How to treat cervical chondrosis at home? 9 proven methods

Cervical chondrosis belongs to the category of diseases, the symptoms of which require long-term treatment not only in a hospital, but also at home. The development of the disease is accompanied by pain in the affected area, characteristic sounds during physical activity and other symptoms. In addition to the use of drugs and physiotherapeutic techniques, exercise therapy, massage, and folk recipes are widely used.

Cervical chondrosis is a disease that can be treated at home


One of the first symptoms of the disease is pain; the main areas of pain are considered to be the neck, shoulders, and muscles located at the back of the head.

Other symptoms:

  • nausea - occurs due to compression of blood vessels, difficulty in supplying oxygen and nutrients to the brain;
  • lack of air - accompanied by breathing problems;
  • vestibular signs, ringing, tinnitus;
  • lump in the throat;
  • sudden loss of consciousness;
  • dizziness;
  • temperature;
  • surges in blood pressure.

The pathology has pronounced symptoms.
The main causes of the disease are considered to be a sedentary lifestyle, excess weight, injuries to the spinal column, and circulatory disorders of the cervical spine. To one degree or another, the development of the disease is influenced by factors such as heredity, metabolic disorders, stress, nutrition, spinal diseases, etc.

Where does it hurt? 3 types of osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is a disease that may not bother a person for quite a long time. In the initial stages - until the pain “reaches” the radicular nerves and muscle tissue - osteochondrosis may not show itself.

In such cases, you should listen to your body. The more accurately you determine where and with what severity it hurts - in the neck or lower back, the faster you will find out how and what type of disease to treat.

1. Cervical osteochondrosis

With this disease, the intervertebral discs in the cervical spine are affected. The cervical region consists of 7 vertebrae, which are responsible for holding the head and moving it. The pain occurs on the root nerves at the level of the fifth, sixth and seventh vertebrae.

A person with a similar diagnosis experiences a boring or dull pain in the neck and back of the head, complains of headache, tinnitus, and dizziness. Patients often have pain in their shoulders and arms, and their fingers go numb.

With cervical osteochondrosis, deformed discs can put pressure on the vertebral arteries, which carry blood to parts of the human brain. This causes insomnia and memory loss.

2. Thoracic osteochondrosis

Such osteochondrosis is rarely diagnosed in patients. This is due to the structure of the thoracic region. This section does not take on as much load as, for example, the ribs and sternum of a person.

Treatment of thoracic osteochondrosis may not begin immediately, since the symptoms of the disease are similar to other ailments. For example, as with angina pectoris, pain can radiate to the heart, a tingling feeling appears.

Sometimes it starts to sting when you take a deep breath, the pain can intensify and radiate to the intercostal space, shoulder or under the shoulder blade.

3. Lumbar osteochondrosis

This type of osteochondrosis is the most common disease of the spine. After all, the main load of a person’s body weight falls on the lumbar spine.

With this disease, cartilage tissue and intervertebral discs in the lumbosacral region are damaged. The disease is characterized by aching and shooting pain in the lower back, which radiates to the side, pelvis, and leg.

When bending over or making sudden movements, the pain may intensify. With lumbar osteochondrosis, the back muscles are in constant tension.

Degrees and types of disease

There are four main stages of cervical chondrosis:

  • first - there are no symptoms, in some cases there are signs of dyscalgia associated with damage to the nerve fibers surrounding the vertebra;
  • the second is accompanied by the appearance of cracks in the intervertebral discs, in this case the fibrous ring is weakened, and damage to the posterior longitudinal ligament is observed;
  • third - complete destruction of the fibrous ring is accompanied by the appearance of an intervertebral hernia and tissue deformation;
  • fourth - accompanied by displacement of the vertebrae, the appearance of compactions, bone growths, sudden movements cause severe pain.

Experts distinguish 4 degrees of the disease.
At the last stage, a disability group is often assigned. The disease should not be neglected; at the first symptoms you should seek medical help.

Home treatment

Before treating cervical chondrosis correctly at home, it is recommended to consult a specialist. It should be borne in mind that cure is achieved only with an integrated approach; compliance with the doctor’s recommendations and following instructions plays an important role. The use of traditional medicine methods can increase the effectiveness of therapy and save money.

Before starting home treatment, you should consult a doctor

Treatment goals:

  • relief from pain;
  • activation of blood supply processes to the brain;
  • normalization of sleep;
  • reduction of irritability, anxiety;
  • stopping the process of tissue numbness;
  • improvement of innervation of the affected area and nearby tissues.


One of the important ways to treat cervical chondrosis is to normalize nutrition. Following a diet will allow you to maintain an optimal balance of nutrients and vitamins, and will help you maintain an optimal weight that does not allow stress on different parts of the spinal column. Maintaining a healthy diet helps reduce the risk of sclerotic changes in vascular tissues, which will prevent circulatory disorders in the brain.

