Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis - how to deal with pain?

Causes of cervical osteochondrosis Stages of cervical osteochondrosis Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis Medicines and preparations for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis Diet in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

In the human neck there are a huge number of nerve bundles and blood vessels that ensure the normal functioning of the brain and sensory organs. The most common cause of their pinching is cervical osteochondrosis - a dangerous degenerative disease of cartilage and bone tissue, which is accompanied by severe pain, deterioration of hearing, vision and cognitive functions, a feeling of numbness in the face and gradual loss of ability to work.

If you experience pain and stiffness when turning your head, frequent dizziness or weakness in your arms, it’s time to think about treatment for cervical osteochondrosis.

Do not put off treatment for cervical osteochondrosis until later.

Causes of cervical osteochondrosis

Cervical osteochondrosis has its own characteristics due to its anatomical structure. The vertebrae of the cervical spine are smaller than the lumbar and even thoracic ones, and also experience constant static load (the weight of the head). During the daytime, loads can be expressed in maintaining the same posture - for example, when reading documents, working at a computer. At night, the neck is also often deprived of rest due to a non-physiological sleeping position and an uncomfortable pillow (the head either “hangs” on the pillow, or is a support point and experiences pressure). As a result of this prepathological condition, the so-called muscle overtraining. Certain muscle groups are under excessive stress, and therefore need a longer period of rest and recovery - but do not receive them - because no one has canceled the schedule.

All this causes constant tension in some muscle groups and dystrophic changes in others, and often leads to the appearance of a “turtle neck” (a person slouches, while the head protrudes forward, and the neck forms a characteristic deflection). In such a situation, the weight of the head falls on the atlas, the first cervical vertebra. He is forced to take on that part of the load that the neck muscles handle during normal physical development. But the fact is that it is not at all suited for such a task!

Additional factors that can accelerate the wear of intervertebral cartilage in the cervical spine often include:

  • age-related and hormonal changes - most often after 45 years (inorganic substances predominate over organic ones, which reduces the flexibility of bones and causes their mineralization, and the destruction of bone tissue occurs faster than its growth);
  • injuries to the neck and other parts of the spine;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • congenital anomalies of the musculoskeletal system and acquired postural disorders;
  • physical inactivity (after all, the intervertebral joints of the neck are the most mobile, and a variety of loads is necessary for their health);
  • smoking and other bad habits.

How to get rid of the “hump” on the neck

There are several treatment methods, each with their own benefits, but they are effective under certain conditions.

Even before starting treatment, it is necessary to check and correct hormonal levels. Thus, for women during menopause, hormone replacement therapy has a very good effect.

Expert comment:

“Please do not start self-medication without consulting your doctor. Only he can determine the true cause of the problem.

If the root cause is curvature of the spine in the cervical region, you need an osteopath.

If medications are used, then without stopping them, even surgical methods do not help for long, and the fatty lump on the neck will appear again.

All my advice below will only help with the fatty nature of the hump and only for those who have taken control of its root cause.”

Maxim Vasiliev, plastic surgeon.

Stages of cervical osteochondrosis

The stage of cervical osteochondrosis is established based on diagnostic criteria. These include the patient’s own sensations, palpation, assessment of neck mobility, as well as the clearance of the joint space between the vertebrae and other indicators on an x-ray. Depending on the stage of the disease, the orthopedic doctor selects treatment for neck osteochondrosis, preventive measures and, if necessary, supporting orthoses.

1st degree of cervical osteochondrosis

Grade 1 cervical osteochondrosis is also called the preclinical stage. Patients, as a rule, ignore the first symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis and treatment is not carried out due to their mild severity. They are attributed to fatigue after a working day, uncomfortable sleeping position, stress, migraines and various diseases. Patients feel:

  • stiffness in the neck, especially in the morning or after a long stay in the same position;
  • pain when turning the head sharply;
  • frequent headaches (including when the weather changes).

At this stage of the disease, treatment of cervical osteochondrosis in women is most likely - because their symptoms are more pronounced. This is due both to the specifics of work and physical activity (for example, working in an office during the day, and in the evening bending over the sink or the child’s homework), and with hormonal and anatomical characteristics (lower muscle mass and bone mineral density). At the preclinical stage for Women are especially characterized by pressure surges, numbness and paleness of the skin (especially on the face), a tendency to fainting and dizziness, nausea and some other symptoms of cerebral hypoxia.

