What abdominal exercises can be performed with a herniated disc?

Herniated disc is a serious disease of the musculoskeletal system that affects all areas of daily life. The patient has to completely reconsider the usual rhythm of existence, taking into account the emerging restrictions. Many patients are interested in whether it is possible to do popular abdominal exercises with a herniated disc. These questions should be asked to your doctor or an experienced exercise therapy instructor. Rehabilitation doctors who are involved in the rehabilitation of such patients insist that standard popular abdominal exercises cannot be done, but there are many other techniques and types of physical activity that allow you to maintain excellent shape.

When pumping the abdominal muscles, the back muscles are involved. Many people do not adhere to the correct exercise technique, which causes cartilage, bone, and connective tissue to suffer. If you perform the movements correctly, then no restrictions will arise, but this must be done in a specially equipped room under the supervision of an instructor who knows about your problem. Only when you have completely mastered each movement can you start exercising at home.

Why pump up your abs?

If the back muscles form a certain frame and hold the spine in the correct anatomical position, then pumped up abdominal muscles help in the proper functioning of the internal organs of the retroperitoneal space. They also perform a stabilizing function, maintaining balance. Largely thanks to the abdominal muscles, correct posture is formed.

With age, muscles become flabby. Daily active sports can correct the situation. Physical activity during intervertebral hernia is not prohibited, and even recommended, but you need to do it carefully, observing the basic principles of safety.

If you work out all the muscles of your body in the gym, then you don’t need to pump up your abs separately. This area is involved in almost all exercises.

Sometimes you need to pay special attention to your abs if you are preparing for a competition or want to highlight the beauty of a flat stomach.

Many patients with intervertebral hernia come to the gym to lose weight. But you must remember that 80% of the effectiveness of this process depends on correcting your diet. Professional athletes and fitness trainers often repeat the phrase “we lose weight in the kitchen.” Before you start actively pumping up muscles, you need to form the right diet and new eating habits, then the process will go faster and without harm to health.

Umbilical hernia

21309 November 25


The information in this section cannot be used for self-diagnosis and self-treatment.
In case of pain or other exacerbation of the disease, diagnostic tests should be prescribed only by the attending physician. To make a diagnosis and properly prescribe treatment, you should contact your doctor. Umbilical hernia: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment methods.


An umbilical hernia is a protrusion of abdominal organs through a defect in the abdominal wall in the navel area.

Causes of umbilical hernia

After the umbilical cord falls off in newborns, the umbilical ring normally closes, and the hole is filled with scar-connective tissue. The umbilical fascia and peritoneum are directly adjacent to the skin in the area of ​​the umbilical ring, and the muscles of the abdominal wall additionally tighten the ring.

A congenital defect in the anatomical structure of the umbilical ring, underdevelopment or absence of the umbilical fascia can cause an umbilical hernia, which occurs with the slightest increase in intra-abdominal pressure.

The contents of an umbilical hernia can be loops of the small and large intestines, the greater omentum, the liver, and part of the stomach.

Umbilical hernias can occur during the embryonic development of the fetus, in childhood and in adults, therefore they are distinguished:

  • embryonic hernias,
  • childhood hernias,
  • adult hernias.

Embryonic hernia (omphalocele) is a severe congenital malformation of the anterior abdominal wall, in which internal organs fall out through its defect and delamination of the tissues of the initial section of the umbilical cord.
Three factors play a major role in the origin of an embryonic hernia of the umbilical cord: impaired intestinal rotation in the first period of rotation, underdevelopment of the abdominal cavity, and impaired closure of the anterior abdominal wall. Depending on the period of occurrence of the defect, embryonic hernias are divided into actual embryonic hernias

(occur during the period of development when the anterior abdominal wall is not yet fully formed),
fetal hernias
(occur when the anterior abdominal wall is finally formed, and the umbilical ring from the abdominal cavity is covered by the peritoneum) and
mixed hernias

In the first months of a child’s life (usually up to 6 months), umbilical hernias of childhood may occur, which are twice as common in girls as in boys. Cough, flatulence, and straining can be factors that cause an increase in intra-abdominal pressure and provoke the appearance of an umbilical hernia.

