Crunching in the elbow joint during extension - causes and methods of treatment

A crunch in the elbow joint is an unpleasant noise that occurs due to physiological or pathological reasons. In this article we will look at why the elbow clicks during extension and flexion.

Attention! You should not always consult a doctor if clicking occurs. Crunching does not always indicate a pathological condition and in many cases is harmless.

Cause of noise

The elbow joint functionally consists of three subsets of joints with a common joint capsule that contains the humerus and two bones of the forearm.

Crackling joints can occur due to various reasons. Most often, the noise occurs without associated pain. In this case, it can be assumed that there is no injury or even a serious illness. Doctors associate this noise with fairly minor damage to the cartilage in the joint. Sometimes arthrosis can lead to regular noise. This explains, for example, why the joints of the knee and fingers are particularly susceptible to disorder. They are most often moved and used in daily activities.

The clicking sound itself, according to many doctors, is caused by small bubbles of carbon dioxide that form in the synovial fluid and then burst when moved. Other doctors suspect that the joint components themselves cause the popping noise when they move. Women are more likely to suffer from this disorder because their connective tissue is not as strong as that of men.

It is important to note that clicking does not cause arthritis or arthrosis. Crunching your fingers or elbow is completely normal. Some people may purposefully crack their elbow. Other times, the crunching occurs during normal activities such as walking, standing, or bending. Until now, it has not been proven that these sounds are harbingers of developing osteoarthritis. The above statements apply only to painless crunching.

Often the cause of the crunch is a functional joint disorder. Very often, crunching occurs in hypermobile people. In rare cases, pain may occur that requires surgery. In most cases, the noise does not require either conservative or surgical treatment.

A crunching sound may indicate a torn meniscus that is getting stuck in this movement and causing pain. Often the cause is a torn anterior or posterior cruciate ligament.

Deformed joints can also make an unpleasant noise when flexed and extended. The sound is caused by friction between deformed joint surfaces. In rare cases, this is the first symptom of osteoarthritis.

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) plays a special role. Frequent clicking in the TMJ may indicate the onset of joint disease. If this is the case, it may be worth visiting a dentist or orthodontist who will investigate the cause and possibly treat it.


Clicking can occur in both younger and older adults. Crunching is not an alarm signal and does not always indicate abnormal conditions. In this case, there is no need to visit a doctor and try to find the cause of the symptoms. It is important that the sound is not accompanied by severe pain.

  • Diseases that cause pain in human elbow joints, a list of causes and symptoms

If the clicking is associated with pain, you must definitely visit a doctor. It is important to treat chronic diseases in a timely manner. If other symptoms such as redness, numbness or paralysis occur, comprehensive evaluations are necessary to keep the joints healthy and avoid permanent damage.

Exercise can be an effective way to prevent complications from crunching. After an appropriate diagnosis from a doctor, the patient can begin to engage in sports or even physical therapy.

Physical inactivity is one of the important factors that can significantly aggravate both the structural and functional condition of the joints. It is important to move constantly unless there is serious organic damage. In medicine, physical therapy is prescribed for osteoarthritis and other similar diseases. Some patients benefit from massage.

What to do if your joints crack during training?

What to do if your joints crack during training?

Traumatologist Gagik Kazaryan, in the “Healthy Question” section, teaches you to listen to your body.

The essence of the question: Sometimes you can notice how some athletes “crack” their joints and crack their knuckles during warm-up. How does crunching in joints occur? Is it harmful? Should this be avoided?

Answered by: orthopedic traumatologist, Gagik Ghazaryan

— There are many myths about why joints click. One of the most common, for example, is that air bubbles pop. But from a medical point of view this is absurd. There cannot be any air in the joint, since it is sealed.

The capsule-ligamentous apparatus fixes the articular surfaces in a certain position. If it is weak, then when the ligaments are strained, the articular surfaces may take an incorrect position relative to each other. At this moment we feel discomfort in the joint. The click is the sound that occurs when the correct position is restored.

Also, the sound can occur when the tendons rub, which happens with hypermobility of the ligament joint, but this sound is more like a crackling sound than a sharp click.

We usually don't pay attention to constant clicking as long as it's painless. But this can lead to arthrosis, joint deformation, destruction of cartilage and looseness of the capsule apparatus.

It often happens that people crunch themselves before training, thereby relieving tension and returning the articular surfaces to their place. We must try not to do this, since frequent forced restoration of the position of the surface of the joints creates microtraumas on the surface of the cartilage. Then, over time, arthrosis develops. Of course, not in a year, but over the course of one or two decades, such processes develop.

