Gymnastics by Shamil Alyautdinov for spinal hernia

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Exercises for the spine, developed by Shamil Alyautdinov, helped the author of the method for curing an interstate hernia. By performing these simple exercises by Shamil Alyautdinov regularly and after consulting a doctor, you can get rid of some problems with the spine.

Shamil Rifatovich Alyautdinov is a religious figure, Islamic preacher and theologian, author of many books on Islamic topics.

In his youth, he was faced with a serious pathology of the spine. He tried to get rid of the disease with medication, but the effect was always short-lived and there were many adverse reactions. I had to refuse such treatment. Shamil Alyautdinov decided to independently study the characteristics of the disease and the musculoskeletal system.

As a result of this approach to the problem, a set of therapeutic exercises was developed, which saved the author from an intervertebral hernia. The technique, of course, does not promise a positive result after the first workout, but if you devote enough time to the exercises, recovery will certainly come.

Shamil Rifatovich Alyautdinov himself personally developed a set of exercises to eliminate vertebral hernia

About the author of gymnastics

Shamil Rifatovich Alyautdinov is a religious figure, Islamic preacher and theologian, author of many books on Islamic topics.

While still a young man, he was faced with a serious pathology of the spine. He tried to get rid of the disease with medications, but the effect was always short-lived, and there were plenty of adverse reactions. I had to refuse this treatment. Shamil Alyautdinov decided to independently study the characteristics of the disease and the musculoskeletal system.

As a result of this approach to the problem, a set of therapeutic exercises was developed, which saved the author from intervertebral hernia . The technique, naturally, does not promise a positive result after the first workout, but if you devote enough time to the exercises, then recovery will definitely come.

Shamil Rifatovich Alyautdinov himself personally developed a set of exercises to eliminate his vertebral hernia

Basic principles of the technique

The technique is intended to become an alternative to surgical intervention. As the author explains, the operation is dangerous, because. during it, a nerve can be hit, and the person is paralyzed.

According to the method, in case of hernias, it is necessary to combat the curvature of the spine. As Alyautdinov explains, if there are problems with posture, metabolic disorders occur. This negatively affects the condition of the intervertebral discs.

For proper posture, you need to do physical exercises. With their help, the back muscles will be strengthened, which support the spine in an even position, thereby relieving it. Thanks to physical activity, pressure on the discs is eliminated. This is due to the fact that due to the strengthening of the muscular frame, the distance between the vertebrae slightly increases.

The principle of gymnastics

In practice, it has been proven that drug therapy is limited to just painkillers , which cause many adverse reactions. This suggests that it is better not to be lazy, but to get rid of the problem with your own hands. If there is a pathology of the spine, then special therapeutic exercises should be performed.

One of the effective methods in the field of spine treatment is the Alyautdinov physical training complex . He survived all the suffering from having an intervertebral hernia. He felt constant sharp pain in his lower back. The situation reached a critical point when the leg began to be taken away. The hernia put pressure on the nerve and negatively affected the functioning of the limb. The pain disrupted the functioning of the brain center, and this affected all systems of the body.

Shamil Alyautdinov's exercises strengthen the muscular corset of the spine . The complex is also useful in preventing the occurrence of intervertebral hernia. The essence of exercises performed while lying down is to increase the distance between the vertebrae.

The principle of Alyautdinov’s gymnastics is based on strengthening the muscle corset and stretching the spine

This relieves pain . But it should be honestly said that Alyautdinov’s technique does not yet have a medical basis and has not been widely used in the treatment of spinal diseases.


Ginger has always been held in high esteem in the east, because it perfectly restores the defenses of our body. Ginger honey is an oriental recipe that has come down to us.

Ginger has many antiviral properties, and therefore is one of the best for our immunity. This ginger honey recipe is simple and delicious. Preparing it for the winter is a great solution.


  • ginger root - 200 gr.
  • lemons - 2 pcs.
  • figs - 100 grams
  • dried apricots - 100 grams
  • cranberries - 1 cup
  • honey - 1 glass

Peel and chop the ginger root, add the unpeeled crushed lemons. Add chopped cranberries, dried apricots and figs there. Mix everything and pour honey. Mix well again.

Take 1 teaspoon per day all winter. It's not only healthy, but also delicious! Ginger honey should be stored in the refrigerator.


Gymnastics for hernia

Shamil Alyautdinov’s set of exercises is considered one of the most effective methods of relieving pain in any part of the spine. The exercises have the only goal, which is to normalize the functioning of the intervertebral discs . The spinal column must maintain an even position, and this is achieved by a uniform load and well-developed muscles of the back and chest.