Normalization of nutrition is one of the important methods of treating chondrosis

Diet for osteochondrosis is considered an important component of complex treatment, along with taking medications, and helps eliminate unfavorable factors.

Diet principles:

  • low calorie content;
  • maintaining an optimal drinking regime - it is recommended to drink 1.5-2 liters of water daily, more in summer;
  • limiting salt in the diet - it is necessary to take into account that the substance is included in many products;
  • limiting foods containing sugar and starch.

You can and should include jelly and jellied meat in the patient’s diet.
Alcohol, fried meats, trans fats, confectionery, spicy dishes, and spices should be excluded from the diet. The menu must include fish, seafood, and easily digestible products of plant and animal origin. They should include proteins, fiber, and complex carbohydrates. Particular attention should be paid to products that contain B vitamins and polyunsaturated acids.

The diet involves the inclusion of chondroprotectors in the diet, the action of which is aimed at slowing down the destruction of cartilage tissue. They are included in dishes prepared using gelatin: jelly, jellied meat, jellied meat and fish dishes. Collagen helps minimize the severity of pain and inflammation.

General recommendations

The main goal of treating cervical chondrosis is to prevent further destruction of cartilage tissue. If it is possible to stop the destructive-degenerative process, then the person can return to an active lifestyle. But the factors that provoked the development of pathology should be completely excluded from it. This is smoking, alcohol abuse, low physical activity.

To prevent chondrosis from progressing and becoming the cause of still incurable osteochondrosis, you should follow medical recommendations both during the treatment process and after achieving stable remission:

  • exclude from the diet or limit the consumption of foods high in salt, spices, fats, and simple carbohydrates. They retain fluid in the body, contributing to the formation of edema, impair blood circulation due to the deposition of cholesterol in the vessels;
  • drink at least 2 liters of liquid daily - still water, sweet and sour fruit drinks, jelly, compotes, vegetable juices. It is better to avoid coffee altogether and replace black tea with green tea;

  • To prevent pain, wear orthopedic devices, for example, a Shants collar, for 2-3 hours every day. The use of soft or rigid bandages helps to evenly distribute the load on all parts of the spinal column.

Shants collar for cervical chondrosis.
To replenish reserves of nutrients and biologically active substances, vertebrologists recommend a course of taking balanced complexes of vitamins and microelements - Vitrum, Supradin, Multitabs, Complivit, Selmevit.

Medicines have a tonic and restorative effect, improve trophism, and stimulate tissue regeneration. You should not take medications with a high concentration of calcium without a doctor’s prescription, since additional intake of this microelement into the body during chondrosis is not always advisable.


Many people do not know how to cure chondrosis at home using self-massage. At the initial stage, it is recommended to contact a massage therapist; after studying the rules and principles of its implementation, you can do the exercises yourself. The effect of the massage is aimed at relieving pain, preventing salt deposits, activating the blood circulation process, accelerating the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to tissues. The procedure helps to relax the muscles of the cervical and shoulder spine, and a decrease in blood pressure is often observed. Self-massage is recommended to be carried out as carefully as possible; sudden movements are contraindicated.

Self-massage of the neck will help relieve pain

Basic Rules:

  • the use of fingers only, the use of other devices is excluded;
  • movements are directed from the spinal column to the peripheral region;
  • touches are soft, careful, without pressure;
  • When performing self-massage, stroking, rubbing, kneading movements are used.

Vibrating massagers

One of the effective ways to treat cervical chondrosis is the use of vibrating massagers. Their action is aimed at relaxing muscles. Today there are a large number of devices; the differences lie in design, direction of action, and cost. When performing massages, pillows, roller trainers, a Kuznetsov applicator, etc. are used. The doctor will recommend the most optimal option for each specific case.

Using a vibrating neck massager has a positive effect

We treat osteochondrosis: massage, traction and pills

Osteochondrosis can be treated both with and without the use of medications. You should not practice non-drug treatment on your own. Its necessity will depend on the degree and stage of development of osteochondrosis.

In the acute stage and constant pain, bed rest with a hard orthopedic bed is indicated. As soon as the pain subsides, the doctor will prescribe physical therapy and also recommend a massage course.

It is good to treat osteochondrosis using the method of spinal traction (“spinal traction”). This method allows you to treat intervertebral hernias. The result is improved blood circulation in the vessels of the spine, as well as strengthening of the spinal muscles.

The best option is traction under water with a measured load. We also do such procedures at the Mashuk Aqua-Therm sanatorium in the process of treating spinal diseases.

