Coronavirus pneumonia. My history. Matvey, 45 years old.

Indications for use of the Almag 01 magnetic therapy device

What diseases does magnetic therapy help with? The list of such ailments is extremely wide. The list of indications for use of Almag 01 includes various diseases of the musculoskeletal system, neurological disorders, diseases of the cardiovascular system, etc.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system for which the use of the device is indicated:

  • osteochondrosis of the spine with reflex radicular syndrome, affecting the cervical, thoracic or lumbar regions;
  • arthritis and arthrosis of various joints: glenohumeral periarthrosis, arthritis, epicondylitis, gout;
  • deforming osteoarthritis;
  • bursitis;
  • myositis;
  • paratenonitis

Damage to the musculoskeletal system and the consequences caused by them:

  • bone fractures;
  • wounds, soft tissue contusion, hematoma, post-traumatic edema;
  • damage to ligaments and muscles;
  • postoperative wounds;
  • internal joint injuries;
  • keloid scar;
  • sluggishly healing purulent wounds, phlegmon, burns.

Neurological disorders:

  • various diseases of the peripheral nervous system;
  • neuritis: facial nerve, radial nerve, ulnar nerve, median nerve, sciatic nerve (sciatica), peroneal nerve;
  • plexitis;
  • neuralgia: trigeminal nerve, occipital nerve, intercostal neuralgia;
  • spine and spinal cord injury;
  • vascular diseases of the brain (with a combination of transient cerebrovascular accidents and chronic ischemic heart disease): cerebrospinal circulatory disorders, ischemic stroke.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system:

  • hypertension stage I-II;
  • renal hypertension;
  • coronary heart disease with stable angina pectoris (in this case, the device must be used under the supervision of the attending physician);
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia of the hypertensive type;
  • obliterating atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities (obliterating endarteritis).

Dermatological diseases:

  • itchy dermatoses;
  • conditions after skin plastic surgery.

Chronic nonspecific lung diseases:

  • chronic pneumonia;
  • Chronical bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma.

Complications of diabetes:

  • diabetic angiopathy;
  • diabetic polyneuropathy.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • pancreatitis in the subacute and chronic stages of the disease;
  • chronic gastritis;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

Diseases of the venous system of the upper and lower extremities:

  • deep vein thrombosis of the leg;
  • chronic thrombophlebitis in the stage of trophic disorders;
  • varicose veins.

Diseases of the female genital organs:

  • diseases caused by ovarian hypofunction;
  • inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages during the subsidence of the acute process;
  • condition after surgical delivery (caesarean section).

Is it possible to use almag for oncology?

Magnets are characterized by a highly effective immunomodulatory effect and activation of natural intracellular protection. The magnetic field accelerates tissue regeneration processes, providing anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effects.

Before starting treatment, a person’s sensitivity to magnetic waves should be determined, since in its absence this technique is impractical.

Sensitivity to the influence of a magnetic field is determined as follows. Place the magnet in the center of the palm and wait for the reaction:

  • pulsation in the magnet area after 5 minutes indicates high sensitivity to the magnetic field;
  • the same sensations occurring after 20 minutes indicate average sensitivity;
  • if no sensations are observed within half an hour, then there is no sensitivity to the magnetic field at all.

The mechanism of influence of the magnetic field is as follows:

  • the physicochemical characteristics of cells change;
  • the permeability of cell membranes and the vascular wall improves;
  • the concentration of hormones and enzymes changes;
  • blood cholesterol levels decrease;
  • blood viscosity decreases;
  • the acid-base environment of the body changes;
  • T-lymphocytes are activated, which destroy pathological and foreign cells;
  • metabolism is normalized.

Magnetic therapy is used to treat pathologies of almost all organs and systems, as well as for preventive purposes and for recovery after long-term illnesses and operations. The magnetic field penetrates clothing, cosmetics, and plaster, which greatly simplifies the procedure.

System nameList of diseasesMechanism of action
  • stimulation of blood circulation;
  • normalization of the tone of lymphatic and blood vessels;
  • reduction of vasospasm;
  • blood thinning;
  • reducing the risk of thrombosis;
  • decreased blood pressure and nervous excitability due to inhibition of the cerebral cortex.
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis in an inactive form;
  • Chronic bronchitis;
  • Chronic pneumonia.
  • improvement of tissue nutrition;
  • accelerating the process of tissue regeneration;
  • anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects;
  • increasing the period of remission of chronic pulmonary diseases.
  • pain relief due to the exchange of charges between the membrane of nerve cells and the magnetic field;
  • increasing endorphin production, helping with neuroses and depression.
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Bone fractures;
  • Osteoarthritis;
  • Bruises;
  • Dislocations;
  • Radiculitis;
  • Arthritis of the joints;
  • Phantom joint pain.
  • reduction of pain syndrome;
  • elimination of muscle spasm;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • increasing the activity of calcium ions, promoting rapid healing of bones during fractures.
  • normalization of enzyme activity and acidity of gastric juice;
  • reduction of intestinal bloating and flatulence.
  • Diabetes;
  • Obesity.
  • decreased blood sugar;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • improvement of peripheral blood circulation;
  • improvement of metabolism of the upper and lower extremities.
GenitourinaryIn gynecology and urology: In men:
  • Impotence;
  • Prostatitis;
  • Decreased potency;
  • Diseases of the kidneys and urethra described above.
  • increasing blood supply to tissues;
  • increased hormone activity;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • elimination of hyperemia and swelling of tissues;
  • analgesic effect.
ENT organs
  • Acute and chronic rhinitis (hypertrophic, catarrhal, atrophic);
  • Chronic pharyngitis;
  • Otitis chronic;
  • Laryngitis;
  • Sinusitis;
  • Tracheitis;
  • Chronic tonsillitis;
  • Chronic frontal sinusitis.
  • pain relief, elimination of edema, resorption of infiltrate;
  • improvement of tissue trophism, preventing further progression.
Oral cavity
  • elimination of tissue swelling;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • activation of mucosal regeneration.
  • Conjunctivitis;
  • Keratitis;
  • Glaucoma;
  • Astigmatism;
  • Iritis;
  • Optic nerve atrophy;
  • Myopia.
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • improvement of trophism of eye tissue;
  • normalization of intraocular pressure.
  • improving the intensity of intracellular biochemical processes;
  • improvement of tissue trophism;
  • acceleration of tissue regeneration;
  • anti-inflammatory effect, accelerating acne resolution;
  • increasing the elastic properties of the skin;
  • acceleration of collagen synthesis;
  • reducing the density of scar tissue.
Rehabilitation after surgery
  • Pain syndrome;
  • Postoperative sutures, tissue swelling;
  • Reduced immunity.
  • stimulation of defenses;
  • increased resistance to infections;
  • acceleration of healing of postoperative wounds;
  • reduction of pain syndrome;
  • improvement of motor activity.

