Review of the best exercises in the Bubnovsky simulator, tips for performing

In the modern world of super speed and constant stress, an increasing number of people are faced with problems in one way or another related to diseases of the musculoskeletal system (MSD). Unfortunately, these diseases do not depend on a person’s age or social status. Among such problems and diseases, the most common are osteochondrosis of the intervertebral discs (sometimes with hernias), joint diseases (including ankylosing spondylitis and rheumatoid arthritis), as well as the consequences of previous operations and injuries. Not least important are diseases of the thoracic spine, the treatment and diagnosis of which deserve attention.

Treatment at the Bubnovsky center

If you are faced with similar problems, you have probably already been offered treatment for the spine, treatment of joints using standard regimens using various types of anti-inflammatory and painkillers, a course of “blockades,” wearing corsets and bandages, and, “of course,” restrictions on movement and loads. In other words, treatment of the spine, treatment of joints comes down to the formula: “No stress, more medications. You may need surgery!” All this leads to one single result - muscles and ligaments deprived of load, and therefore nutrition, weaken and atrophy, which leads to even greater metabolic disorders in the affected area. This, in turn, means the further development of disease of the spine or joint - with a lack of nutrition, the joints and spine wear out and become fragile. It’s hard to imagine that treating the spine and treating joints with this approach will be effective! At the same time, for some reason everyone forgets that the most dangerous load for a person suffering from weak trunk muscles is moving their own weight in space!

When deciding what kind of spine treatment or joint treatment is necessary, it is extremely important to take into account the condition of the patient's muscle tissue. It is the muscles that feed the vertebrae and joints with everything they need, since neurovascular bundles pass through the muscles. And, naturally, if the nutrition of the spine and joints is disrupted, their function is disrupted. Hence, back pain, impaired joint mobility, osteochondrosis, etc. But strangely enough, medicinal medicine does not pay attention to this very important connective tissue of the body.

Reasons for appearance

It should be noted that intervertebral hernia does not occur overnight. This should be facilitated by certain negative processes that affect the body for a long time. But the very appearance of the disease usually provokes some specific action. It can be called a kind of “last straw”, but not the root cause. Often such a provoking factor is sudden and incorrect lifting of heavy weights.

As for the real reasons for the development of intervertebral hernia, we can distinguish four main ones:

  • Incorrect load on the back. And here we mean not only non-compliance with the rules when lifting loads, but also incorrect posture. Even a slight curvature of the spine can subsequently lead to more disastrous results.
  • Lack of fluid. In this case, absolutely all the connective tissues of your body suffer, and therefore the intervertebral discs. The main function of the latter is spring. Thus, if there is not enough water, they will simply dry out and will no longer be able to withstand the load placed on them.
  • Lack of exercise. With a passive lifestyle, your muscles and ligaments will gradually atrophy. Plus, the load on the spine allows you to improve blood circulation and metabolism.
  • Poor nutrition. All your organs and tissues require a number of microelements for normal functioning, which can only be obtained through food. This category includes magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and so on. With their deficiency, the intervertebral discs become porous and are no longer able to perform their function normally.

Additional accessories

To train on the Bubnovsky simulator you will also need additional accessories. For example, you cannot do without cuffs, which can be hard or soft. They need to be put on the upper and lower limbs, fastened tightly, and then secured to a carabiner using a reliable chrome ring. Cuffs are available in two sizes:

  • 29 x 6 x 1 cm;
  • 33 x 10 x 2 cm.

These accessories are made of leather. Suede is used to make the soft part. Hard models can support more weight than soft ones. This point must be taken into account when choosing one option or another.

The Bubnovsky expander is also useful for training. The product is made of silicone and rubber. The number of bundles in such devices varies from one to five. Depending on this, products are used for various purposes. For example, Bubnovsky expanders with one or two tourniquets are used during rehabilitation after injuries, in the presence of intervertebral hernias and poor posture. Options with two elastic ropes also allow you to develop muscle tissue during the development of osteochondrosis. Resistance bands with three harnesses are suitable for teenagers and women who want to increase muscle tone. Training with products equipped with four or five elastic straps is suitable for men.

Leg cuffs


Rules for performing exercises

Naturally, you can start physical activity only after you have relieved the pain syndrome. At this stage, it is extremely important to understand that the absence of unpleasant sensations does not at all indicate your recovery. But when performing therapeutic exercises for spinal hernia, you should follow a number of simple rules. Otherwise, you will not only not be able to correct the situation, but, on the contrary, you will only make it worse.

Firstly, you need to carefully monitor your own condition and interrupt classes at the first manifestation of pain. Remember that you should only perform exercises that will not cause you any discomfort. However, slight discomfort is acceptable, but if it occurs you should be as careful as possible. The same exercises during which you feel sharp pain in your back or neck should naturally be excluded from the general exercise program. But they can serve you as a kind of markers of recovery. If after several sessions you can complete them without any discomfort, then your condition has improved.

Secondly, at the first stage of training, it is recommended to avoid exercises that involve sudden jolts, jumping, and twisting of the body. Subsequently, when you and your doctor can note positive dynamics, some of them can gradually be included in classes to enhance the effect.

Thirdly, it is imperative to follow the correct training regimen. Start with small loads, gradually increasing them. Break the entire set of exercises into several parts and perform them about three to six times a day. The main thing in the treatment of intervertebral hernia is patience. It is impossible to cure your back in one day. Sudden loads will only worsen the problem. Try to do everything gradually and as gently as possible.

Is it possible to effectively treat the spine and treat joints without surgery and medications?

