Tincture of burdock root in vodka: application, recipe and medicinal properties

Burdock (burdock) is a medicinal plant that is actively used in folk medicine. Its properties are due to the huge amount of useful substances that are included in different parts of the plant. Burdock roots are used to make vodka tincture at home.

This remedy is effective in treating many diseases. The use of burdock root tincture with vodka is justified in the treatment of joints, to improve immunity, and as a prophylactic against cancer. In this article we will talk about how to use the tincture to treat joints, mastopathy and prostatitis, gastrointestinal problems and diabetes, and hair loss.

Beneficial features

All parts of the plant are used in folk medicine and cosmetology. Stems, leaves, seeds and roots of burdock contain minerals, vitamins, mucus, amino acids, and essential oils. All these components have a beneficial effect on the body. They normalize the functioning of the digestive system and heal sore joints.

The use of burdock root tincture with vodka will speed up recovery from urolithiasis, atherosclerosis, influenza, and gout. It is taken as an adjuvant in the treatment of diabetes, cancer, and obesity. An alcoholic tincture of burdock root has a healing effect on all body systems.

Useful tips

Preparing the tincture is a simple matter. But not everyone has knowledge about collecting this plant. To get the most benefit from tinctures, you need to find good burdock.

  1. Burdock roots are harvested in the fall, when the leaves have withered. They should be soft.
  2. Old roots will not provide any benefit; medicine does not use them.
  3. If burdocks have formed, it means the plant is two years old and its roots are not suitable.
  4. The temperature for drying the plant in the oven should not be higher than 45 degrees.
  5. The roots are dried well when they break and do not bend.
  6. The leaf should be soft.

Burdock root, leaves and flowers have many beneficial properties. They are even used for oncology. Tinctures help cope with problems of the joints, kidneys, bladder, and reproductive system. The product helps strengthen the body during colds. Before starting treatment, you need to make sure there are no contraindications and use the instructions.

Chemical composition

The beneficial properties, as well as contraindications to the use of the tincture, are explained by its chemical composition:

  • B vitamins;
  • inulin;
  • protein;
  • vitamins C, A, P, E;
  • tannins;
  • bitter substances;
  • fat-like substances;
  • organic acids.

Regular use of burdock root tincture with vodka cleanses the body of toxins, eliminates excess weight, restores the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas, normalizes metabolism, reduces cholesterol levels, and relieves joint pain.

Healing properties of burdock

The biennial plant has many multidirectional beneficial properties, which is why it has earned such popularity. Burdock, or as it is also called burdock, became the hero of ancient medical reference books. The basis of most healing effects is the action of a unique polysaccharide.

The main medicinal properties of burdock and tincture:

  1. Cleanses the blood.
  2. Has secretory properties.
  3. Antitumor.
  4. Produces a diuretic effect.
  5. Has diaphoretic properties.
  6. Acts as a bactericidal agent.
  7. Helps heal wounds.
  8. Has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  9. Disinfects.
  10. Dissolves.

Chemical composition

The components that make up the chemical composition of burdock contain many cosmetics, ointments, creams, and tinctures. It is the rich composition that determines the widespread use of burdock in many areas of medicine.

What's in burdock:

  1. The polysaccharide inulin is the basis of its healing properties, replacing starch and sugar - within 45%.
  2. Protein – 12.3%.
  3. Essential, fatty oil.
  4. Palmitic and stearic acids.
  5. Sitosterol.
  6. Stigmasterin.
  7. Tannins and bitter substances.
  8. Protein – 2.5%.
  9. Fat – 0.14%.
  10. Carbohydrates – 14.5%.
  11. Ash – 1.17%.
  12. Arctiin.

Important! The composition and ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates varies depending on the part of the plant.

What it helps with - indications

There are many indications for the use of burdock. This is due to the rich composition and amount of healing properties of the plant. The reasons for using tinctures relate to completely different areas of medicine.