From the above we can conclude that magnetic therapy is advisable for most common diseases.

It is this effect, thanks to which magnetic therapy has received such flattering reviews, that makes its use in cancer and most benign tumors dangerous.

The procedure affects not only healthy tissues, but also cells that have undergone degeneration, causing them to actively grow and divide.

Not only the nutrition of healthy tissues improves, but also the nutrition of the tumor, its size increases, and the process of germination into neighboring organs and the formation of distant metastases begins to become more active.

Home magnetic therapy using devices such as Almag is strictly contraindicated for all malignant tumors.

Some patients are allowed general magnetic therapy: treatment using devices equipped with solenoids that generate a low-intensity field can be used as an auxiliary method of therapy.

But in the vast majority of cases, cancer is a contraindication to most physical procedures.

Almag 03: reviews from doctors

This device consists of a remote control and a magnetic emitter, which consists of 2 special strips. There are latches on the edges. In addition, inductors are placed on the strips, which play the main role in this device. The patient can independently choose the desired mode of operation. Dialmag Almag 03 is equipped with 4 modes, each of which is designed for a specific disease.

Using Almag 03 at home is easy. Before use, consult a doctor, as it has a number of contraindications.


As with any medical drug, there are also contraindications for Almag 03. Fortunately, the list is small, but you need to study it carefully so as not to harm your health. Attention! The device is strictly contraindicated for those people who have been diagnosed with malignant neoplasms or severe heart rhythm disturbances. If a pacemaker is installed, Almag 03 is also prohibited.

Women during pregnancy should postpone procedures with a physiotherapy device. People who have suffered a heart attack or stroke can return to the procedures 1.5 years after the body has fully recovered.

Other contraindications include:

  • alcoholism;
  • inflammatory processes in the head and neck area;
  • chronic thyroid diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • constant bleeding;
  • elevated body temperature.

It is definitely worth considering that physiotherapeutic procedures should not be performed on children under two years of age!

Today we decided to collect reviews from doctors on Almag 03. Perhaps they will help you make a choice.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the Almag 03 magnetic device can replace a course of procedures in a physiotherapy room. Proof of this is the extremely positive reviews from patients and doctors. Any disease can be defeated, the main thing is to know the correct methods of fight.

Medical equipment has the form of a mobile cabinet with a built-in graphic display. The protocol of treatment procedures is set through a computer, in the memory of which about 100 treatment schemes are recorded, and the command is sent to the components and devices of the device. Adjustment of the frequency and power of the magnetic field is also set via a computer.

Additional equipment is presented:

  • local emitters that focus the action of the magnetic field on specific parts of the body;
  • solenoids of various diameters used to act on limbs;
  • magnetic belts;
  • a couch with a movable type solenoid used to influence the whole body.

The solenoids create a circular magnetic field.

More details about the problem

The situation with benign tumors is not so clear. Stimulation of formations by a magnetic field can lead to malignancy, therefore, as in the case of malignant tumors, magnetic therapy is not usually prescribed for them. You can do procedures for some non-aggressive formations, such as uterine fibroids, as well as prostate adenoma.

However, magnetic therapy may be contraindicated for prostate adenoma. The instructions prohibit carrying out procedures in the presence of foci of malignant degeneration and certain concomitant diseases.

And in most cases, only a doctor can determine whether magnetic therapy will be useful.

Despite the fact that from the same instructions you can find out what magnetic therapy indications and contraindications have, many of the contraindications cannot be detected without additional diagnostics.

If the patient is allowed magnetic therapy, you can buy a simple budget device for a price of 2,500 rubles. For those who are indicated for procedures using PuMP, magnetic therapy will cost slightly more: the price of a course of procedures using modern high-tech devices can be very high.

Source: //


There are certain contraindications to the use of the Almag 01 device, so we recommend that you check the side effects and contraindications with your doctor.

The device is not recommended for use during pregnancy, or in the following cases:

  • the presence of an implanted pacemaker in the affected area;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • systemic blood diseases;
  • the presence of an inflammatory disease in the acute phase;
  • detected oncological diseases
  • inflammatory diseases in the acute period;
  • severe hypotension;
  • purulent processes before surgical treatment;
  • coronary heart disease in severe form;
  • acute period of cerebrovascular accident;
  • early post-infarction period;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • diencephalic syndrome.

Which side should you apply Almag 01 to your body?

To use the medical device correctly, you need to figure out how to apply Almag 01. It is important to know the following:

  • the device consists of four inductors superimposed on the problem area;
  • due to design features, both surfaces (flat sides) of each inductor are working, which means that it makes no difference which side the device is applied to the body;
  • inductor coils should not be twisted together by 180 °
  • before the procedure you need to choose a comfortable position;
  • treatment can be carried out through light clothing, as well as through a dry bandage of plaster or gauze.

Instructions for use of the device "Almag 01"

If you do not know how to use Almag 01, the instructions for using the device will definitely be useful to you. Please read it carefully before starting treatment.

Technical characteristics of the device ALMAG-01:

The device is powered from an alternating current networkfrequency 50 Hz, voltage 220 V (- 10%, + 10%) or 230 V (- 10%, + 6%)
Power consumed by the device from the network, no more35 W
Weight of the device no more than0.62 kg
Overall dimensions of the device
— electronic unit137 x 60 x 45 mm
— impact unit (one of the coils)15 x 90 mm
Number of impact nodes4
The amplitude value of the magnetic induction on the working surface (both flat sides) of the inductor coil of the coil group of the device is(20 ± 6) mT
The pulse duration is1.5 - 2.5 ms
Repetition frequency of magnetic field pulses in each coil6 Hz
The device provides operation in intermittent mode for 6 hoursoperating time (22±1) min., break 10 min.
The device automatically disconnects from the network after(22±1) min
Mean time between failuresnot less than 1000 h
Average service life5 years

Schematic electrical diagram of "Almag 01"

People planning to use the Almag 01 device will find its diagram useful. It can be seen that the device consists of several main elements. This:

  • electronic unit responsible for generating current pulses;
  • influence unit - four inductor coils, which are connected to each other and are used to influence parts of the body affected by various diseases;
  • cable;
  • power cord.

