Crunch in the neck: causes, is it dangerous, how to cure the crunch

Why does a crunch in the neck occur?

If your neck does not hurt, but a crunching sound constantly occurs when you move your head, the reasons may be due to the anatomical features of the body structure. A crunch in the neck is normal if it is caused by the following reasons:

  • Infancy: In infants, a crunch in the neck occurs due to insufficient fluid in the joints - this problem resolves itself later.
  • Hypermobility of the intervertebral joints: common in thin people and is an anatomical feature that does not require treatment.
  • Dissociation of the muscles responsible for flexion and extension of the neck: characteristic of athletes and self-correcting after warming up.

The neck of a healthy person may not hurt, but make such a crunching sound. And, apart from possible psychological discomfort, it does not cause any harm. But if you have a cracking neck and other unpleasant symptoms, this is a cause for concern.

Main reasons

The neck is the most mobile part of the spinal column and often experiences increased stress. Extraneous sounds may appear in this area for physiological or pathological reasons. Despite the same manifestation, the causes of a crunch in the cervical spine may be different in each situation.

Physiological reasons

The neck and back often crunch when turning after a long stay in an unnatural position. There is no point in looking for a disease in the body in such a situation, because the reasons for the appearance of extraneous sounds are quite normal and understandable. In a healthy person, the appearance of clicks may be associated with the following factors:

  • Hypermobility of the vertebrae of the neck. Often found in people with low body weight and thin, fragile bones. The appearance of a crunching sound during movement is considered normal, and therefore does not pose a danger and does not require treatment or additional diagnostic procedures.
  • Production of synovial fluid. A fluid appears in the joints and tissues of the spine, intended to lubricate the cartilage, facilitate their movement and protect them from damage. Air bubbles can form in it, which burst when the vertebrae mix, which is accompanied by characteristic clicks. As the musculoskeletal system develops, all processes return to normal and the symptom disappears.
  • Excessive physical activity. The neck often cracks when turning the head in professional athletes. Their muscles are subjected to increased stress every day, so they can often work inconsistently, which provokes the appearance of an unpleasant sound. After a warm-up or a light massage, everything returns to normal.
  • Ligament slippage. In this case, the appearance of a crunching sound is caused by anomalies in the bone structure of the ridge, to which the ligaments cling. Their release is accompanied by clicks.

It is quite difficult to determine why a neck cracks on your own, because there are many physiological reasons. In addition to the above, relaxation of the muscle corset and spasms should also be noted. Hereditary predisposition, excessive fatigue.

Important! Many people have the habit of cracking their necks. In itself, it is not dangerous, but it can lead to rapid wear of the ligaments, so it is recommended to avoid it.

Pathological causes of crunching

Sometimes the spine crunches when turning when a pathological process develops in it. The appearance of extraneous sound is regarded as a symptom, and is evaluated together with other manifestations of the disease. It is most often provoked by the following violations:

Pain when turning the neck

  • Osteochondrosis. A degenerative process develops in cartilage tissue against the background of an unhealthy lifestyle, lack of normal physical activity or other factors. It manifests itself as characteristic clicking sounds when turning, muscle spasms, and severe pain at the site of the lesion. Patients complain of headaches, decreased visual acuity, or tinnitus.
  • Spondylosis. Pathological process developing in the spine. A characteristic feature of the disease is the formation of growths along the edges of the bone segments of the ridge. The friction of the cartilages, against the background of a reduction in space, leads to the development of a characteristic crunch. In addition to this symptom, patients experience neck pain, frequent headaches, dizziness, and pressure changes.
  • Spondylolisthesis. The pathological process is characterized by displacement of the vertebrae relative to the horizontal axis. The process is dangerous and leads to deformation of the spinal column, decreased flexibility, poor circulation, headaches and insomnia. One of the manifestations is the appearance of characteristic clicks when turning the body.
  • Rachiocampsis. These include lordosis, kyphosis, scoliosis and other pathological processes that are observed mainly in young people. Violation of posture and the anatomical position of the vertebrae leads to such characteristic symptoms as extraneous sounds, discomfort in the upper body, difficulty moving, stiffness, and sensitivity disorders.
  • Calcification. Increased accumulation of calcium in soft tissues leads to the appearance of a pathological crunch when turning the body. In some cases, the disorder is mistaken for the deposition of salts in the joints, but a characteristic feature is their presence in the joints, ligaments, and skin. The danger of the disease lies in their rapid wear and serious deformation of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Mechanical damage. Any neck injuries, subluxations, fractures, displacements lead to decreased mobility and destabilization of the spine. The gradual fusion of bone elements leads to the appearance of a characteristic crunch during physical activity. In addition to clicking, the patient experiences severe pain and other characteristic symptoms.
  • Protrusions and hernias. Protrusion of the intervertebral disc, rupture of its membrane, provokes the appearance of symptoms such as limited motor activity, acute pain, impaired sensitivity and unnatural sounds when moving.