Therapeutic exercises developed by specialists take into account the patient’s condition in the presence of a hernia. But they all have a big drawback: they are intended for untrained people, so the load is quite weak. It will take a lot of time to strengthen your muscles.

For faster results, there are strength exercises. Such techniques include the Bubnovsky, Dikul complexes and Shamil Alyautdinov’s gymnastics, which has more and more followers.

Such exercises can be performed only during remission or in the absence of exacerbation, when the symptoms of the disease are mild. During this period, the fibrous ring will not be damaged .

A set of therapeutic exercises

Some exercises are performed in a lying or sitting position. They are intended for people who already have an intervertebral hernia. This allows you to reduce the load on the spine.

We recommend you read: How to strengthen the muscles of the spine

  • lying on your stomach, clasp your hands behind your back, tensing your abdominal muscles, you need to slightly lift your upper body and one leg;
  • in the same position, clasp your hands behind your head, and spread your legs to the sides, perform the same movements;
  • then spread your arms to the sides, bend your body back;
  • get on your knees and elbows, inhale, arch your back, pulling your head to your chest, exhale - relax and bend a little;
  • squat down, spread your knees to the sides, grab your heels with your hands, then relax and try to tilt your head as low as possible to the floor;
  • lying on your stomach, roll over onto your back without lifting one leg off the floor;
  • sit on a chair, spread your arms to the sides, and inhale to connect your shoulder blades.

Shamil Alyautdinov’s complex also includes more extreme exercises. It is better not to use them if there is already a significant hernia, as they can cause pain or pinched nerves. But such exercises are effective for the prevention of various pathologies, as they well strengthen the muscular corset of the back:

  • get on all fours, lift your feet off the floor, turn your body around, trying to see your legs;
  • standing in the same position, put your hand on the opposite shoulder, and jerk your body in the same direction;
  • sit on your knees on your buttocks, your body lies on your legs, stretch your arms along your body, inhale, bend your back, and exhale, relax;
  • sit on the floor, legs straight, place your right hand near your left hip, and your left hand on the back of your head, bend over and turn to the left side, as low as possible;
  • lie on your stomach, spread your legs, stretch your arms in front of you, move one arm to the side, swing behind your back.

Some exercises from the complex are performed while lying on the stomach, so they can be used for a hernia, but after consultation with a doctor

Features and technique of performing gymnastics

The exercises that the author demonstrates in the video, according to him, are intended to eliminate pain . The complex is performed while lying on your stomach or back, which minimizes the load on the spine, but strengthens the muscle frame. The process also involves the oblique abdominal muscle, which is responsible for the lumbar region.

Main complex:

  1. First exercise . Lie on your stomach and clasp your hands on your back. Then a breath is taken with the stomach, the body and one of the legs are raised. The exercise is performed with concentration, while simultaneously raising the torso and legs. Shamil Alyautdinov advises doing this exercise 150 times, which is unlikely to be possible for beginners.
  2. Second exercise . The pose is the same, but your hands should be placed on the back of your head and your legs should be spread to the sides. You need to raise your body as high as possible without lifting your legs off the floor. You need to do this up to 50 times (ideal).
  3. Third exercise . While in the same position, place your palms near your shoulders. Then slowly straighten your arms and bend back, without lifting your pelvis from the floor. For people familiar with yoga, this position will be reminiscent of Upward-Facing Dog asana.
  4. Fourth exercise . From the previous position, we very slowly kneel down and sit on our heels. You need to clasp your hands at the back of your head and bend over as you exhale, stretching the muscles of the spine. You should try to touch your forehead to the floor or knees.
  5. Fifth exercise . Reminds me of a frog pose. Squat down, feet together, and knees spread as wide as possible. Then you need to lower your hands between your knees, grab your heels and slowly lean forward. You should remain in this position for several minutes.
  6. Sixth exercise . Get on all fours, rest on your hands and knees, and raise your feet. You need to turn your body to the sides. The head turns at the same time as the legs; you need to try to see the feet.

The complex ends with stretching. Lying on your stomach, extend one arm forward and the other to the side. Make torso turns, touching the floor on the opposite side with the hand that is extended to the side.

Video: “Set of exercises”

Horizontal bar

Did you know that...

Next fact

By training on the bar, you can stretch your spine with your weight. Shamil Alyautdinov advises purchasing special cuffs that are attached to the legs and allow you to safely hang head down . This position is most effective for stretching the spinal column.

