Useful properties of stem celery, rules of use

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My name is Khalisat Suleymanova - I am a herbalist. At the age of 28, I cured myself of uterine cancer with herbs (read more about my experience of recovery and why I became a herbalist here: My story). Before being treated using traditional methods described on the Internet, please consult with a specialist and your doctor! This will save your time and money, since the diseases are different, the herbs and treatment methods are different, and there are also concomitant diseases, contraindications, complications, and so on. There is nothing to add yet, but if you need help in selecting herbs and treatment methods, you can find me at my contacts: Khalisat Suleymanova

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Many housewives have heard about it more than once and love this plant very much. We are talking about a spicy herb that is always a good helper for any cook. Celery has been used very often and for a long time in alternative medicine. Thanks to its beneficial qualities, celery tincture for joints has proven its effectiveness more than once. Most of those who used it noted a persistent and long-lasting effect, which even the most expensive medications could not achieve before.

What are the benefits of celery stalks?

Celery contains a large amount of useful substances, which is responsible for its healing properties, for example:

  • iron, zinc, magnesium;
  • fiber, vitamins A, C, PP, B1, K, E, B2, B5;
  • choline, selenium, calcium, sodium;
  • glutamic and nicotinic acid, flavonoids, glucosides;
  • protein, apiol (gives saltiness);
  • amino acids.

Thanks to the rich unique composition of the vegetable (a combination of vitamins, proteins, minerals and other things), the proper functioning of the human body is supported.

Regular consumption of celery stalks prevents the development of certain diseases and in special cases helps in the treatment of pathologies:

  1. Relieves insomnia and improves human sleep.
  2. Reduces sugar levels, which has a beneficial effect on the health of diabetics.
  3. Improves memory and attention.
  4. Actively removes excess liquid.
  5. Thanks to vitamin C, it strengthens the immune system.
  6. Monitors blood pressure and reduces it if necessary.
  7. Reduces the risk of developing cancer.
  8. It has a beneficial effect on the nerves, subsequently causing a person to be less stressed and overtired due to work.
  9. Positively affects the functioning of the urinary tract.
  10. Reduces the risk of digestive diseases.

Celery stalks have antiemetic, diuretic, stimulating, restorative, rejuvenating, analgesic, healing, soothing and anti-inflammatory effects. The elements that make up this vegetable are actively involved in protein metabolism.

Useful composition of vegetables

In addition to being used in cooking, this vegetable is also part of alternative medicine. It is often used for:

  • prevention of kidney diseases,
  • gout,
  • metabolic disorders,
  • being overweight.

The roots, fruits and stems of the plant can be used as medicinal raw materials. They can be bought either in stores or pharmacies. If you decide to prepare them yourself, then you should remember some requirements:

  • ground parts are harvested only in dry weather,
  • fruits - in August or early September,
  • underground parts - from early autumn to mid-October.

This plant contains the following vitamins and microelements:

B1 – it helps to quickly process alcohol breakdown products, helps normalize the full functioning of the central nervous system, and also normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system,

INTERESTING fact: Oil for treating joints: castor, stone, vegetable, etc.

ascorbic acid is a very strong antioxidant, helps the production of hormones that prevent stress, reduces the occurrence of seasonal allergic reactions, suppresses inflammatory foci, helps tissue regeneration, and also increases the body’s adaptation to irritating factors,

  • vitamin B2 – relaxes the smooth muscles of the urinary tract, prevents hair loss;
  • niacin - an insufficient amount of substances in this group can lead to encephalopathy, inflammatory-dystrophic gastrointestinal problems, psychosis;
  • organic sodium – helps maintain calcium in a liquid state, this property is especially useful for joint problems;
  • potassium – reduces tissue swelling;
  • phosphorus - a lack of this substance can disrupt the mineral composition of bone tissue;
  • calcium is the main component, its crystals build a strong foundation of bones, takes part in blood formation and metabolism;
  • flavone glycosides are a group belonging to phenolic compounds. They are able to strengthen blood vessels and have a choleretic or bactericidal effect.