A specialist will definitely answer why the spine crunches after a comprehensive examination. Pathological causes cannot be eliminated on their own and require a correctly designed treatment regimen. They are also observed in people suffering from arthrosis, arthritis, connective tissue pathologies, and other problems with the musculoskeletal system.

If the crunch is accompanied by pain, you should immediately consult a doctor

Symptoms of pathology

A number of pathologies can express themselves by the appearance of a crunch in the neck, and at first the person does not even experience discomfort. As a rule, see a neurologist

Contact us when the following symptoms appear:

Neck pain

If your neck hurts, a crunch is an alarming sign of pathological conditions that can occur against the background of chronic diseases. Doctors pay attention to the nature of the pain (pulsating or aching), its location (on one or both sides of the neck, in the cervical region or in the back of the head), frequency (constant or periodic pain). Often the neck hurts and crunches in the front or back when moving. Pain limits a person's capabilities and causes a lot of inconvenience.

Radicular syndrome

This is compression of the spinal nerves, which causes various neurological disorders in the body. Radicular syndrome develops against the background of pathological conditions, when the neck constantly hurts and crunches. Other signs of radicular syndrome are:

  • numbness and tingling of the skin;
  • disturbances of touch;
  • pale skin;
  • increased sweating;
  • tinnitus;
  • violations of tendon reflexes.


Often the neck hurts and crunches against the background of serious pathologies, which is why headaches occur. Its symptoms and causes can be very diverse:

  • Tension: a characteristic symptom is pain that encircles the head like a hoop.
  • Angiodilation: pain in this case is the result of a violation of cerebral circulation and pulsates in the back of the head or temple, sometimes radiating to the ear.
  • Angiospasm: pain appears as a result of compression of small capillaries and vessels, it is accompanied by a feeling of lightheadedness, nausea, tinnitus and dizziness.
  • Violations of the veins: in this case, the headache is described by patients as heaviness of the head, appearing in the morning after sleep. Pain and crunching in the neck, accompanied by the above symptoms, may be signs of serious illnesses that require treatment.

MRI of tissues and parts of the neck

During the scanning process using an MRI scanner, disorders in the structure and function of the thyroid gland, the configuration and tissues of the nasopharynx and larynx, changes in the lymph nodes, glands, esophagus, bone and soft tissues of the cervical region are diagnosed.

The attending physician will order a tomography for the following indications:

  • post-traumatic state;
  • malignant, benign neoplasms;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • damage to intervertebral joints, hernias;
  • diseases of the spinal column and joints.

The hardware diagnostic process is as follows. The patient is positioned in a machine that performs a multi-plane scan and produces visual images of the area being studied. A specialist radiologist examines the resulting images, which are taken in the form of “slices” at a given depth. The high contrast and clarity of the images allows one to recognize the location and level of growth of the pathology, the size and types of tumors, and the presence of swelling.

Using a special computer program, not only existing pathologies are analyzed, but also possible areas of the appearance of neoplasms. The conclusion is given to the patient. It is necessary to go with him to the attending physician, who will make a final diagnosis and plan treatment.

Diagnosis of pathologies

If the neck makes a crunching sound and hurts with every movement, this is not enough to make a final diagnosis. Such a complex symptom requires detailed study, so the doctor must prescribe the following types of medical diagnostic examinations:

  • X-ray examination
    : allows you to obtain comprehensive information about the condition of bone structures.
  • Electromyography: necessary to determine the condition of the muscles and nerves responsible for their functioning.
  • MRI
    : best shows the condition of soft tissues.
  • Echoencephalography: an effective method for studying brain tissue.
  • ECG
    : gives general information about the state of the cardiovascular system, which may be the cause of pain and crunching.