Most often, the symptoms and treatment of cervical osteochondrosis arise in patients aged 45 to 65 years, but with chronic fatigue, excessive physical activity and other risk factors, they can appear quite early - starting from the age of 25.

At this stage, the disease can be completely defeated with the help of therapeutic exercises, ointments for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, training in an orthopedic regimen and normalization of nutrition.

2nd degree of cervical osteochondrosis

At the 2nd stage of the disease, the height of the intervertebral cartilage, which plays the role of a shock-absorbing liner between the vertebrae, begins to decrease. Because of this, microtrauma to the neck often occurs during sharp turns, jumps or excessive loads. Protrusion (bulging) of intervertebral discs and radicular syndrome (compression of nerve endings) also appear. These changes cause severe pain - both in the head and in the neck. The ability to concentrate, the speed of thinking, and the sensitivity of the face and hands decrease. Patients complain of increased fatigue and irritability. At this stage, effective drug treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is already required.

3rd degree of cervical osteochondrosis

Severe and acute pain is constant and can radiate to the arms, upper back, or back of the head. One or both of the patient's arms quickly become tired. The process begins to spread to neighboring joints due to disruption of the natural compensatory functions of the spine. The patient finds it difficult or cannot turn his head at all due to the formation of bone growths - osteophytes, as well as the fact that the cartilage is replaced by connective tissue. Each movement, if possible, is accompanied by a rough crunch. The neck loses mobility, its muscles atrophy. Hernias often form and cracks appear on the vertebrae. There is noise in the ears.

How to determine that noise in the head is from osteochondrosis:

You cannot engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication, since noise in the head against the background of osteochondrosis can be confused with another disease: hypertension, cerebral aneurysm, auditory neuritis, atherosclerosis, brain tumor.

Let's look at the specific signs of the disease.

Neck pain and headache

One of the first manifestations of cervical osteochondrosis is pain in the neck, back of the head, and collar area. Its nature and intensity depend on the stage of the pathology.

At the initial stages, it is mild, periodic, similar to muscle strain, and can spread from the neck to the entire head. The pain is aching, intensifies after sleep, prolonged stay in one position. It can go away on its own after warming up the neck, without taking painkillers.

Kazieva Aminat Ziyavovna


Rostov State Medical University

Experience since 2012

In the later stages, the pain becomes constant, it is so strong that the person cannot move his head. Without treatment, “lumbago” occurs - attacks of sharp pain that immobilize.

The noise in the head increases as blood circulation worsens. At first it appears only under the influence of irritants:

  • sudden movements;
  • stress;
  • temperature changes;
  • physical and emotional fatigue;
  • staying in one position for a long time, working at the computer.

Without treatment, it bothers a person even at rest, which disrupts psycho-emotional balance and can cause nervous breakdown and depression.

Pain in the back of the head

Pain in the neck gradually moves to the occipital region, and then to the temples. It is associated with the destruction of cervical vertebral discs and pinched nerve endings. But it is always accompanied by other neurological symptoms. The most common include noise in the head and headache.

Noise in the head when turning the head

With osteochondrosis, any change in head position provokes noise or ringing. As the intervertebral discs become deformed, the functions of the spine are impaired. It is difficult for a person to turn his head and move the upper shoulder girdle. Such movements are accompanied by pain, crunching, numbness and other neurological signs.

Headaches and head pressure

Cervical osteochondrosis is almost always accompanied by headaches of various localizations, depending on the damaged spinal segment. It is often accompanied by dizziness, noise in the head, blurred vision and impaired coordination of movements.

Characteristics of headache:

  • has a “cervical” character, that is, it appears when moving the neck, being in one position;
  • Tension headaches can occur in the morning due to the head remaining in one position for a long time or at the end of the working day;
  • localized in the area of ​​the back of the head and crown, in the temples, less often in the frontal part, in the area of ​​the orbit;
  • can spread to the entire head or cover only half;
  • often has a sharp, pulsating or vascular character, that is, there is one painful pulsating point;
  • not relieved by analgesics for headaches.

Often the pain syndrome has the character of pressure on the skull and eyeballs. Sometimes there is not a throbbing or squeezing pain, but a strong bursting pain.

