How to choose an orthopedic mattress for osteochondrosis: review of models, indications, advice from doctors

Orthopedic mattress.

An orthopedic mattress is one that ensures the correct position of the spine during prolonged rest or sleep. Various methods are used to achieve this effect. The device is equipped with independent spring blocks. It is made from modern foam materials with a “memory effect”. When sleeping on such a mattress, there is no displacement of the vertebrae or protrusion of intervertebral discs. This is useful for osteochondrosis - a degenerative-dystrophic pathology of a relapsing course.

Before purchasing, you should consult with your doctor to avoid making mistakes. Not all patients with cervical, thoracic or lumbosacral osteochondrosis are suitable for hard mattresses. The doctor will recommend an orthopedic device that does not cause pain, numbness, or muscle tension after sleep.

What is osteochondrosis?

The sedentary lifestyle characteristic of modern humans leads to irreversible changes in the intervertebral discs. The cartilage tissue hardens, the size of the discs decreases, which leads to the convergence of the vertebrae. The result is back pain, dizziness, nausea and other symptoms. According to statistics, more than 80% of people currently suffer from osteochondrosis.

It is the wrong position during sleep that results in ailments in the morning. That’s why it’s so important to choose the right surface for sleeping at night.

Useful tips

It is best to go to the store with relatives or friends. They will monitor the condition of the spinal column in a horizontal position. In a physiological position, there should be no gap between the mattress and the lower back. You should listen to the sensations that arise. The rapid appearance of the desire to roll over indicates excessive rigidity. And pain that occurs in the back after 10-15 minutes indicates a low degree of fixation.

If the mattress is purchased for preventive purposes, then you can visit the store at any time of the day. And doctors recommend that patients with osteochondrosis go shopping during the day. In the morning, symptoms of pathology rarely occur; The body constantly produces substances that relieve painful sensations. By lunchtime, their effect stops, and the vertebrae and discs suffer from stress. Therefore, this is the most convenient time to determine the ability of an orthopedic device. After all, in the evening after a hard day, any mattress will seem comfortable. In large showrooms, buyers are allowed to lie down to evaluate the quality of the model. This opportunity should be taken advantage of.

Types of mattresses used for osteochondrosis

There is no one-size-fits-all option for people suffering from back pain. With the right approach, any type of anatomical mattress can be used:

  • 1. Models with a dependent spring block are the least popular among patients. This is due to the lack of rigidity zones in such a product. The impact on some springs causes others to move, which can result in a “hammock” effect. This is what often leads to back pain. However, having an extra hard layer of coconut coir or other filler can improve the situation. You can also sleep on a mattress with a dependent spring block if you use a special mattress cover.
  • 2. Products with an independent spring unit are most preferable for people suffering from back pain. The anatomical model provides full support for the spine during sleep in any position. Allows you to fully relax without creating unnecessary back pressure.
  • 3. Springless mattresses can be a real salvation for those who are plagued by spinal diseases. Thanks to the proper arrangement of layers, you can achieve the most positive effect.

Doctors' recommendations

The orthopedic properties of the device are very important. But its ability to provide a comfortable sleep is no less valued. Therefore, when choosing, you should take into account the person’s height, age, and body weight. Neurologists recommend that elderly patients and elderly people buy a product of medium hardness. Sleeping on too hard a surface at this age is the first cause of circulatory problems. And soft structures will not provide the necessary fixation of the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar vertebrae. Prerequisites for the development of osteochondrosis are postural disorders, systemic articular pathologies, endocrine disorders diagnosed in children and adolescents. Therefore, doctors advise parents to purchase special sleep accessories. It is better to buy a springless model, on which you can jump, if desired, without fear of damaging the thin springs. If the child is very small, take into account the hygroscopicity of the filling materials and buy a model made of latex, which does not absorb moisture well and is easy to clean.

You need to consider the patient’s weight before purchasing. How to choose an orthopedic mattress for osteochondrosis:

  • a plump person needs a rigid structure, and a thin person needs a soft or medium-hard one, with independent springs or latex filler;
  • A patient with normal weight has a much wider choice. Any orthopedic device is suitable for him; only its therapeutic properties are important.

Selecting the firmness of the mattress depending on your height and weight.

The mattress must match the person’s height and the size of the bed. If it hangs over the edges, then its healing effect is reduced. To calculate the required size, you need to add 25 cm to your height. The optimal width of a single model is 80 cm, a double model is 160 cm.

For allergy sufferers and people with respiratory diseases, it is better to buy a mattress filled with natural materials. They are hypoallergenic and resistant to damage by pathogenic fungi. During sleep, blood circulation improves, increasing the functional activity of all vital systems. This helps reduce the likelihood of exacerbation of osteochondrosis and other pathologies.

When should you buy an anatomical mattress?

If you have back problems, you need to choose mattresses very carefully so as not to aggravate the situation. Anatomical properties must be calculated individually in each specific case, and when purchasing, it is best to consult a doctor.

