the base of the ankle;
  • elimination of swelling and activation of metabolic processes;
  • return to normal gait.

Main treatments include:

  • Exercise therapy - a set of motor and gymnastic exercises;
  • massage;
  • orthopedic shoes, instep support;
  • drinking regime (at least two liters per day).

Physical therapy is prescribed from the first day of injury and continues for several months until complete recovery.

Actions before immobilization

Immediately after a fracture, you must visit the emergency room. Only there will they be able to determine the presence and nature of the injury received. If possible, you can apply a piece of ice to the damaged area, but for no more than 15 minutes.

Under no circumstances should you step on an injured limb; this may aggravate the situation.

If you can't get to the emergency room quickly, don't worry. Ankle injuries are considered fresh and respond well to treatment within 10 days. But it’s better not to delay.

The diagnosis of ankle joint injuries is made based on the nature of the mechanism of injury, the clinical picture, and a mandatory x-ray examination in two projections. For treatment, plaster casts, skeletal traction, devices for transosseous osteosynthesis and surgery are used. Treatment can be either outpatient (at home) or in a hospital.

Sometimes in difficult cases, when repositioning of fragments is necessary, treatment is not carried out immediately, but waits for several days until the swelling and hematoma decrease. During this period, it is necessary to maintain bed rest and ensure the immobility of the damaged joint. Already at this time, it is recommended to do breathing exercises and general developmental exercises.

Features of the therapeutic gymnastics complex:

  1. the sore leg is motionless;
  2. frequency – from 4 times a day;
  3. number of repetitions – 5-6 times.

Exercise sets

Therapeutic techniques aimed at rehabilitation after a foot fracture at home include morning exercises, standing exercises, moving exercises, and sitting exercises.

Morning exercises are so-called hygienic exercises, which should be done immediately after waking up. It consists of three parts. The first part must be done in bed - bend and straighten your toes, rotate it outward and inward, and make circular movements. Then it is recommended to perform self-massage with cream or ointment.

General developmental exercises that need to be done in the morning:

  • sequential lifting onto your toes and lowering onto your heels;
  • the knee of one leg bends, hands rest on the wall; the second leg is laid back on the toes; the calf muscle and Achilles tendon are severely stretched;
  • feet standing parallel to each other roll from the outside to the inside;
  • the knees rise to the chest, the ankle stretches;
  • lunge to the side with the body turned to the side.

Important. It is best to do the exercises barefoot for 30-40 minutes.

Rehabilitation after a foot fracture:

  • the toes are bent in such a way that the emphasis is on the outer side of the feet;
  • rolling from heel to toe;
  • half-squat position, feet simultaneously rolling left and right;
  • squat position, heels off the floor.

These exercises are performed in 2 sets of 10-15 times.

Popular movement exercises:

  • jumping in place: legs are placed apart and brought together again;
  • walking backwards;
  • walking on all fours;
  • jumping with the right and left foot alternately;
  • jogging.

You can also stretch your injured foot while sitting:

  • a tennis ball is rolled back and forth by the foot;
  • pick up a rag or towel with your toes;
  • the towel is wrapped around the ankle and pulled towards itself;

The entire set of exercise therapy exercises given above is recommended to be done in a static position. This could be swallow pose.

Also, over time, you can add exercises with another popular simulator:

Petr Popov developed his own system for foot rehabilitation after a fracture. It is based on micro movements that make the whole body work. Such a small load on damaged bones, according to many experts, gives the best effect.

First aid

How to alleviate the patient's condition in the first minutes after injury?

  • Apply ice, previously wrapped in a cloth, to the area of ​​the damaged joint.
  • To immobilize the ankle, place a figure-eight bandage on it, bending the foot at an angle of 90°. Make sure that the bandage is not too tight and does not interfere with blood flow.
  • It is necessary to ensure complete rest of the injured limb and an elevated position: place it slightly above body level.

For three days after the injury, any thermal procedures are strictly contraindicated: warming compresses, visiting a bathhouse or sauna, taking a hot bath. You cannot massage the affected area or make movements in the joint, as this can lead to increased swelling, hemorrhages and micro-tears. In other words, the ligamentous-articular apparatus is additionally injured, which makes recovery more difficult and longer.

Rules for performing exercises for full recovery after a foot fracture

Conventionally, the process of foot rehabilitation after an ankle fracture can be divided into three stages.

Stage 1

The victim is assigned minimal loads. All exercises must be calculated by a doctor who will determine their volume. They are prescribed individually, depending on the nature of the fracture. Stage 1 takes place during treatment in a hospital.

Rehabilitation after surgical treatment of a foot fracture is prescribed earlier than after removal of the cast.

Stage 2

The second stage of treatment begins when the person returns home after hospital treatment and begins to walk without crutches. A physical therapy specialist gives a number of recommendations that a person must follow himself. Exercises increase stress on the ankle joint. At this stage, you can use expanders, hoops and balls.

Stage 3

The last stage of rehabilitation after a fracture of the navicular bone of the foot is carried out in order to fully restore the functions of the damaged limb. A person who has suffered an injury can already perform normal physical activity and perform active movements. It is recommended to engage in sports that will involve the ankle joint. This could be light running, swimming, exercises with a ball, aerobics, etc.

Exercises of all three stages should be carried out regularly to strengthen the muscular-connective system and prevent new injuries.


Although physical activity is essential for recovery from a broken ankle, it is not for everyone.