  1. First exercise . Just hang on the bar upside down. The legs must be secured with special holders. Put your hands down and relax as much as possible. To enhance the stretching effect, you can pick up dumbbells (no more than 3 kg).
  2. Second exercise . In the same position, put your hands on the back of your head and bend your lumbar region.
  3. Third exercise . Also, while hanging upside down, grab the horizontal bar with your hands. Hang in this position for several minutes, trying to stretch your spine.
  4. Fourth exercise . Hanging by your hands, slowly rock back and forth. Relieves tension from the spine.

As Alyautdinov assures, hanging upside down has a beneficial effect on cerebral circulation. At first, each exercise is done for about 2 minutes, and then you can increase the time.

A few more exercises useful for intervertebral hernia

Pay attention to the following material:

  • Methods and techniques for performing therapeutic exercises for lumbar spinal hernia
  • Read more about performing Bubnovsky gymnastics for vertebral hernia in the next article
  • Find out if you can run with a herniated disc, to do this, go here
  • You can find out how a herniated disc is treated during pregnancy on the page

How to get rid of back pain

Spinal exercises by Shamil Alyautdinov are one of the effective ways to get rid of discomfort and pain in any of its departments. They pursue one goal - the proper functioning of the intervertebral discs.

The load on the spinal column should be evenly distributed by maintaining it in an equal position thanks to the well-developed muscles of the chest and back.

Shamil Alyautdinov developed 2 therapeutic classes:

For those who decide to use this technique on their own, it is worth paying attention to the fact that you need to undergo an examination and only then begin training.

On a horizontal surface

The purpose of this complex is to pump up and stretch the muscles located in the lumbar spine:

  1. Lie on your stomach. Place your hands on your lower back. Lift your body up, alternately lifting your left and right legs off the floor. When rising, you should inhale, tensing your stomach. Alyautdinov recommends doing this exercise 100 times.
  2. Remaining in the starting position, keep your hands behind your head. Spread your legs to the sides. When inspired, lift your body up. A total of 50 sets must be completed.
  3. Place your hands on the floor and, without lifting your pelvis from the floor, tilt your back back. Stay in this position for 2-3 minutes.
  4. Get on your knees. Sit with your heels under your buttocks. Place your hands on the back of your head. As you exhale, bend over, trying to touch your forehead with your knees. Stretch your muscles this way for 3-4 minutes.
  5. Squats. Keep your knees apart. Extend your arms forward and bend your elbows slightly. Grab your heels. Stretch your back with your head down. Do the exercise for 2-3 minutes.

Then move on to exercises for the remaining departments:

  1. Get on all fours and raise your legs. Rotate your body and legs simultaneously in opposite directions 30-40 times.
  2. Lie on your stomach with your legs wide apart. Stretch one arm forward and the other to the side. As you exhale, you need to lift your body up and turn around. The outstretched hand touches the floor. The exercise is performed in both directions. This will take 3-4 minutes.

A set of exercises on the horizontal bar

An important part of gymnastics are exercises on the horizontal bar. During them, the muscles and spine are stretched under the influence of their own weight. In addition, thanks to these exercises, the abs are strengthened.

The first exercise should be done after training on a horizontal surface:

  • hang on a horizontal bar;
  • bend your knees and pull them to your chest;
  • tilt the body back;
  • straighten up slowly.

With their help you can hang the horizontal bar upside down. Gymnastics consists of several stages. First, the spine is stretched, and then the muscle is inserted:

  1. Put on your gravity boots. Catch them on the crossbar. Hang upside down. In this case, you need to completely relax.
  2. To pump up your muscles, place your hands behind your head and lift your body up, bending your back.
  3. Return to the starting position. Leave your hands behind your head. Raise your body to your feet.
  4. During your next lift, grab the bar with your hands. Relax your muscles and stretch your back.
  5. Hang it on the horizontal bar. Bend your knees slightly. Rock your pelvis and lower limbs back and forth.

Having weighed all the pros and cons, and received recommendations from a specialist, you can start charging. The mentioned exercises are divided into two groups: some are performed lying on the stomach, back, standing on all fours, others - on the horizontal bar.

Thanks to this charge, the muscle corset around the spine and the oblique abdominal muscle, which maintains a stable state of the lumbar segment, are strengthened.

The path to improving spinal health is long, and there will be no quick results. But it is also necessary to take into account that if an exercise causes pain or discomfort, it should be abandoned.

