What to do if you bruise your leg, if it is swollen, and how to treat it at home

What happens when you get hurt

Many people mistakenly consider a bruise to be a harmless injury. In fact, it can be dangerous, especially if it affects internal organs.

A bruise is damage to soft tissues without significant destruction of their structure. In this case, the vessels burst, from which fluid is released into the interstitial space, where it accumulates.

Based on the degree of tissue damage, there are:

  1. Minor damage that goes away on its own.
  2. Bruised muscle tissue with hematoma and swelling, very painful.
  3. High probability of tendon damage.
  4. Contusion of internal organs with severe swelling and severe pain.

If you suspect a bruise, you need to make sure that there is no fracture, so you need to contact a traumatologist.

Features of the structure of the toes

The toes are based on tubular bones. Each finger is formed by three phalanges, except the thumb, which has only two. Thanks to the movable joints and tendons, the fingers can perform various movements and help a person maintain balance while walking. Even minor damage to the soft and hard tissues of the foot leads to movement restrictions and knocks a person out of the usual rhythm of life.

During a bruise, tissue damage and microtrauma of blood vessels occur. This leads to an increase in edema and the development of an inflammatory reaction. Even a minor injury requires appropriate treatment for a bruised toe. Otherwise, swelling and pain will increase, limiting the patient's physical activity. Often, bruised toes are accompanied by blue discoloration and peeling of the nail plate. In this case, it may require partial or complete removal.

Symptoms of bruise

It is not always possible to independently distinguish a bruise from a closed fracture. It is believed that with mild injury, the pain becomes less pronounced 2-3 hours after the injury. But in reality, it often happens that a fracture hardly bothers you, but a bruise causes a lot of unpleasant sensations even in the second and subsequent days.

Main symptoms of bruise:

  • strong pain;
  • internal or subcutaneous hemorrhage;
  • edema;
  • decreased mobility of the damaged area.

Bruising and swelling may appear immediately after injury or several hours later. Their severity depends on the depth of the lesion. The pain intensifies with pressure, and swelling sometimes increases for several days. Since the signs of a bruise and a fracture are similar, it is better to conduct an X-ray examination to ensure the integrity of the bones.

Swollen Arm or Leg from Impact

There are no people who are not immune from bruises , which lead to swelling and swelling of the arms or legs, and the damaged area and internal hemorrhage. If you consider your injury to be serious, you should first consult a doctor to consult with him and take an X-ray of the injury .

the injury is not serious, you can help yourself at home.
To slow down the swelling of the arm or leg of the damaged area of ​​skin and eliminate internal hemorrhage apply ice to the bruise and hold it for at least an hour. After this, anoint the bruise with bodyaga pulp, which is usually sold at the pharmacy in the form of powder or ointments. Bodyaga will relieve swelling, reduce pain, and also prevent internal hemorrhage .

If severe pain from a bruise bothers you, you can buy various ointments at the pharmacy: doltit, dolobene gel, febrofide and fastum gel. Such ointments eliminate pain, relieve swelling and slow down inflammation. Remember that applying the ointment to the damaged area of ​​skin should be done according to the instructions.

A few days after you have been bruised and have a swollen leg or arm, it is okay to use warm compresses. You can use a compress of vodka and horseradish root. The juice of this root should be mixed with vodka in a one to one ratio. After this, apply the prepared compress to the bruise .

Perennial aloe is considered a good assistant in eliminating edema, which also helps with bruises and with the rotting of wounds resulting from this injury. Mix aloe leaves with honey and apply to the damaged area.

Fresh cabbage leaves can help with bruises To make a medicinal product from them, beat the cabbage leaves until the juice releases. When applying to a bruise, change the cabbage leaves approximately every 30 minutes.

copes well with bruises . Grate a large onion on a coarse grater, and use the resulting pulp as a compress.

slow down inflammation and relieve swelling . It should also be grated (on a small grater), and then the resulting mass should be applied to the damaged area. When your leg or arm is swollen from a bruise, you should definitely consult a doctor at the emergency room ( traumatologist ) in order to consult with him and take an X-ray of the bruise .

In the Multidisciplinary Medical Network, you can take an x-ray of the bruise and consult with an experienced traumatologist

Treatment Options

The easiest way to help with a bruise is cold.

