Alcohol and water tincture of dandelion for joints. How to properly use dandelion tincture for joints

At the end of the 20th century, scientists became interested in the healing properties of the polysaccharide inulin. It turned out that this substance promotes bone tissue regeneration, strengthens the immune system, reduces blood sugar levels, removes waste and toxins, including radionuclides and heavy metal salts, and helps restore the microflora of the large intestine. Inulin began to be added to baby food and products for diabetics.

The record holder for the content of the miracle polysaccharide is the familiar, ubiquitous dandelion (Taraxacum officinale, or Dandelion officinalis). In autumn, the roots of the plant contain 4–6 times more inulin than chicory. To improve your health, it is not at all necessary to buy ready-made dietary supplements: it is much cheaper to prepare dandelion tincture at home.

Beneficial properties of dandelions

The pronounced anti-inflammatory effect that the tincture gives is primarily due to the high content of inulin in the plant. This is a substance that promotes rapid tissue regeneration. In addition, other biologically active substances contained in dandelion juice have a beneficial effect on inflamed joint tissue:

• vitamins (ascorbic acid, retinol, nicotinic acid, B-group);

• sponins, which have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect;

• triterpene alcohols;

• phytoncides – volatile compounds that act as a natural antibiotic;

• carotenoids;

• minerals, including calcium, manganese, iron and phosphorus;

• tannins.

Studying the properties of dandelion, scientists came to an amazing conclusion: the plant acts as a chondroprotector. This means that dandelion tincture for joints not only relieves pain due to the alcohol component, but also helps inflamed tissue to recover, gradually eliminating inflammation.

By the way, the tincture relieves pain quickly, significantly alleviating the condition within the first 2-3 days from the start of treatment. However, for complete restoration of cartilage tissue, at least 6-7 weeks must pass from the start of treatment.

An important point: to consider tincture the only or main means of treating such serious diseases as rheumatism or gout is, to say the least, naive. We are talking about alleviating the general condition, relieving pain, but the anti-inflammatory effect should be supported and enhanced by other medications prescribed by the doctor.

Dandelion juice for impaired vision

There is a known case when Ibn Sina (Avicenna) used dandelion juice to cure a patient with a cataract. For those who want to part with glasses, there is an old recipe for improving vision:

  • 50 ml dandelion juice (fresh or canned);
  • 100 ml freshly squeezed carrot juice;
  • 1–3 teaspoons honey (to taste).

Take in the morning, half an hour before meals. The course is three months. It is recommended to combine the use of the product with a set of eye exercises developed by Professor V.G. Zhdanov.

Dandelion flower tincture for joints

The cause of inflammation of the joints can be a violation of metabolic processes, constant physical activity, sports injuries, or an infection that has entered the body. That is why a painful symptom can appear in both young people and the elderly. When relieving pain with dandelion tincture for joints, remember to find out the cause of the disease.

It's easy to prepare. You only need raw materials, as much as you like in spring, summer and autumn, vodka or plain water and a suitable recipe. It is advisable to collect raw materials outside the city or in a forested area within the city, but away from highways and industrial enterprises.

All parts of the plant are suitable for preparing the tincture: yellow young heads, leaves, roots. But if the leaves and flowers are collected at the time of flowering, that is, in early spring or in the first days of June, then the roots are harvested in late September-early November. The maximum amount of inulin accumulates in late roots.

Here are a few options for making a dandelion tincture for joints to choose from.


Causes of inflammation of the pancreas:

  • Infectious diseases;
  • As a result of injuries;
  • Changes in the blood vessels of the pancreas;
  • Inflammatory processes of other abdominal organs;
  • Stagnant processes, formation of stones in the ducts of the gland;
  • Cholecystitis;
  • Allergic reactions to medications;
  • Alcohol intoxication;
  • Gallbladder diseases;
  • Nutritional disorders (predominance of fatty, spicy foods in the diet, excess nutrition).

An attack begins when the secretion stagnates and the gland tissue is destroyed under its influence.

The chronic course of the disease is associated with the onset of morphological changes in tissues and the impact of any risk factor on the damaged organ. At this moment, exacerbation and new profound changes in tissues begin.

