Orthopedic mat for flat feet: what is useful, how to choose

How does flatfoot develop in preschool children?

A child's foot has 26 bones, 31 joints, more than 100 muscles, ligaments, and tendons. The joint work of these formations allows you to hold the body while walking, running, jumping and other movements.

Feet grow quickly. A newborn’s foot length is about 7 cm, a one-year-old’s foot is about 10, then it grows by 1.5–3 cm annually. For girls, shoe sizes stop changing at the age of 12–14, for boys – at 16–18.

The bones of babies are soft and flexible, the ligaments are elastic, and the muscles are underdeveloped. The arch of the foot is flat. This is a physiological norm. The role of a shock absorber is performed by the fat pad in the middle part of the foot. At 7–9 months, children learn to stand and maintain balance. The position of the feet also changes.

By 2–3 years, bone tissue becomes strong, muscles and ligaments become strong, children begin to walk more and perform complex movements. The feet adapt to new needs, acquire familiar shapes, and arches are drawn: longitudinal and transverse.

They will be fully formed only by the age of 5–10 years. If during this process the musculoskeletal system experienced increased loads, then the architecture of the feet becomes deformed. The normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system is disrupted.

Table 1. Flat feet in children: causes

Causes Determining factors Development mechanism
1. Heredity Joint hypermobility Overly flexible connective tissue does not hold the bones in the desired position.
2. Increased load on the feet Excess weight (paratrophy), early standing, excessive physical activity The vertical load on fragile muscles and ligaments increases sharply.
3. Poor bone mineralization Vitamin D deficiency, rickets Calcium-phosphorus metabolism is disrupted, bones soften and become more pliable.
4. Impaired muscle tone Complications of pregnancy, childbirth Hypoxia of the brain regions responsible for the tone of the foot muscles.
5. Polio Disruption of the innervation of individual muscles with exclusion from their work
6. Encephalopathy Discoordination of the central nervous system reduces muscle tone
7. Unnatural conditions for the formation of feet Narrow tight shoes, walking barefoot on a perfectly flat surface (laminate, parquet) Lack of opportunity for normal muscle training.
8. Disruption of normal anatomy After suffering a trauma Incorrectly healed bone fractures, weakening of ligaments.

How to use these mats?

If you are aiming to get your child into regular exercise, we recommend placing a mat in the play area. So, without looking up from the game, the baby will walk or crawl on it. A colorful rug will create more interest and curiosity, and will also help make it part of the game, a decoration.

Some of the most useful and simple exercises that you can offer your baby to do are:

  • circular movements of the feet;
  • alternate flexion and extension of the toes;
  • connection of soles;
  • sliding your foot on the mat.

In general, children are recommended to perform exercises for 5 minutes. You should start training with a couple of minutes and in the following days increase the time the child spends on the massage mat.

Orthopedic mat at a bargain price

Flat feet in children. Symptoms

Congenital flatfoot is caused by unfavorable heredity and is often combined with myopia, an additional chord in the heart, and a tortuous gallbladder. Parents are surprised by the different feet of their baby. One is normal, the other with a concave back, toes turned outward, and a flat or convex sole. As soon as standing occurs, the deformation intensifies, making walking impossible.

Parents realize that they have acquired flat feet when they regularly find worn-down edges of the soles and heels of small shoes. Children quickly get tired while walking and constantly ask to be held. Instead of walking, they prefer quiet games in place: in the sandbox, in the corner with toys. Upon examination, curvature of the fingers and calluses are noticeable.

Table 2. Flat feet in children: types and degrees

View Degree Manifestations Symptoms
Longitudinal (valgus). The center of the heels is beveled outward. The legs are X-shaped.

The foot spreads out, its length increases. The inner edges of shoe soles wear out faster.

First The deformation is invisible, the arches are high. Feeling tired after walking for a long time.
Second The foot is thickened, widened, the arch is 17–25 mm high. Pain in the foot, ankle, difficulty walking long distances
Third The foot is deformed, the arch is less than 17 mm. Pain in legs, back. Walking is difficult or impossible
Transverse (varus). The center of the heel tilts inward. O-shaped limbs.

The length decreases. The outer edges of shoe soles wear out faster.

First First finger deflection angle 20 degrees Fatigue when walking for a long time
Second 30 degrees Pain when moving.
Third 40 degrees Pain in legs when moving.
Combined. Symptoms of valgus and varus.


Improper load distribution leads to problems in the knee and hip joints and spine. Gradually, the discomfort increases, the gait changes, and the posture is disrupted. A pronounced stoop appears. A curved spine displaces internal organs, disrupting their function.

Massage and self-massage of feet for flat feet

Foot massage for flat feet gives an excellent effect in the initial stages of the pathology. Massage combines especially well with physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises and manual therapy. Ideally, the massage should be performed by a specialist. The frequency of courses can vary from 2 to 4 per year for 8-10 sessions.

