High instep or bunions: how to choose shoes based on your foot type

The foot is the lower part of a person's leg. This is the main support of the body, which performs shock-absorbing functions, regulates balance and push-off of the body during walking, running and jumping. Feet are classified according to the type of arch: high, medium (normal) or low. The arch of the foot is the part that connects the sole to the back and forms the instep of the foot.

The shape of a person’s foot depends on hereditary factors and its structure; it can change over time, depending on lifestyle. The form of the lift can be improved by wearing corrective shoes or special exercises that are aimed at developing the elasticity of the ligaments of the lower limb.

If you have bumps

This foot defect is called bursitis. These are bony, angular bumps that usually form in the joint between the big toe and the foot. Wearing the wrong shoes can contribute to their growth. As a result, problems arise: in your 40s and 50s, bunions become painful, stiff, and limit your mobility. And this is not the only problem.

Without treatment, bursitis can cause arthritis of the lower joint and erosion of its surface. Because the bunion protrudes, it rubs painfully against the inside of your shoe. In this case, it is better to choose models with a closed toe and excellent arch support, which limits expansion. Additionally, the shoes are made from soft, supple leather that “stretch where the bone is.”

Avoid trendy high-heeled gladiator shoes. Shoes with thin straps are a double whammy for your feet due to the height of the instep and lack of support. Do closed-toe shoes feel too warm? Then choose models with a soft toe, closed and fairly stable heel.

Target muscles

“Hydrant” has an accentuated effect on the gluteal muscles, namely on its middle bundle. The gluteus maximus and minimus muscles receive indirect load.

In addition, the exercise, thanks to the lateral abduction of the legs, helps to tighten the inner thighs. The abs, deltoids and arm muscles are responsible for stabilizing the body in the “on all fours” position, which helps to strengthen them overall.

If you have bent fingers

This is a deformity in which the toes curl downward, becoming claw-like. This is sometimes congenital, but is more often associated with wearing shoes that are too short or narrow. Resulting problems: Calluses (thickened skin on the top, toes, or sides) can form as a result of friction between your skin and your shoes. Over time, osteoarthritis can develop as a result of abnormal wear and tear on the joints.

In fact, summer is a great time for those suffering from this disease. Look for supportive sandals with straps that won't chafe the affected area. If you buy closed toe shoes, make sure it is soft and roomy.

The worst choice would be anything that is tight and causes pain when your toes touch the shoe. And don't even think about pointed-toe pumps that pinch your toes. When wearing shoes, you can use felt pads under your toes to reduce pain.

Bone operations

If the deformity is elastic (negative Coleman test), a dorsal wedge-shaped osteotomy of the base of the 1st metatarsal bone is performed.

In case of rigid varus deformity of the calcaneus (positive Coleman test), its valgus osteotomy is performed. Always performed in combination with the above soft tissue interventions and osteotomy of the base of the 1st metatarsal bone.

In cases of severe rigid deformity, triple arthrodesis may be required.

If you have wide feet

While wide feet are a natural trait, they can also widen as weight increases. Problems that arise: Calluses or thickened skin on the feet can form due to friction from tight shoes. It can also aggravate or cause bursitis. Many high heels are not designed for wide feet, but there is a solution.

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Choose shoes with wide or round toes and low heels. Luckily, there are many fashionable shoes and wider styles available. The worst options are pointed shoes that pinch your feet and flip-flops that expand your already substantial feet. You need good support with a relief arch.

Summer shoes are suitable for those with wide feet because they are more open and less restrictive. Buy a model that fits the widest part of your foot and then simply pad the heel. For example, opt for wedge shoes. Don't choose narrow models.

Insole measurement

One of the options for measuring the foot can be the insole. This method is used in the European system and creates a small allowance for shoes of 15 mm. To take measurements, you will need to remove the insole from existing shoes of a suitable size and measure

her in the same way as the foot.
How to measure your foot size for shoes: the insole will help with this

People are not completely symmetrical, so when different results are obtained, the maximum number is taken as the final value.


Online stores mostly use measurements based on the insole, not the foot.

If you have narrow feet

Are your shoes too wide for you, even if they are the perfect length? You may have narrow feet. This is a genetic trait in which the heel is narrower than the rest of the foot. Therefore, you end up with excessive movement, blisters, and irritation on the back of your feet. Arthritis, stress fractures, sports injuries, sprains and heel pain may also occur.

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The problem is that standard mid-width shoes don't fit as tightly as they should. This is perhaps the most difficult foot to fit into a shoe. For those with narrow feet, ballet shoes often open up at the sides. If you can easily fit your toe between your foot and the outside edge of the shoe, it will be a nightmare for your feet.

Look for skinny styles from your favorite brands. You can also make the inserts in regular width shoes to provide a tighter fit. If you find shoes that suit you, buy them in as many colors as possible.