What does burdock tincture help with:

  1. Burdock is suitable for treating the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, indications include rheumatism, radiculitis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, gout, rickets. In addition to recovery, pain goes away, which facilitates the process of treatment and recovery. For this purpose, the plant is used internally and externally.
  2. Infusions are especially useful for problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Indications include gastritis, ulcers, stomach bleeding, constipation, hemorrhoids, gallstones, and worms.
  3. Burdock has a diuretic effect as well as an anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, the plant is taken for diseases of the kidneys, bladder, including cysts.
  4. Burdock can lower the temperature and have a diaphoretic effect. Therefore, colds are also an indication.
  5. To normalize the cycle, I drink burdock infusions. The plant also helps with fibroids and cysts.
  6. Due to the improvement of metabolic processes, burdock is actively used in endocrinology. Also, many women leave feedback that drinking the juice helped improve their figure.
  7. Burdock has a positive effect on the body in the initial stages of cancer.
  8. The plant has a healing effect and helps with wounds, bruises, and skin diseases.
  9. The healing infusion will help remove toxins formed as a result of various poisonings.

Preparation of medicinal raw materials

Traditional medicine reference books described not only the medicinal properties of burdock, but also the features of its use, as well as the preparation of the plant. After all, the preservation of beneficial properties depends on it.

How to prepare burdock for use:

  1. The plant is harvested in the fall during the first year of life. If the burdock is already growing for the second year, it needs to be dug up in the spring. Leaves and flowers should bloom at the time of harvest.
  2. Burdock roots are shaken off the ground and washed. Remove the bark layer. Thin roots are not needed. The root is crushed into pieces of about 10 cm. The drying process must take place naturally, it is important that there is air flow in the room. The leaves are also prepared.
  3. Leaves can be stored for about 2 years. But the preservation of the roots is 5 years.

Procurement of raw materials

It is no secret that today you can purchase in pharmacies almost any raw material for the preparation of medicines. However, herbalists and traditional healers recommend preparing it yourself. It is important to follow certain rules.

  • The roots are collected only from young plants, no older than one year.
  • It is best to prepare raw materials from the second half of September before the onset of the first frost.
  • Thoroughly clean the excavated rhizome from the soil with a brush. Then rinse under running water and remove the skin.
  • Roots that are too thick can be cut lengthwise.
  • Place the raw materials on paper or cloth outdoors under a canopy, keeping the roots out of direct sunlight.

How to make a vodka tincture from burdock root? Classic recipe

To prepare the remedy you will need:

  • fresh, pre-chopped burdock root - 2 cups;
  • vodka – 500 ml.

Grind the pre-washed and dried roots and pour vodka. The composition is infused for a week in a cool place. Shake the container daily. After this, the composition must be filtered.

How to prepare an infusion

The easiest way is to prepare a water infusion from burdock root. To do this, you need to prepare 10 - 25 g of crushed, dried burdock roots. The amount will depend on what concentration of the solution is expected to be obtained.

The raw materials should be placed in a thermos or glass jar, pour 500 ml of boiling water and leave covered for an hour. Then strain and drink 100 ml throughout the day. You are allowed to take the medicinal product no more than 3 to 4 times per day. The duration of the course is from 20 to 50 days, depending on the severity of the disease and the desired result.

The water infusion can not only be taken orally, but also used as a remedy for the treatment of skin diseases. With its help you can relieve inflammation, heal wounds, and disinfect problem areas. To do this, it is recommended to make compresses or lubricate the inflamed areas of the epidermis with the resulting water infusion.

Complex product based on burdock

This tincture normalizes metabolism, tones, improves digestion, and strengthens the immune system. It will help replenish the deficiency of nutrients in the body. To prepare the tincture, grind:

  • burdock root – 2 parts;
  • licorice root, string, strawberry leaves - 1 part each.

Pour the mixture with vodka (0.5 l) and send the composition to a cool place for two weeks. Shake the container daily. After this period, you should strain the product and you can take it before meals three times a day, 20 drops.