Umbilical hernia in adults occurs in 2-6% of the adult population and is more often detected after 40 years, and in 90% of cases in women who have given birth multiple times with concomitant obesity. Factors that contribute to increased intra-abdominal pressure and stretching of the abdominal wall, which can lead to the appearance of an umbilical hernia in adults, include pregnancy, obesity, ascites, constipation, rapidly growing abdominal tumors, and heavy physical labor.

Classification of the disease

By origin

I. Congenital hernia (embryonic):

a) actually embryonic; b) fetal hernias (umbilical cord); c) mixed hernias.

II. Purchased:

1. Hernias of childhood. 2. Adult hernias: a) direct; b) oblique.

Based on the possibility of hernia reduction:

  • reducible,
  • irredeemable.

According to the presence of complications:

  • complicated,
  • uncomplicated.

To size:

  • small hernias (up to 5 cm in diameter),
  • medium hernias (from 5 to 10 cm in diameter),
  • large hernias (over 10 cm in diameter).

Symptoms of an umbilical hernia
The clinical picture of an umbilical hernia depends on the size of the hernial protrusion and hernial orifice, the severity of the adhesive process, and the presence of complications. The size of the hernia varies from 4-5 to 20-30 cm in diameter.

In adults, a hernia can form gradually - a small spherical protrusion appears in the navel area when standing, when coughing or straining. In a horizontal position, the protrusion disappears. When palpated, the contents of the hernia “fall” into the hole in the abdominal wall. The hernial sac consists of peritoneum; on the outside it is covered with skin, subcutaneous tissue and fascia. After the hernia has been reduced, you can palpate the umbilical ring (hernia orifice). If the hernial orifice is narrow, reduction of the hernia contents may be difficult. Over time, the hernia tends to increase and begins to cause discomfort and pain.

An umbilical hernia can also occur suddenly during physical activity. In this case, the person feels a sharp pain in the navel or in the middle abdomen.

If the hernia stops being reduced, pain occurs, or signs of inflammation appear, you should consult a doctor. These symptoms may indicate a strangulated hernia.

Umbilical hernias can be oblique or straight. Direct hernias occur due to thinning of the transverse fascia adjacent to the umbilical ring. In this case, the hernial sac enters the subcutaneous tissue directly through the umbilical ring. When oblique hernias occur, a hernial protrusion forms above or below the umbilical ring, passes through the gap between the linea alba and the transverse fascia (umbilical canal), then exits into the subcutaneous tissue through the umbilical ring.

The characteristic signs of an umbilical hernia in children are the same as in adults: protrusion in the navel in an upright position and/or with increased intra-abdominal pressure, which disappears with pressure, expansion of the umbilical ring.

Umbilical hernias in children most often do not become strangulated, but parents should be informed of the signs of a strangulated hernia and the need for immediate hospitalization if strangulation does occur.

As the abdominal wall develops and strengthens, self-healing from a small umbilical hernia is possible in children under 6 years of age. Therefore, if the hernia does not cause concern to the child, expectant management is used. If cure does not occur, surgical treatment is planned.

With small embryonic hernias, the general condition of children usually remains quite satisfactory. The contents of small hernias are always only intestinal loops, which can be easily inserted into the abdominal cavity without causing a reaction on the part of the child.

Medium-sized hernias contain a significant number of loops of the small and large intestine, in 1/3 of cases - part of the liver. An attempt to immerse the organs is difficult. Cooling of these organs, as well as infection of the membranes of the hernial sac, worsen the child’s condition.

