Stretching (traction) for a herniated spine at home: instructions

Spinal stretch.
Performing stretches for a herniated disc at home is often clinically more effective than squats, bending or twisting. This is explained by an increase in the distance between the vertebral bodies and the elimination of compression of the spinal roots and blood vessels. Stretching is a unique alternative to dry or underwater traction, used by chiropractors when intervertebral discs are displaced.

The bulge is not MRI.

The essence of treatment and the meaning of the procedure

Intervertebral hernia of any location is a common complication of osteochondrosis. The development of this degenerative-destructive pathology is accompanied by thinning, compaction of the intervertebral disc, and loss of its shock-absorbing properties. With osteochondrosis of 2-3 degrees, the fibrous ring is stratified, and the nucleus pulposus is displaced into the spinal canal. Often the integrity of the ring is completely disrupted with the formation of a dangerous ruptured hernia. Against the background of a thinned disc of the adjacent vertebral body:

  • lose stability;
  • begin to move freely relative to each other;
  • infringe on the spinal roots.

It is at this stage that the patient experiences severe pain. The development of radicular syndrome can cause disability, so the patient is prepared for surgery. But before that, they refer him to a chiropractor for spinal traction. Often this helps the patient avoid surgery.

"Pass" to the exercise equipment

If you decide to quit physical inactivity and join a gym, start by consulting with a doctor who monitors and treats your spine: a neurologist, a chiropractor, a specialist in physical therapy.

Often, a visit to a specialist begins not with the question “I want to strengthen my back, what do you advise me?”, but with the request: “Give me a certificate.” At the same time, the condition of the applicant’s spine can be so deplorable that, before receiving such a certificate, he must undergo a thorough examination and x-ray diagnostics.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Stretching

With the help of stretching, it is possible not only to prevent the spread of pathology and get rid of painful symptoms. For small hernias or at the initial stage of disc displacement, it is quite possible to completely eliminate the bulging of the fibrous ring. During a well-executed stretch, reduced pressure is created in the spinal space. This causes the hernia to move back into the area occupied by the intervertebral disc.

Characteristics of stretching for spinal hernia at home
Strengthening and developing hard-to-reach small muscles and ligaments of the spine, which helps strengthen the back musclesThere is no guarantee of the formation of new hernial protrusions in any part of the spine
Improving blood circulation in the area of ​​hernial protrusion, eliminating nutritional deficiencies, accelerating metabolism and regenerationHigh probability of pathology progression due to improper exercise performance and microtrauma of the intervertebral disc
Reducing the pharmacological load on the body by reducing doses of NSAIDs, muscle relaxants, glucocorticosteroidsThe manifestation of the therapeutic effect after several weeks and sometimes months
Prevention of painful symptoms by stabilizing discs and vertebrae under static and dynamic loadsLack of results with irregular training


Pathological processes in the spine lead to disruption of the functioning of the entire body, painful sensations limit a person’s active life. Therefore, it is important to prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal system and have information on how to stretch the spine.

You should follow simple rules:

  • maintain correct posture and a straight back when sitting and walking;
  • when lifting and moving heavy objects, you must do this by squatting and not tilting your body;
  • organize sleep correctly: the surface should be smooth and comfortable - orthopedic mattresses are well suited for these purposes;
  • furniture, chairs must correspond to the height of the lower leg for proper sitting.

It is very useful for the spine and the body as a whole to go swimming, do regular exercises or practice walking (especially Scandinavian walking). Swimming relaxes the muscular system of the back, as a result of which excess stress disappears and the intervertebral discs straighten. Exercises should contain exercises that do not cause pain; movements must be performed with a wide amplitude and smoothly.

Under what conditions are the exercises done?

Before training, the neurologist refers the patient to a physical therapy doctor with a medical record and x-rays. A set of exercises is compiled taking into account the stage of the pathology, the type and size of the hernial protrusion:

  • if it is large enough, there is a possibility of hernia rupture and complications developing, then the patient is recommended to attend classes at a rehabilitation center;
  • If the discs are slightly displaced, you can train at home, but only with the obligatory observance of medical recommendations. When stretching, sudden jerky movements, which can provoke the appearance of pain and aggravate the course of the pathology, are strictly prohibited.