Composition of burdock root

The composition of burdock root is truly unique. From a medical point of view, this is a real treasure for human health. Particular attention should be paid to such useful components as:

  • Vitamins. These are almost all known beneficial substances from this group - A, C, groups B, E, K.
  • Macroelements and microelements - sodium, chromium, iron, cobalt, silicon, selenium, zinc, potassium, sulfur and some others.
  • Essential oils.
  • Saturated fatty acids – stearic, palmitic.
  • Tannins.
  • Squirrels.
  • Tannins.
  • Organic acids.

However, the most important component of burdock root is the polysaccharide inulin. In the dried product, its concentration can reach 45%. Inulin is one of the main participants in the metabolic process - removes toxins, strengthens the immune system, lowers cholesterol and sugar levels.

Burdock juice tincture

The tincture of burdock root with vodka, the recipe for which we present to your attention below, differs from the previous one in that in this case the juice of the plant is used. Mix vodka in equal proportions with juice squeezed from the fresh root of the plant. The mixture is left in the dark for ten days. The drug is taken 15 grams before meals. To enhance the therapeutic effect, the tincture should be diluted with natural honey.

Oil extract

No, this is not the usual essential oil that is obtained by processing many plants. This is a slightly different version of a healing remedy that you can prepare yourself.

To do this, 75 g of fresh burdock root is poured into 250 ml of refined oil. Moreover, you can take it in any way, not necessarily sunflower. The mixture is left in this position for a day. Then put on the fire, bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes. Then we filter.

Store the oil extract in the refrigerator and it is most often used for cosmetic purposes.

How to take burdock root tincture with vodka?

This traditional medicine drug is an effective medicine with a long shelf life. Given the wide range of its applications, it is necessary to understand that both the dosage and duration of treatment are determined individually. To achieve a positive effect, you must consult a doctor. This is especially important in the presence of serious chronic diseases. In this case, complex therapy is usually used. Only a specialist can prescribe the required dosage, as well as a treatment regimen. Next, we will look at ways to use burdock root tincture in vodka for various diseases.

Where is burdock root used?

Burdock root is such a unique plant that it can be used not only in folk medicine. For example, it is successfully used in cooking. This is, of course, rare in our country. But in Japan, young burdock rhizomes are considered quite edible. They are even grown specifically for this purpose.

The Japanese use the roots not only fresh, but also dried, as well as baked, fried, boiled, and pickled. In this form they are added to salads, soups, and side dishes. and dried and ground, they are added to baked goods.

Another area of ​​application for burdock root is modern cosmetology. Extracts and oils from the roots of this plant are especially often added to natural cosmetics. They perfectly help improve hair health, make it smooth, remove split ends and cure dandruff.

Often, a manufacturer produces entire lines of natural products in combination with other useful ingredients - nettle, ginko biloba, red pepper. It is also included in skin care and anti-aging cosmetics - creams, tonics, lotions.

But what is the correct way to take burdock root in folk medicine to treat all sorts of diseases and health problems? It turns out that there are many recipes that allow you to use this remedy as effectively as possible.

For a cold

This remedy is effective during the cold season, when the flu epidemic is raging. Having noticed the first symptoms of a cold, you need to start using tincture of burdock root with vodka orally, 10 ml twice a day. This drug will have an expectorant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effect, and relieve fever. After 2-3 days, the symptoms of the disease will completely disappear.

For the treatment of joints

Traditional healers quite often use a tincture from the roots of this medicinal plant. It helps rid the body of excess salts, relieves pain, removes uric acid, relieves inflammation and restores cartilage tissue.

In the treatment of arthritis and arthrosis, a comprehensive treatment is effective - using tincture of burdock root in vodka externally and internally. The tincture is taken daily, one teaspoon (teaspoon) three times a day. In addition, they make compresses by moistening a gauze cloth in the tincture and apply it to the affected joint, leaving it until completely dry.

To enhance the effect, you can complicate the composition of the tincture. Grind three tablespoons (tablespoons) of burdock root and the same amount of elecampane root and pour in 500 liters of vodka. Place in a cool place for two weeks. Shake the composition periodically. Then strain it. This tincture is effective for rheumatism, muscle and joint pain, and arthritis. It is taken orally three times a day, 15 drops, and at night it is rubbed on the affected areas.