Alcohol tincture of flowers and vodka

An effective remedy for external use is prepared from fresh dandelion flowers. Rinse the raw materials under cold water and dry on a paper towel. Fill a quart glass jar tightly with the yellow heads. volume. Fill the container up to the neck with vodka or good pure alcohol. Seal tightly and place in a dark cabinet, away from sunlight.

Infuse dandelions in vodka for three weeks. Shake the jar every 5-6 days to mix the contents. On day 22, strain the dandelions and squeeze them out. Pour the treated tincture into a glass bottle and place it in the refrigerator.

How to make dandelion tincture on triple cologne?

In folk medicine, triple cologne is often used to prepare herbal tinctures. You will need 15 g of roots and 130 g of dandelion leaves and stems. The raw materials are poured with 300 ml of cologne and left in a cold place for 15 days.

To speed up the process, the vessel with the tincture is shaken periodically.

The finished mixture is filtered and stored away from sunlight.

Of all the recipes, this is the most dubious. This product can only be used externally. Plus, cologne has a strong smell that some people can't stand. It is still better to infuse dandelion flowers and roots with purified moonshine or good vodka.

Alcohol tincture of flowers and triple cologne

Triple cologne, popular among the older generation, is also used to prepare dandelion tincture for joints. Cologne itself is rather a healing agent. Due to the essential oils contained in the medicinal herbs included in its composition, this perfume product has anti-inflammatory and warming properties. When triple cologne is infused with beneficial substances from dandelion, the result is an even more effective remedy.

Prepares a tincture with triple cologne faster than with vodka. You need to fill a glass container with dandelion heads, add liquid, screw on the lid tightly and leave in a dark place for 10-14 days. Then strain, pour the healing aromatic tincture into a glass container and store in the refrigerator.

Does tincture of dandelion flowers in vodka help joints?

When joints hurt and swell, it affects your quality of life. Pain syndrome hinders movement and causes not only physical but also psychological suffering.

In combination with medications and physical procedures, dandelion tincture can be used to alleviate the condition.

For all types of arthritis and arthrosis, take 30-45 drops three times a day before meals for a month. What effect can you expect:

  • Relief of inflammation;
  • Regeneration of articular and cartilage tissues;
  • Reduced pain;
  • Restoration of motor function.

For joint pain, you can prepare a multicomponent mixture. Mix dandelion and nettle leaves with burdock oil and leave for 5 days. The mixture is applied to the affected joint for 10 days. For greater effectiveness, you can make compresses at night.

Dietary supplements are produced based on taraxacin, which is part of dandelion roots. Manufacturers promise improvement of cartilage tissue, reduction of joint pain and swelling.

How to use dandelion tincture for joints

The main method of using alcohol tincture is externally, in the form of rubbing or compresses. It's simple: soak a piece of cotton cloth or gauze folded in 4-5 layers with alcohol tincture and apply it to the painful part of the body. Make a compress: place a piece of plastic film on top of a damp cloth, and then wrap it with a warm scarf or towel. It would be nice to crawl under the covers and fall asleep - the effect will be greater.

You need to do this compress twice a day. Treatment is indicated for pain of various origins: gouty, muscular, arthritic. The product helps with osteochondrosis and bone pain.

A tincture of triple cologne is more suitable as a rubbing solution. The sore spot should be rubbed vigorously 3 times a day with a small amount of liquid. After rubbing, you need to put dry, warm clothes made of natural fabric on your body and give the joint rest.

In addition, you can rub the tincture on your chest for dry coughs and chest pain caused by a cold. So, alcoholic dandelion infusion is useful for both chronic and acute diseases accompanied by pain. The analgesic effect occurs within ten minutes and lasts for 3-4 hours.

Its use should be limited only to children, adolescents and young people under 20 years of age. While the skeleton is growing, it is undesirable to use active agents against bone, cartilage and joint tissue. The tincture should not be used by adults with allergies.


Acute pancreatitis is characterized by attacks of girdle pain, fever, possibly increased temperature, vomiting, stool disorders, both diarrhea and constipation, belching or vomiting, as well as decreased blood pressure, sweating, dry mouth. The skin becomes pale and facial features may become sharper. This condition is life-threatening.

The chronic stage is characterized by intolerance to many foods, inconsistent oily stools, belching, nausea, and abdominal pain, especially after eating. With chronic pancreatitis, vitamin deficiency develops and weight loss is possible. Diabetes mellitus often occurs in those suffering from pancreatitis.