If the pain syndrome is of the migraine type, then the pain sensations going from the back of the head to the temples intensify when changing position, nausea, vomiting occurs, and darkening in the eyes. In severe cases, the condition is close to fainting.

Congestion in the ears and noise in the head

When the pain in the neck intensifies, that is, osteochondrosis progresses, noise in the head appears, a feeling of stuffy ears, ringing in the ears. These signs are most pronounced when there is a sudden change in body position or when sudden movements are made. Often accompanied by dizziness.

Congestion and ringing in the ears may indicate high blood pressure, which is a consequence of cervical osteochondrosis. Hypertension occurs due to compression of blood vessels, its symptoms:

  • ear ringing;
  • congestion in one or both ears;
  • headache, dizziness;
  • chest tightness that leads to difficulty breathing;
  • nausea;
  • increased sweating;
  • feeling of heat in the face.

Pressure surges often occur against the background of physical or psycho-emotional stress, after overheating in the sun, or sudden movements. They can cause a hypertensive crisis, stroke or heart attack, so ringing and other sounds in the ears and head cannot be ignored.

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is carried out comprehensively, taking into account the age, build, profession, level of physical fitness of the patient, his lifestyle and the presence of concomitant diseases. Therefore, the appropriateness of specific therapeutic measures in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis in women and men should be determined by the attending physician.

Effective treatment of neck osteochondrosis requires an integrated approach and compliance with doctor’s prescriptions.

Physiotherapy for cervical osteochondrosis

To relieve pain, relieve inflammation, improve nerve conduction and nourish the brain, the following physiotherapeutic methods for treating cervical osteochondrosis are used:

  • ultrasound therapy and phonophoresis - have a warming effect, improve the effect of external medications;
  • electrophoresis - enhances the effect of administered medications, has a stimulating and warming effect;
  • shock wave therapy (SWT) - activates blood supply, relieves inflammation and improves the processes of regeneration of bone and cartilage tissue;
  • electromyostimulation - improves mobility and endurance of the neck and arms, relieves pain;
  • cold and ozone therapy - reduce pain and inflammation, help reduce the dosage of corticosteroid drugs;
  • physical therapy and kinesitherapy - strengthens the neck muscles, improves blood circulation and metabolism, maintains neck mobility;
  • manual therapy and mechanical traction (traction) - helps get rid of tension and pain;
  • acupuncture - helps maintain mobility and nerve sensitivity;
  • paraffin applications - stimulate metabolic processes, reduce pain.

Sanatorium methods for treating cervical osteochondrosis are effective and advantageous - for example, balneotherapy (hydrogen sulfide, radon and turpentine baths) and hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches).

Massage in the treatment of neck osteochondrosis

Therapeutic, lymphatic drainage massage and physiotherapy have a positive effect on the intervertebral discs, bone tissue, muscles and ligaments of the cervical spine. Some movements can be performed independently - for example, rubbing the cervical-collar, parotid area and shoulders, kneading the neck with fingers and the edge of the palm, tapping, stroking and upward movements along the back of the neck. In the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebra, a circular massage of the back of the head, as well as a warming one for the clavicular area, shoulders, and upper back, will not be amiss. Massage before exercise therapy exercises is especially effective. You can combine it with applying ointment to treat cervical osteochondrosis.

For osteochondrosis of the neck, hydromassage is also recommended - a physiotherapeutic technique that improves metabolism, inhibits fibrous growths, helps get rid of headaches and improves nerve conduction.

Exercise therapy for cervical osteochondrosis

Lack of adequate physical activity on the muscles of the neck and back is the main reason for the development and further progression of cervical osteochondrosis. Therefore, daily exercises are used both for the prevention and treatment of this disease (but not for the treatment of exacerbations of cervical osteochondrosis!). Remember that the exercises must be performed at least 3-5 times a day (1 time in the morning, after waking up). All movements should be smooth, without jerking. If you feel pain while performing the exercise, stop it, and if performing the entire complex is painful for you, contact an orthopedist for drug treatment for cervical osteochondrosis, and also visit a physical therapy instructor.