It is worth remembering that when your neck hurts, the crunch cannot be deciphered independently as a symptom of a certain disease. Even a qualified doctor will not do this without modern medical examinations.

Diagnosis of whiplash injury

The attending physician needs information about the symptoms, how the injury (accident) occurred, and a medical examination. This will allow the medical professional to find out whether there is a need for diagnostic procedures or whether this can be waited. Patients whose symptoms persist for several weeks may require the following diagnostic tests:

  • X-rays are prescribed immediately after injury if there is a suspicion of a fracture or instability of the spine. X-rays can also show the height of the discs and the presence of osteophytes.
  • X-rays are also prescribed if symptoms persist several weeks after the injury.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a necessary examination for suspected disc herniation, disc injury, root or spinal cord compression.
  • A medial branch block is an injection of anesthetic to diagnose facet pain.
  • Discography involves the introduction of contrast into the disc and subsequent radiography, which is necessary only in cases of severe pain.
  • Computed tomography (CT), usually in combination with a myelogram (contrast injected into the spinal canal), can also be used to diagnose persistent, treatment-resistant neck pain.
  • Electromyography and nerve conduction velocity (EMG and ENG) measurements may be used if there is a suspicion that a nerve is blocked (for example, in carpal tunnel syndrome) or there is nerve damage.


Treatment of the disease, which causes the neck to crack and hurt, is selected by the doctor and is generally based on a single scheme.

Use of medications

The doctor decides which drugs to use in the treatment of pain and crunch in the neck, depending on the specifics of the disease:

  • analgesics: prescribed for pain syndrome that causes osteochondrosis and other diseases;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs: necessary to relieve the inflammatory process that causes swelling;
  • muscle relaxants: used to relieve tension in muscles and joints;
  • chondoprotectors: strengthen cartilage tissue and improve the condition of the cervical spine;
  • corticosteroid drugs: prescribed last, since hormonal therapy is used only when urgently needed, the duration of use should be short.

Also, if your neck hurts and there is a crunch in the vertebrae, the doctor may prescribe vitamins and antioxidants. Self-medication in this case is strictly contraindicated, since improper treatment can only aggravate the situation.

Exercise therapy

Therapeutic exercise is a set of physical exercises that have a beneficial effect on the condition of important structures of the body. When the neck crunches and hurts, only the attending physician can prescribe exercise therapy, and a specialist in the field of physical therapy can select the appropriate exercises. Then the exercises will not harm you and will give the expected effect. The most important condition for successful treatment when the neck hurts and there is a crunch is regular exercise.


Electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, reflexology help improve blood circulation. These procedures improve the functioning of tissues and organs, so inflammation is subsequently relieved, pain disappears, crunching is eliminated, and the neck does not hurt. Physiotherapeutic treatment brings results when used correctly, so you should resort to it only with the approval of a doctor. Each treatment method has its own contraindications, so physiotherapy in most cases is prescribed as an addition to the main treatment.


In case of a crunch and pain in the neck, traditional medicine methods can help. They should not be considered harmless - if used incorrectly, natural medicines can aggravate the disease or create new problems. It is recommended to use folk remedies only with the approval of the attending physician.

Exercises for the treatment of the cervical spine with spondylosis deformans

Let's look at what methods are used to treat it and how to prevent the development of serious consequences.

Spondylosis deformans is a disease associated with degeneration of the intervertebral and paravertebral space. It is characterized by the appearance of bone growths (osteophytes) near the vertebrae and along their edges, which look like skirts. If the disease is advanced, then deformation of the vertebrae themselves occurs. This disease occurs more often in older people.

Occurrence, causes and development of the disease

The main causes of spondylosis can be:

  • various spinal injuries;
  • development of osteochondrosis;
  • sedentary work or other constant static loads;
  • severe and regular hypothermia;
  • natural changes associated with age.

Spondylosis can also develop in young people if there is instability in the cervical spine.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • The occurrence of headaches in the occipital region. The pain can radiate to the shoulder, or radiate to the ears or eyes.
  • The neck loses its natural mobility; when turning the head, unpleasant sensations or crunching occur;
  • Sudden causeless dizziness;
  • Your hand may feel numb or tingling. This occurs due to compression of the nerve endings. Pain may also radiate into the arm.
  • If the case is neglected, muscle atrophy may begin. In some cases, if the pathological process involves the bone marrow, problems with urination and a nervous gait may appear.