In this case, it is better to intensively rub and additionally warm up the joint area - this will relax the muscles and ligaments, and the joint itself will return to its normal position.

Also, clicking joints can occur in girls under 25 years of age and in young people under 20 due to incompletely formed ligaments.

Recently, given that people spend more and more time at the computer, many people experience weakening of the ligaments and overstrain of the muscles of the hands and neck. Due to the large amount of time spent in one position, the periarticular ligaments are strained. This leads to a desire to relax your joints, and you want to crack your fingers and neck.

Instead, approximately every 30-40 minutes of working at the computer, you need to get distracted for a while and get up. And if this is not possible, just look away from the monitor. Make a few circular movements with your head, rub your palms a little, or simply shake them a few times.

Text: Roman Grishin



Painful cracking in the joints cannot be prevented, since the diseases that can cause the condition vary greatly. If we assume that a pathological symptom is a sign of osteoarthritis, certain preventive recommendations can be followed. Regular exercise (walking and swimming) and a balanced diet help prevent wear and tear on the joints in the elbow and improve the patient's quality of life. Untimely prevention or treatment (especially in adolescents) can significantly worsen pain, as well as accelerate the progression of the underlying disease.

Advice! If there is constant painful cracking, it is not recommended to do push-ups or other heavy physical activity.

If the pain increases significantly with rotation or straightening of the joint and does not go away with rest, you should immediately consult a doctor. Pull-ups are also not recommended without consultation with a specialist, so as not to aggravate the pathology. Timely treatment helps prevent adverse health effects.

If the connective tissues in the elbow area become inflamed, or the joint is damaged, the person becomes practically helpless. It is difficult and painful to bend and straighten your arm and perform a simple movement. A crunch in the elbow joint, combined with pain, can be a symptom of arthrosis or another serious disease.

Causes of crunching

The appearance of joint crunch is most often a concern during physical activity. Such a symptom requires mandatory consultation with a doctor to identify the cause and subsequent treatment.

The main causes of crunching in the elbow joint:

  1. Injuries and mechanical damage. When a joint is injured, the connective tissue may be damaged. Bones suffer from cracks and fractures.
  2. Inflammation develops in the synovial bursa. As a result, the elbow swells and the local temperature rises. Such symptoms appear with bursitis, arthritis, and ulnar epicondylitis.
  3. Due to metabolic disturbances, the structure of cartilage tissue changes. If you do not seek medical help in a timely manner, growths form on the joint and limited movement occurs.
  4. Arthrosis. Joint pathology develops against the background of injuries and inflammatory processes, due to the thinning of cartilage tissue and age-related changes occurring in the body. The impetus for the development of arthrosis may be a decrease in the amount of synovial fluid. The person cannot perform normal hand movements.

If clicks appear in the elbow joint, and a crunching sound is heard in the joint bend with any movement, you should quickly make an appointment with a doctor and undergo a diagnostic examination.

  • Elbow is swollen and hot: possible causes and treatment features

Crunch when extending

A crunch in the elbow joint during extension can be a symptom of various serious pathologies.

Articular pathologies that cause crunching in the joint of the knee or arm include inflammation of the soft tissues. An increase in the amount of synovial fluid also leads to crunching and clicking sounds.

Aging of the body is a provoking factor. In old age, people often suffer from various pathologies. These are gout, diabetes, excess weight. When diseases are accompanied by structural changes that occur in the joints, a click appears not only in the elbows, but also in other complex joints.

A doctor can identify the cause of the phenomenon after conducting a comprehensive diagnostic examination and a detailed interview with the patient.

Crunches when doing push-ups

The following physiological factors are identified that cause cracking noise during push-ups and that occurs during sports training or physical work:

  • A large number of air bubbles accumulate in the synovial bursa. When the bubbles burst, the elbow clicks when extended and a cracking sound is heard;
  • joint instability, which causes increased mobility of the joint;
  • In old age, cartilage tissue wears out.

The main causes of joint creaking during bending, push-ups and other movements are joint trauma and high load on muscles and cartilage.

Physiological and pathological causes

The elbow clicks, hurts, and may crunch, for both physiological and pathological reasons. Symptoms may be supplemented by other signs, for example, pain is accompanied by swelling.

The patient complains that his arm hurts, there is a clicking sound in the elbow when bending the limb and when doing push-ups. The symptom is characteristic of many diseases, so to clarify the diagnosis it is necessary to undergo a diagnostic examination.