Stretching exercises at home.

The first training sessions should take place under the supervision of an instructor or a physical therapy doctor in a physical hospital department or a rehabilitation center. They are equipped with special devices that allow you to minimize the load on the spine when stretching. You can also do exercises on horizontal bars located in the courtyards of multi-story buildings.

Can you do traction at home?

Traction is a dangerous treatment method in the wrong hands! An inexperienced doctor can perform the procedure incorrectly and harm the patient’s health. And that is why it is not recommended to carry it out on your own at home, without knowing the specifics of your condition and without controlling the load. Although you can still do some exercises, it is better to consult your doctor first.

On a note! You can install a small-sized traction trainer at home. However, it is not cheap. Or you can make a simulator with your own hands.

Spinal traction using armpit straps

If you want to learn in more detail how to stretch the spine at home, as well as familiarize yourself with a set of exercises, you can read an article about it on our portal.

An orthopedist or neurologist prescribes traction sessions based on the condition of the patient’s body, referring to a number of studies conducted, strictly individually selecting the number of sessions, intensity of the load, etc. And home traction is carried out, as a rule, only for the purpose of prevention, and not treatment of diseases.

The competence of an orthopedic doctor is the treatment of diseases associated with disorders of the musculoskeletal system

Varieties of traction

Stretching can be done on your own, but it is better to consult a chiropractor. He will carry out basic manipulations (dry or underwater traction), and training at home will allow you to consolidate the therapeutic result. If after the main treatment there is still pain in the neck, chest or lower back, the doctor recommends training on special exercise machines. They help to dose dynamic and sometimes static loads.

Spinal traction on the simulator.


For hanging, a horizontal bar on the street or a bar installed in a room or corridor is suitable. During training, it is strictly forbidden to jump up to grab or suddenly jump off after hanging. The crossbar should be set at a low height in advance so that it can be reached with your hands. Outdoors you need to use a stool or small bench.

When performing the exercise, both direct and reverse grip are used. Alternating them is also useful. Hanging at the initial stage of training should not last longer than 10 seconds. As the muscular corset of the back strengthens and the distance between the vertebrae increases, the exercise is performed in 2 sets of 30 seconds.

Lying in the water

At home, it is only possible to consolidate the results of underwater spinal traction (traction) performed by a chiropractor. There are several methods of this treatment procedure developed by Lisunov, Oliferenko, Kiselev. For traction, you need a shallow pool or bathtub, which is equipped with special shields. They are located at a certain angle depending on the location of the hernial protrusion. During the procedure, only the patient's head is secured with straps.

Traction is continuous, with constant mechanical impact on the spinal column. A variable horizontal increase in the distance between the vertebral bodies is also practiced. During the procedure, breaks are taken with mandatory relaxation. Alternating traction is considered a more gentle method, but also the most effective.

Underwater spinal traction.

Dry traction

Stretching at home is a lightweight version of dry traction, which is performed in rehabilitation centers under the supervision of a physical therapy doctor. This method of therapy involves eliminating the displacement of intervertebral discs under the influence of its own weight. The patient is positioned on special tables located at a certain angle and equipped with convex ribs.

Using weights, the doctor performs traction, controlling the static loads that arise. During the procedure, the patient experiences virtually no pain. Within 30 minutes, the spinal column is stretched by about a centimeter.

Physical therapy, classical and acupressure help to increase the therapeutic effect of traction.

Traction table-bed for dry traction of the spine.

How to do spinal stretching exercises at home

Any discomfort is a signal to stop training. Pain is a sign of compression of soft tissues or spinal roots. Their microtrauma can cause the development of aseptic inflammation, which requires additional treatment. At home, you should exercise according to a program drawn up by a physical therapy doctor. It is not recommended to supplement it, but it is imperative to exclude exercises that cause pain.