Useful tips

The procurement of medicinal raw materials should be carried out away from major highways and railways. For fresh lettuce, the first leaves are used, before the flowering period. The healing composition can be infused by pouring boiling water, infused with alcohol or oil.

Depending on the liquid in which the weed is infused, it is used to combat skin diseases or internal diseases. For the plant to have an effect, it is important to carry out a course of therapy.

Author: Dyleyko Valentina Leonidovna

Higher education, qualification – ecologist expert. Secondary specialized education – paramedic-obstetrician. Place of work: Ambulance station. Position – senior paramedic of the Emergency Medical Service, mobile paramedic of the Emergency Medical Service. Married, 2 children. Hobbies: cooking.

Dandelion treatment

Due to the variety of effects that different parts of the plant have on the body, the methods and dosages for a single dose and the amount of tincture per course differ.

Juice for impaired vision

The ability of the plant to improve vision and fight diseases of the organ of vision has been known for a long time. The flowers are squeezed out and soaked for 10 minutes in running water. then squeeze out and apply fresh to the eyes for 10 minutes.

You can eat the fresh leaves of the plant fresh as part of a fresh vegetable salad. For cataracts and inflammatory processes, after grinding, juice is obtained from the plant, which is squeezed out and applied to gauze, applied to the eyes.

How to use for joint pain

An effective remedy for joint pain is to use it as a water infusion or alcohol tincture. In the first case, the effect is pronounced when applied externally. if the healing composition is prepared with vodka, the warming effect of the solvent comes to the fore.

For recovery after a stroke

An infusion of dandelion in alcohol cleanses the blood of cholesterol, which is the first factor in stroke and heart attack. Therefore, if the risk of these diseases increases, you need to take 20 drops of tincture, the first days starting from 10 k.

For multiple sclerosis

The disease is considered incurable, since the destruction of the nerve trunk membrane occurs in young people, mainly females. Dandelion tincture helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, thereby improving memory. The application regimen is standard: starting from 10 drops 2-3 times a day, up to 20 drops per dose.

Liver Support

Another way to use dandelion tincture is to cleanse the liver. Due to its bitter taste, compositions with the plant help reduce the bile ducts. Even dandelion tea, made by crushing the leaves and flowers, helps improve the health of the digestive tract. An effective way to help the liver is to use a decoction, infusion or alcohol tincture.

For diabetes

Diabetes, regardless of its nature, acquired or congenital, needs to be monitored. The priority over sugar control remains over pharmaceutical drugs, although natural formulations can also help in the fight. they eliminate complications that accompany a constant increase in blood sugar levels. These include:

  • constant dry skin;
  • deficiency of vitamins and minerals;
  • prevention of cystitis, cholecystitis, jaundice, colitis, gastritis.

An aqueous infusion of the plant increases inulin levels. This substance reduces cell resistance to insulin.

Cough infusion

Another use of dandelion weed is for coughs.
It is best to boil honey from it or prepare syrup. The active composition should be prepared as follows: pour 400 flowers with 500 ml of water, add 1.5 kg of sugar and cook for 10 minutes. After cooling, strain through cheesecloth, take 2-3 tsp. daily. You can add 1 lemon with zest to the composition.

Getting rid of papillomas and warts

What dandelion tincture with alcohol helps with is not only internal diseases. Skin blemishes are another area of ​​application. For warts, dandelion is used as follows:

  • fresh juice is applied to the area of ​​abundant appearance of papillomas or warts, 3-4 r/day;
  • Baskets of dandelions are placed in a liter jar, compacted and filled with cologne; after 2-3 weeks, treat the face with lotion daily at least 3-5 times a day.

External use of the weed also helps with other epithelial disorders, which include nail fungus.

For nail fungus

Dandelion tincture with vodka, used for connective tissue diseases, in particular nail fungus, is associated with the bitter taste of the plant. If you squeeze the juice from a fresh stem and apply it to your nail, the fungus will go away sooner.

You can use burdock root and dandelion root. A tincture of these herbs is diluted with water, after which the feet are placed in it. After 10 minutes they are soaked with a towel. A water infusion of dandelion and calamus roots has a similar effect.

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