The electronics housing is made of polystyrene, a lightweight, impact-resistant material.

When you connect the medical device to the network, two light indicators on the body light up:

  • green indicates that the device is connected to the network;
  • yellow indicates that the device is working - thanks to the connection with the timer, it goes out 20 minutes after turning on Almag 01 to the network, and the influence of the device stops, that is, the magnetic field is no longer generated.

The electrical circuit of the device is designed in such a way that for its full functioning, a break of at least 10 minutes is required between 20-minute sessions.


Package Included:

  • apparatus "Almag 01";
  • magnetic field indicator;
  • additional fastening elements;
  • user manual.

Principle of operation

The operating principle of the Almag 01 medical device is based on the use of a traveling pulsed magnetic field (TPMF). Any magnetic fields can have a healing effect on the human body, enhancing intercellular and intracellular exchange 1.

However, the BIMP has an important feature: its pulses fall in the range from 4 to 16 Hz. According to the research of the American biologist W.R. Adey2, this is a range of biologically active frequencies characteristic of our body.

The device has a rhythmic effect on diseased organs and tissues. As a result:

  • the electromagnetic characteristics of cells that have changed as a result of the disease are restored;
  • the interaction between chemical elements participating in redox processes improves, and this, in turn, also leads to the restoration of impaired body functions.

The inductor coils of the device are designed in such a way that a traveling pulsed magnetic field can penetrate deep into tissue to a depth of 8 centimeters. Thanks to this, it is possible to treat diseases of organs located deep under the skin.

It is also important to note that the device improves blood flow at the site of treatment. It means that:

  • blood viscosity decreases and, accordingly, the risk of blood clots decreases;
  • The lumen of blood vessels increases, additional capillaries open, they become more permeable.

Blood supply in the area affected by the Almag 01 device is significantly improved. The cells are provided with the necessary oxygen, construction proteins and immunoglobulins, and inflammatory products are promptly removed from them. Metabolism is activated, this leads to the fact that regeneration processes proceed more quickly, cells are restored and renewed, and the progression of the disease slows down.

The nervous system is most susceptible to the effects of BIMPs. The use of Almag 01 helps stimulate inhibition processes, which provides a sedative (calming) effect. The device can be used to treat some cases of insomnia, as the magnetic field promotes healthy sleep.

The device normalizes the production and release into the blood of hormones in the brain structures that affect the function of endocrine organs. Thanks to this, you can use it to:

  • correct some hormonal imbalances;
  • create an anti-stress effect;

Also, the Almag 01 medical device effectively treats pain syndromes of various origins. This is ensured due to the fact that BIMP is able to reduce the sensitivity of peripheral nerve receptors, and this, in turn, causes gradual attenuation and complete disappearance of pain.

The device can also help people with cerebrovascular accidents. A running pulsed magnetic field reduces the tone of brain vessels and increases their lumen. This improves cerebral circulation and makes metabolism more active 3.

The medical device has a significant impact on the cardiovascular system. Thanks to it, the heart rate is normalized, blood vessels dilate, and blood flow improves. This allows, for example, to effectively combat hypertension.

The effect of BIMP stimulates metabolic processes, provides analgesic, anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory effects. Studies have shown that during a course of treatment using Almag 01, the number of leukocytes in the blood increases. This means that the device stimulates the work of the thymus gland, lymph nodes, spleen and other immunocompetent organs.

This medical device has another important feature. Regardless of what disease you are treating, during the treatment biologically active points are stimulated, which causes a reflex response in the muscles and internal organs associated with them. This also benefits the body4.

Any organism has such a characteristic as the level of adaptation. It can be defined as the ability to withstand the negative influences of the external environment, as well as the ability to self-heal. A course of treatment with Almag 01 not only provides a variety of therapeutic effects, but also leads to a smooth increase in the patient’s level of adaptation. This contributes to the treatment of not only acute but also chronic diseases.

The device "Almag 01"

The device is extremely simple. Its main elements are an electronic unit that generates current pulses, an impact unit, which includes four interconnected inductor coils, a cable and an electronic cord. All connections are flexible and permanent5.

There are two indicators on the electronic unit housing. Green indicates that the device is connected to the network, yellow indicates that the device is working. The yellow indicator is connected to a timer and stops generating a magnetic field 20 minutes after being connected to the network. If the yellow indicator goes out, you need to turn off Almag 01 and reconnect it to the power supply after at least 10 minutes.

Inductor coils are used directly to influence the human body. Each of them has two working surfaces. This means that it makes no difference which side you apply them to.

To determine whether the device is in working order, use the magnetic field indicator included in the package. Apply it alternately to the working surfaces of the coils. It will indicate that the device is working by flashing a light or vibrating (depending on the specific type of indicator included with your device).

If you connect the device to the power supply and it is working properly, then the electronic unit begins to generate current pulses, which are distributed over coils that convert them into magnetic induction pulses. As a result, a traveling pulsed magnetic field is created in the direction from the first coil to the fourth. It provides the therapeutic effect the patient needs.

Magnetic field indicator in Almag-01

What is the included magnetic field indicator used for? This is an important additional device. The indicator will show whether the Almag 01 device is working.

How to use the device? To check the functionality of the device, it is enough:

  • connect “Almag 01” to the network;
  • put the indicator on the work surface - you can select any of the four coils.

If everything is in order with the device, it is connected to the network and generates a magnetic field, the light on the indicator body will begin to blink. If this does not happen, check that you have inserted the plug well into the outlet. If the light does not blink, this may mean the following:

  • problems with connecting to the electrical network;
  • device malfunction;
  • indicator malfunction.

Some devices come with an indicator that indicates the operation of the device not by flashing a light bulb, but by vibration.

If Almag 01 does not work and the warranty period has not yet expired, you need to contact the store where you purchased it. They will exchange your faulty device for a new one or help you send it to a service center so that specialists can fix the problem.

Is it possible to use an almagic for oncology?

Magnetic fields have been used to treat chronic diseases and serious injuries since the early 18th century. It is used to combat arthritis, arthrosis, algodismenorrhea, excess body weight, frostbite, etc. Magnetic therapy has also proven effective in treating lymphatic disorders such as varicose veins. You can try this technique on yourself by purchasing an Almag device.

What is Almag?