Benefits of celery for women

Celery is a vegetable rich in unique composition. Its healing properties help maintain the normal state of the human body and prevent the occurrence of various health problems. It removes excess fluid and digestion products, partially neutralizes the negative effect of toxic components, and slows down physiological processes associated with aging.

As for women, regular consumption of celery has a beneficial effect on hormonal levels, accelerates metabolism, and eliminates depression.

Garlic celery lemon for treating joints

FOUND! GARLIC CELERY LEMON FOR TREATING JOINTS— Joints cured! See here For osteoarthritis and salt thorns in the joints, one celery bush (along with herbs) Grind 100 grams of garlic, three unpeeled lemons and 100 grams of root through a meat grinder. Celery treatment with honey and lemon. Celery, lemon and garlic are a sure remedy for gonarthrosis. Medicine prepared according to this recipe. Then strain and take 1 tbsp. Keeping in mind that folk remedies for treating joints need to be alternated. Contents: Celery, lemon and garlic are a sure remedy for gonarthrosis. Honey is a folk remedy for arthrosis of the knee joint. When treating arthrosis of the knee joint, it is recommended to use a tincture. At the beginning of treatment, pain in the joints may increase, but later they will weaken. 2. Squeeze the juice from 5 lemons, mix it with 400 g of garlic, horseradish roots, celery roots and leaves. An infusion based on celery, lemon and garlic has an interesting taste and has an analgesic effect. Tinctures for the treatment of joints - recipes and methods of preparation Treatment of coxarthrosis with garlic To get rid of this disease Take 3 lemons, 250 grams of celery root, 120 grams of garlic. Twist everything through a meat grinder and put it in a three-liter jar. On the topic: Tinctures for the treatment of joints - recipes and methods of preparation. Lemons have been used since ancient times to treat and prevent colds. Celery, lemon and garlic to strengthen hip joints. Cleaning joints with garlic and lemon. Cleansing of joints is used in folk medicine for salt deposits. The fact is that in this case the salts stick together into very dense “bumps”. " " 1. Garlic celery lemon for the treatment of joints - NO MORE PROBLEM!

Folk remedies for treatment of gonarthrosis?

2. Which doctor treats joints? 3. It contains the following ingredients: - 240-250 g of celery root; - 3 small lemons; - 115-120 g of garlic. It is excellent for treating joints and serves as an excellent blood cleanser. To prepare a magical mixture, you need to take one kilogram of celery, three lemons and three hundred grams of honey. Lemon, garlic and honey for cleansing blood vessels: recipes. What benefits does celery bring to the body?

Celery has been used for a long time. Bay leaves help cleanse blood vessels and joints, strengthen the immune system, and remove harmful substances. Treatment of arthrosis involves long-term and expensive therapy. In this case, many drugs are prescribed with a positive effect on the joints. Treatment with celery for arthrosis is economical. Traditional medicine offers many recipes for the treatment of arthrosis of the hip joint. Take 3 lemons, and 150 grams of garlic and celery root. (this is about 3 medium-sized heads of garlic and 2 medium-sized ones. I found in folk recipes for the treatment of joints a method of treatment using celery root, garlic and lemons. I did everything according to the recipe, drank for 3 months (3 three-liter jars). Traditional treatment of arthritis of the joints is practiced by many healers. Lemons and celery treat arthritis. 3. Recipe for treating arthritis with garlic, lemon and honey. Ingredients. About cinquefoil and folk treatment of arthritis. If you do not promptly treat the hip joint with folk remedies, then irreversible consequences may occur, and you will remain so young aged disabled person Garlic celery lemon for the treatment of joints - 100 PERCENT!

