Gelatin: beneficial properties, why you should use it and how to do it

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The hydrolyzed form of collagen, gelatin, is of great importance for joints. This is a structural protein that is found in any tissue of the body. It accounts for about 6% of the total body weight. Collagen, impregnated with calcium compounds, forms the basis of human bones. Cartilage and tendons are structured similarly. Only the percentage of calcination in them is less. As they age, they lose protein and calcium, causing osteoporosis. Such changes are especially undesirable for athletes. Therefore, it is important to make up for these losses. It seems that gelatin is the way out.

Myths and facts

Hydrolyzed collagen is obtained by heat treatment of animal collagen fibers and is completely similar to anthropogenic collagen. It is usually used under the name gelatin in the food industry. As for sports, it has only recently begun to find wide application there. Until now, unscrupulous manufacturers of dietary supplements have neglected it because of its cheapness and offered athletes expensive collagen courses, appealing that the amino acid composition of the substance is unsuitable for the construction of new full-fledged protein molecules.

Actually this is not true. Despite the fact that gelatin partially loses collagen amino acids during heat treatment, it can make joints and ligaments stronger. It contains:

  • Proteins and amino acids.
  • Fatty acid.
  • Polysaccharides.
  • Iron.
  • Minerals.
  • Vitamin PP.
  • Starch, ash, water - in small quantities.

Being, in fact, a hydrolyzed protein, it perfectly restores ligaments. This property was also used to rehabilitate muscles and increase their mass, but all in vain. The effect of hydrolyzed collagen was limited to the joint surfaces. This is explained simply: articular tissues, demineralized by age, absorb substances from food like a sponge.

As a result:

  • The site of injury or fracture is restored.
  • Bone and cartilage callus forms faster.
  • Hair begins to grow.

But muscles have a different composition, and hydrolyzed collagen has practically no effect on them. It does not relieve inflammation or autoimmune changes, so serious diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, for example, are not treated with it. To remineralize bones and ligaments, you need at least 80 g of pure gelatin daily. This is problematic, so it is usually taken for a long time in order to achieve the intended effect.

Hydrolyzed collagen is not able to eliminate pain. And this is also its minus, if we talk about medicinal properties. But it stimulates regeneration, and the rehabilitated tissues are inert to inflammatory processes and do not hurt. Therefore, as the joint recovers, the inflammation stops on its own. Hence the conclusion: with regular, long-term and correctly dosed use, gelatin as an adjuvant in therapy is completely justified.

Is it worth replacing

Gelatin is a product of animal origin. In cooking, its plant analogue, agar-agar, is often used.

Note! Agar-agar does not contain collagen, so it should not be used as a substitute for gelatin.

“Pure” gelatin in the treatment of joints can be combined with:

  • drugs prescribed for arthrosis;
  • dietary supplements;
  • chondroprotectors.

One of the main advantages of gelatin is its low cost. The price of medicines is much higher.

Use of gelatin in sports

Hydrolyzed collagen is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract in the form of oligopeptides - chains of amino acids. Entering the blood, it is delivered with its current to the place that needs regeneration. The essence of the action is the ability to restore cartilage, ligaments, tendons by increasing the density of collagen fibers and the number of fibroblasts, stimulating the synthesis of their own connective tissue fibers.

Taking gelatin at a dose of 5 g per day for a week can visually improve the condition of all tissues that are based on protein fiber: skin, joints, mucous membranes. Almost start their intensive care unit. And all this is not while taking expensive collagen courses, but only on the basis of edible gelatin, which is quite inexpensive.

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As for the muscles, they receive improved blood supply due to the presence of 8% arginine in gelatin. And already on this basis, with the help of training according to a special program, a real increase in muscle mass is achieved. In bodybuilding, it is very important to have strong joints and ligaments, so the benefits of gelatin are clear. And at an age when the synthesis of your own collagen tends to zero, this is doubly important. Older athletes usually take gelatin in combination with vitamin C to prevent tendon sprains and joint injuries.