Recipes for medicinal burdock infusions

Medicinal infusions from burdock are prepared in different ways. You can take more than just leaves. Roots, thorns, flowers and even fruits are used. Not only the traditional method of preparation, but also the benefits received depend on the choice of part.

From the root

It is especially useful to make infusions from the root for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Burdock root is not necessarily the main and only component.

What you need for cooking:

  • burdock root – 35 g;
  • elecampane root – 35 g;
  • vodka - 0.4 l.

Preparation of the infusion:

  1. The roots are crushed.
  2. Fill with alcohol base.
  3. Place in a dark, cool place for 2 weeks.
  4. After 2 weeks, filter the tincture.
  5. Take 15 drops three times a day. Or used externally.

On thorns and leaves

Medicine on thorns and leaves can be prepared at different times of the year. The leaves are used dry and fresh. The seeds contain many essential oils and are no less beneficial than the root.


  • thorns - half a glass;
  • leaves – 500 g;
  • alcohol or vodka – 0.5 l.

How to prepare a medicinal infusion:

  1. The leaves along with the thorns are crushed using a meat grinder.
  2. Fill with vodka or other alcoholic base.
  3. Stir.
  4. They are sent to infuse for 20 days.
  5. Strain the healthy infusion.

On flowers and fruits

Burdock flowers are not used as often as the rest of the plant. However, they also contain useful components that provide healing properties.

What do you need:

  • flowers – 20 g;
  • fruits – 200 g;
  • vodka or alcohol – 0.8 l;
  • water – 500 ml.


  1. The flowers are boiled in half a liter of water. Bring to a boil. Cool.
  2. Pour the liquid along with the inflorescences into the fruits.
  3. Pour in the alcohol base.
  4. Stir.
  5. They insist for a week.
  6. Strain.
  7. You can also boil only the inflorescences and use the broth to wipe sore spots for joint problems.

Canned juice

Canned juice has all the beneficial properties of the plant. For cooking, not only the leaves, but also other parts of the burdock are used. It is important to take a young plant. The collection takes place from April to June.

Important! Burdock should not be picked near roads.

Parts of the plant are placed in cold water for three hours. Then the juice is squeezed out using a meat grinder. You can get pure juice with gauze. The liquid can be stored in the cold for only three days. To preserve juice, you need to add an alcohol base to it. The ratio is taken 1:1.

For diabetes

It must be said that with this disease, the tincture can only be used as an adjuvant in complex therapy and only after agreement with the attending physician. To normalize metabolism in type II diabetes mellitus, the tincture is taken as follows.

In the first two days, morning and evening - a teaspoon. For the next two days, the medicinal composition is taken one teaspoon at a time, but three times a day. One tablespoon three times a day - another 26 days. Burdock tincture for this disease lowers blood glucose levels, normalizes pancreatic function, heals wounds, prevents the development of trophic ulcers, corrects fat and carbohydrate metabolism, and relieves itching.

In gynecology

Judging by the reviews, tincture of burdock roots with vodka gives good results in the treatment of various gynecological problems. Its use is effective for menstrual irregularities, mastopathy, uterine fibroids and other diseases. It restores the balance of hormones and stops inflammation.

In case of menstrual irregularities, it is recommended to take 12 drops of tincture diluted in ½ glass of water for six months, taking a week break every 30 days. For uterine fibroids, the healing agent is taken under the supervision of a doctor and in the dosage prescribed by him. As a rule, this is one tablespoon three times a day before meals. Treatment will be effective only in the initial stages of the disease.

For mastopathy, take 12 ml of burdock vodka tincture before breakfast. In addition, for 10 days, apply a compress to the sore breast: moisten a napkin made of natural fabric in the tincture, which must first be diluted in a 1:1 ratio with purified water. Secure the bandage and leave it on overnight.

How to use burdock roots in cooking

As already written above, burdock root can be used in cooking. The ideal plants would be first-year plants dug up in late September or early October. They can even replace potatoes in extreme situations. Roasted and crushed, they will be an excellent substitute for coffee.

With my readers I would like to share some really useful recipes for preparing this plant. Firstly, it will be a delicious stew with vegetables, and secondly, jam for the winter.