What muscles develop

This exercise is very effective and approved by a large number of athletes and specialists. Let's look at the list of muscle groups that will be involved when performing:

  • The inner part of the pelvic muscles, that is, the iliopsoas muscles.
  • Muscles of the chest, latissimus dorsi, buttocks.
  • Deltoid muscles of the shoulder, abdominal muscles, outer and inner thighs.
  • Quadriceps.

Leg raises help in developing general fitness and also in developing and strengthening all the muscles of the human body.

If you have a high instep

You have a high arch if the middle of your foot doesn't touch the ground, which throws your body off balance. The resulting problem is that the foot does not absorb shock properly, which can cause pain in the back and the outside of the knees for some people because the force is directed outward when they step.

You should try to choose shoes that will not damage the balls of your feet or put strain on your ankles and knees. The best models with rubberized heels or additional cushioning. Ballet flats are definitely not for you, many of which do not have arch support. Cork soles can be a lifesaver because the natural material absorbs shock well. High heels also work well for women with tall insteps.

In the Dictionary of Synonyms

excitement, animation, ardor, pathos, takeoff, rise, prosperity, development, candle, elation, uplifting spirit, combustion, elevation, enthusiasm, upwelling, flourishing, prosperity, the best time, support, tide, growth, impulse, obsession, ascension , boom, passion, zhivinka, ascension, income, jerk, golden age, inspiration, enthusiasm, peak, infatuation, re-rise, profit, light, lift, inspiration, wake-up, increase, increase, multiplication, activity, height, slope. Ant. decline, decline, decline, fall, apathy, passivity


If you have flat feet

It occurs when the arch of the foot is minimized or never fully develops. This condition is congenital but can develop during pregnancy as weight gain changes your center of gravity. Hormones also play a role. Relaxin, a hormone released during the third trimester, relaxes your ligaments, including those at the bottom of your foot. This creates a flatter foot.

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Flat feet can cause inflammation of the calf muscles, muscle spasms, and plantar fasciitis (heel pain). All this makes walking very difficult. Flat feet can also cause lower back and knee pain. You need shoes with internal arch support. Since orthotics are often recommended, the trick is to find shoes that have one.

The best option is a closed, supportive shoe that controls the expansion of the foot. Lower heels are better for your feet. If you want to go higher, go for a wide heel for stability. The worst options are flip flops, flat ballet slippers and most sandals. These shoes have no structure and put pressure on the ball of the foot.

Crossover technique

  1. The exercise is performed in the lower block of the crossover; for this, special loops for adducting the legs must be attached to the carabiner. The leg brace must be secured to the ankle.
  2. With your ankle secured, take a couple of steps away from the block, standing sideways, and grab the special handle to stabilize your torso. In this position, the attached leg is moved to the side behind the weight of the plates. When the abducted leg is in the abducted state, the plates should be suspended.
  3. As you exhale, bring your straight leg slightly overlapping, contracting the adductor muscles as much as possible. To do this, you do not need to twist your pelvis, just bring your straight leg, holding it above the floor, and move it slightly in front of your supporting leg.
  4. As you inhale, after pausing for a second at the peak, slowly move your leg to the side, stretching and expanding the amplitude. The negative phase should be performed a little slower; during the period of abduction of the leg, you should not relax the muscles to avoid spraining the ligaments.
  5. Repeat the reduction for the required number of repetitions. Once completed, go to the block, attach the loop to the other leg and repeat the movements.

If you have Greek foot

In medical language, this phenomenon is called “Morton’s finger” - this was the name of the orthopedic surgeon who discovered this feature at the beginning of the 20th century. It is observed in 15% of people and does not cause any particular inconvenience. However, painful blisters can sometimes occur if the wrong shoes are worn. Then the body weight when walking will be distributed incorrectly.

Girls with a long second toe are better off choosing ankle boots, shoes or boots with sharp wasps. In this case, the shoes should be slightly larger than required - approximately one size. Then the foot will be most comfortable, you will not suffer from excessive pressure.

Meaning and functions

Even when viewed externally, the human foot has a complex structure. It includes three departments:

  • the front one, which includes the fingers and pads, followed by them;
  • middle, the area between the toes and the heel, where the arch of the foot is located;
  • posterior, including the heel.

In this case, all parts are connected to each other by flexible joints using cartilage, ligaments and muscles, which ensures the stability of the foot and at the same time its mobility. In this case, the arch of the foot is an element of the entire system, taking on a significant part of the shock-absorbing function when walking. The effectiveness of its “work” depends on the level of development of the muscles that form the lift, and they are formed in childhood at the age of approximately 3 to 10 years, as well as on hereditary factors and the degree of development.

How to choose the right shoes

Buy shoes in the evening after a hard day at work. Make sure all fingers move freely. You need space to fit your foot inside comfortably when walking or running. Shoes should be comfortable as soon as you try them on. Don't rely on shoes to "break in" over time. When moving, the heel should not jump. If the ball of your foot feels like it's being squeezed, go for a larger size.

Inspect the soles - how durable are they and do they provide proper grip? Walk on hard floors and carpet and compare the sensations. If you play sports, choose shoes specifically for running, cycling, playing football, and so on. Each model differs in weight, material, and design to protect the feet from stress and injury.