The regenerative abilities of collagen affect the entire joint and the muscle fibers adjacent to it. As a result, rehabilitation after training or competitions is faster and more effective, and cell division is stimulated. The effect of gelatin is not inferior in its effectiveness to the collagen complex.

Gelatin compress for knee joints. Gelatin for the treatment of joints

Faced with the problem of pain in the knees, spine, and hands, people are looking for a way to restore thinning cartilage. Moreover, this can be done effectively and at a low cost.

Edible gelatin became one of these folk remedies. It is hydrolyzed collagen obtained from the tendons, bones and cartilage of cattle. That is why the consumption of jellied meat, jelly and jellies is considered very beneficial for the prevention of joint diseases.

Before you go on a strict gelatin diet, you need to understand whether gelatin helps with joint pain. Yes, but not by relieving inflammation and relieving pain. The pain goes away due to the replenishment of collagen reserves and restoration of cartilage tissue. This process is long, it can take from a month to six months, so you need to tune in to the systematic use of the product.

If you have an exacerbation of the disease, with arthrosis, osteochondrosis, arthritis, gelatin alone will not be able to correct the situation. Here it is necessary to take a comprehensive approach and traditional medicine will provide the necessary assistance. The benefits of gelatin will be much greater if you combine the intake of the substance with physical therapy, physiotherapy and massage.

Support with anti-inflammatory and decongestant drugs, together with pain relief, will help restore functionality to the joints and restore trophism.

Gelatin is an affordable product that can be easily purchased in the store. This is one of the reasons for its popularity, because chondroprotective products are quite expensive. It is characterized by containing high concentrations of lysine and proline - substances responsible for the reproduction of cartilage tissue.

In addition, micro and macroelements are present in large quantities. Phosphorus, iron, calcium, magnesium are a real storehouse for the body when it is necessary to regenerate a joint or bursa.

Gelatin contains a lot of collagen, which with age ceases to be produced in the amount required by the body. Consumption of gelatin helps replenish natural reserves in tissues.

Fans of sports sections and gyms use gelatin to recover from physical activity. Gelatin was initially used as a source of collagen protein to build muscle mass. However, products of this type did not give the desired result, but the benefits for cartilage tissue turned out to be profound.

Properties and indications for use

Both in medical practice and in sports, gelatin is prescribed if:

  • There is crunching and aching in the joints, especially at night, and discomfort when walking.
  • The pain is accompanied by swelling over the area of ​​injury.
  • Pathological changes in the musculoskeletal system were revealed.
  • Joint mobility is limited and stiffness appears.
  • Erythema and swelling of the supra-articular surface are visualized.
  • A diagnosis of arthrosis or arthritis is made.

In cases of minor discomfort and crunching, the effect occurs within a couple of weeks:

  • Cartilage regenerates.
  • The ligaments are being restored.
  • Demineralization is inhibited.
  • The growth of hair shafts is activated, the condition of the nail plates improves.
  • Metabolism, brain activity and memory improve.

The qualities of gelatin are similar to collagen. It perfectly restores joint tissues and heals the body as a whole. In addition, it is quickly absorbed in the intestine, which is important during the severity of the pathological process.

Prevention of side effects

The tablet contains recipes that help avoid side effects that may appear when using gelatin.

Table 5. How to prevent side effects:

MeansHow to cookHow to use

Fruit mixture

Mix 50 grams of prunes, figs and dried apricots. Pour in 1/2 liter of liquid just removed from the stove. Leave for 120 minutes. When the mixture reaches room temperature, place it in the refrigerator. The mixture is taken 1 tablespoon, 15-20 minutes before bedtime. The duration of the course is 1.5 weeks. The fruit mixture helps to partially relieve adverse effects.

Dried fruits compote

Mix 50-70 grams of dried apples, dried apricots, raisins, prunes. Pour in 1 liter of cold filtered water. Boil compote, strain. Keep refrigerated. This drink is a catalyst for metabolic processes. The optimal daily dosage is 200 ml.