The complex includes the following exercises:

  1. Position - lying on your stomach; arms closed on the lower back. With a deep breath, the body rises and at the same time the right and left legs alternate.
  2. The position is the same; Hands - legs behind the head are widely spaced, pressed to the floor, and the torso is raised as much as possible. In this position, pull your back forward, up, back, but make movements carefully, smoothly and slowly. You should breathe in your stomach, taking a deep breath. Then lower your upper body to the floor. First, the exercise is performed depending on the condition, then the load is gradually increased up to 30 times. Subsequently, three calls are made 30 times.
  3. Slowly straighten your arms while lying on your back, pressing your pelvis to the floor, bend your body back and stretch your arms forward. The pace of movements is measured and calm.
  4. Sit on your knees, pressing your buttocks to your heels, close your hands on the back of your head, try to touch the floor with your forehead. Movements are done at a slow pace.
  5. Lying on your back, touch your toes and your thighs to your stomach.
  6. Get on all fours, but don't put your feet on the floor. While in this position, turn to the right, then position your pelvis, head and legs, trying to see your feet.
  7. Sitting on the soles of your feet, spread your knees and, holding your hands between them, clasp your heels. Relax your body, lower your head, lower it down, trying to maintain your balance longer.
  8. Finally, do a stretch: lying on your stomach, legs wide apart, raise one arm, extend the other to the side. Keeping your feet flat on the floor, slowly turn on your back, first to the right, then to the left.

Possible disadvantages and contraindications

Despite many positive reviews, some experts speak negatively about Alyautdinov’s method. They argue their opinion by the fact that his exercises are useful only for preventive purposes only for healthy people.

Facts cited by opponents of the technique:

  • Before any workout, you need to do a warm-up, warming up and stretching your muscles. And Shamil Alyautdinov suggests that a person who has unbearable pain and muscle spasms perform the exercise 100 times without preparation. In most cases, patients cannot lift their body even 5 times. The first exercise of the complex can only increase pain and spasm, so it does more harm than good.
  • The second can completely ruin your health. When the body bends sharply forward, the disc is pinched more tightly, which will cause an increase in the hernia. When there is a problem with the spine, the muscles should be stretched, but when performing this exercise they contract. Even a healthy person feels significant discomfort when bending forward.
  • An exercise with lateral movements of the pelvis in the presence of a hernia can push the disc out even more. A sharp compression occurs and the contents of the disc protrude through the fibrous ring. In addition, intense movements of the hips can cause complications of the disease or an acute attack.
  • Twisting the body is also not recommended, especially with a spinal hernia. During this exercise, the distance between the vertebrae decreases, which leads to severe compression of the intervertebral disc. Its destruction will accelerate, and the size of the hernia will increase.
  • The horizontal bar is very useful, but for a healthy spine. With a hernia, even hanging on it is dangerous. To support the body weight on the bar, the muscles become tense and the spine is stretched unevenly. Hanging on the horizontal bar helps to push out the nucleus pulposus more. By the way, this also happens with horizontal traction of the spine.
  • What is the benefit of hanging on the horizontal bar with your head down, and even with dumbbells? In an untrained person, all the blood rushes to the head, which can cause hemorrhage, increased blood pressure and even a heart attack.

Video: “Exercises on the horizontal bar”

The above facts do not mean that Shamil Alyautdinov’s gymnastics are harmful to the spine. These useful comments make you be very careful when performing the exercises of the complex. Don't be too zealous if you have a hernia. When performing exercises, you should be sure to listen to your feelings and objectively assess your capabilities. The author of the method is not a doctor or a professional trainer. Being a very sick man, he intuitively found “his” exercises that helped him fully recover .


This amazing recipe is very useful for treating many diseases and was found in a monastery in Tibet. This wonderful method is actually very powerful, which is why it is only recommended once every 5 years. The main ingredient in this recipe is garlic, due to its strong antiseptic and antiviral properties.


  • 350 grams of garlic
  • 200 ml 95% alcohol or rum

Note: If you use alcohol, make sure it does not contain methanol or benzalkonium chloride).

Cooking method:

Peel and mash the garlic, then mix it with alcohol. Pour the mixture into a sterilized glass bottle and leave to infuse for ten days. After this period, strain the liquid and then return the prepared mixture to the bottle again. Store it in the refrigerator for several days.