To identify why your arm hurts, why a crunch occurs when doing push-ups and other movements when you need to straighten your arm, an examination is carried out, consisting of the following procedures:

  • Why does crunching and pain occur in the knee, treatment and prevention of these phenomena
  1. Questioning the patient about the suspected causes of joint crunch.
  2. Palpation of the arm in the elbow area.
  3. X-ray examination. The image allows you to exclude fractures, sprains and other types of injuries, as well as find out why the joint hurts.
  4. Ultrasound. Using the technique, the condition of the internal articular tissues is determined.

If necessary, an MRI is prescribed to examine the condition of all joint tissues.

When no treatment is required

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Some reasons are considered relatively natural. For example, hypermobility, which is found in every tenth inhabitant of the planet. Their joints bend well due to the special structure of the ligamentous-tendon apparatus. In the human body with articular hypermobility, special, superelastic collagen is synthesized. It provides high extensibility of the ligaments, but at the same time provokes the appearance of clicks, crunching, crackling even with a banal change in body position. Hypermobility is considered a relatively natural cause because excessive stretching of the ligaments leads to frequent dislocations and subluxations, predisposing to the development of osteoarthritis in the future. Therefore, the doctor may recommend an annual medical examination and a course of taking chondroprotectors. When no treatment is required at all:

  • crepitus _ A certain amount of carbon dioxide is constantly present in the joint cavity. When a person raises or lowers the shoulder, the bursa decreases in size, which leads to an increase in pressure in it. One large bubble filled with carbon dioxide is formed. It is its collapse that causes the click;
  • prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position, for example, during sleep. After waking up, the joint elements move relative to each other, making a sharp sound.

Clicking sounds often accompany rotation of the shoulder joint in a child or adolescent. Firstly, their ligamentous-tendon apparatus still contains a lot of hyperextensible collagen, which leads to a sharp displacement of the bone heads. Secondly, the formation of ligaments is somewhat delayed compared to the increased growth of tubular bones, so the articulation does not fully stabilize. Parents should be wary if the shoulder joint hurts and clicks at the same time. The combination of these symptoms is characteristic of many diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Dr. Epifanov explains self-diagnosis methods:

Treatment methods

The treatment method for crunching in the elbow joint is selected based on the results of a diagnostic examination and clarification of the cause that caused the phenomenon.

Categories of medications are selected individually. Conservative treatment includes the following set of measures:

  • course of medications. Drugs from the following categories are prescribed: non-steroids to relieve inflammation and pain, chondoprotectors to restore cartilage tissue. If the hand crunches when flexing and extending, then injections of Hyaluronic acid are injected into the joint to restore the structure of the synovial fluid. Taking vitamin complexes is indicated;
  • Physiotherapeutic sessions are prescribed to eliminate joint crunch. This treatment technique is used after acute inflammation has been relieved and during the recovery period. Sessions of electrophoresis and magnetic therapy are carried out;
  • if necessary, special gymnastics are prescribed to help restore mobility of the elbow joint after drug treatment;
  • if you hear a crunching sound in the elbow area, then swimming lessons are indicated;
  • massage. Massage techniques, like physiotherapy sessions, are prescribed during the rehabilitation period.

To eliminate joint crunch, various folk remedies are used.

Important: Before using home recipes, you should consult your doctor. Folk remedies serve only as an additional technique as part of complex therapeutic prescriptions.

Home Remedies

At home, to eliminate crunching in the joint, you can make compresses. The following ingredients are used to prepare compresses:

  1. Olive oil combined with crushed bay leaves.
  2. Compress based on propolis. Take propolis (1 tsp) and mix with milk (0.5 cup).
  3. Bran soaked in hot milk effectively eliminates clicking and crunching in the elbow.

Complex treatment for joint crunching when doing push-ups and other movements also includes recommendations for adjusting lifestyle and nutrition. It is necessary to dose physical activity if your elbow hurts. If the work involves physical labor and requires frequent flexion and extension of the elbow joint, then you need to take breaks to rest.

Athletes are recommended to wear special elbow pads during training and competition.

When cooking, you need to use less salt. If possible, salt can be replaced with other spices.

Preventive measures

To avoid relapse after eliminating the crunch, you need to adhere to the following preventive recommendations:

  1. You can’t completely avoid putting pressure on the elbow joint. Reasonable exercise and light physical exercise will benefit not only the elbow joint, but the entire body. Special exercises will restore connective and muscle tissue during the treatment and recovery period. If you continue to do therapeutic exercises after recovery, you will be able to avoid re-inflammation.
  2. If the elbow joint has been damaged as a result of injury, then during any physical work it is necessary to protect the joint. For this purpose, a special orthopedic bandage is placed on the elbow, providing compression support for the tissue. Before any physical activity, it is necessary to warm up to avoid spraining ligaments and muscle tissue.