Almag for varicose veins is prescribed as a physiotherapeutic treatment, i.e. the patient cannot refuse medications and compression garments while using them.

The device applies a magnetic field to areas affected by varicose veins. Depending on the model, it supports 2 radiation generation modes: variable and constant. They alternate during sessions.

Do not use Almag during pregnancy, if you are prone to bleeding, have cancer, have problems with the thyroid gland, or have metal prostheses or pacemakers. Magnetic therapy is contraindicated in such cases.

Using the Almag 01 device for varicose veins, reviews of which are below, you will be able to influence problem areas only with a running pulsed field.

The device includes 4 inductors and an electronic unit. The device is connected to the outlet. The current supply begins after the green indicator lights up.

As soon as the yellow light on the device body lights up, it is ready for use.

22 minutes after the start of operation, the device will turn off. If you are going to continue the session or give the Almag to someone for therapy, you need to unplug it and then plug it back into the network.

Operating principle of the device

Almag generates a magnetic field. It relieves pain, relieves inflammation, strengthens, relaxes and accelerates tissue regeneration. Toxins are removed from the body faster, blood flow increases, and the walls of blood vessels thicken. Increasing blood flow relaxes muscles, relieves spasms, and saturates the body with oxygen. After several sessions, the person begins to feel rested.

The strength of the Earth's geomagnetic field decreases by 6% every century. This is reflected in the flora and fauna. The lifespan of mammals is decreasing, tree growth is slowing, and people are becoming more susceptible to stress and problems with the cardiovascular system.

Unfortunately, the device will not be able to help if the vessels are located deeper than 6 cm. It is this thickness that the magnetic field created by the Almag device acts on. As for the interaction of the magnetic field of the device and a person, it does not occur. The resulting magnetism is of a natural nature and therefore does not conflict with the human magnetic field.

Advantages of therapy with the Almag device

  • Versatility. In addition to varicose veins, you can fight other ailments.
  • Simplicity. The instructions supplied with the device allow it to be used even by a person without professional medical education.
  • Efficiency. By regularly performing procedures, you will strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce pain, and improve tissue regeneration.
  • Miniature dimensions. You can take the device with you to the dacha, on a trip or to work.
  • Long lasting effect. Unlike tablets, the effects of which disappear after a couple of days, the effect of regular procedures lasts up to 6 months. If the disease is advanced, up to 5-6 courses may be needed in 1 year.
  • Cheapness. You buy the device once. No components, no consumables.
  • Hypoallergenic. The indicators are made from plastic and neodymium alloy, so they do not cause reactions when they come into contact with the skin.
  • Absence of tachyphylaxis. The effect of the magnetic field is not addictive, so its effectiveness does not decrease.

Can Almag be used without consulting a doctor?

No you can not. Many, having read reviews about the use of the Almag device for varicose veins, believe that it should help them too. This is wrong. A doctor must prescribe procedures using the Almag device.

The standard course of treatment is 20 procedures, then a break is taken for several months. The patient must monitor his condition while exposed to the device. If nausea, dizziness, or ringing in the ears occurs, it is recommended to reschedule the session to the next day.

If symptoms reappear after exposure to the magnetic field, the procedures are stopped.

Reviews of the Almag device

Irina Alekseenko, 29 years old, Moscow.

My grandmother heard stories from her colleagues at work about the miraculous effects of the device and decided to purchase Almag. We took this with a smile, but after a couple of months she stopped complaining about pain in her legs, and there were fewer spider veins. Of course, the device is not a panacea for varicose veins, but it will help relieve swelling.

Igor Prokofiev, 37 years old, St. Petersburg.

I purchased Almag as prescribed by my therapist. Used in conjunction with medications, ointments and compression garments. I don’t know what exactly helped, but after 4 months the pain stopped. I was able to go to the gym again.

Alexandra Belyaeva, 30 years old, Yekaterinburg.

Almag was recommended to purchase by a phlebologist from a local clinic. I didn’t notice any particular effect after 2 months of therapy. The swelling did not decrease, the pain while walking remained.

As reviews show, almag for varicose veins is effective in combination with medications. The condition of blood vessels and capillaries at the time of initiation of therapy plays an important role.

Therefore, if you are not 100% sure that the device will help reduce varicose veins, undergo a course of treatment with it at the clinic.

If after several sessions you notice improvements, then you can safely purchase the device for home use.

How to use the Almag device?

Often patients, having bought Almag for varicose veins, do not understand how to use it at all, even after reading the instructions. But it's not that difficult:

  1. Check if the machine is working by looking at the green and yellow indicator. It should burn.
  2. Find a comfortable position: sit with your legs extended or lie down on the bed.
  3. Place the inductors on the area affected by varicose veins. It is better to lay them on bare skin, but if you have high sensitivity, then lay a thin fabric.
  4. In the first session, treat the area for 10 minutes. Increase the duration of subsequent sessions by 1-2 minutes until you reach 20 minutes.
  5. After you have treated one area, unplug the device, plug it in again and begin treating another area.
  6. The minimum course of treatment is 2 months. Sessions are carried out 2 times a day, at the same time, before meals.

Painful sensations may accompany the first 2-3 sessions, then they will pass. There may be a feeling of warmth in the area affected by the device. On day 4, many patients notice an exacerbation of pain. This is normal, this is how the body reacts to therapy. At this point it is important to continue the sessions. The second course of therapy begins a month after the first, and the third - 2-3 months later.

Remember, the secret to successful treatment of varicose veins is a comprehensive approach to the disease. Compliance with physiotherapeutic and medication prescriptions, moderate physical activity and diet will restore health to your cardiovascular system.

Source: //

Safety precautions when working with the device

  1. Before using the device, be sure to carefully read the instruction manual.
  2. Inspect the device. Make sure that the housing, inductors and cables are not damaged. If there is any damage, the Almag 01 device must not be used under any circumstances.
  3. The device can only be connected to a working electrical outlet. Sockets with an operating voltage of ~220V (-10%, +10%) or ~230V (-10%, +6%) and a frequency of 50 Hz are suitable. Make sure that the network cable is not stretched to the limit when connecting.
  4. Protect the device from dampness, shock and shock. When treating the device with a disinfectant solution, avoid getting moisture inside the inductor coils and the electronic unit.

Precautions for therapeutic effects

  1. The duration of the first procedure is 10 minutes or even less.
  2. When treating two zones, the total exposure time is no more than 30 minutes.
  3. If an effect on the cervicothoracic spine is necessary, the duration of the first three procedures is no more than 10 minutes.
  4. Direct effects on the heart and brain are prohibited.