7. Celery garlic lemon. Joint diseases. Garlic, celery, horseradish should be peeled, washed, lemon should be washed and used together with the peel, pass all the ingredients through a meat grinder. Celery, lemon and garlic are a sure remedy for gonarthrosis. A medicine prepared according to this recipe. I found in folk recipes for treating joints a method of treatment using celery root, garlic and lemons. - organic sodium - one of the properties of this element is to maintain calcium in a liquid state; Thanks to this, celery juice is extremely useful for the prevention and treatment of joint diseases Lemon. Celery, lemon and garlic. Well done to all joints. Step for rubbing. Doctor's answers. Infrared lamp: can it be used to treat joints 02/12/2015.

Benefits of celery for men

If we touch on the benefits of celery for men, then it should immediately be noted that the elements that make up the plant have a positive effect on male potency (celery acts as a powerful aphrodisiac, which greatly excites a man and increases the duration of an erection).

The vegetable promotes the production of the hormone androsterone, which makes a man attractive to a woman. A little-known fact, but celery can even fight impotence.

Regular consumption of the vegetable normalizes erection and reduces the chances of “failure” during lovemaking. The root is often used as a main remedy to improve reproductive functions (sperm quality improves, which increases the chances of having healthy children).

Pros and cons of vegetables

From the point of view of nutritionists, celery is suitable for almost all age categories and has a large number of advantages:

  • presence of low calorie content (12 calories per 100 grams of vegetables);
  • glycemic index in the range of 15 units;
  • content of valuable and useful substances (vitamin complex A, B, C, PP, E, minerals in the form of zinc, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, magnesium, organic acids and fiber).

The combination of the above compounds allows you to use celery as an effective means for losing weight and preventing various diseases (disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, heart pathologies, acute manifestations of rheumatism).

The presence of fiber in celery has a laxative effect on the body, which is especially effective for prolonged constipation during the development of hemorrhoids or other diseases.

Eating the vegetable raw promotes the production of gastric juice in the treatment of gastritis or intestinal colitis.

When losing weight, you must use proven recipes and not exceed the dosages prescribed in them.

Benefits of celery stalk for weight loss and health

It turns out that you can even lose weight with the help of celery. Only before this you need to completely adjust your diet, and only then introduce celery and other ingredients into your diet.

Celery is prepared in different ways. Its root is baked, boiled, and its stems are eaten raw, stewed and boiled. Many people add the plant to salads and soups. The seeds are used to season dishes, and the leaves are used as greens. It is served with seafood, meat, salads, soups and other dishes.

Regular use of this product will help a girl or woman lose up to four kilograms in one week without returning to the original weight.

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. FOUND! There are several recipes. You need to take one kg. celery, five lemons and one glass of fresh honey. Such compresses will help get rid of the inflammatory process of the joints. It perfectly helps in the treatment of joints and serves as an excellent cleanser for the blood. To prepare the magic mixture, you need to take one kilogram of celery, three lemons and three hundred grams of honey. osteoporosis. For osteoarthritis and salt thorns in the joints, one celery bush (along with herbs) is necessary. Celery treatment with honey and lemon. For gout, taking a mixture prepared according to the following recipe helps. Helps relieve swelling of the joints, improves the removal of fluid from the body, and is involved in cleansing organs and tissues of uric acid. There are many recipes for preparing medicinal infusions from the leaves and roots of celery. Celery, lemon and garlic are a sure remedy for gonarthrosis. The medicine prepared according to this recipe is taken orally. Honey is a folk remedy for arthrosis of the knee joint. Internal use of honey for the treatment of joints. Celery lemon and honey for joints recipe - PROBLEM NO MORE!

For all problems, cleansing therapy must be carried out. Scroll the lemons and celery through a meat grinder, add honey. Add three twisted lemons and leave for a week in a dark place. Squeeze after this and add three hundred grams. honey Celery for joint diseases. Video. A recipe for bursitis made from celery. If you have pain in your joints, heart, kidneys, or are tormented by allergies, celery will help. Celery with lemon is a dish that will conquer those who want to lose weight!