The following pathological conditions are contraindications to exercise therapy:

  • Inflammatory and purulent processes in the body;
  • Diseases in the acute stage;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Unstable compound fracture;
  • Mental illnesses;
  • Malignant formations;
  • Bleeding from all locations.

Application of massage procedures

Massage sessions are carried out at different stages of treatment. In combination with other therapeutic methods, they are especially effective because they:

  • elimination of stagnation;
  • elimination of remnants of muscle atrophy;
  • increasing the elasticity of muscles and ligaments;
  • improving the mobility of the foot joints.

The use of massage procedures is possible in the presence of plaster. Methods:

  • massage the part of the leg that is without plaster;
  • light and infrequent tapping on the plaster;
  • light pressure on the area of ​​the leg near the cast.

After removing the plaster, the procedures are mainly carried out by specialists, but you can learn the technique of self-massage. Stroking movements are performed with the fingertips on both sides of the ankle, across and along the limb. You need to move from the shin to the toes. Discomfort should not be allowed; massage should not cause pain.


The diagnosis of ankle sprain is usually made clinically, that is, based on the typical symptoms of the disease.

If the symptoms are questionable and it is necessary to exclude other injuries to the musculoskeletal system, the doctor may prescribe additional research methods: MRI, ultrasound of the joint, arthroscopy, radiography (if a fracture is suspected).

Sometimes a full examination cannot be carried out immediately after an injury due to extensive swelling, muscle spasm and intense pain. In this case, the ankle joint is immobilized and the examination is repeated after the acute symptoms subside.

MRI can also be used to clarify the diagnosis and adjust treatment if pain persists after 6 weeks.

Additional recommendations

To form the natural arch of the foot after an injury and prevent dislocations and fractures, you need to wear orthopedic shoes. It fixes the leg as comfortably as possible and improves blood circulation.

Important. Orthopedic shoes prevent calluses, swelling, fatigue, and help treat bunions and diabetic feet.

Frame insoles are important for rehabilitation after a foot fracture, allowing you to properly distribute the load and reduce pain. Long-term walking significantly reduces discomfort and increases stability.

In combination with exercise therapy and massage, you can use folk remedies , for example, baths :

  1. 3 tablespoons of chamomile or chamomile are poured into 500 ml of hot water and infused for 1 hour. The liquid is filtered and poured into a warm basin where you need to place your feet. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.
  2. Half a glass of sea salt is dissolved in a bowl of warm water. The feet are kept in the container for at least 15 minutes.

A responsible attitude towards your health and regular performance of complex exercise therapy contribute to a quick recovery and restoration of all functions of the injured foot.

Degrees of ankle sprain

Sprains come in 3 degrees of severity, which differ in the severity of anatomical changes and characteristic symptoms.

1st degree sprain:

  • microtears of individual ligament fibers occur, but the anatomical integrity of the structure is maintained;
  • the pain syndrome is moderate, there is a slight limitation of movement, mild swelling.

2nd degree sprain:

  • rupture of a large number of ligament fibers may be accompanied by partial damage to the ankle joint capsule;
  • moderate swelling, possible bruising, severe pain, noticeable limitation of movement and difficulty supporting the affected limb.

3rd degree sprain:

  • ligamentous fibers are completely torn;
  • sharp intense pain, extensive swelling, hemorrhages and hematomas, movements are limited to the point of complete immobility, support on the leg is impossible.

Grade 1-2 sprains are usually successfully treated using conservative methods. A grade 3 sprain accompanied by ligament rupture may require a combination of conservative and surgical treatment. It is also worth considering that the speed and success of recovery is influenced by concomitant injuries, the presence of unfavorable factors, the timeliness and adequacy of treatment.


Grade 1 and 2 sprains can be treated at home, and care is usually provided in an emergency room. Damage of the 3rd degree is treated inpatient conditions, in the trauma department.

General principles of therapy for sprains in all cases: rest, elevated position of the leg, immobilization of the joint, application of cold during the first days. After 3 days, dry heat can be used.

To immobilize the injured limb, use an ankle brace or a bandage with an elastic bandage. In particularly severe cases, immobilization with a plaster or plastic splint may be required.

If the ligament is completely torn, surgical treatment may be required. In other situations, they are limited to conservative measures: anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, diclofenac, meloxicam are used to reduce pain and inflammation. It is possible to prescribe these same products for external use in the form of ointments and gels.

Physiotherapeutic procedures are recommended as additional treatment measures: UHF, paraffin baths, electrophoresis with painkillers.

When the condition improves, the limb is mobilized and therapeutic physical activity is prescribed. Special gymnastics are prescribed to help restore the previous mobility of the joint, improve blood circulation, restore the structure of the ligaments, and reduce pain. In addition, after prolonged immobilization, gymnastics helps strengthen muscles, restore their strength and build up lost muscle mass.

What are the purposes of recovery procedures?

The specialist faces many tasks:

  1. Return muscles, ligaments and tendons to their former elasticity and normalize their tone.
  2. Restore motor functions of the leg, avoid muscle atrophy.
  3. Activate blood supply and lymph flow in the area not only of the heel, but also of the entire leg.
  4. Reduce tissue swelling, avoid inflammation and other complications after a fracture.
  5. Accelerate healing processes.
  6. Relieve pain syndrome.

Complex therapy, tailored individually for a particular patient, helps to accomplish these tasks. Doctors at Blagopoluchiya pay attention not only to the procedures themselves. They help patients place their feet correctly to avoid additional stress on the heel.

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