It is better to apply a wet cloth rather than ice to reduce the risk of a negative skin reaction to the effect. If you only have frozen items on hand, you should wrap them in a cloth or towel. Exposure to cold will not only reduce swelling, but also reduce the severity of pain. It is advisable to apply compresses every 2 hours, the duration of exposure is 5–10 minutes. It is not recommended to leave it for a long time, as negative reactions from the skin and blood vessels are possible.

Two types of ointments help speed up recovery: based on leech extract - SinyakOff, and with substances that correct microcirculation - Troxerutin. It is enough to apply them to the problem area 2 times a day for a noticeable effect. They improve blood circulation, which causes swelling to resolve faster.

A bruise may make it difficult for a person to move the injured part of the body. It is recommended to apply a bandage made of an elastic bandage in order to disturb the injured area less. The fixation should be tight, but not compress tissues and organs.

Read also: Leg pain: causes and treatment

Fractured toe: types

A toe fracture can be an open fracture, where soft tissue damage occurs and bone fragments may protrude from the wound. In this situation, there is a direct threat of secondary infection. The patient urgently needs antiseptic treatment. For open fractures of the toes, treatment should not be delayed.

With closed fractures of the fingers, the integrity of the skin is not broken, and displacement of the fragments is usually not observed. But this type of fracture does not exclude the development of infectious and other complications. A closed fracture of the toe is often complicated by a purulent infection, especially when the nail bed is damaged and the nail plate peels off, which becomes an entry point for infectious pathogens.

When a displaced fracture occurs, comparison of bone fragments is required, which will give the finger an anatomically correct shape and restore the impaired functions of the limb.

How to help from within

Help with serious bruises is needed not only externally, but also from the inside. It is not necessary to take medications so as not to put a strain on the liver. There are natural ways to support the body:

  • rose hips, currants and citrus fruits are sources of vitamin C to strengthen blood vessels;
  • cabbage, spinach - rich in vitamin K, which is necessary for normal blood clotting;

As a pharmacy vitamin, you can take Ascorutin. This is an inexpensive but effective way to strengthen blood vessels

Dear patients! Remember that only a qualified doctor can make an accurate diagnosis, determine the causes and nature of the disease, and prescribe effective treatment. You can make an appointment with our specialists or call a doctor at home by calling 8-(4822)-33-00-33

Be healthy and happy!

Complications of toe injuries

Broken toes can lead to dangerous health consequences even when the injury is relatively mild. Without qualified medical care, skin wounds, cracks and bone fractures can provoke the development of the following complications:

  • massive hematomas;
  • ankylosis (joint immobility);
  • deformation of finger joints;
  • formation of bone callus;
  • sepsis;
  • secondary infections.

Damage to the soft and hard tissues of the extremities is especially dangerous for patients who suffer from metabolic disorders and chronic diseases, in particular diabetes. For such patients, even a minor injury can pose a hidden threat.


It is not enough to cure a bruise: to fully restore the functions of the foot, you will need the help of restorative medicine.

The time frame for returning to full functionality is determined individually. They usually range from 3 days to 4 weeks.

The basis of rehabilitation is physical therapy. Exercise therapy is divided into three periods:

  1. Immobilization. The main tasks at this stage are to improve blood circulation (promotes tumor decline) and stimulate tissue regeneration. A pleasant addition is the increase in the overall tone of the body. The set of measures is simple: self-massage of the sole and bruised surface, independent movements of the fingers to engage the muscles, and a dosed load on the foot while maintaining the use of crutches.
  2. Rehabilitation. The goal is to restore the support-spring functionality of the foot (normal fullness of movement). Swimming is very effective. In exercise therapy classes, the range of permissible exercises expands; their main focus is the resumption of proper walking.
  3. Final. They move to this stage when the patient can calmly step on the foot and moves well without the help of crutches or other additional support. The main task is to strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the foot.

Physiotherapy is acceptable not only as the main treatment, but also at the rehabilitation stage.