General indications for the use of anatomical products are:

  • 1. For good health, the hardness of sleeping mattresses should be medium.
  • 2. During periods of exacerbation of back pain, you need to sleep on a harder surface.
  • 3. It is recommended to pay attention to natural fillers with good elasticity, especially coke fiber and coir.
  • 4. Products with a dependent spring block can only be used in conjunction with a mattress pad, which provides additional support in the shoulder and hip area.


Protrusions are degenerative changes in the vertebrae, in which their integrity is preserved. It is generally accepted among orthopedists that protrusion is the initial form of pathology, which can subsequently lead to a hernia. It can - but it doesn't always work if you take certain precautions and sleep on soft surfaces. Before choosing a place to sleep, you must undergo an examination and an MRI. If you really have a protrusion and not a hernia, then choose a soft mattress, and if you do have a hernia, then you can consider medium-hard mattresses.

Types of fillers

The correct choice of mattress is based on the correct selection of filler. And if everything is clear with spring options, then springless or combined models require more attention. However, they can also boast of increased efficiency.

  • 1. Polyurethane foam is the most common filler option, characterized by an affordable price and good anatomical properties. It can follow the shape of the body, providing soft support to the sleeper. This material is perfect for people with spinal problems during remission. The main thing is to choose an option where polyurethane foam is combined with more rigid layers.
  • 2. Memoryform, memoryx - materials with a “memory” effect softly envelop the body. This feeling allows you to completely relax and fully relax. The filler is great for people with back pain, but it needs to be combined with tough layers of coir to have a positive effect.
  • 3. Latex can be considered the “champion” among fillers. It is hypoallergenic, has good rigidity, excellent spine support, and boasts a fantastic service life. The artificial version of the material is almost in no way inferior to the natural one. This is one of the best solutions for a person with spinal problems.
  • 4. Coconut coir and fiber are a natural, fairly hard and elastic filler that is always used in combination with softer options. Withstands high loads well, perfect for people with large body weight.
  • 5. Other materials. Modern models can also use horsehair, sisal, buckwheat husk, etc. Each option has its own advantages, but can only be an addition to the base filler.

Which models should you definitely not buy?

Bonnel spring mattresses are usually not suitable if you have a bad back. Such spring blocks bend too much under the hips, as a result a hole is formed, and the body takes on an uncomfortable position. You overexert yourself and wake up tired. Therefore, if you want a spring mattress, then the blocks should be independent - this will ensure uniform support for all parts of the body.

How to choose anatomical mattresses for osteochondrosis

Choosing the right mattress for sleeping in case of back problems is not so easy, but it is definitely worth spending time on! Good support of the spine during sleep will alleviate the symptoms of the disease and give a boost of vigor and strength for the whole day.

To make the right choice, you first need to take into account such points as the severity of the disease, the person’s weight, his preferences, as well as the presence of allergic reactions to certain materials.
And, of course, you should not neglect the advice of specialists. Share:

Back condition and mattress - how are they interconnected?

First, let's look at why a sleeping surface can cause you to feel unwell in the morning. It seems that the person is sleeping - the body should be resting. However, not all so simple.

The question is that sleep does not mean turning off the brain. The brain continues to work even in sleep mode. When the body takes an incorrect position during sleep, nerves and blood vessels are compressed, and the vertebrae are curved. SOS signals are sent to the brain, in response to which it gives a command to the muscles to support the tense areas of the spine. And so on all night. The morning result is stagnation and infringement. The weakest points in the spine become inflamed. If the situation repeats every night, your general well-being, as well as your back health, worsens.

Reference! This situation can be corrected by purchasing an orthopedic mattress.

Who needs a hard mattress?

Before purchasing an orthopedic product, you need to find out which one you need. Hard mattresses are recommended for:

  1. Clients with obesity and weight 90+ (for those who prefer to fall asleep on their stomach);
  2. With diseases of the spine (hernia, protrusion). To prevent diseases, you will need a mattress without depressions, from which it is difficult to get out when turning over in your sleep. The advantage is a dense, crease-resistant layer.
  3. With defects in the area of ​​the upper parts of the spinal column. The hard surface makes it possible to straighten and relax the shoulder region;

  4. Newborns and children 3 years of age. A person is born with a straight spinal column. Sleeping on a hard one forms an S-shaped curve;
  5. Athletes and those who adhere to a healthy lifestyle;
  6. Teenagers with problems with posture (as prescribed by a doctor, for some time);
  7. Comfort when sleeping on a rigid orthopedic product is important.

Attention! For each person, the mattress is selected individually.

Mattress for double bed

If the spouses differ noticeably in weight (for example, a fragile girl and a heavy husband), it is better to purchase two different, individually selected mattresses, instead of one large one. As a rule, bed bases and mattress sizes are standard. For a double bed, the standard width is 160 or 180 cm, length is two meters. This means that two mattresses should be 80 or 90 cm wide. Two small mattresses will cost more than one large one, but it is better not to skimp on health and sleep comfort.

For a double bed, springless latex mattresses can be recommended. Latex is a natural material, elastic and able to take the shape of the body. It will have an individual effect on each of the sleepers. Latex is also recommended for elderly people.

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