The device cannot:

  • lift and carry by the power cord;
  • place next to magnetic storage media and magnetically sensitive devices (audio, video equipment and other similar devices).

How to check the functionality of the Almag 01 device?

The delivery set includes a special device - a magnetic field indicator. It is intended to test the functionality of the Almag 01 device. It's very easy to use:

  • turn on the device;
  • place the indicator on the working surface of the coil;
  • Wait until the indicator blinks or vibrates (depending on which model is included in your kit).

If the indicator does not react in any way when the device is turned on, then something is wrong with the device.

Methods for applying inductors for various diseases

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Arthropathy (arthritis, arthrosis) of non-infectious etiology

In the case of arthritis of one joint, a line of four inducers is applied in a spiral pattern around the joint, engaging the surrounding tissue. In case of damage to two joints, one pair of inductors is placed on one affected joint, the second pair on the second.

An example of treatment for knee arthritis - Fig. 1

An example of treatment for hip arthritis - Fig. 2.

Osteochondropathies, heel spurs

For osteochondropathy and heel spurs, the procedure is performed using the transverse method, placing pairs of inductors on both sides of the pathological focus.

An example of heel spur treatment - Fig. 3.

Osteochondrosis of the spine, including herniated disc, scoliosis

Pairs of inductors are placed parallel along the spine on the long back muscles so that the problematic vertebrae are located between the inductors.

If there are changes in the vertebrae over a large area, the effect is carried out with a line of four inductors directly on the affected areas of the spine.

An example of treatment for lumbar osteochondrosis - Fig. 4.

In the case of osteochondrosis (intervertebral hernia), complicated by radicular syndrome, the impact is first carried out on the problem area of ​​the spine, after which the line of emitters must be installed along the affected nerve and the impact is carried out on the second area.

An example of treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome - Fig. 5.


A line of four inductors is applied along the bone on which the pain syndrome is expressed.

The time of one procedure should correspond to age dosages.

An example of osteoporosis treatment - Fig. 6.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Dystonia and hypertension stages 1 and 2 (essential hypertension)

For dystonia and hypertension stages 1 and 2, a line of four inductors is placed on the collar area.

The exposure time should correspond to age-specific dosages.

An example of the treatment of hypertension and dystonia - Fig. 7.

Complications of diabetes

In the treatment of diabetic polyneuro- and angiopathy, first a line of four inductor coils is placed along the front surface of the lower leg and below, to the back of the foot. After the end of the impact, a line of four inductor coils is transferred to the anterior-inner surface of the thigh and the impact is carried out. If both legs are affected, the procedure is performed on one leg during one day, and on the other the next day.

An example of diabetes treatment - Fig. 8.

Vascular diseases

Atherosclerosis of leg vessels (obliterating endarteritis)

In case of atherosclerotic occlusion of the arteries of the lower extremities, a line of four inductor coils is placed along the anterior surface of the leg along the course of the vessels (from top to bottom) and nerves - from the occlusion zone and below. The first inductor is located proximally (closer to the body).

In case of damage to both limbs, procedures are given to both limbs once a day. If one leg is affected, then at home the procedure is performed twice a day.

An example of treatment of atherosclerosis of leg vessels - Fig. 9.

Diseases of the veins (chronic venous insufficiency, including with ulcers and inflammation) and lymphatic vessels

For diseases of the veins (varicose veins of the lower extremities with ulcers and inflammation, chronic venous insufficiency) and lymphatic vessels (lymphostasis), a line of four inductor coils is placed along the back surface of the lower leg and above. The first inductor is located distally (closer to the ankle joint), the fourth - in the area of ​​the popliteal fossa.

In case of damage to both limbs, procedures are given to both limbs once a day. If one leg is affected, then at home the procedure is performed twice a day with an interval of at least 6 hours.

An example of the treatment of varicose veins - Fig. 10.

Lung diseases

Bronchial asthma

First, both pairs of inductors are placed in two fields - parallel to the spine in the interscapular region. After exposure to the interscapular region in accordance with the age-specific dosage, both pairs of inductors are fastened into a ruler and it is installed along the lower edge of the costal arch to effect the lower parts of the lungs and adrenal glands. The exposure time for adults in this area is 10 minutes; in children - in accordance with age-specific dosages. Treatments are given once a day.

An example of the treatment of bronchial asthma - Fig. eleven.


Both pairs of inductors are placed in two fields - parallel to the spine in the interscapular region.

An example of bronchitis treatment - Fig. 12.

Neurological diseases

Lesions of individual nerve roots and plexuses of the upper and lower extremities, including after injuries, stroke

In case of lesions of individual nerve roots and plexuses of the upper and lower extremities (neuritis, cerebral palsy and associated paresis, hypertonicity), inductors are applied to the affected nerve plexus and along the course of the affected nerve in accordance with the age-specific dosage. The choice of the number of exposure inducers depends on the length of the affected nerve root.

An example of treatment of sciatic nerve neuritis - Fig. 13.

In cases of damage to the nerve roots after a stroke - once a day: first, exposure to a line of four inductors is carried out on the collar area, after which the inductors are installed on the projection of the affected nerve roots and plexuses and the next exposure is carried out in accordance with the age dosage.

An example of treatment of the consequences of a stroke - Fig. 14.

Injuries (fractures)

Inductor coils are placed along the projection of the lesion. It is allowed to carry out the impact through gauze or plaster bandages. The number of inductors is determined by the area of ​​the injury area.

An example of treatment for a fractured leg bone – Fig. 15.

An example of treatment for a fracture of the forearm bones - Fig. 16.


Treatment with Almag has many advantages. The most important of them:

  • ease of use - to conduct a session, you do not need to have special knowledge and skills;
  • the ability to influence not only the skin, but also the internal organs of a person - this is achieved due to the fact that the magnetic field can penetrate 6-8 cm inside the human body;
  • safety of the device - subject to the basic precautions indicated above, it can be used by elderly people, as well as people in a weakened state;
  • good tolerance of the magnetic field by patients for whom other physiotherapeutic procedures are contraindicated;
  • complete absence of any dependence or addiction, as well as side effects - you can calmly stop the procedures at any time;
  • Almag treatment can be done at home, so you don’t have to periodically visit the treatment room, wait in line, or arrange an appointment time6;
  • the ability to cover various problem areas in one course;
  • long-term use - the average lifespan of the device is 5 years, but it can serve you longer.