You can speed up the resorption of the hematoma and reduce swelling using the following physical procedures:

  • Magnetotherapy. With this method of treatment, a magnetic field affects the entire body, affecting not only muscles and joints, but also internal organs. Blood thinning occurs, blood flow and lymph movement increase. As a result, blood clots are removed faster and immune cells are supplied to the affected area, speeding up the healing process. Tissues, muscles, nerve endings and blood vessels are restored. The elasticity of blood vessels increases. Swelling in the bruised area quickly subsides. The pain syndrome becomes less. Before prescribing the procedure, you should inform your doctor about your existing diseases, as there are contraindications.
  • Electrophoresis. Exposure to direct current in combination with various medicinal substances has a beneficial effect on the entire body. The inflammatory process is reduced, pain is reduced, microcirculation is improved, and tissue regeneration is activated. Electrophoresis cannot be done if there is damage to the skin at the site of the bruise.
  • UHF - ultra-high frequency therapy or heat treatment - gives an amazing effect in the treatment of bruises. Swelling quickly resolves, pain decreases, fractures and wounds heal faster, and the inflammatory process goes away. Blood circulation improves. The body relaxes and muscle spasms are relieved. The procedure is contraindicated for people with certain heart and blood diseases, pregnant women and patients with low blood pressure.

In some cases, a bruise may cause a hematoma with a clear boundary that does not resolve for a long time. In this case, surgical intervention is possible.

Provoking factors

The foot plays a big role in the static-dynamic balance of the body. It functions as a support, so often the etiology of a foot injury is associated with awkward movements or overload of the muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the leg.

The main causes of foot bruises:

  • Impact with a heavy blunt object. Here we are talking about direct mechanical damage to the tissues of the leg. Cases of road accidents are especially dangerous.
  • Dislocation. It is often the result of an unsuccessful landing after a jump or fall, as well as wearing high-heeled shoes. People with underdeveloped ligaments are prone to dislocations, which is typical for mesenchymal dysplasia.
  • Foot overload. All athletes have had injuries at least once. Since the ankle is a support for the body, its injuries are most common.
  • Impact of the foot on an object. By kicking something heavy or hard, a person can get not only a foot bruise, but also a fracture. This type of injury is most relevant for young football players: children’s fragile ligaments are easily injured.

The high-risk group includes patients with weakened ligamentous-muscular apparatus. They are more likely than others to injure the foot and its joints.

Types of damage

Limb injuries are the most common reason why patients turn to traumatologists. There are different types of injuries, varying in severity. The more serious the injury, the longer the rehabilitation period. Depending on the type and type of injury, the doctor diagnoses and prescribes treatment. In the general classification of traumatic injuries, the following types of injuries are distinguished:

  • Sprain;
  • Ligament rupture;
  • Dislocation;
  • Injury;
  • Fracture.

Each of the injuries listed above is characterized by its own characteristics, symptoms, treatment methods and recovery period. In order for the patient to visually determine the type of injury that was received, as well as approximately assess the degree of its severity, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the main symptoms that a particular injury provokes.

Dislocation. Symptoms, features, treatment

A dislocation is an injury to a joint that causes displacement of its articular parts. Usually, when a dislocation occurs, the joint capsule is also damaged. Such injuries are provoked by strong blows, falls, or any sudden movements in an unnatural amplitude. There are also combined injuries called fracture-dislocations. With such forms of damage, the joint capsule ruptures and the articulating parts of the joints are torn. There is unbearable pain and springy resistance. A dislocated limb is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • External joint deformation;
  • Unnatural position of the injured limb;
  • Presence of pain;
  • The joint loses its functionality;
  • Inability to independently return the joint to its natural position.

In the case of a dislocation, after diagnosis, doctors usually straighten the joint, after which it is securely mobilized using a plaster cast or an orthosis, which you can buy on the website of the Orthosalon online store or in the Medtechnika Orthosalon chain of stores in your city.

Prevention measures

To avoid foot injuries, you should wear comfortable, proper shoes. Basic preventive measures:

  1. For running, it is recommended to choose running shoes suitable for this sport.
  2. Warming up warms up your joints and muscles, which reduces the risk of injury.
  3. It is not worth training in the gym without special shoes: the load on the ankle increases significantly.
  4. For people with weak ligaments, as well as professional athletes, dislocations and sprains become life companions. To protect the joints and arch of the foot, it is recommended to use bandages and fixing bandages.
  5. Compliance with safety precautions is required not only during sports exercises, but also in daily routine activities. You need to look at your feet, avoid awkward movements and not overexert your foot.

Wearing high-heeled shoes increases the load not only on the ankle, but also on the spine.

Foot injuries are serious and should not be taken lightly. Timely diagnosis and competent therapy will help avoid complications.