You need to eat right, include greens with vegetables and fruits in your menu. It is better to give up fatty, salty, smoked foods, and limit your consumption of sweets. You need to drink a lot of still water. The necessary nutritional recommendations can be obtained from your doctor.

The appearance of a crunch in the elbow joint may indicate the development of various pathological conditions or be caused by physiological and absolutely harmless factors. This condition is often accompanied by elbow pain, swelling and redness. It is possible to get rid of this problem only through the complex influence of all methods of traditional and non-traditional therapy.

How to get rid of crunching

If the cause of the crunch in the elbow joint is natural and there is no pain during extension or flexion, then treatment is usually not performed. There are no ointments or tablets that can help prevent the formation and collapse of carbon dioxide bubbles. But there are methods that improve the functioning of joints, ligamentous-tendon apparatus, increase the production of synovial fluid, and normalize blood circulation. Such a complex effect will not completely relieve a person from crunching and clicking, but will significantly reduce their number.

Massage treatments

Massage is carried out only in the absence of an inflammatory process of any localization. In all other cases, stroking, kneading, and rubbing hands are useful. Blood begins to flow intensively to the elbow joint, saturating it with nutrients, bioactive substances, and molecular oxygen. The muscles relax, the production of synovial fluid accelerates, and its even distribution occurs. It is better to entrust the treatment procedure to a professional massage therapist who is well aware of the anatomical structure of the joints and how to eliminate crunching.

Proper nutrition

Girls and women who adhere to a mono-diet note a specific crunching sensation in their joints. Their diet consists mainly of low-calorie foods with a high protein content - skim milk, kefir, chicken breast. In order for the musculoskeletal system to function normally, it is necessary to include fatty sea fish, vegetable oil, fresh vegetables and fruits in the daily menu.

Joint problems often occur in overweight people. And crunch is not the main one. In obese patients, degenerative-dystrophic pathologies are most often diagnosed. To normalize body weight, nutritionists recommend eating fractional foods with a low concentration of fats and simple carbohydrates.

Drinking regime

With any disorder of the elbow joint, the water balance in it is disturbed. During inflammation, excess fluid accumulates in the cavity, causing the formation of edema. And synovium deficiency is often explained by the inability of tissues to retain moisture. If the patient does not have serious diseases of the urinary organs, then orthopedists recommend that they drink 2 liters of fluid daily. You should not be afraid of increased tissue swelling: as much fluid enters the body as is removed from it. But at the same time, waste, toxins, and harmful mineral compounds are evacuated.

Alcoholic drinks, strong tea or coffee are not suitable for replenishing fluid reserves. Vegetable juices, fruit compotes, berry fruit drinks, and plain drinking water will help restore the water-salt balance.


After a person spends several hours at the computer, and then gets up and makes the first movements, almost all joints crack. These are bubbles of carbon dioxide collapsing. The phenomenon itself is physiological, but the consequences of physical inactivity can negatively affect the condition of the joints. In the absence of adequate blood supply, cartilage begins to deteriorate, provoking the development of osteoporosis. Exercise therapy doctors recommend doing 5-minute exercises every hour, walking in the fresh air, and visiting the pool.

Excessive physical activity also negatively affects elbows, knees, and ankles. The resulting deficiency of synovial fluid and microtrauma of hyaline cartilage lead to irreversible destructive and degenerative changes.

Pharmacological drugs

If the crunch is not accompanied by pain, swelling and stiffness of movement, then you can do without medications. In case of frequent deficiency of synovial fluid, a course of chondroprotectors is indicated - drugs that stimulate recovery processes. Professional athletes take dietary supplements and other drugs with glucosamine, chondroitin, collagen, and hyaluronic acid. Orthopedists, traumatologists, and vertebrologists recommend that all patients over 50-55 years old take chondroprotectors - Teraflex, Structum, Dona, Chondroxide, Arthro-Active. This promotes the full functioning of the joints while reducing the production of synovial fluid and collagen.

Doctors recommend that patients take balanced complexes of vitamins and microelements daily. These are Complivit, Supradin, Vitrum, Centrum, Multitabs. For people over 45-50 years of age, products with a high calcium content are recommended.