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How to develop a lift? The grace of ballerinas, or stretching the feet effectively

Home » Articles » How to develop a lift? The grace of ballerinas, or stretching the feet effectively

The gracefully stretched toe “like a ballerina’s” - the famous “high instep” of the foot - is a distinctive feature and the pride of every professional dancer. But even if you do pole dancing or strip dancing at an amateur level, you can’t do without good foot stretching: all elements of “feminine” trends require slender, perfectly stretched legs. So today we’ll talk about ways to quickly and efficiently develop lifts.

Foot stretching exercises

The most effective exercises for lifting:

  1. We stand straight. We place one leg on the instep and gently press it to the floor in the “forward” direction until a stretch is felt. Hold for 2-5 minutes, place your foot on your toe, and pull in the “forward” direction for the same amount of time.
  2. We sit on the floor, stretch our legs forward. Alternately pull both socks towards and away from you, holding them taut for 15-20 seconds. We make relaxing circular movements and repeat 2-3 more times. Next, we repeat the same movements, but with the feet turned outward and inward.
  3. We bend one leg under ourselves in a sitting position. Straighten the second one to the limit, grab the toe with your hand and pull it towards you, hold it for 10-15 seconds. We bend the working one towards ourselves, extend and pull the lift towards ourselves, holding the heel for more resistance. Repeat 3 times.
  4. We get on all fours, sit with our buttocks on our toes pressed to the floor. We lift our knees off the floor and rise with tense insteps and arms. Hold for 15-30 seconds, 3 times.
  5. We are looking for a place with a wide enough gap near the floor where you can stick your toes - a sofa, a closet, a radiator, etc. We sit on our buttocks, stretch out our legs and stick our feet into the gap, pull for 3-5 minutes. If the tension is weak or absent, place a book or pillow under the heels.

Strengthening the feet

Feet and ankles are one of the most sensitive and traumatic areas, because they bear a huge load. Special muscle strengthening exercises will help reduce the risk of injuries and sprains during training:

  • We do warm-up circles with our feet before each workout - both for stretching and dancing.
  • We stand straight, perform 30-50 slow raises on the toes 2-3 times.
  • We rise on our toes and walk in a straight line, or slowly climb the stairs - 3-5 minutes.
  • We walk in a circle, first on the outside and then on the inside of the foot - 1-2 minutes.
  • We stand on straight feet and try to move by “raking” with our toes, without bending our knees - for half a minute or a minute. It is advisable not to perform on too hard surfaces, so as not to avoid painful sensations on the fingertips.
  • We sit on the floor, stretch our legs forward and make slow wave-like movements with our toes in the forward and reverse directions - 20-30 times, 3 times each.
  • Gently jump on your toes 20-30 times in 2 approaches. We never do it without warming up!

Proper nutrition

Unfortunately, the speed of stretching depends not only on warming up, frequency and intensity of exercises. Sometimes the process moves too slowly due to weakened muscle and joint structure from poor nutrition and lack of valuable nutrients.

The right diet for effective foot stretching:

A large amount of clean water. The universal rule of stretching is that water regulates proper metabolism and water-salt balance.

Refusal of fried and salty foods. Such dishes increase sodium levels, making ligaments and joints more rigid and inflexible.

Fatty acid. Vegetable oils rich in fatty acids, nuts, cheese and fish will help increase muscle elasticity.

Sulfur-containing amino acids. To produce the “flexibility protein” collagen, the body also needs sulfur-containing amino acids. Contained in wheat germ, broccoli, garlic, egg yolks, red peppers and almonds.

The dancer's enemy is clubfoot

It often happens that a dancer with good stretching and proper nutrition still cannot perform the elements beautifully - due to a previously undetected congenital clubfoot, which may not manifest itself clearly until serious training begins. But if you find a similar problem, don’t be alarmed! This can be corrected with exercises:

  1. We sit with our legs extended. With one hand we hold the shin, with the other we gently rotate the foot in an outward direction. We repeat 2 passes 10-15 times for each leg.
  2. In the same position, we put a wide elastic band on the feet and stretch it, leaving the heels closed. Repeat for 10-15 seconds, 3 times each.
  3. In a standing position, we stand with the front part of our feet on a flat block of 10-15 cm, holding with our hands a wall bars, table or window sill. We rise, hold our heels on weight for 10-15 seconds, and lower ourselves. Repeat 15-20 times.
  4. Starting position – feet in the shape of the letter V. From here we begin to walk forward in a herringbone pattern. With each step, the heel of the front foot points toward the big toe of the back foot, but the distance between the feet is half the width of the shoulder.

Orthopedists also advise performing these exercises to prevent clubfoot and improve gait.

We invite you to individual pole dancing and stretching classes at our studio in the center of Moscow. We make sure that our students are in great shape, we teach the art of catwalk, we help them gain good stretching and a wonderful lift!

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