Purpose of massage for flat feet

  • strengthen the muscles of the arch;
  • restore normal blood flow;
  • reduce fatigue by the end of the day;
  • optimize the load on the joints of the legs and spine;

But it is not always possible to turn to a professional massage therapist. In this case, you can massage yourself at home by studying the recommendations and instructions for self-massage. But it is best to first consult with an orthopedist and take several lessons from a specialist, since the wrong technique can only aggravate the pathology.

Benefits of using self-massage

Self-massage is a regular procedure that results in positive dynamics in the patient’s condition. Of course, it is not as effective as professional massage, but it has its advantages:

  • the patient feels his body and his hand movements are adequate to his sensations;
  • sessions can be conducted at a convenient time and as needed;
  • budget savings;
  • regularity;
  • to consolidate the effect, you can use rubber lumpy mats, massage rollers and balls, as well as electric massagers;
  • massage can be combined with water treatments;

Orthopedists advise 2-3 times a year (depending on the severity of the pathology) to undergo a course of massage from a specialist (12-20 sessions), and the rest of the time to do self-massage, having previously mastered its technique. In between times, you can trample barefoot on a special mat for foot massage, roll balls with prickles or massage rollers with your feet. During your vacation, do not miss the opportunity to walk barefoot on pebbles, sand, and grass. Your feet will be very grateful for such stimulating effects.

Preparing for self-massage of feet for flat feet

Self-massage can be performed several times a day at any time, but it is better to do it in the evening after a hard day. Before the massage, it is advisable to take a foot bath with warm water. You can add salt, aromatic oils and (or) medicinal herbs to the water. In this case, the effect will be more pronounced. The chair should be comfortable; you need to prepare a small bench for your feet. Bend one leg at the knee and pull it towards you. You can lubricate your hands with massage oil and rub them until they become hot. Massage movements should be soft but confident.

Massage technique

A professional massage therapist places the patient on the couch - first on his back, then on his stomach. The muscles should be as relaxed as possible. The massage starts from the thighs and gradually moves down to the feet and toes. Self-massage is performed in a sitting position:

  • massage movements are directed from bottom to top;
  • Not only the feet are massaged, but also the muscles of the lower leg and thighs;
  • the kneecaps are gently stroked;
  • massage elements such as kneading, stroking, vibration, effleurage and rubbing are used;
  • special attention is paid to massaging the fingers (especially the big one), kneading the spaces between the fingers and rubbing the sole;

Foot massage technique for longitudinal flat feet

  1. The lower leg muscles are treated with stroking and warming movements.
  2. Hands smoothly move to the ankle and heel and gently stroke them 5-10 times.
  3. The sole itself is rubbed for a minute from the toes to the Achilles tendon.
  4. The back of the foot is massaged, while the foot is grasped on all sides with the hands.
  5. The sole of the foot is tapped for 30-40 seconds.
  6. Cover the ankle with both hands and stretch it.
  7. At the end, the entire calf muscle is massaged.

Foot massage technique for transverse flat feet

  1. The massage begins by stroking the leg from the toes to the knee.
  2. The lower leg is actively massaged.
  3. The sole and back of the foot are warmed up, movements are directed from the toes to the Achilles tendon.
  4. The fingers cover the entire foot and massage with stroking movements.
  5. The thumb and index finger of the hand cover the big toe and gently scroll in different directions.
  6. The toes are stretched and rubbed with the fingers.
  7. The heel is massaged.
  8. Stroking and kneading occurs in the interdigital space.
  9. Each finger is rubbed and kneaded, its position changes.
  10. Hands with sliding movements cover the heel and rise to the ankle.
  11. Then the first point is repeated.

Each movement must be repeated at least 10-15 times, duration – 20-25 minutes. The massage is simple, but it is important to do it regularly. This is the main difficulty. To achieve the full effect, self-massage should be combined with therapeutic exercises and physiotherapy.

Contraindications to self-massage

There are not many contraindications to self-massage, but before using it you should consult a doctor. As a rule, doctors do not recommend massage if you have:

  • skin disease (eczema, pustules);
  • vascular pathology;
  • fever;
  • acute osteomyelitis;
  • bone damage of tuberculous etiology;

Criteria for proper massage

  • swelling of the legs decreases;
  • fatigue decreases in the evening;
  • pain goes away;


Massage is a type of treatment for flat feet at the onset of the disease. It is not always possible to visit a massage room; in this case, self-massage will help, which should be performed regularly. For self-massage, you can use special devices - mechanical and electric massagers. In between times (while watching TV, talking on the phone, communicating on social networks), it is advisable to roll balls with prickles or massage rollers with your feet. Walking barefoot is as effective as massage. Therefore, whenever possible, go barefoot at the seaside or at the dacha. Make special paths from pebbles or small stones and arrange walks along them. For the best effect, massage should be combined with physiotherapy and physical therapy.