Folk remedies

You cannot get rid of physiological crunching with the help of compresses, clay applications or alcohol rubs. In folk medicine, the use of teas and infusions with a general strengthening and tonic effect is practiced. A course of treatment helps improve the functioning of joints by cleansing them of harmful salts, waste, and toxins. To prepare medicinal teas, herbs, roots, and flowers are used, the chemical composition of which contains many flavonoids, phytoncides, vitamins and microelements. They improve blood circulation, prevent the formation of edema, and stimulate accelerated regeneration of any damage. Here are the most effective remedies for regular cracking in the joints:

  • ginger tea with honey. Place a teaspoon of grated fresh ginger root in a porcelain teapot and add 200 ml of hot water. After 15 minutes, strain and add thick floral honey to taste. Drink 3 times a day with meals;
  • green tea with oregano and thyme. Pour 0.5 teaspoons of large-leaf green tea, thyme and oregano into the kettle, pour in 1.5 cups of hot water. Leave for 20 minutes, strain, drink instead of regular tea;
  • propolis with hot milk. Bring a glass of milk to a boil, add a pinch of propolis, simmer for 2-3 minutes. You can add a teaspoon of honey and stir. Drink 2 times a day with meals.

Traditional healers recommend introducing dishes containing gelatin into the diet to improve the condition of joints. This substance is obtained by denaturing collagen, which has chondroprotective properties. Frequent consumption of aspic, fish aspic, berry and fruit jellies helps strengthen ligaments and tendons that ensure joint stability.

Whether a sudden crunch is physiological or pathological is impossible to determine independently. Regardless of whether it is accompanied by painful sensations or not, you should consult a doctor. Having ruled out pathology, the orthopedist will tell you how to get rid of it and at the same time strengthen the joints, ligaments, and tendons.

Causes of crunching in the elbow joint

The mechanisms that can cause this process are divided into physiological, that is, not indicative of any disease or other problem, and pathological, caused by a certain kind of joint disease. The most common cause of crunching is injury. It is a tear or sprain of a tendon or muscle injury. Clicking is also caused by fractures of one of the bones that make up the joint. Pain and crunching are often provoked by prolonged stress on the upper limb. Athletes and people engaged in physical labor are subject to such stress. Inflammation of the soft tissues of the joint or synovial bursa can cause these types of symptoms. In addition, the causes of crunching lie in the formation of osteophytes - pathological growths of bone tissue, and can also be a sign of the development of arthrosis.

Among the physiological causes of crunching in the elbow joint are the following:

  • accumulation of air in the joint capsule in the form of bubbles and their bursting;
  • increased mobility in the joint;
  • age-related wear and tear of cartilage tissue.

The shoulder hurts and clicks for a long time - what is it and how to treat it?

If the shoulder hurts and clicks for a long time, then the patient most likely has a destructive change in not only the cartilage, but also the bone structure of the joint. Against the background of prolonged mechanical injuries, increased physical activity, disruption of innervation, and inflammatory processes, tissue deformation occurs. At the initial stage, cartilage loses its elasticity. Then the thickness of the cartilage layer decreases, and the heads of the bones are exposed. When friction occurs, they are injured, small cracks appear on their surface, which are quickly filled with deposits of calcium salts. These are the so-called bone calluses. They have an irregular shape and do not allow the heads of the bones to move freely in the articular cavity. What it is and how to treat it can be found out in our manual therapy clinic.

The disease is called deforming osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint, and is characterized by rapid development and a sharp limitation in the range of motion of the upper limb. Patients experience severe pain, arm cramps, and decreased muscle tone. Official medicine currently does not have effective and safe methods for treating this pathology conservatively. In the early stages, a wait-and-see approach is recommended, in which symptomatic treatment is carried out to eliminate inflammation and pain. Joint replacement surgery is then recommended.

Manual therapy has extensive experience in restoring the pathologically altered structure of joint tissues without surgical intervention. With the help of osteopathy and reflexology, doctors are able to start the natural process of cartilage tissue regeneration. During the massage, the effect of resorption of salt deposits is achieved. Therapeutic exercises and kinesitherapy restore the performance of muscle fibers, which ensures sufficient diffuse nutrition of cartilage fibers.

Possible symptoms

If the cause of the symptom is an inflammatory process, then the elbow may become swollen.
In the case of a crunch caused by injury, inflammation or other pathological process, pain appears in the joint when extending. It intensifies when performing strength loads, such as push-ups. The elbow may be hot to the touch, painful, and swelling may be present. At the same time, the amplitude of limb movements is significantly reduced.