You can perform the following exercises daily (5-7 repetitions):

  1. Press your palm to your forehead and strain your neck, trying to move your palm with your forehead. Repeat this exercise for the back of your head, and then, in turn, for your right and left temple.
  2. Tilt your head back, and then slowly lower it, pressing your chin to your chest.
  3. Stand up straight and turn your head as far to the left as possible. Repeat the exercise on the right side.
  4. Tilt your head back and try to touch your ear to your shoulder. Repeat on both sides.
  5. Lower your chin to the jugular notch and turn your head first in one direction (5 times or more) then, similarly, in the other.

Shoulder warm-ups, such as the “mill”, will also be useful. Daily exercises in the early stages of the disease help to do without pills for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis.

Please note: if you have already been diagnosed with osteochondrosis, you should not describe your head in a full circle, because it can be traumatic.

How to increase the effectiveness of classes?

For home exercises to be as effective as possible, you need to do them regularly - at least 5 times a week. For people who work at a computer or stay in one body position for a long time, such gymnastics is recommended 2 times a day, since they are at maximum risk for the development of cervical osteochondrosis. After achieving a stable result, exercises for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis should be performed 3-4 times a week.

People who work at a computer need to do the exercises twice a day

Orthopedic chair

You can increase the effectiveness of training with the help of additional measures aimed at strengthening the musculoskeletal corset, increasing endurance and muscle elasticity and preventing salt deposition - one of the main causes of deformation and degeneration of the intervertebral discs of the cervical spine.


Patients with cervical osteochondrosis are recommended to exclude from the diet dishes with large amounts of salt, spices, vinegar, herbs and seasonings. During the period of exacerbation, it is recommended to prepare foods without adding salt, and after relief of acute symptoms, limit its consumption to 5 g per day. You should also avoid carbonated drinks, fast food, yoghurts and curds with chemical colors and flavors, and alcohol. Smokers need to fight their habit, since the toxic substances contained in tobacco smoke (and there are more than 100 of them) negatively affect the strength of bone tissue and contribute to the development of myasthenia gravis.

Salt-free diet


Neck massage is an excellent way to treat cervical osteochondrosis and relieve fatigue. It is better if it is performed by a professional, but if this is not possible, you can massage your neck yourself. The technique of proper therapeutic massage is shown in the photo below.

Neck massage

Massage pillow for neck and shoulders

Table. Approximate cost of neck massage in different cities of Russia.

CityCost of 1 session
Moscow790 rubles
Saint Petersburg600 rubles
Chelyabinsk300-750 rubles
Ekaterinburg480-600 rubles
Nizhny Novgorod570 rubles

Cold and hot shower

A contrast shower is beneficial for the whole body, including the cervical spine. The effectiveness of the procedure will be higher if a person directs the stream of water directly to the neck and forearms. The duration of the contrast shower should be about 1 minute (temperature change after 10-15 seconds).

Medicines and preparations for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

Starting from the 2nd stage of the disease, medications are used to treat exacerbations of cervical osteochondrosis. But taking the disease under control with the help of pharmacotherapy alone will not work - therefore, it is important to combine the medications and drugs listed below for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis with therapeutic exercises, physiotherapy and wearing orthoses (for example, the Shants collar).

Chondroprotectors for cervical osteochondrosis

Chondroprotectors activate the processes of regeneration of cartilage and bone tissue, and therefore are excellent as a supportive treatment for osteochondrosis of the neck. They are taken for 3 to 6 months. They are produced both in the form of tablets for the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, and in the form of sachets, injections, and capsules.

To consolidate remission in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, doctors recommend drugs such as artracam, dona, structum, chondroxide, movex, teraflex, artron and other drugs based on glucosamine and chondroitin sulfates.

Anti-inflammatory drugs for cervical osteochondrosis

Anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis are divided into nonsteroidal (NSAIDs) and steroidal (hormonal) drugs. Both groups are taken in short courses as prescribed by a doctor - in the form of tablets for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis or intramuscular injections. Steroids are used in the later stages of the disease, when pain cannot be overcome otherwise.

NSAIDs: artradol, meloxicam, ibuprofen, paracetamol, nimesulide, indomethacin, ketorol, diclofenac, xefocam, celecoxib.

Corticosteroids: hydrocortisone, prednisolone, methylprednisolone, dexamethasone, metipred, diprospan.