The prepared amount of the mixture will be enough for 12 days. Before breakfast, lunch and dinner, you should take a glass of water with a few drops of this remedy. Use one drop before breakfast, one before lunch, and two and three before lunch. Health benefits of this amazing composition

This natural remedy is extremely powerful and helps in treating impotence, sinusitis, high blood pressure, arthritis, rheumatism, atherosclerosis, lung disease, gastritis, and hemorrhoids. In addition, it also stimulates metabolism, improves vision and hearing, and is highly effective in weight loss.


Advice from Shamil Alyautdinov

In addition to doing exercises, you also need to change your lifestyle.

  • Pay attention to the advice of Shamil Alyautdinov. You should not wait for the moment when the disease affects the spine; you need daily preventive exercises.

  • It is necessary to normalize your weight.
  • If you have a sedentary lifestyle, you need to do at least simple exercises.
  • The diet should be normalized and never transmitted.
  • Active walks should be mandatory.
  • The horizontal bar should become a constant companion (for life).

By following these simple recommendations every day, you can quickly forget about problems with your spine.


I will share with you a recipe for a remedy that helps my family quickly return to normal during colds and high temperatures. I always have homemade paracetamol in my refrigerator, just in case.

Place 300 g of pine buds and 150 g of chopped raspberry roots in layers in an enamel pan. Sprinkle each layer with sugar. Pour boiling water over it and let it sit for a day in a dark place, then simmer for two hours in a water bath, then add honey, stir well and leave for another day.

Pour the resulting syrup into a glass jar and place it in the refrigerator. If you are sick, you need to drink 1 tbsp. several times a day.

The essence of the technique

Shamil Alyautdinov is a man who, on his own spine, became acquainted with such an unpleasant disease as a hernia. Once upon a time, his health was in such a critical condition that his leg even began to lose weight, which could well have led over time to complete disability.

The pathological defect was so large that it compressed the nerve that innervates the limb, which is why the leg stopped receiving the nerve impulses necessary for movement.

The man tried to get rid of the pathology of the lumbar region by using medications, but the effects were temporary, and the side effects were sufficiently pronounced to abandon such attempts. As a result, having thoroughly studied the features of the musculoskeletal system and the characteristics of the disease, the specialist created a special set of exercises that can save a person from intervertebral hernia.

The treatment method, of course, is not able to get rid of all problems after the first session, but if you devote enough time and effort to your health, you will be able to recover without resorting to surgery.

Exercises to perform while lying down

The spinal exercises from the first complex, which can be seen in the video, are intended for people with severe pain. For all of them, the starting position is lying on your back or stomach. Thanks to this, it is possible to minimize the load on the suffering spine, but increase it on the muscle corset.

Of particular importance for the treatment of intervertebral hernia is strengthening the oblique abdominal muscle, which supports the spine in a healthy person.

The complex looks like this:

  • the person lies on his stomach, placing his hands to the lower back and, filling the stomach with air, lifts the body and one of the lower limbs slightly above the floor;
  • the pose remains unchanged, only the hands are moved to the back of the head, and the legs are spread out to the sides as much as possible, again trying to raise the body;
  • in the same position, but spreading your arms to the sides, bend your torso back, trying not to lift your hips off the floor;
  • it is necessary, sitting on your knees, put your hands behind your back and begin to arch your spine in the opposite direction, trying to reach your forehead to the floor;
  • squatting, you need to spread your legs and take yourself by the heels, bowing your head and starting to pull it towards the floor;
  • standing on your palms and knees, so that your feet are suspended, make turns with your body, trying to see your legs; lying on your stomach, roll over onto your back, not allowing yourself to lift one of your lower limbs from the floor.

Exercises for the horizontal bar

Gymnastics using a specialist’s method also involves performing exercises on a horizontal bar. A hernia can be treated using special devices or a regular bar.

  • hang on the horizontal bar upside down, with your arms down and allowing yourself to relax your spine as much as possible (for greater effect, you can take dumbbells no more than 3 kg);
  • in the same position, placing your hands behind your head, bend your spine backwards;
  • “bends” forward in the same position;
  • Continuing to hold onto the crossbar with your feet, reach it with your hands and hang in this position for several minutes;
  • Holding the bar with your hands, make light swings with your body to transfer the load from the spine to the muscular frame.

Being upside down has a good effect not only on the spine, but also on blood circulation in the brain. It is recommended to spend at least 2 minutes on each exercise, gradually increasing the time.

If signs of pathology appear, treating a hernia with exercises for the back by Shamil Alyautdinov is a reliable way to get rid of a not too advanced intervertebral disc defect. The main thing is to consult with a specialist and clarify the diagnosis before performing any exercises.


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