If a person has cracking elbows, he definitely needs to see a doctor and undergo a series of tests.

Treatment of pathology

A crunch in the elbow can only be eliminated if the cause of its occurrence is removed. In this case, therapy should be comprehensive and include drug treatment, physiotherapy and other methods. And in extremely severe cases, surgical intervention is indicated. An important positive aspect is strengthening the patient’s muscle corset. This is achieved by performing various types of exercises. Diet is also an integral part of the health of both the elbow and the body as a whole.


Diclofenac gel will relieve inflammation and pain in the joint.
Drug therapy includes the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Diclofenac and Ibuprofen. They will help reduce the manifestations of pathology and significantly reduce pain in the elbow. They can be used in the form of ointments and gels. The use of a long course of chondroprotectors is also indicated. They will prevent the destruction of the cartilage tissue of the joint. Vitamins and calcium supplements will be useful, as they are building materials for the body’s joint apparatus.


In extremely severe cases of elbow dystrophy, surgery is used - osteosynthesis of articular bone fragments. For this purpose, specially designed titanium plates are used. They are able to completely replace damaged bone fragments. After the intervention, the patient requires long-term rehabilitation. It is possible to use endoprosthetics.

Diet and drinking regime

Patients with a crunching joint need to exclude unhealthy foods from their diet and also drink enough fluids. After all, dehydration of the body and the accumulation of toxins in it are often to blame for the fact that the elbow clicks when bent. The basis of nutrition for such patients should be based on vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins and microelements. Adequate consumption of dairy, meat and fish dishes is recommended.

Massage and other physical treatments

After the exacerbation is relieved, a course of massage treatments is prescribed.
If the joint hurts, electrophoresis with anesthetic solutions is used. When the patient does not experience pain, he is prescribed a course of therapeutic massage. It will help increase blood flow and, as a result, nutrition of the affected area, and also relieve the elbow joints from the manifestations of arthritis and arthrosis. Massage procedures will be useful after surgery and in case of minor degenerative changes.


In case of remission and absence of the inflammatory process, it is useful to perform a complex of therapeutic exercises. It consists of general strengthening exercises aimed at giving tone to the muscular-articular frame. In this case, the elbow joints can be loaded only slightly. In no case can physical activity be accompanied by pain or other unpleasant sensations.

Regular and moderate exercise will help avoid joint problems.

Folk recipes

To treat the joint, you can use cinquefoil tincture.
If your elbow joints crack and click, then alternative medicine will help, such as:

  • compress of swollen bran (at night);
  • lotions made from a mixture of vegetable oil and orange juice;
  • infusion of fir cones in water for oral administration;
  • alcohol tinctures of cinquefoil and comfrey.

Pathological causes

The pathological causes of cracking in the joints are indicated by their morning swelling, stiffness of movement and pain. Crunching occurs in the final stages of the disease, when almost all cartilage tissue is destroyed. The “bare” bone heads come into contact when moving, which causes the sound. If the elbow joint hurts and swells, does not bend or straighten fully, but there is no characteristic cracking sound, then all is not lost. Carrying out adequate therapy will slow down the development of pathology and preserve the function of the elbow joint. Crunching usually accompanies the following diseases of moderate and severe severity:

  • gouty, rheumatoid, psoriatic, juvenile arthritis, accompanied by inflammation of the elbow;
  • tendonitis, tendovaginitis - acute or chronic inflammation of the tendon and/or the surrounding membrane;
  • osteoarthritis, occurring against the background of destruction of hyaline cartilage, proliferation of the edges of bone plates;
  • synovitis, bursitis - inflammatory processes in the synovium, clearly localized or spreading to tendons, ligaments, soft tissues;
  • chondrocalcinosis, manifested in the gradual accumulation of calcium salt crystals in the joint.

You can get rid of a crunch in your elbow only by curing the underlying disease that caused it. Tendonitis, tendovaginitis, sinusitis, bursitis respond well to treatment with glucocorticosteroids, NSAIDs, and sometimes antibiotics. Osteoarthritis and systemic arthritis of the elbow cannot yet be completely cured. Doctors strive to transfer the pathology to a stage of stable remission, at which the severity of symptoms sharply decreases.

Preventive recommendations

To avoid diseases of the joint and crunching in it, it is important not to overload it with physical exercise, and be sure to do a warm-up before sports activities. If your elbow does not crack, exercise therapy will be useful, the main thing is to do the exercises correctly and in moderation. In addition, it is recommended to consume vitamins and microelements to prevent deficiency conditions.


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