Orthopedic shoes for hallux valgus

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  • Orthosis instead of plaster for a fracture

Fractures lead to damage to various parts of the musculoskeletal system. In order for bones, tendons, and muscles to recover correctly and quickly after an injury, the limbs must be fixed and provided with a state of complete rest. For this purpose, plaster casts, splints and other means of fixation are used. Many patients are unaware of new medical materials and methods, so they continue to use outdated and inconvenient means. Plaster is one of these outdated methods of fixing an injured area. What can replace plaster? For example, an orthosis. Let's compare these two methods.

Stages of recovery after a fracture

In order not to aggravate the situation and cause even more harm to the body, it is necessary to treat a fracture at home in accordance with a clear sequential scheme. It provides the following main recovery stages:

  1. The first stage begins immediately after the plaster is removed. At this time, the damaged area needs to be rubbed and massaged. Start exercises and massage almost immediately, but they should be light and not overload the still weak muscles. To stimulate recovery processes, local preparations in the form of a gel or cream can be applied to the area, but only as prescribed by a doctor.
  2. The second stage begins when the muscles, ligaments and other structures become a little stronger. To increase tone and motor activity, begin exercise therapy, physiotherapy, and perform more complex and intense exercises.
  3. The third stage is the final one. During this period, you can already increase your activity and go for long walks. The doctor can give a referral for treatment at a sanatorium or health center.

How to restore ankle function after injury

How doctors will treat depends on the severity of the injury and the nature of the damage to the joint. After all, ligament tears are much easier to treat than, for example, displaced fractures or fracture-dislocations. Specialists decide on treatment tactics only after examining the patient, having a complete understanding of his condition and the severity of the injury.

Several methods are used to restore the functions of the ankle joint:

  1. Conservative treatment. Effective for minor injuries that are not accompanied by fractures, dislocations and complete rupture of ligaments. The functions of the ankle are restored with the help of rest, fixation with an elastic bandage, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, physiotherapy and exercise therapy.
  2. Plaster immobilization. Used in the treatment of fractures in which there is no displacement of the bone fragment and instability of the ankle. Plaster is also applied for fresh ruptures and tears of the ligaments (no later than two to three months after the injury). Plaster immobilization is also used after osteosynthesis and skeletal traction as a final treatment method.
  3. Closed reduction with further plaster immobilization. Used for closed displaced fractures. It is not recommended for use in cases of concomitant ankle subluxations due to the high risk of unsatisfactory treatment outcome.
  4. Open reduction with fixation with immersion structures. All open and some closed fractures are treated in this way. In some cases, after surgery, the joint is additionally fixed with plaster.
  5. Skeletal traction and transosseous compression osteosynthesis. Used to treat complex and chronic fractures in the ankle joint. It is carried out using special external fixation devices.
  6. Surgery. It is performed for chronic ligament injuries, post-traumatic osteoporosis, severe fractures and fracture-dislocations. Allows you to restore ankle function even when it is impossible to do this in other ways.

Assistive devices and additional activities

Simple additional remedies that can be used at home will help increase the patient’s comfort during recovery after a broken leg:

  • Orthopedic insoles. They help not to overload the injured limb, relieve stress from bones and joints.
  • Belt. Special straps are attached to the bed, so the patient receives additional support when sitting down or standing up. Patients with a hip fracture especially need such a device.
  • Crutches or cane. Depending on the severity of the injury, in the early recovery period the patient may require assistance while walking. Auxiliary supports will relieve excessive stress from the limbs and give the patient confidence during movements.

Rehabilitation measures provide for a uniform increase in the load on the body. Initially, the doctor prescribes simple breathing exercises to the patient, which help saturate the body with oxygen and develop the respiratory system. Afterwards, exercise is added, which is aimed at developing general body mobility. After about a month, physical exercises are expanded and divided into two groups:

  • general – aimed at improving the health of the whole body;
  • special ones - restore the damaged area.

Properly selected gymnastics and a course of physical therapy restore blood circulation, strengthen muscles, resume motor activity and prevent complications.

Why wear orthopedic shoes after surgery?

Despite the fact that surgery allows you to get rid of deformation of the thumb joint, the postoperative area requires increased attention from the patient. As negative consequences, the patient may experience inflammation, pain and repeated deformities.

Wearing orthopedic shoes will help to fully restore the foot after surgery and prevent re-deformation of the articular and connective tissues.

The main functions of postoperative orthopedic shoes are to achieve the following goals:

  • Fixation of the operated joint - a properly made toe part of the shoe does not squeeze the toes, eliminates the load on the operated joint and at the same time gently fixes it, which allows for faster tissue restoration and avoids repeated pathological transformation;
  • Load absorption – properly selected shoes soften high loads on the foot when walking and running, distribute loads evenly, thereby reducing the risk of injuries and pathological changes in the musculoskeletal system;
  • Restoring blood supply - massage insoles and correctors help stimulate blood supply in the area of ​​surgical intervention, which is aimed at accelerating tissue regeneration, healing and restoration;
  • Elimination of curvature of the toes - hallux valgus is always accompanied by a curvature of the big toe, which exerts deforming pressure on the other toes of the diseased foot. Special orthopedic shoe correctors help correct this.
  • Comfort for the patient - rehabilitation orthopedic shoes may be visually no different from ordinary ones, but at the same time they provide the patient with long-term comfortable wearing, eliminate swelling and reduce leg fatigue.

Recovery in a supine position

For fractures of the extremities, recovery must begin when the patient is in a supine position and cannot stand. Only an early start of rehabilitation allows you to achieve maximum results. Otherwise, the muscles become inactive and weaken, causing the bones to heal incorrectly.