Celery with honey pancake recipe. Recommended articles: myrtle flower how to care for it. Celery helps joints. Celery is useful for people suffering from arthritis, rheumatism and gout. I wash the root vegetables thoroughly and grind them directly with the peel along with lemon. Then I add a little salt and honey and that's it.

The following recipes have become widespread. Celery, lemon and garlic. You need to take the best leaf from a fresh head of cabbage, spread it with honey on one side and apply it to the hip joint. - organic sodium - one of the properties of this element is to maintain calcium in a liquid state; Thanks to this, celery juice is extremely useful for the prevention and treatment of joint diseases. Lemon. Celery lemon and honey for joints recipe

- 100 PERCENT!

And so closer to the recipe: We take 1 kg of celery, only root, 3 or 4 pieces. lemon and 1 glass of honey. Method of preparation: Grind celery and lemon in a meat grinder and add a glass of honey to this mixture. Infusion of lemon, celery root and garlic. Recipe and method of use. Warming up the hip joint, adjacent muscles and facilitating its work. Honey and rubbing with lard additionally nourish the hip joint. When the tissues, joints and walls of blood vessels harden, this is a sign that the hip joint. Then skip 3 more lemons with peel. Mix with celery and leave in a dark place for 7 days. Squeeze out the infusion, add 300 g of honey. Place in the refrigerator. Banana skins No. 14: celery and lemon. Recipe No. 2: ointment made from egg yolks and honey. An ointment made from egg yolks and honey helps relieve joint pain due to arthritis very well. Celery - healthy recipes. Celery is known for its valuable properties for human health. Grind a kilogram of celery with five lemons in a blender. Mix it with a glass of melted honey. Celery, lemon and honey - what is the composition and what is this remedy for?

The following simple recipes will help to enhance the diuretic effect in patients with gout in order to cleanse the affected joints of salts: Celery, lemon and honey - what is the composition and what is this remedy for?

Pain and salt deposits in joints?

3 recipes for cleansing and healing with celery!

Celery during pregnancy

No matter what beneficial properties celery has, its use is contraindicated for pregnant women. The fact is that this vegetable contains substances that can cause miscarriage or early labor due to active blood flow to the uterine muscles. That is why doctors prohibit the use of this product during pregnancy.

Celery also provokes the formation of gases, which worsen a woman’s well-being. The oils contained in the composition often provoke allergies in the expectant mother.

Contraindications and precautions

To fully reveal the beneficial properties of celery, it is used in combination with honey or lemon. There can be nothing wrong with such a seemingly fortified composition, but those who suffer from diabetes, tuberculosis, ulcers and kidney stones should be careful. If a person is allergic to at least one ingredient, it is better to avoid using this combination of healthy products.

The daily intake of celery is 150 g per day. If discomfort appears in the liver or kidneys, you need to reduce consumption.

Benefits of celery seeds

Traditional medicine is rich in various recipes to combat all kinds of disorders and diseases, for example:

  • colds;
  • constant insomnia;
  • high cholesterol in the blood;
  • arthritis;
  • flu;
  • anxiety;
  • high blood pressure.

By the way, regular consumption of celery seeds improves the functions of the digestive system and the condition of some internal organs (liver and others). The seed has diuretic properties.

What other products should you pay attention to?

Other products that can be used to cleanse the vascular system using decoctions, juices, infusions and mixtures include:

  1. onion
    - the benefits are achieved by preparing decoctions and infusions from the onion pulp and husk;
  2. garlic
    is a product similar in properties to onions, rich in natural antioxidants;
  3. pumpkin
    is a product rich in carotenoids and potassium, the benefits are contained in the pulp, stalk, seeds and peel;
  4. - included in most recipes for mixtures used to cleanse the lumens of blood vessels and maintain their health;
  5. red wine
    - cleansing the body occurs due to improved blood flow and a beneficial effect on the condition of the vascular walls.