Exercise therapy

Exercise therapy is considered a mandatory stage of therapy; a doctor in a hospital or rehabilitation center shows how to properly perform special exercises. After studying the complex, gymnastics can be performed independently at home. It is recommended to do the exercises while sitting on a chair.

Examples of exercises performed on a chair

Basic exercises:

  • make circular movements with your head, first in one direction, then in the other;
  • tilt your head until your chin touches the base of your neck;
  • tilt your head left and right alternately;
  • throw your head back;
  • make circular movements with your hands.

It is recommended to carry out gymnastics in a calm mode with a gradual increase in the amplitude of movements; sudden jerks are contraindicated.

Basic treatment methods

Medicines are prescribed during exacerbation of this disease to relieve symptoms. Some medications, such as painkillers, can only be taken in a hospital setting. Other remedies, for example, tablets or ointments, can be taken at home.

Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Nimesil, Movalis, Neurorubin, Milgamma, Hindroitin glucosamine, Structum, Fastum gel, Capsicam, Dolobene, Apizartron, Voltaren, Amelotex gel are often prescribed for the treatment of chondrosis..

You can proceed to massage only when the acute period has been eliminated. After the acute manifestation of the disease has been relieved by medication, you can start doing massage .

If it is not possible to use the services of a professional massage therapist, then you can perform self-massage.

The main thing is not to harm your body during the procedure. For cervical chondrosis, self-massage is the easiest thing to do .

We should also not forget that such manipulations are contraindicated for diseases of the heart, blood vessels, respiratory system, as well as exacerbation of viral diseases.

To strengthen the muscle corset and improve blood supply, it is recommended to regularly perform special exercises . Depending on the location of the pathological process, the doctor will select a set of exercises for you individually.

Video: “Exercises for the back with osteochondrosis”

You can learn more about the treatment methods for chondrosis in the following articles:

  • Symptoms and treatment of chondrosis of the thoracic spine
  • You can find out how effective injections are for chondrosis here
  • Is it possible to go to the bathhouse if you have spinal chondrosis? Read more about this on the page

Ointments for cervical chondrosis

Ointments are used in the acute phase of the disease, their action is aimed at relieving pain and alleviating the patient’s condition. The drugs have analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties; NSAIDs (Piroxicam, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Nimesulide) are most often used in this case.

To relieve muscle spasms, muscle relaxants are used in the form of ointments (Mydocalm, Baclofen).

After the acute period of the disease has passed, ointments are prescribed, the action of which is aimed at activating blood circulation processes, stabilizing metabolism, and reducing tension in the affected tissues. This category includes “Fastum Gel”, “Nurofen”, “Ketonal”. Chondroprotectors are also available in the form of ointments; their use helps restore cartilage.

How to treat the spine in a sanatorium?

An effective spinal treatment program will be offered to you at the Mashuk Aqua-Therm sanatorium-resort complex. Experienced medical specialists will take care of your health and show you how to cure your spine in one course. And the unique nature, mineral waters and clean mountain air will contribute to the restoration of the entire body as a whole.

Subscribe to our blog to learn even more about how to stay healthy - treatment methods, disease prevention, as well as relaxation in the Caucasian Mineral Waters.

January 7, 2021 | osteochondrosis | spine

Folk remedies

As part of the complex treatment of cervical chondrosis, the use of folk recipes is allowed; the procedure should be performed at home. The main methods of treating chondrosis include tinctures, decoctions, applications, and compresses.

Folk remedies are widely used to treat chondrosis

Infusions and decoctions

Infusions help provide faster treatment for cervical chondrosis at home. Infusion recipe: 4 g of chopped celery, pour into 1 liter of water, leave for 10 hours. Strained tincture should be taken 1 tsp. three times a day.


As part of the treatment of cervical chondrosis at home, horseradish leaves are used. To do this, the leaf of the plant must be fixed on the neck and held overnight.

As part of the treatment, you can make applications from horseradish leaves


Treatment of symptoms of cervical chondrosis at home also involves the use of compresses. Mixtures used for osteochondrosis also show high effectiveness. To prepare a compress you need 1 tbsp. l. burdock leaves pour 1 tbsp. boiled water, leave in a closed container for 15 minutes.

The compress should be applied to the affected area until the symptoms disappear.


Before treating chondrosis at home, you should make sure there are no contraindications. Using rubs helps relieve inflammation and relieve pain.

You can make a rub from horseradish root

Effective recipes:

  1. 0.5 tbsp. l. horseradish juice mixed in equal proportions with vodka, used for rubbing
  2. Mix with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:30. Use the composition for rubbing until a feeling of warmth appears, cover the affected area with polyethylene and a scarf.