The main advantage of the Almag 01 device is, of course, its high efficiency. It is confirmed by clinical studies conducted, in particular, at the Russian Scientific Center for Restorative Medicine and Balneology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the Moscow City Clinical Hospital No. 1 named after N. I. Pirogov.

“Proven” effectiveness of ALMAG: truth or scam?

Anyone who has not heard of the ALMAG 1 device does not live in Russia. This device is actively advertised on TV, in free and paid newspapers, and venerable stars broadcast from TV screens about its benefits and effectiveness.

The articles on the Internet are all right: they praise ALMAG and immediately put a link, they say, this is the link you can use just today to buy a miraculous device for only 8,000 rubles instead of the usual 10,000 rubles.

We decided to look into it and find real evidence of the effectiveness of this physiotherapy device for home use. Is it worth spending that kind of money on it?

What is this

Everyone has heard about ALMAG, but no one really knows about it. We specifically asked a couple of our friends aged from 55 to 85 years old and here are the results we got:

“it’s something about the joints, I don’t really know how it works, but it seems to help”

“It has magnets, it accelerates the blood, my osteochondrosis went away from it and my back stopped hurting”

“The doctor told me to buy it, I bought it, leave me alone”

As you can see, there is no clear understanding among the adult generation, but perhaps we have found such incurious examples

Source: //

How does the device work?

Almag can operate from a standard 220 volt outlet. It consists of:

  • electronic unit (generates current pulses);
  • 4 inductor coils, 9 cm in diameter (for influencing certain areas of the body).

As soon as the device is connected to the network, a green indicator on its body lights up. Each coil can be applied to a sore spot, from either side. It also has a special indicator indicating that the device is working properly.

The operating time of the device is 20 minutes. After this time, Almag switches off on its own.

Principle of operation

Thanks to the effect of the generated magnetic field on the body, restoration and acceleration of basic processes are observed:

  1. exchange;
  2. immune;
  3. neurovegetative.

This makes it possible to use Almag to relieve the inflammatory process of the affected area of ​​the body, reduce its swelling and tension. In addition, there is an improvement in blood circulation and supply to the main organs. This allows wounds to heal more actively, thereby reducing recovery time. The magnetic field can stop the nerve impulse from the affected area and stop the pain.

The average price of the Almag-01 device is from 6 thousand Russian rubles to 9500. You can purchase it both in the pharmacy chain and at medical equipment exhibitions. You can read reviews about the device on the Internet.

Due to the spatial and temporal heterogeneity of the pulsed field, the impact on the body occurs on almost all cellular structures. Traveling waves are able to penetrate 6-8 cm under the skin and spread to all vital organs, while restoring the biological field of tissues and putting the electrical balance in order. The treatment gives results after just a few sessions.

How should Almag be used?

The device can only be used on the recommendation of a doctor and after a thorough examination. Be sure to read the instructions for use.

The coils are applied to the damaged area directly on the skin or gauze. The course of such treatment will depend on the characteristics of the disease and its course.

On average, the treatment period is from 10 to 20 procedures. The first 4 of them last no more than 10 minutes, the next 15, and starting from the 8th procedure, the exposure time is increased to 20 minutes.

The course of therapy can be repeated after a month. Some patients left reviews on the manufacturer’s website and talked about good results after just 1 course, especially when the treatment was carried out under the supervision of doctors.

Almag can be used to treat not only diseases of the joints and spine, but also a number of ailments:

  • heart and blood vessels (hypertension 1-2 degrees, obliterating endarteritis);
  • venous system (thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, condition after phlebectomy);
  • stomach and digestive tract (chronic gastritis, chronic and subacute pancreatitis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, biliary dyskinesia);
  • respiratory organs (bronchial asthma, chronic pneumonia and bronchitis);
  • damage and trauma (bone fractures, soft tissue bruises, burns, cellulitis, hematomas, muscle and ligament damage, poorly healing wounds).

In addition, numerous reviews have shown quite high effectiveness for: neurological problems, dermatological diseases, complications of diabetes, genitourinary diseases, headaches caused by disorders of the brain and blood circulation, gynecological diseases, neurasthenia and complex depressive states of a person.

Doctors categorically prohibit the use of the device:

  • during pregnancy of any stage;
  • with purulent processes and acute inflammation;
  • immediately after a stroke or heart attack;
  • for oncological diseases;
  • if you have a pacemaker;
  • with pronounced hypotension;
  • in the presence of systemic blood diseases and a predisposition to bleeding and coagulation disorders.

Reviews show that the Almag device has proven itself quite ambiguously in oncology therapy. If the patient suffers from arthrosis and there is a suspicion of cancer, then in such a situation the knee joint should be treated with extreme caution.

Otherwise, there is a high probability of active growth of cancer cells and aggravation of the problem. Therefore, it is recommended to seek medical advice and exclude unauthorized treatment.

In other situations, treatment with the device can be carried out without restrictions.

Treatment of the knee joint and spine with Almag

Many diseases of the spine and joints can be extremely difficult to treat with medications, for example:

  • reactive arthritis;
  • gout;
  • bursitis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • arthrosis

The symptoms of these ailments are quite severe pain, acute inflammation, tissue swelling and damage to their structure. The goal of therapy for chronic diseases of the joints (and the knee in particular) is to relieve swelling, pain, and provide a regenerative effect on cartilage.


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This helps stop the development of the disease and relieve pain with minimal harm to the human body.

The goal can be achieved if the treatment is comprehensive and the following is applied:

  • magnetic therapy;
  • medications.

Using the Almag-01 device makes it possible to significantly enhance the effect of therapy and influence exactly the cause of the problem. Under the beneficial influence of impulses, there is a significant improvement in blood circulation and an increase in oscillatory movements:

  • plasma;
  • squirrel;
  • red blood cells

As a result, there is a positive effect on the condition of diseased cells and soft tissues: trophism is significantly improved, and the process of removing decay products is accelerated. As a result, metabolism is activated, the inflammatory process is reduced, swelling occurs against the background of increased permeability of the vascular walls, and natural restoration of the affected tissue begins.

Magnetic vibrations affect the nerve endings that are responsible for transmitting the pain impulse to the cerebral cortex, while dulling the transmission of the signal along the nerve itself. This process is the basis for the analgesic effect of magnetic therapy.