For more than 20 years, the problems of treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system have been successfully solved in clinics working according to the methods of Professor Bubnovsky in more than fifty cities of Russia, the CIS and abroad. Professor Bubnovsky , the founder of modern kinesitherapy, is the creator of a fundamentally different approach to the question of how to treat the spine and treat joints. Treatment using his unique system—without drugs or surgeries—allows people to regain a decent quality of life and return them to full working capacity.

Popular exercises

Lie on your back with your legs slightly bent and your arms extended along your torso. After this, consistently tense and relax your abdominal muscles. It is important not to hold your breath while doing this. Perform the exercise about 10-15 times in a row.

Then assume the position described above, but now extend your lower limbs. Raise your torso so that your buttocks do not leave the floor, and hold in this position for about ten seconds. Next, take the starting position again, rest for a while and repeat the described action again. The exercise consists of 10-15 approaches.

Lie on your back with your legs bent. Try to reach your forehead with your left knee, but at the same time prevent yourself from doing this with your right hand. Apply the load for ten seconds, then rest for the same amount of time. Repeat the exercise 10 times and change hands. When taking a break between sets, try to relax all the muscles in your body as much as possible.

Sit down, focusing on your legs and arms. After this, gradually raise your body until it is almost completely parallel to the floor. Hold this position for ten seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise three times.


Bubnovsky simulators come in several types. Each variety has a number of features. There are 4 models of such devices in total:

  • MTB-1;
  • MTB-2;
  • MTB-4;
  • AERO MTB-1.

Most often, the MTB-1 model is chosen for home use. It consists of a single metal stand with fastenings, as well as blocks, a cable and a load. To conduct classes on the floor, handles are provided at the bottom of the structure. There is also a horizontal holder for performing exercises in a standing position. The dimensions of the device are relatively small (70 x 80 x 220 cm), its weight is 135 kg. Single designs are equipped with slanted and straight legs that are fixed to the wall. The first varieties are more resistant. Designs with straight legs are more compact; their main advantage is that they can be used even in a small apartment.

Bubnovsky’s home simulators, model MTB-2, look much more massive. The design is a block double frame weighing 310 kg. The dimensions of the device are quite large - 335 x 90 x 225 cm. The kit also includes a cable with a pair of compartments for cargo, seals and blocks. Even children and the elderly can train on such a device. It is enough just to take care of the presence of small loads in the range of 1–2.5 kg.

The MTB-4 home trainer weighs only 105 kg. Its dimensions are more compact - the height is 225 cm and the depth is 60 cm. The design is equipped with a load stack that can withstand up to 60 kg, as well as cables, load blocks and a carabiner.

The AERO MTB-1 device deserves special attention. Its dimensions are 170 x 55 x 226 cm. The product includes a pair of vertically located racks equipped with 360-degree rotating blocks. Cables pass through them and are fixed together with the loads on the racks. Traction is achieved precisely through blocks. The simulator allows you to do joint exercises, even a special program has been developed aimed at strengthening joints, combating cellulite and chronic fatigue.




How to make a Bubnovsky House simulator according to a drawing with your own hands

The design of the simulator is relatively simple for self-production. Below is the sequence of actions.


Stages of making a bench:

  1. The profile pipe for the frame and the angle are cut into blanks, then holes are drilled in them according to the drawing.
  2. Next, assembly begins. In places subject to the greatest loads, the workpieces are connected by welding, in other places (parts responsible for adjusting the position) - by bolts.
  3. The finished frame is treated with a primer and painted.
  4. A seat and backrest made of chipboard or OSB are bolted to the frame. The holes in these parts are drilled so that the bolt heads are hidden.
  5. Foam rubber is glued to the back and seat, after which leatherette upholstery is laid, which is attached to the chipboard from below with a construction stapler.


Each arch is a U-shaped structure, which is formed from sections of 60x60 mm profile pipe by welding. A block with a swivel is screwed to the top crossbar. The bottom “legs” of the arches are equipped with support plates.

A total of 4 arches will be needed. They are installed in pairs opposite each other. Each pair is connected from above by a horizontal section of profile pipe, which is welded to the crossbars of the arches. Then the sections are connected to each other using two more sections, so that the result is a single frame structure.

This is what the frame structure of the MTB 1–4 trainer looks like after assembly

Barbell plates are used as weighting agents. The holder for them is made from a piece of pipe, to which a metal plate is welded on one side. It is this design that will support the weight of the pancakes placed on the holder, so special attention is paid to welding.

On the other side of the pipe-holder, two holes located opposite each other are drilled in the walls. A bolt is inserted here, which will simultaneously be threaded into the loop of the cable (it needs to be inserted inside the holder) and thus secure the holder with pancakes to the cable.

Prices for Bubnovsky’s home exercise machine

For arranging MTB at home, the best option would be the first model of the simulator - it is relatively compact and inexpensive. In this case, the cost of the product will depend on the set of weights included in the kit and the height of the vertical frame. How much does a Bubnovsky simulator cost on average:

  • the price of a block rehabilitation device with 90 kg weights is 30,000 rubles;
  • the price of a lightweight model with a load of 40 kg is 7,000 rubles;
  • the price of an analogue of the Bubnovsky simulator with weights with a total mass of 100 kg is 35,000 rubles.

How much does a model equipped with a wall bars cost? Such a device can be purchased in an online store by ordering it from an electronic catalog. An alternative option is to purchase MTB for home use at a specialized point of sale of sports equipment. The price of a modification of the simulator supplemented with a Swedish wall will be approximately 27,000-30,000 rubles.

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