Hydrolyzed collagen has few restrictions on its use:

  • High blood clotting.
  • Vascular pathologies.
  • GSD and ICD.
  • Problems with the digestive system.
  • Haemorrhoids.
  • Individual intolerance.
  • Sensitization with gelatin.
  • Gout.
  • CKD.
  • Exchange disorders.

To prevent intestinal problems, it is recommended to combine gelatin intake with natural laxatives: prunes, beets, kefir, dried apricots. Senna is also useful.

Recipe: 200 g of natural laxatives are mixed with 50 g of herbs, brewed with a liter of boiling water and infused. Drink a chilled teaspoon at night. Store in a glass container in the refrigerator. The product can be frozen if placed in a plastic container.

Benefits for facial skin

Gelatin has a beneficial effect on the skin, improving the structure of the skin and increasing its elasticity thanks to the same collagen. Face masks are also made on a gelatin base, the preparation of which is described above.

To reduce shine and reduce pores, add 2 teaspoons of freshly squeezed orange or lemon juice, one or two tablets of crushed activated carbon and egg white to the base. For aging or simply dry skin, add a tablespoon of milk, cream, honey or egg yolk to the base.

To improve complexion, the gelatin base is mixed with fruit puree from strawberries, bananas, peach or kiwi. A good addition would be cucumber juice or a mixture of ground oatmeal and kefir. The gelatin mask is washed off with warm water. As the concentration of gelatin increases, the dried mask forms a film on the skin of the face that is easily removed.

This film will help get rid of blackheads - dirt that clogs the skin pores.

Rules of use

Gelatin is not a panacea for joint diseases. It is effective in the early stages of pathology and for its prevention. In this case, the substance should be taken daily, 5-10 g in the form of powder or granules.

Add them to any liquid or take them dry. There are different methods for preparing medicinal cocktails. The most popular is water-based gelatin: in the evening, several small spoons of the substance are poured into half a glass of ordinary water at room temperature. In the morning, the resulting mass is diluted with another half glass of water, but this time warm, and drunk on an empty stomach 20 minutes before meals. Course – 14 days. Can be sweetened with honey. If drinking is difficult, it is recommended to make a fresh drink every three days.

Dry gelatin is usually used by patients or athletes who monitor their weight. It is added 5 g to any dietary product. The only condition is the absence of intestinal problems. Eat small portions throughout the day. Compresses or applications are made from gelatin on joints, which reduces swelling and inflammation.

In strength sports, gelatin is consumed twice a day, 5 g after meals. It is safe and easily combined with other drugs. Methods of administration are as follows:

  • The powder is washed down with plenty of your favorite liquid: water, juice.
  • Pre-mix in water and drink immediately.
  • Jelly is being prepared.
  • Add to gainer or protein.

How to use it correctly

How to use gelatin to treat joints? This product can be used in the preparation of compresses and products for internal use.

Note! To improve the effect, it is recommended to combine compresses and dishes prepared with gelatin.

For indoor use

The best recipes for internal use of gelatin are presented in the table.

Table 3. How to take orally:

MeansHow to cookHow to treat joints with gelatin

Water solution

Pour 10 grams of powder into 200 ml of cold water and leave overnight.
In the morning, add another 200 ml of heated water. Place in a steam bath, heat until all the grains dissolve. Do not allow it to boil. The prepared solution must be cooled to room temperature.
The prepared solution is drunk in the morning, half an hour before meals.
It is allowed to add 100 ml of orange juice. The duration of the course is 30 days. If the pathology was diagnosed late, it is allowed to extend the course to 90 days. Then you need to “rest” from gelatin for 3 months. After this, the course is repeated.

Dry powder

Pour 5 grams of powder into 100-150 ml of heated liquid and mix thoroughly.Drink 30 minutes before meals. At the same time, you should take ascorbic acid. The duration of the course is 30 days.