Pay attention to the infographic:

Nutritional value, composition and calorie content

Celery is considered a fairly low-calorie product with a wide range of beneficial properties. One hundred grams of vegetable accounts for up to twelve or fifteen kilocalories.

The plant contains a huge amount of vitamins and mineral components, in particular sodium. This element has a positive effect on the genitourinary system and kidneys.

Celery is able to destroy harmful bacteria that provoke rotting processes. And this is considered the main feature of the plant. Increases urine flow (diuretic effect), improves digestive functions and intestinal motility. The presence of apigenin (bioflavonoid) in the composition eliminates irritability, anxiety, and reduces the risk of malignant neoplasms.

Features of the mixture

Each of the ingredients has a rich chemical composition, which is enhanced and complemented when they interact with each other.

It is more convenient to consider the useful elements present in a table format:

VitaminsA, E, B1, B2, B6, B9, C, K, RR
MacronutrientsPotassium, calcium, silicon, sodium magnesium, phosphorus
MicroelementsIron, copper, iodine, manganese, selenium, zinc
Organic acidsSorrel, apple, lemon, milk, amber
Fatty acidOmega-3, omega-6
Other substancesPhytoncides, glycosides, fiber, pectins, essential oil, enzymes

Did you know? The first to use lemons as a medicine and prevention against scurvy was James Cook, an English naval sailor and researcher.

Use in cooking

Celery has many health benefits and is also quite tasty.

It has a strong aroma, so it is not recommended to add it to dishes in large quantities. Otherwise, celery will “overwhelm” other odors.

Greens and petioles are a spice. And that’s why they are usually added almost at the end of cooking (ten minutes). The stems are cut coarsely, and the leaves are formed into a small bunch.

Celery is added to many dishes as a seasoning:

  1. Roots, stems and leaves are suitable for stews and salads.
  2. Puree soups using root vegetables.
  3. Pairs perfectly with apples, cucumbers, and cabbage.
  4. The crushed root is often added to mashed potatoes (it adds a piquant aroma and taste).
  5. Side dish for beans, potatoes, chicken, carrots, beef, chicken.
  6. Pairs with ribs (pork), omelettes, vegetable soups, marinades, broths (chicken, meat).
  7. As a result of combining chopped celery with carrots, pepper (necessarily sweet), parsley and salt, a universal seasoning is obtained.
  8. Frozen vegetables are used to make soup, sauce, filling, and so on.

External use of honey for the treatment of joints.

Honey can also be used externally to treat joints. This is done in the form of compresses and honey massage for osteochondrosis, radiculitis, arthritis, gout, aching joints when the weather changes, etc.

For a honey massage, apply a little honey to a warmed or steamed joint and do a light massage for 5 minutes. After this, apply a honey compress. Ten sessions are recommended per course. Do it every day for the first three days, then every other day.

To make a compress, honey should be applied to the sore spot and covered with plastic wrap, or even better, wax paper, and secured with a warm bandage on top. In compresses, you can add grated radish or horseradish to honey.

The addition of cinnamon also works well in compresses. For 1 tbsp. l honey - half a teaspoon of cinnamon. Cinnamon warms well and relieves inflammation. Rub the mixture lightly and then wrap the joint.

Another compress for arthritis. You need to take 1 tbsp. l. aloe juice, add 2 tbsp. l. honey, 3 parts vodka. Do the same.

The following composition has a good effect: 1 tbsp. l. honey, vegetable oil and vodka. By the way, you can add 2-3 drops of essential oils of juniper, rosemary, clove, lavender, jasmine. All these oils have an analgesic effect.

The same compress with honey can be used to treat colds. Additionally, I recommend reading Treatment of colds with honey.

The following composition of wine, honey and salt helps with polyarthritis:

Mix a bottle of Cahors wine (0.7 l) with 200 g of honey and 200 g of salt, sea salt or regular salt, leave at room temperature in a dark place for 10 days, shaking occasionally.