At the beginning of the workout, lie on your back, place your hands on your stomach, and bend your legs at the knees. Tighten your abdominal muscles while simultaneously pressing your lower back into the floor surface. Now begin more vigorous exercises:

  • lying on your back with your arms extended along the body and legs straight, raise your head and shoulders. The lower part of the shoulder blades should be pressed to the floor. After holding this position for 10 seconds, smoothly lower your shoulders and head;
  • lying on your back with slightly bent legs, place your left hand on your right knee. They try to bend the knee as much as possible, while simultaneously providing resistance with the palm of their hand. Repeat the movements using the other arm and leg.

Each exercise is performed 10 times. Over time, the number of approaches is increased to 3-4.

Thoracic region

They sit on a chair, pressing their spine to the back, and place their hands on the back of their head. They try to tilt the upper chest back even more, despite the resistance provided. Then they smoothly bend forward, staying in this position for 3-4 seconds. The exercise is performed 5 times in 2-3 approaches.

Then they lie on their back, placing a flat cushion or small pillow under their chest. Place your hands on the back of your head and bend, raising your head and shoulders. Stay in this position for 5 seconds, then smoothly lower to the floor. Number of approaches: 2, 5 exercises each.

Cervical region

To stretch the cervical spine, bend and turn the head. Movements should be slow, barely noticeable to others. You should not try to bend or turn your head as much as possible - such exercises can provoke a deterioration in well-being. To increase the clinical effect, you need to apply resistance with your palm.

"Bells" of the spine

Did you know that cats, like dogs and other four-legged animals, do not suffer from osteochondrosis? This disease, which has recently become simply the “scourge” of modern civilized man, is nothing more than our retribution for walking upright, or, more simply, for walking on two limbs, and not on four, as is customary among “our smaller brothers.”

With age, pathological changes occur in the spine, and physical inactivity and prolonged static load (staying in the same position for a long time) accelerate its aging. A person’s passport age and the “age” of his spine very often, especially in the last decade, do not coincide. On an x-ray, the spine of a 35-year-old young man may look like that of a 60–70-year-old man.

And then the first “bell” sounded - back pain appears. Smart programs about a healthy lifestyle advise: you need to do physical exercise. But more often than not, our knowledge about a healthy lifestyle is extremely poor, and the only thing that memory tells us is “stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart.” This is followed by bending, turning, swinging legs and arms. Having sweated considerably out of habit, the newly minted athlete lies down on the sofa, but the next day, for some reason, his back begins to hurt more.

Stretching with weights

One option for stretching with weights is hanging with your knees bent. Physically trained patients can smoothly lift them to the level of the abdomen, the muscles of which are also actively involved during the exercise. Untrained patients should use a small support - a chair or stool.

Doctors also recommend regularly performing bridge exercises. To do this, lie on your back, stretch your arms along the body and slowly raise your pelvis, focusing on your feet, shoulders and shoulder blades. To stretch, you should do 10 exercises daily in 2 sets.

Home traction apparatus

Above are exercises from the stretching complex. Yes, they are good for spinal diseases, but what to do if the doctor advised you to perform traction? There is no need to buy equipment - you can make a traction table with your own hands.

A homemade traction table is not capable of harming your health if used correctly.

To do this, it is enough to take a wide board and wrap it with fabric several times so that it is comfortable to touch the board, and the body will not slide on it. One edge of the board is then attached to the wall at a height of about 130 cm from the floor, the angle between the board and the floor should be 45 degrees. Next, straps up to 50 cm long are attached to the raised edge of the improvised traction table. The simulator is ready.

Drawing of a homemade traction apparatus

This trainer is easy to use. The person lies down on it and threads his hands through the straps. Just lying there for a few hours is enough.

Exercises using equipment

To consolidate the results of traction, the patient is recommended to perform stretching at home using equipment. After the clinical manifestations have weakened, patients are shown training on the horizontal bar or on the Evminov simulator. This is an orthopedic board with ribs located at an angle. What exercises are most effective:

  • pelvic lift;
  • stretching while rocking the board;
  • raising your legs, bent at the knees, up.

Decompression of the vertebrae and discs while simultaneously strengthening the muscular corset of the back eliminates all symptoms of a hernia and prevents the progression of the pathology.

Evminov's board.

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