Vegetable stew - recipe with burdock root added

Take one large burdock root, wash and peel well, then boil in water for 10 minutes.

Peel the carrots and onions, wash and grate. Fry in a frying pan in oil until half cooked.

Add sweet bell pepper cut into strips here.

Also cut the boiled burdock root into strips and add to the rest of the ingredients. Add salt and pepper to your taste, and fry again until fully cooked. The resulting stew will be an excellent addition to meat and fish dishes.

How to make jam with burdock root

For 1 kg of fresh roots you need to take 1 liter of water and 50 ml of vinegar essence.

Dilute the vinegar essence with water and bring to a boil.

Place the crushed burdock root pulp here. This can be done in a blender or by grinding in a meat grinder.

Cook the mixture over low heat for about 2 hours.

Then let cool and place in sterile jars.

No sugar is added to this version of the recipe. And the jam itself can be spread on bread or made into tasty and healthy marmalade.

Burdock root drink

If you want to make a healthy drink from this natural raw material, then take the young roots, rinse them well and place them in the oven at 180 degrees. We want them to turn brown.

Then grind them in a coffee grinder to a powder. To get a drink for one mug you need a couple of teaspoons of this preparation. Pour boiling water over it and let it brew for 5 minutes.

It tastes like a chicory drink, but due to its naturalness it has more benefits. And it invigorates no worse than coffee. And there will be no side effects like caffeine.

For prostatitis

Traditional healers claim that burdock tincture can significantly alleviate the condition of prostate diseases - prostate adenoma and prostatitis. It relieves vascular spasms, relieves pain, normalizes metabolic processes in the prostate and improves erection. The tincture is taken three times a day, and the dosage depends on the disease:

  • for prostate adenoma, 12 ml of the product should be diluted in ½ glass of water;
  • for prostatitis, dilute 8 ml in 75 ml of water.

Diseases of the genitourinary system

A vodka tincture of burdock roots can be used to cleanse the urinary tract, kidneys, and ureters from small stones and sand. For this, a tincture prepared according to a classic recipe is used. It is taken 20 drops before meals in the morning, afternoon and evening. Treatment lasts two weeks.

To cleanse the kidneys of urate stones, you need to use a tincture prepared according to the following recipe:

Mix two tablespoons (tablespoons) of chopped fresh or dry burdock root with dried woodruff herb, horsetail, black elderberry flowers (a teaspoon each). Pour the mixture into 0.25 liters of vodka and refrigerate for 15 days. Then strain and take a tablespoon twice a day before meals for two weeks. Upon completion of the course of treatment, you must take a break for a week. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated.

Application for hair: masks

Using burdock root tincture with vodka for your hair will strengthen your hair, prevent hair loss, and make your hair healthy, silky and smooth. To prepare a medicinal mask, you will need a tablespoon of tincture (you can also use a pharmacy one) and one chicken egg yolk. Mix the ingredients and apply the composition to the roots 1-2 hours before washing.

This product will accelerate hair growth, strengthen its roots, stop hair loss, eliminate fragility and restore vitality.


Like most traditional medicine preparations, burdock root tincture, in addition to numerous beneficial properties, has contraindications. These include:

  • exacerbation of gastritis and stomach ulcers;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • individual intolerance.

In addition, alcohol tincture is contraindicated for people who have undergone surgery to remove the gallbladder, since this remedy has a strong choleretic effect. We should not forget about taking the tincture regularly. If the dosage and regimen are not followed, even the most useful products can cause harm. It is for this reason that before starting treatment for serious chronic diseases, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Patient reviews

Most patients who have experienced the effects of vodka tincture of burdock root consider it an effective and efficient remedy. Many note that it perfectly relieves inflammation and pain due to arthritis and other joint diseases. This folk remedy has helped many women get rid of mastopathy and normalize the menstrual cycle. In combination with official medicine, the tincture helps in cleansing the urinary system of stones and sand. Vodka tincture has an amazing effect on hair condition. After the mask they become smooth, shiny and healthy.

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