Chondrosis is a dangerous disease because... cartilage tissue is first replaced by fibrous tissue, and then by bone tissue. It is especially scary if the disease has spread to the cervical region. This is due to the fact that a large number of nerve plexuses and vessels that go to the cerebral cortex are concentrated in this section. That is why treatment should never be postponed until later. To do this, you can use all available methods.

The most commonly used recipes are::

  • Mustard tincture . To prepare it, we need half a liter of vodka, dry mustard (50 g), propolis (several g), aloe juice (2 tbsp). A compress should be made from the prepared components and applied to the affected area. The product should be applied at night. After this, the affected area of ​​the body should be insulated. The course of treatment can last no more than two weeks.
  • Pork fat ointment . To prepare it, you need to take a tablespoon of the main component and mix it with a tablespoon of hop cones. The resulting ointment is rubbed in a circular motion into the affected area, after which it should not be washed off for about 10 hours;

  • At home, you can use various tinctures for chondrosis. Check out the recipes for some of them Garlic tincture

    . To prepare it, you need to take 200 grams of garlic cloves and a bottle (preferably 0.5 liters) of vodka. Garlic should be poured with vodka and left to infuse for 14 days. After this, the resulting solution is used to rub the affected area;
  • The essence also has a positive effect , for the preparation of which you take 1/3 bottle of vegetable oil and bodyaga powder. It is necessary to rub the affected area with it, and then insulate it. You should leave the compress on for at least one hour;
  • Celery root in the treatment of chondrosis . To prepare this medicine, we need celery root and water - no more than a liter. Celery should be put through a meat grinder and take half a teaspoon of this component. This component should be poured into a liter of water and left to infuse for ten hours. The resulting liquid should be filtered and taken no more than three times a day;
  • Parsley seeds (40 g) must be boiled in half a liter of water. After which the resulting solution should be filtered to remove impurities and taken one tablespoon three times a day before sitting down to eat;
  • In the treatment of a disease such as chondrosis, cinquefoil . To prepare the medicine, we need to take 50 grams of plant material and pour it with a liter of vodka. This mixture must be infused for ten days. After which the resulting medicine is taken one tablespoon three times a day before the person sits down to eat;
  • Barberry in the treatment of this disease. You need to take a few grams of barberry bark (up to 25) and a few ml of alcohol. This tincture should be taken 30 drops three times a day to completely relieve pain. The total duration of treatment is several weeks.

All of these recipes significantly reduce tissue swelling, resulting in less stress on the nerve roots . After which the pain itself disappears. Such treatment methods have a rapid as well as long-lasting effect on the affected body. Only with timely treatment can the development of the disease slow down, and sometimes even stop its further progression.

Video: “Treatment of osteochondrosis with folk remedies”


Before using traditional recipes, you should make sure that there are no contraindications; some plants and products can cause allergic reactions.

Before starting treatment with folk remedies, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to a particular product.

Traditional methods of treatment

If the doctor has approved the use of home recipes, then recovery can occur much faster than in cases where traditional medicine methods are used.

Advantages and disadvantages

Did you know that...

Next fact

People have mixed feelings about this treatment method. Some are confident that using folk recipes can get rid of this disease completely. Others believe that such treatment will inevitably lead to even greater problems with the spine. There are known cases of healing with the help of traditional medicine, but there is also evidence of negative treatment outcomes.

This method of treatment has many positive aspects.:The negative points include the following:
  • A large number of herbs have a positive effect on the immune system;
  • Many folk recipes are time-tested;
  • Low price;
  • A relatively safe method of treatment.
  • You cannot mix multiple herbs at the same time in a given recipe;
  • This treatment method has not been scientifically proven;
  • If the dosage is incorrectly selected, a person may develop an allergic reaction;
  • Some herbal remedies can suppress certain functions of internal organs. This is due to the fact that they have some toxicity.

Prevention measures

Timely preventive examinations will help prevent the development of the disease. If the disease is diagnosed, the doctor will give advice on how to treat cervical chondrosis at home.

Basic preventive measures:

  • maintaining an active lifestyle, avoiding extreme sports,
  • healthy eating - avoiding the development of a pathological process will help to exclude harmful foods from the diet;
  • avoiding heavy lifting;
  • maintaining correct posture;
  • using an orthopedic mattress while sleeping;
  • refusal to wear high heels;
  • getting rid of bad habits.

Compliance with the listed preventive measures will help preserve the youth and flexibility of the spine for a long time.

Osteochondrosis – looking for one of five causes

How to treat osteochondrosis? To begin healing your spine, you must first understand the causes of osteochondrosis.

They can be divided into several groups: congenital, mechanical, functional, infectious and vascular. Let's look at each in detail.

Not one, but several factors lead to the development of the disease of the 21st century. The exact reasons will be given to the patient by a neurologist. He will also tell you how and with what means you need to treat osteochondrosis.

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