Large hernias may contain a significant portion of the liver. Immersion of organs is difficult or often impossible. The condition of the children is severe; cyanosis (blueness of the skin), adynamism, lethargy, often elevated body temperature and chronic intestinal obstruction are observed.

Diagnosis of umbilical hernia

A patient with an umbilical hernia is examined in a vertical and horizontal position. The reducibility of the contents of the hernial sac, the size, shape of the hernial orifice, and the consistency of the hernial contents are determined (the intestinal loop has an elastic consistency, the lobed structure of the soft consistency is the greater omentum).

For large hernias, to determine the nature of the hernial contents, an x-ray examination of the digestive tract is performed: - a survey x-ray of the abdominal organs.

Popular exercises

There are many popular abdominal exercises that are used by healthy people and patients with herniated discs:

  • Various types of twists;
  • Folds;
  • All types of planks;
  • Vacuum or pump.

The abs are well pumped while running or swimming.

Many doctors prohibit patients with a hernia from running, because such physical activity greatly increases the load on the back. And swimming is not only allowed, but also recommended, because during exercise in the pool the abdominal and back muscles are pumped.

Only an experienced instructor can choose a set of abdominal exercises for a herniated disc. The first training sessions must be carried out under close supervision.

It does not matter in which segment of the spine the hernia has developed. If you pump the press incorrectly, the patient's condition will only worsen. Be sure to listen to your inner feelings during the training process.

Prohibited tricks

When performing any abdominal exercises with an intervertebral hernia, you should not make sudden jerking movements. This is the first prohibited move. Twisting and folding are not recommended because they put a huge load on the back.

Fitness club trainers and rehabilitation instructors agree that most people do not know how to pump up their abs correctly.

A traditional exercise in which you need to move from a lying position on your back to a sitting position is considered the most popular for pumping up the abdominal muscles. This is what is called twisting. There are many additional options for performing it on the upper, lower and oblique abdominal muscles, but the basis is always the same. When performed correctly, the spine should always be straight, that is, pushing upward is carried out only due to the work of the muscles.

Most people gradually round different segments of the spine, helping themselves during the exercise. First, the cervical region is rounded, a traditional hump is formed, the neck moves strongly forward, then a stoop appears in the thoracic region, and the lower back is rounded last. Jerking movements only increase the load on the spine. As a result, the abdominal muscles are almost not pumped, but the back hurts greatly, the size of the hernia increases, and the posture deteriorates. If you cannot master the twisting technique on your own, it is better to abandon this exercise.

Plank exercise

The safest and most effective exercise is the plank. The impact on the muscles is static, the load on the spine is minimal. The essence of the exercise is that you need to lie on your stomach, then rise on your toes, straighten your arms and hold your back straight for 30-60 seconds.

There is a lighter version of the exercise, when the support points are on the knees and elbows, but the back should always remain straight, starting from the neck to the tailbone. You can’t lift your pelvic muscles upward, this way you remove the load from the abs and transfer it partly to the limbs and partly to the back. When you take a static pose, you will immediately feel your abdominal muscles. Only due to their tension is it possible to stay in the required position.

You need to move on to side planks only after you learn how to perform the classic exercise correctly. Getting to the desired position is carried out smoothly without jerking movements. There is no need to move your body forward or backward in the plank, transferring the load to your arms or legs. You cannot bend at the lower back. Imagine that your entire back is an ironing board. It should be perfectly smooth.

Five exercises you can do for back problems

Platform press


  • Sit on the machine with your feet resting on the platform.
  • Press your pelvis and lower back tightly against the cushion and back of the machine.
  • Place your feet at the top of the platform and place them slightly wider than your pelvis, with your toes pointed to the sides at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • Smoothly lower the platform to a 90-degree angle at the knees, without lifting the pelvis and lower back.
  • As you exhale, squeeze the platform powerfully. Make sure your knees move in the direction of your toes.

Perform three sets of 15 reps. Rest between sets is one minute.