Such treatment with Almag can significantly reduce or even completely eliminate the signs of the disease. The condition of the knee joint improves and it becomes moderately mobile.

Magnetic resonance therapy helps enhance the effects of medications, reduce their side effects and the dosages used.

It is quite convenient to carry out treatment thanks to the special design of the Almag and its coils. It is possible to apply inductors only around the affected joint and wrap it. With equal effectiveness, the device will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the joint:

  • shoulder;
  • knee;
  • elbow;
  • carpal;
  • ankle

If adjacent joints are affected, then the chain of inductors of the Almag apparatus is placed along the affected limb, covering both joints. No more than 2 joints can be treated in one course of therapy. After this, you should take a 10-day break and begin to heal the remaining affected areas.

Mechanism of action

A traveling pulsed magnetic field is significantly more effective in affecting the cells of the human body than alternating and constant fields. Thanks to this, the device:

  • restores damaged cells and tissues;
  • improves intracellular and intercellular metabolism;
  • stimulates the restoration processes that occur in tissues.

A course consisting of 10-20 sessions helps relieve pain and improve well-being, and also promotes recovery.

Instrument statistics

Clinical studies have shown that during a course of using the Almag 01 device, the following is observed:

  • in 27.6% of patients there was a marked improvement;
  • 51.4% of patients had moderate improvement;
  • in 21% of patients there was a slight improvement.

No deterioration of the condition was recorded.

Specialists from City Clinical Hospital No. 11 7 (Ryazan) used the device to treat patients suffering from benign hyperplasia. As a result, in more than 90% of patients, pain in the genital area decreased or disappeared, and in many patients with symptoms of sexual disorders, restoration of copulatory function was noted.

In the Central Park of the State Military Clinical Hospital named after. Academician N. N. Burdenko “Almag 01” was used to treat injuries. Studies have shown that treatment times were reduced by approximately 10% compared to a control group of patients who did not participate in sessions using the device.

Almag-01 – placebo or therapeutic device?

Our society is choked with a barrage of advertisements guaranteeing relief from various health problems.

Due to the fact that advertising cannot tell everything, the consumer is informed about those aspects of the product for which it was created, leaving other nuances behind the scenes.

Because of this, the audience has formed an opinion about everything that is advertised - everything that is advertised is a deception, since often the consumer buys a product imagining one thing, but in fact receives unfulfilled hopes.

In newspapers and on television you can often see advertisements for the Almag-01 physiotherapeutic device. It is produced at JSC Elatomsky Instrument Plant. Developed by Yu. V. Berlin in 1999 and registered with the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

When we were offered to release it, I myself had quite serious skepticism about the efficiency/price ratio inherent in the device, since the price in relation to our flagship at that time - the MAG-30-3 device - was 3.5 times higher .

A short excursion into what problem it is advertised to solve. The bulk of advertising falls on the treatment of a rather serious problem from which people do not die, but it contributes to the decline of the body - arthritis.

This is a problem that deprives a person of one of the most important functions - free movement.

Sick joints reduce the quality of life not only by limiting movement, but also disrupt sleep, which is the main rehabilitator of a person, and force you to take medications that have a negative effect not only on the stomach and liver, but also on the cardiovascular system.

It should be noted that the rate of appearance of patients with arthrosis begins to exceed the rate of appearance of patients with heart pathology. But, I repeat, patients do not die directly from this disease, so they are not trumpeting about it from high places.

Patients with arthritis, for whom “everything” hurts, also have comorbidities. When analyzing the literature, almost 100% of patients with arthrosis have vascular diseases, vascular atherosclerosis. Microscopy of vessels taken during autopsies of patients who died from cardiovascular diseases naturally revealed changes in the vessels of the heart and brain.

At the same time, microscopy of the tissues through which the joints are nourished was performed. In all these same patients, similar problems were found in the vessels that feed the joints, which at the moment will allow us to introduce the term “articular atherosclerosis” (Vertkin A.L.).

This makes us wonder if the cause of arthrosis is atherosclerosis of the vessels that feed the joints?

As a rule, the patient does not consult a doctor at the first symptoms of arthritis, but goes to him when he becomes “unbearable.” When seeing a patient with joint problems, the doctor faces three questions:

  • Are patients ready to be treated?
  • How much are patients willing to spend on their treatment?
  • How should patients be treated with medications to relieve pain due to concomitant diseases?

Patients are ready to be treated because they are already tired of pain. They wait for appointments from doctors in whom they have great confidence.

They want treatment that is cheap, effective and that the medicine helps with existing concomitant diseases. They want to be treated quickly, but the situation forces them to take a long time to be treated, since the process is irreversible and, most importantly, it is necessary to stop its progression!

How to treat? As a rule, they take NSAIDs, and patients, having learned several drugs from doctors and having once received an effect, having learned from a neighbor about another drug that helped him, begin to combine medications without thinking about the consequences.

There is a “gold standard” - the standard drug for the treatment of arthritis - diclofenac, which leads to damage to the gastrointestinal tract.

Today, diclofenac must be considered primarily as a drug that has side effects from the gastrointestinal tract, which aggravates the situation with varicose veins, and also negatively affects problems from the cardiovascular system, which, as we have already found out, so suffers due to vascular disorders. The standard treatment for knee arthritis also includes magnetic therapy.

After such a short introduction, we move on to the object of advertising - the Almag-01 device. When the device appeared, the requirements for conducting clinical studies were the same.

The devices in the Committee on New Medical Technology were given a start in life based on the opinions of authoritative experts who evaluated the device during clinical trials in their medical institution.

There were no report forms at that time, so they gave their conclusion on one A4 sheet, where the effectiveness was sparingly indicated, the safety of using the device and recommendations for registering the device were indicated. Based on such reviews and the decision of the Commission on New Medical Technology, the Almag-01 device received a start in life - a registration certificate.

Further, in order for us to know for ourselves the effectiveness of the manufactured device, reports and reviews from doctors were collected, and additional clinical and economic studies were conducted. They confirmed the correctness of the chosen parameters of the magnetic field, which were put into it by Yu. V. Berlin, who, by the way, worked with Yu. A. Kholodov, the founder of domestic magnetic therapy.

Quite recently, while doing work to improve the Almag-01 device, and faced with questions about trust in the Almag device, reviews on the Internet, which were not always positive, I decided to conduct an experiment, the assessment of the effectiveness of which cannot be influenced by the human factor.