Orange juice solution

Pour 10 grams of gelatin into 125-150 ml of freshly squeezed orange juice and leave to soak overnight. In the morning, place the container with gelatin in the microwave oven and heat for half an hour. Take the product in the same way as a gelatin solution in water.

Recipe with honey

Pour 5 grams of product into 100 ml of cooled boiling water and leave for 5 hours. Heat another 210 ml of cooled boiling water, pour in the “sourdough”. Add 0.5-1 tsp of fresh honey, mix thoroughly. The drink is drunk in the first half of the day, before meals. You need to take it 1 time/24 hours. The duration of the course is 1.5 weeks.

In the photo there is jelly with milk

Pour 2 teaspoons of the product into 200 ml of 2.5% milk. Heat the mixture without bringing it to a boil. Pour in 10 grams of fresh honey. Place in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours. You need to eat jelly 2 times a day. Course duration is 1-2 weeks.

For external use

Using a gelatin compress can quickly relieve pain

The use of gelatin for the treatment of joints in the form of compresses is recommended for ruptured or sprained ligaments. This process is always accompanied by very strong painful sensations. Gelatin compress relieves pain and promotes tissue restoration.

Note! The main contraindication for the compress is excess joint fluid.

The following instructions will help you prepare a compress:

  1. Soak gauze in heated water. Fold it in thirds.
  2. Distribute gelatin powder over gauze.
  3. Cover the gelatin layer with another layer of gauze. Apply to the sore spot.
  4. Cover with cling film or cellophane. Carefully secure the compress with an elastic bandage, then insulate it. For this you should use woolen fabric.
  5. Keep the compress for up to 180 minutes.

The number of procedures per day is 2-3. The course of treatment is 7 days. Then you should take a break for 5 days and repeat.

What to eat

If a person is contraindicated in pure gelatin, he should pay attention to foods prepared on its basis. Detailed information can be found in the plate.

Table 4. What to include in the menu:

ProductDaily serving (grams)

Fruit jelly




Jelly marmalade


Chicken jellied meat


You should not abuse this tasty medicine. You can eat such food no more than 3 times in 7 days.

Best Recipes

We offer time-tested and results-tested ways to use gelatin:

  • With milk: dissolve 3 small spoons of gelatin in 2/3 cup of warm milk. After half an hour, the resulting lumps are stirred, and the mass is heated in the microwave until they are completely dissolved. Add a little honey or sugar, cool and put in the refrigerator. Jelly is eaten on a spoon three times a day for a week. In this case, calcium from milk also works, strengthening tissues.
  • Aqueous solutions of gelatin can be consumed warm with a spoonful of honey - this guarantees tissue nutrition with the necessary microelements and biologically active substances. Honey tolerates only warm water; in any other water it loses its beneficial properties. Therefore, doctors forbid boiling it.
  • Compress. A packet of gelatin is distributed between layers of gauze folded in four and pre-soaked in moisture. This design is used to wrap the joint, with cellophane on top under a warm scarf or handkerchief for a couple of hours. The warmth should be felt. Frequency: twice a week. Course: a month with a break of 30 days.

This use of gelatin is justified for both medicinal and sports purposes. It contributes to the complete and effective strengthening of cartilage and ligaments of the joint capsule, their reliable operation under additional physical activity.

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Benefits for hair

Gelatin is used to strengthen hair.

Gelatin has undoubted benefits for the hair structure. It helps strengthen them, making them smoother and shiny. Hair masks are prepared using a base.

To prepare it, a teaspoon of powder is left to swell in half a glass of clean warm water, and then heated until a homogeneous solution is obtained, which can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 10 days. This mixture will need to be warmed up a little before use.

When preparing the base of hair masks, it is recommended to use decoctions of burdock, chamomile or nettle instead of water. Gelatin hair masks can be made for various purposes. The following is added to the gelatin base:

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