Rub the mixture into sore spots 2-3 times a day. You can add essential oils to each serving to enhance the effect. Try different oils, because one helps one, and another helps another.

Here you can read more about the types of honey and which essential oils to use for a particular problem.

You can also apply honey cakes to the sore spot. To make them, take equal parts honey and wheat flour and knead the dough. You can add 2-3 drops of essential oils to the dough.

Apply the cake to the sore spot at night on a previously steamed joint. Secure with a bandage. This compress can be used for bursitis, arthritis, arthrosis for 2 weeks.

If you have the opportunity to visit the bathhouse, do the honey-juniper procedure. On a clean body, apply honey to sore spots and sit in the steam room. First, just sit, warm up your joints, and then steam them with a juniper broom. It will help well not only with joint pain, but also with muscle pain.

And after the bath, you can additionally apply a compress.

Here's another recipe. Especially suitable if you are in the country or outside the city. Place a leaf of cabbage or coltsfoot under a pan of hot water (or heat it slightly with an iron) so that it steams a little. Lubricate the sore spot with honey and wrap it in a warm sheet. Wrap up warm for several hours, or overnight.

And in conclusion, I would like to remind you that problems with joints have different origins and require an individual approach in each individual case. You need to follow a diet, and the diet for different problems is also different. And before treatment, you need to see a doctor to find out what the cause of the pain is. And then act.

I tried to choose simple and universal recipes that are suitable for various diseases. You should also not forget about physical therapy, physical procedures, proper nutrition, and don’t forget to drink water, which we sometimes don’t attach any importance to. But this is a separate topic.

With this I would like to wish you good health, good weather, and a great mood!

This is how the bees try, this is how they work on the flowers of the poultry plant! The bushes are already buzzing!

In folk medicine

Since ancient times, people have known how useful celery is and for what diseases it can be used:

  1. Strengthening the nervous system. Take honey and celery juice in equal proportions and mix. Take the prepared drink three times a day, five or eight spoons, for one week.
  2. Strengthening and toning the body. The juice is squeezed out of the root vegetable and consumed four times a day.
  3. Colds and viral diseases. Celery is chopped and poured with boiling water in a volume of one liter. Leave for six or eight hours, then carefully filter. Take one spoon three times a day.
  4. Infertility. Fifty grams of the root is crushed, poured with boiling water and boiled for several minutes (usually two minutes), and finally cooled. Use three or four times a day.

Recipes with celery to help you lose weight

Few people want to just chew celery leaves and wait for a miracle effect in the form of instant weight loss. You can prepare many delicious low-calorie dishes from this vegetable.

  1. Onion soup. To prepare such a dish you need one medium-sized onion, celery stalks (four hundred grams), two bell peppers (the same as carrots), cabbage (white cabbage; three hundred and fifty grams). Cabbage, peppers, and onions are finely chopped into strips, other ingredients into cubes. Place everything in a saucepan with water and cook until boiling. After this, the fire is reduced and kept for another seven minutes. The finished dish is decorated with sour cream (low fat).
  2. Juice. The roots and stems are rubbed and squeezed into a glass. The drink is ready.
  3. Smoothie. For preparation you need one bunch of stem, parsley, one apple. The ingredients are crushed using a blender. At the end, add a small amount of still water.

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Recipe for gout

This vegetable is included in the diet as an additional source of nutrients for gout.

Cooking recipes:

  1. Even small children will like the first recipe, since the main ingredient, besides celery, is honey. Celery is chopped in a convenient way, placed in a container and filled to the brim with honey. Infuse for three days and then store in a cool place. Take the remedy before this three times a day, one teaspoon.
  2. As with weight loss, celery juice is equally beneficial for gout. Take two teaspoons before meals for two weeks.