Photo: istockphoto.com

Leg curls in the simulator


  • Lie down on the machine and press your pelvis firmly against the bench.
  • Tighten the back of your thigh, then bend your shin to a 90-degree angle. Try not to lift your pelvis off the bench.
  • Then slowly return your shin to the starting position.

Perform three sets of 15 reps. Rest between sets is one minute.

Leg extension in the simulator


  • Sit on the exercise machine. Press your pelvis and lower back tightly against his pillow and back.
  • Tighten the front surface of your thigh, then extend your shin, slightly not bringing it parallel to the floor. Try not to lift your pelvis and lower back from the machine.
  • Then smoothly lower your shin to the starting position.

Perform three sets of 15 reps. Rest between sets is one minute.

Photo: istockphoto.com

Gluteal bridge


  • Lie on your back, bend your knees, resting on your heels.
  • Powerfully push your pelvis up until it is in a straight line with your back, pausing at the top point for a second.
  • Lower yourself smoothly to the floor for 2-3 seconds.

Perform three sets of 20 reps. Rest between sets is one minute. If necessary, use additional weights.



  • Lie on your stomach. Stretch your arms forward and straighten your legs so that your toes are parallel to the floor.
  • Raise your torso and legs up at the same time, holding the top position for a second. Don't forget to squeeze your shoulder blades together.
  • Smoothly lower yourself down as you exhale.

Perform three sets of 15 repetitions. Rest between sets is a minute.

Do any physical activity every day for 60-90 minutes, then you will have a healthy back and beautiful posture.

Vacuum or pump

In rehabilitation and recovery practice, the vacuum exercise is actively used among fitness trainers.

It is especially effective for women, because in the process of performing it not only the abdominal muscles are tensed, but also self-massage of the internal organs of the peritoneum is performed.

You can perform the exercise while lying on your back or standing. Some trainers recommend starting to master it from a lying position, others emphasize that it is better for patients with a lumbar hernia to do it standing. This reduces the load on your back. To get a good feel for your abdominal muscles, you must first have a back support. If you are afraid to do the exercise while lying down, stand near a wall.

First, just breathe steadily, feel how your lungs and diaphragm work. Saturate your internal organs with oxygen. Then exhale sharply until the last drop of air, and at this moment draw in your stomach as much as possible. Imagine how its front wall is pressed against the spine. Hold this position for a few seconds, then inhale smoothly, take a few breaths to restore your breathing, and repeat the exercise. It can also be complicated by pulling in the muscles of the upper and lower abs in turn. Dancers who practice oriental dances train in this way to learn how to do the famous “wave.” With a lack of oxygen inside, fat burning processes are activated. In this way you can quickly and effectively lose weight. This exercise is easier to master and is not as potentially dangerous as crunches.

You can also pump up your abdominal muscles while exercising in the pool. Swimming helps strengthen the muscular framework of the entire body. You should not give up playing sports if you have been diagnosed with a herniated disc, but now you should exercise carefully and safely.

How to pump up a hernia on the stomach

To eliminate the defect in the early stages, a respiratory complex is performed in combination with physical activity.

This helps to put the internal organs in place and correct the displaced diaphragm:

  1. Lie on your side, pull your head up, your chin should not drop. Slowly inhale air, sticking out your stomach. Hold your breath, gradually exhale, relax. But the abdominal part remains tense. You need to turn over to the other side, repeating the steps.
  2. They kneel down. The neck is strongly stretched and the head is made in a semicircle. When inhaling, the head tilts forward; when exhaling, the head is tilted alternately in each direction. There is no need to rush, breathe deeply.
  3. Lie on a soft mat on your back. While inhaling, turn your entire body to one side, and when exhaling, return to your back. The body is tense. Breathing is shallow. Carry out the same actions in the other direction.

After completing the activities they rest. Relax all muscles, inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Abdominal breathing is carried out, the wall of the body rises up and down.

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