Antispasmodics and angioprotectors

When treating cervical osteochondrosis, it is important to protect the central nervous system, which is at risk with this disease. Therefore, for effective drug treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, doctors recommend taking:

  1. Antispasmodics: spasmalgon, no-shpa, trigan, spasmoveralgin.
  2. Angioprotectors: pyricarbad, trimenoside, bilobil, detralex, troxerutin, troxevasin, betaserc, actovegin, pentaxifylline.
  3. Nootropics, amino acid and vitamin complexes for the brain: piracetam, neurorubin, milgamma, neurobion, cerebrolysin, pramistar, phenotropil, vinoxin, biotredin, neurobutal and others.

External warming agents

Warming gels, creams and ointments for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis improve blood flow, relieve inflammation and distract the patient from pain. The top 6 for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis include diclofenac, ketonal, finalgon, capsicam, dolobene and voltaren.

How to detect uncoarthrosis

Very often, the first manifestations of the disease are attributed to fatigue or hypothermia. Meanwhile, you should pay attention to short-term piercing pains that occur when you turn your head. If left unattended, other symptoms will appear in the near future:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • pressure surges;
  • constant fatigue;
  • vision problems;
  • nausea.

Do you experience discomfort when turning your head? See a specialist

Diet in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine can be classified as so-called. “diseases of the whole body.” Therefore, in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, diet has two goals: saturating the body with nutrients and limiting substances that contribute to dehydration, mineralization of joints and their destruction.

Therefore, when treating cervical osteochondrosis, a special place in the diet should be given to:

  1. Poultry, lean beef, game, liver and offal...
  2. Seafood - fish, shellfish, crustaceans, edible algae.
  3. Eggs and dairy products.
  4. Whole grains and legumes - oats, wheat (including sprouted wheat), brown rice, beans, peas.
  5. Vegetables - carrots, spinach, bell peppers, broccoli, lettuce and others.
  6. Fruits - apricots, bananas, citruses, plums, apples, avocados, peaches, pomegranates.
  7. Nuts.
  8. Any berries (fresh, dried, frozen) and dried fruits.

But it is better to exclude marinades, salty dishes, fast food, semi-finished products and sausages altogether. It is also important to reduce white bread, potatoes, sweets (except dark chocolate and dried fruits), carbonated drinks and coffee “from bags” in the menu - this will reduce the need for drug treatment for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

Objective and subjective symptoms of uncoarthrosis

Pain due to lesions of the bone and cartilage tissue of the cervical spine can be very different, so it is impossible to make a diagnosis based only on the patient’s complaints.

  • The pain can be aching, stabbing, throbbing - moderate, weak or strong.
  • It may appear in the neck, head or shoulder area.
  • The pain syndrome can be short or long, periodic or constant, and can intensify when turning or tilting the head.

Objective symptoms include:

  • change in skin color;
  • increased dryness or sweating;
  • changes in tendon reflexes;
  • decreased surface sensitivity, etc.

Upon palpation, the doctor detects spasms of the muscles of the cervical spine. When pressing on the exit points of nerves and areas of arthrosis changes, the patient feels pain, and sometimes a soft crunching sound is heard.

Advice for those who have been diagnosed with uncoarthrosis

  • If the disease has already affected you and made adjustments to your usual way of life, you need to radically change your lifestyle - depending on the cause of the pathology.
  • Get an orthopedic sleeping pillow to ensure your vertebrae are in a physiological position.
  • Avoid sudden movements, reduce stress.
  • Watch your posture.
  • Avoid smoked foods, fried foods, canned food, spicy foods, alcoholic and carbonated drinks.
  • Add fresh vegetables and fruits to your menu.
  • Drink enough water.

The correct menu, although it will not restore the synovial fluid in the joints in full, will help improve metabolism, which means it will help the body fight the disease.

If treatment for arthrosis, osteoarthrosis or uncoarthrosis is started on time, a person has every chance to fully restore motor function and return to a full life. The main thing is not to ignore the body’s signals and not to put off consulting a specialist until later. Despite the global revaluation of values ​​throughout the world, the main wealth is still health!

Features of diagnosis of uncoarthrosis

After interviewing the patient, the doctor performs palpation to detect the area of ​​​​damage to the spinal column. However, this is often not enough to make a diagnosis, so the following is additionally prescribed:

  • computed or magnetic resonance imaging;
  • X-ray;
  • blood biochemistry study (rheumatic tests, calcium metabolism).

Instrumental studies make it possible to determine the degree of change in bone and cartilage tissue in order to prescribe adequate treatment.

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