Sprain. Symptoms, features, treatment

Ligament sprains usually occur as a result of the patient making sudden movements that exceed the natural amplitude norm. The knee and ankle are most commonly affected by this type of injury. Although a sprain involves “stretching” the internal tissues of the ligament, in fact, any sprain is a microscopic tearing of the fibers that form the ligament.

Important! A sprained ligament and a sprained tendon are different concepts that should not be confused. If ligaments are elastic interosseous joints, then tendons are more structurally durable internal tissue that connects muscle and bone.

Symptoms of a sprain typically include the following:

  1. Pain occurs when the damaged joint moves, and also intensifies when trying to return the joint to its previous position;
  2. Pain occurs when tactile palpation of the damaged area;
  3. Pain when trying to lean on the sore leg, in some cases the person is completely unable to step on the sore limb;
  4. Swelling is also possible;
  5. Hematomas and changes in skin color appear in the damaged area.

If you receive such an injury, it is necessary to immobilize the limb and secure it with a tight bandage. Optimal compression for immobilizing the leg will be achieved by creating a bandage on the ankle joint or knee pad, depending on which area was damaged in your case.


A severe bruise of the leg can be caused by a simple fall at home or on the streets, it can be caused by a blow to the leg with a blunt object, and it can also be the result of sports, occupational injuries and road traffic accidents. The risk group is children and people doing heavy physical work. We list the main causes of such injury:

  • Damage to the foot and ankle may be preceded by heavy objects falling on them;
  • the shin can be damaged from a direct blow to it;
  • the femoral part is injured during a direct blow to it, during a fall, during sports activities or a traffic accident;
  • The knee joint can be damaged during a fall or when it is hit during training or household activities;
  • The hip joint can be bruised by a direct blow to it or from a side fall.

Ligament rupture. Symptoms, features, treatment

A ligament rupture, like a sprain, occurs when the amplitude of the movements performed is unnaturally increased. Ligament rupture can be complete or partial. Most often, such an injury occurs during intense training, but it can also occur at home. Depending on the severity, there are three main stages of ligament rupture:

  • Grade 1: partial rupture, in which the overall integrity of the ligament is preserved, but some fibers have torn under mechanical stress. The pain in this case is moderate;
  • Grade 2: more than 50% of the ligament is torn. With such an injury, bruising and swelling may form. The patient is unable to move the limb; there is instability in the joint;
  • 3rd degree: ligament rupture 90-100%. Severe pain, swelling, hematomas and bruises are the main companions to a complete rupture of the ligament.

As for individual symptoms that indicate ligament damage, these include:

  1. Acute pain that occurs at the time of injury or develops after injury;
  2. Change in skin color at the site of injury;
  3. Bruising;
  4. Swelling;
  5. The damaged joint loses its functionality.

In the event of a complete or partial rupture, it is necessary to immobilize the joint and get to the nearest emergency room as soon as possible. In this case, an x-ray examination will be required and, in the case of a complete rupture, the doctor will most likely put you in a plaster cast.


If your foot is injured, you should first go to an emergency room or clinic. Only a specialist can reliably determine the nature and extent of the injury.

Despite the fairly clear clinical picture of the bruise, to make a diagnosis, the doctor will need the following types of examination:

  • Palpation.
  • X-ray of the foot in two projections.

After the described manipulations, the diagnosis is confirmed by a traumatologist. If necessary, a consultation with a neurologist and orthopedist is scheduled.

First aid

Since a bruise of the lower limb is a fairly common injury that can be received on the street, at home, at work or in the gym, every person must know how first aid is provided for such injuries. The sequence of actions will be as follows:

  • the victim must be seated, and the injured limb must be placed on a pillow and provided with rest;
  • if there are skin damage (wounds, abrasions), they need to be disinfected;
  • if the leg is swollen, you need to carefully apply a non-pressure bandage;
  • A cold compress should be applied to the injured area. This could be a water bottle, an ice pack, or anything from the freezer. In order not to freeze the skin, the compress is applied through a towel for 10-20 minutes, the procedure can be repeated after half an hour;
  • if the bruise is severe and the victim feels acute pain, it is necessary to give a painkiller.

With 1-2 degrees of injury, the above actions are enough to relieve swelling and relieve pain, but if the uncomfortable symptoms do not go away and the swelling increases, you should definitely contact a traumatologist.

On the first day after injury, you should not rub your legs or apply heating compresses or ointments, and you should also limit physical activity.

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