A new Almag+ device was taken, in which one of the parameters is identical to the parameters of the magnetic field Almag-01 - magnetic field frequency 6.25 Hz, traveling pulsed magnetic field, 4 coils, magnetic field strength 20 mT.

We were lucky to have a patient: a 42-year-old patient with grade I-II osteoarthritis deformans. right and left knee joint, subacute form. There is concomitant hypertension, stage I.

Complaints at the start of treatment: morning stiffness, increased pain at the end of the working day in the right knee joint.

The patient came to us for procedures at almost the same time after performing the same work with the same load. I did NOT use medications – tablets and ointments.

The most valuable thing in this experiment was an objective assessment of the effectiveness of treatment - effectiveness monitoring was carried out using a professional, albeit industrial, thermal imager with SuperResolution testo 875-1i. But I didn’t see much difference from the medical one, since this device has a fairly good resolution and measurement range.

Let my colleagues forgive me, no other studies were carried out in video assessments on the VAS scale, goniometry, assessment of joint volume, since such an assessment of the effectiveness of treatment has already been given by the International Public Organization “Society for Pharmacoeconomic Research” in a prospective, controlled, randomized, double-blind study “Clinico -economic analysis of the effectiveness of using the Almag-01 device in patients with gonarthrosis.”

In order to know where the norm is and where the pathology (disease) is, and how to evaluate the results, we first “photographed” the healthy knee of a 45-year-old man with a thermal imager. The normal kneecap temperature was 29.4˚C. At the site of attachment of M.vastus lateralis of the quadriceps femoris muscle, the temperature was 31.4°C.

The procedure was carried out on a healthy joint according to the standard method, wrapping the device around the knee. On a healthy knee and did NOT get ANY changes in the thermal image. The patient did not feel any warmth.

After this, we became skeptical: will we get any results at all from the thermal imager?! Is it worth the time?

Next, they invited the patient described above and before the procedure they took a thermal imaging image of the right, most problematic knee.

We received the following:

In this image, we received confirmation of the presence of a local inflammatory process in the area of ​​the knee joint, which causes an increase in temperature - white dots indicate areas of increased temperature.

The patient's knee temperature was 3°C (32.4°C) higher than the temperature of a healthy knee joint. Next, the left knee was exposed to the Almag+ device with the same parameters as the Almag-01 device.

And this is what we got:

This thermal imaging picture shows a knee, on which a ring is visible at the site where the inductor is exposed to a temperature exceeding the initial values ​​by 2°C! Body temperature on the ring is 34.2°C.

The question arose: to what temperature does the device itself heat up?

And this is what we got:

That is, it can be stated that under the influence of the device, the body temperature increases by 0.8 ° C higher than the device itself heats up. In this case, this can be explained by two effects that are the result of magnetic therapy:

  • increased microcirculation;
  • stimulation of metabolic processes.

No other studies were conducted to determine the changes identified.

After 1 hour we received the following picture for comparison.

In this image we see a change in the thermal imaging picture of the joint - its cooling, and on the kneecap, which was not directly impacted, the temperature dropped from 32.7°C to 31.2°C, and at the place where the Almag device was exposed, the temperature decreased from 34.4°C to 33.3°C, but remained higher than before the procedure (32.2°C), which indicates the preservation of the effect of magnetotherapeutic effects.

The next day, the procedure was repeated. But! For comparison, the second joint, which has less pronounced symptoms of osteoarthritis, was treated with a heating pad at the same temperature as the device. And this is what we got:

Right joint “BEFORE” the procedure:

Left joint “BEFORE” the procedure:

The right joint was exposed to the same technique with the apparatus, and the left joint was exposed to a heating pad, at the same temperature as the temperature of the already heated apparatus, covered with a terry towel folded in 2 layers to reduce heat loss and create equal heating conditions. We got the following picture:

Based on the image obtained, we can say that when exposed to only “dry” heat, the temperature change (heating) of the body occurs less intensely. The thermogram of the knee joints shows a temperature difference of 0.4°C between the right (magnetic therapy) and left knee (“dry” heat).

Since the area affected by the heating pad was much larger than the area that was subjected to magnetic therapy, we see that in other areas the temperature reached 33.2°C, which is also lower than the “coldest” area of ​​the right knee, which was in the area affected by the inductor .

Moreover, at the point on the right knee joint, indicated by a temperature of 33.3°C, there was no contact between the inductor and the knee joint, in contrast to the point on the left knee joint, indicated by 33.2°C.

That is, based on the data obtained, we can say that magnetic therapy has a more pronounced effect on the tissue in the area of ​​influence.

Next, magnetic therapy was carried out according to the same method approved by Roszdravnadzor for 3 weeks.

What changed by the end of treatment:

  • morning stiffness disappeared;
  • Pain in the joint has practically disappeared during daytime activities.

We received the following thermal imaging image, which indicates the presence of a third effect, which is the most important in the treatment of arthritis - anti-inflammatory.

Due to the anti-inflammatory effect of magnetic therapy, the temperature of the problem joint normalized and even became lower than the temperature of the healthy joint, the thermal imaging image of which was given at the very beginning. That is, during the process of magnetic therapy, the inflammatory process, which was objectively determined by a local increase in the temperature of the problem joint and subjectively determined by pain, was relieved.

For critics: please accept ut est. This work was not carried out in accordance with GOST R ISO 14155-2014 and does not claim to be a scientific discovery.

When will the effect occur?

The effect of using Almag 01, as a rule, does not occur immediately. This largely depends on the disease you want to treat. The device must be used regularly. The course, depending on the disease and its nature, can range from 10 to 20 procedures; its duration must be discussed with a doctor.

Usually the effect can be felt after several treatments. But in some cases it will be necessary to undergo a full course of treatment, and sometimes a repeated course of treatment is necessary.

Causes of pneumonia

Pneumonia develops when bacteria and viruses, as well as foreign agents, enter the lungs and affect part or all of the lung tissue. Pathological agents enter the human body through the respiratory route, and rarely through the blood.

Why does the disease develop quickly in the body of a person with reduced immunity? Bacteria are constantly present in our body, but protective mechanisms do not allow them to multiply, causing pathology. But if the immune system is weakened, harmful microflora increases in population, which leads to the appearance of an inflammatory process.

Viral pneumonia also often develops against the background of the spread of colds of the upper respiratory tract (bronchitis, tracheitis). Pneumonia can also be caused by hypothermia, stress, overwork, or smoking abuse. The risk of developing the disease increases in people with chronic diseases and obesity.

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