For pancreatitis

There are acute and chronic forms of pancreatitis. And doctors do not recommend eating celery for this disease. This is due to the fact that the vegetable provokes increased formation of gases and digestive juices, which can be dangerous.

For diabetes

After eating dishes with celery, a person does not feel hungry for a long time. For type 2 diabetes, it is recommended to eat up to one hundred grams of vegetables.


  1. Celery (stem), lemon, cucumber, apple. Finely chop the ingredients and beat with a blender. It cannot be stored for a long time.
  2. Vitamin salad. Take carrots, celery, cabbage, and beets in equal proportions. Coarsely grate the last ingredient, and chop the cabbage and celery. Lemon juice is added to fresh cabbage, and vegetable oil is added to sauerkraut.

Selection and storage of celery

When choosing celery, you need to pay attention to the shade of the leaves. They should be juicy, dense, with a slight shine and smell. It is better to put aside a vegetable that has stains. It is recommended to take smaller fruits.

To keep the leaves longer, they should be frozen. Roots and petioles are also kept cold.

How to choose celery

You can find different types of celery on sale.

  • Root (tuber): sold without petioles, it is stored for a long time, it is best to choose tubers without visible damage, clean, without traces of rot and mold. You can store it in the refrigerator in the vegetable compartment or in a cool and dry place (similar to potatoes).
  • Petiole (stems): Usually packaged in protective plastic bags with an open top. Can be sold by weight. Pay attention to the shade - normally it is light green, delicate, the stems themselves are crispy, elastic, not flaccid.
  • Leafy: sold in pots with a small amount of soil and in protective bags. This way it can be stored longer; if necessary, it can be planted in a larger pot and get a green garden on the window.

Low-carb diet menu for the week

The daily calorie intake for women and men differs: 1200 and 1500, respectively. At the same time, the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates also does not match. So women need to consume 120/47/75 BJU, while men need to consume 150/58/93.

Sample low-carb diet for men

Low carbohydrate diet, menu for women

Purulent wounds, fistulas

A few years ago, a friend of mine developed gangrene. It was provoked by a small but deep wound on the big toe. The man refused to have his finger amputated, although doctors warned that he was risking his life. Despite the warnings, the man began to self-medicate. He crushed celery leaves into a pulp and applied it to the wound, wrapped the finger in a plastic bag on top and secured everything with a bandage. During the day the bandage was changed every hour, and at night every two to three hours. Soon the swelling on the leg subsided, the skin turned to its natural color, and the wound cleared and began to heal. Since then, I have been trying to treat purulent wounds only with celery, because there are not so many such strong antiseptics in nature. My neighbor used celery leaves to heal a fistula that had been bothering her for several months.

Beneficial properties for the body

The honey-herbal mixture benefits the entire body.

  • Product properties:
  • increases appetite;
  • regulates the secretion of gastric juice;
  • reduces stomach acidity;
  • normalizes metabolism and water-salt balance;
  • burns fat cells;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • improves brain function, memory and the ability to assimilate educational material;
  • normalizes sleep;
  • reduces anxiety, eliminates stress;
  • participates in the processes of transmission of nerve impulses;
  • saturates cells and tissues with oxygen;
  • suppresses the development of bacteria, viral cells and infections;
  • reduces pain;
  • has an expectorant effect;
  • restores damage to the skin and mucous membranes;
  • increases hemoglobin levels;
  • normalizes heart rhythm;
  • reduces the risk of myocardial infarction;
  • is a prophylaxis against ischemia.

Cracked heels

My relative has always had dry skin on her feet and deep cracks often form on her heels. If a woman leaves them unattended for a couple of days, they begin to bleed and rot. She no longer used any means of treatment, but the healing was always very slow. Once I suggested that she try celery leaves. The woman crushed them, applied them in a thick layer to her heels, wrapped them in a bandage and wrapped her feet in plastic bags. I did the procedure overnight, and in the morning I was able to run!

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