Comprehensive treatment of cervical spondylosis

The main thing in drug treatment of this disease is to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. However, it should be noted that the use of anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs does not stop the disease (pathological osteosynthesis), but only alleviates the symptoms. Therefore, taking drugs from the NSAID group (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) must be combined with physiotherapy and massage. Any treatment of the spine must necessarily include therapeutic exercises.

Physical therapy classes should only be carried out under the supervision of experienced instructors. The main condition for all exercises is that movements must be performed carefully, accurately and slowly. Excessive stress should be avoided.

Description of therapeutic exercises

Before starting training, it is necessary to test the limits of mobility. You need to slowly tilt your head, then throw it back as much as possible. Bend your head to the sides. Turn it left and right, rotate it in both directions. If any of these actions cannot be performed or movement is limited, then this direction must be developed first.

Here is a set of exercises to develop mobility.

Complex No. 1

  • Head tilts;
  • Throwing back the head;
  • Turn your head in different directions. Perform as if you are trying to look over your shoulder and down;
  • Tilt your head to the sides, while trying to touch your ear to your shoulder. (Try not to raise your shoulder);
  • Head tilt with control. Cross your hands at the back of your head, inhale. Exhaling slowly, tilt your head with your hands until your chin touches your chest. Return to the starting position while inhaling.

The exercises should be performed in series of 6-8 times. Movements should be smooth and unhurried. Having reached the maximum amplitude, fix it for a couple of seconds.

Complex No. 2

This complex is designed to restore the strength of the neck muscles.

  • The exercise is performed lying down. Turn onto your right side. Place your head on your outstretched right arm, rest your other hand in front of you. Raise your head and hold it in this position for several (up to 5) seconds. Perform until fatigue appears, then repeat, turning on your left side.
  • From the same starting position on the right side, raise your head and turn it up towards your left shoulder. Hold the pose for a few seconds. Then, without lowering your head, look at the floor (also up to 5 seconds). Perform until slight fatigue appears, then repeat, turning on your left side.

And one more note.
To defeat spondylosis deformans, exercises must be done not only after an acute attack, but continuously. For those who quit classes, the pain may return with renewed vigor. As a last resort, such exercises should be performed at the workplace. Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr


If after treatment your neck does not hurt and the crunching has stopped, you should eliminate from your life what caused the unpleasant symptoms. This is what prevention is all about:

  • A balanced diet: a sufficient amount of vitamins, microelements and fluids will allow you to maintain bones and cartilage in working condition.
  • Physical exercise: especially recommended for those who have to spend a lot of time at the computer.
  • Maintaining a healthy weight: Obesity puts serious stress on the spine and worsens its condition.
  • Reasonable load on the spine: evenly distribute the load on your arms when carrying bags, avoid lifting heavy objects.
  • Rejection of bad habits.

And, of course, it is categorically not recommended to intentionally crack your neck, since in this case there is a possibility of damaging the joint.

Physical exercises to prevent neck diseases

The common wisdom is that life on the move could not be more relevant for the prevention of diseases of the cervical spine, since, with rare exceptions, physical inactivity is the root cause of the development of the disease. A sedentary lifestyle and especially an uncomfortable posture in which the head and shoulders are strongly tilted forward, which is typical for people who work a lot at the computer, provoke degenerative changes in the spine. The muscles that support the skeleton lose their elasticity and cannot fully perform their functions.

The optimal type of physical activity for problems with the spine is swimming, as water relieves muscle tension, allowing you to work them out painlessly and at the same time quite effectively. An alternative to water activities can be daily walking or cycling. For various diagnoses, special gymnastics complexes have been developed, with the help of which you can restore mobility to the neck and forget about annoying symptoms, but they must be performed only under the supervision of an instructor, since careless movements or excessive zeal can turn potential benefits into irreparable harm.

During the treatment period, it is more important than ever to monitor correct posture, purchase orthopedic bedding and try not to maintain a static body position for more than one hour. During the working day, you can make it a rule to be distracted by a physical exercise session or simply walk around the office, thereby restoring blood circulation and warming up.

A healthy spine is the key to a long and productive life, since pain that hinders movement makes it impossible to be a successful person and simply enjoy every day. In order not to resort to complex and multifaceted treatment of the spine and joints, it is necessary to take care of your health, paying maximum attention to the prevention of the development of pathologies from a young age.

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