Prevention of flat feet in preschool children

Natural development.

You should not put your baby on his feet too early - fragile bones can become irreversibly deformed. It is better to wait for the moment when he himself tries to get up, holding on to the support.

Moderate physical activity.

So that the baby does not get tired, but at the same time moves enough.

Proper nutrition

with sufficient vitamins, especially vitamin D.

Walking barefoot

, but not on a flat floor. If your home has linoleum or laminate flooring, you should make a “barefoot walking strip” from massage mats, sand, round pebbles, etc. It is especially useful for children to walk barefoot on the grass, earth, and along the water’s edge.

Wearing the right shoes

, made from natural materials, flexible soles and shape-resistant heels.

What types of orthopedic mats are there and how to choose them?

Orthopedic mats are a canvas whose surface consists of a variety of massage elements. Children's ones are produced in the form of puzzles, fruits, seabed and other interesting designs. They are made from various materials, differ in shape, size and color, so it is not always clear how to choose an orthopedic mat for a child.

  • Dimensions. The parameter depends directly on the age of the child. So, for a one-year-old baby, a very small rug is suitable, but an older child will need a canvas on which he can not only stand, but also walk. Remember: a mat that is too small will not allow you to complete the entire set of exercises, which will significantly reduce the effectiveness of prevention and acquisition in principle.
  • Material. Most often, massage surfaces are made of rubber, silicone or synthetic materials. Children under three years old are recommended to buy rugs made of high-quality rubber, as such products are the softest and most elastic. After three, preference is given to a silicone surface, since at this age the most active impact on the foot is required.
  • Elements. You should not buy a rug with large and hard elements for a small child; such surfaces are intended for older children.
  • Color. It's no secret that children love bright colors, so when purchasing a rug, look for colorful, interesting rugs.

It’s not difficult to choose, but if you are still in doubt, you can ask us a question directly on the website in the section. Write to us. ]OrtoPanda[/anchor] has been selling orthopedic supplies for children for many years. We will help you make a choice and tell you which type of orthopedic mat will be the most optimal for you.

What is a children's massage mat, what is its benefit?

An orthopedic foot mat is a special massage product, for the manufacture of which artificial or natural materials are used that imitate grass, smooth stones, and other natural surfaces.

Using a massage mat for children from an early age promotes the correct formation of the foot.

Children's foot massage mats are made from bright, colorful materials. Rugs come in different shapes, with designs that are interesting for children. Therefore, young children enjoy games and activities on orthopedic mats.

Massage puzzle mats

Puzzle mats, which have special protrusions on the side surface, deserve special attention. They allow you to join segments together. Typically, puzzles are offered in squares measuring 25 by 25 cm.

Several of these rugs can be used to form paths. This will make it possible to perform exercises by stepping forward more naturally, rather than stepping on the spot, as on a small mat.

A long massage path of several segments can be laid at home, for example, in the hallway. Then all family members will constantly receive a foot massage, if they do not wear slippers. This is a good prevention of flat feet and other foot diseases.

Massage mats can consist of multi-profile surfaces that imitate soft or hard stones, thorns, and grass. These orthopedic foot mats are recommended for use by adults and children.

Foot massage mats with different zones

Orthopedic children's massage mats with different impact zones can be used at home, in kindergarten, and in children's sports and fitness sections.

Massage mats have moderately rigid elements of various shapes and sizes.

The presence of zones with different effects allows you to purposefully choose the method of impact on the foot.

A foot massage mat can have different types of zones:

  • receptor zone - a zone with the smallest elements, helps stimulate blood flow in the foot, has the maximum effect on the receptor points of the foot due to the targeted effect;
  • inclined zone - a zone with elements of various shapes and heights, arranged like a ladder, helps stimulate the muscles of the foot; the presence of large elements in this area also leads to stimulation of the deeper tissues of the foot and muscles;
  • rolling zone - a zone with a maximum difference in the height of the elements, helps stimulate the arch-forming muscles due to the maximum impact on the underarch space of the foot.

Regular, proper use of a children's massage mat with different zones allows you to strengthen your back, feet, and leg muscles.

Features of massage in infancy

When performing massage on infants, several rules should be followed:

  • carry out procedures after reaching 2 months of age;
  • knead your feet, hips and knees with smooth movements, avoiding painful pressure, to avoid accidental injury to fragile bones;
  • combine with passive gymnastics exercises;
  • maximum session duration – 5 minutes;
  • repeat the procedure every other day for a month.


There are practically no contraindications to purchasing such a massager, but you still need to first get the approval of an orthopedic doctor.

The following diseases may be contraindications:

  • Individual intolerance of the baby to materials - to avoid the occurrence of severe allergic reactions.
  • The presence of wounds or scratches - so as not to cause pain and speed up healing.
  • Fungal infection – exercising on a mat will increase blood circulation, which will help the infection progress.
  • Diabetic foot.
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