The complex of therapeutic exercises for a bedridden patient includes:

  • shoulder lifts;
  • lifting on the forearms;
  • hand rotations;
  • flexion, extension, pulling the healthy leg to the chest;
  • contraction and relaxation of the muscles of the legs and arms;
  • raising, abducting, bringing the injured limb to the body.

At the initial stage, these exercises should be performed under the supervision of a specialist and with his help. Over time, the patient will be able to perform gymnastics independently.

How to choose the correct size of orthopedic shoes?

To choose the right size for orthopedic shoes, it is not enough to simply measure your foot with a ruler. To ensure accurate measurements, you should use a simple but reliable method - place a piece of paper on a flat floor and place your foot vertically on it, transferring your body weight to the leg being measured. Next, carefully outline the foot with a pencil, holding it at a right angle to the sheet. The distance from the most protruding point of the heel to the tip of the big toe will be considered the one by which the shoe size is determined.

It is very important not to buy shoes that fit, as the foot lengthens somewhat when walking. Lack of free space leads to pinched fingers and increased stress on the joints. Larger shoes are even more dangerous. It is also very important to take into account the width of the foot in order to avoid compression of the tissues, which can lead to repeated deformation.

Working with gait

As part of rehabilitation after a leg injury, it is necessary to work on restoring gait. One of the most effective options is exercise on an exercise bike, to which the patient must be allowed by a doctor if there are no contraindications.

In addition to training on the simulator, it is also important to perform special exercises:

  • grab a small object with your toes and hold it suspended;
  • roll the ball with the foot of the injured limb;
  • roll from toes to heels and back;
  • walk backwards, sideways.

Classes should be continued until the patient’s motor functions are completely restored and swelling and pain go away.

Indications for the use of rehabilitation shoes

Orthopedic shoes are indicated for the prevention and treatment of any foot deformities, including hallux valgus. For children and teenagers, the right shoes can completely solve the problem.

Experts prescribe orthopedic shoes for patients with the following pathologies:

  • Hallux valgus - the formation of a bone on the lateral surface of the foot is accompanied by a number of its pathologies and improper load distribution. Wearing orthopedic shoes reduces the load on the forefoot, thereby helping to eliminate inflammation and pain in this area and reduce the protruding bump.
  • Flatfoot is a flattening of the arch of the foot, which often accompanies hallux valgus. With flat feet, the arch of the foot is not able to absorb shock and weight loads that occur when walking and running. Orthopedic shoes with special insoles and arch supports will help reduce the load on the foot and protect the patient’s musculoskeletal system from injuries and serious illnesses.
  • Weakness of the ligamentous apparatus - this pathology underlies all foot deformities. Wearing orthopedic shoes involves fixing the foot in the correct position, which in turn puts stress on the muscles and ligaments. Regular use of weak structures of the musculoskeletal system during walking and running helps to gradually strengthen them.
  • Excess weight – even slight excess weight becomes a difficult ordeal for sore feet. Orthopedic shoes evenly distribute the load onto its most durable and resistant parts.
  • Joint deformities – pathological changes in the joints develop against the background of diseases such as arthritis and arthrosis, as well as with high loads on the legs and prolonged wearing of high heels. Constantly wearing orthopedic shoes allows you to fix the joints in the correct position and return them to a healthy state.
  • Spinal diseases - scoliosis, osteochondrosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system can cause severe curvature of the foot structures. Orthopedic shoes reliably protect the lower limbs from deformation.
  • Diabetic foot - if hallux valgus develops in a patient suffering from diabetes, it is advisable to wear orthopedic shoes throughout his life to prevent the development of hyperkeratosis and loss of tissue sensitivity.

External means

After the cast is removed, the patient may experience pain and swelling for a long time. To get rid of these unpleasant manifestations of injury, the doctor may prescribe ointments and gels that relieve discomfort. Such drugs have important effects:

  • analgesic – relieves pain, improves motor abilities;
  • anti-inflammatory – improves tissue condition, relieves inflammation, redness, swelling;
  • muscle relaxant – promotes muscle relaxation, relieves excessive tone, improves the effect of painkillers;
  • regenerating – stimulates restoration processes, activates metabolism in damaged tissues.

External medications have much less negative effects than oral medications. Therefore, many doctors prefer ointments and gels with local action.

Rules for caring for orthopedic shoes

Postoperative orthopedic shoes require careful handling and constant care. This will help protect shoes from adverse environmental influences and increase the service life of the products. Let’s formulate the basic rules for caring for rehabilitation shoes:

  • In order for shoes to last a long time, they must be selected strictly according to the size of the foot;
  • when putting on shoes, use a shoe horn to avoid the heel kinking;
  • when removing shoes, do not step on the heel, as this can lead to irreversible damage to the shoes;
  • shoes made of genuine leather must be treated with shoe polish before wearing;
  • when choosing care products, preference should be given to professional products that match the material and its color;
  • it is strictly forbidden to wash leather shoes with soap and rub them with oil;
  • proper drying of shoes should be carried out at room temperature, without the use of heating devices;
  • You cannot wear closed orthopedic shoes on bare feet.


The recovery stage must be accompanied by a proper diet. During this period, the body needs more vitamins and nutrients, which must be obtained not only from food, but also from additional vitamin supplements.

During the period of active recovery, you need to saturate your diet with:

  • protein (found in poultry, fish, meat);
  • calcium and silicon (can be obtained from cottage cheese, oatmeal, beets, cheese, parsley, sesame);
  • vitamins B, C and D (found in maximum quantities in fish oil, liver, bananas, legumes, citrus fruits).

While recovering from a fracture, you need to give up alcohol, sweet carbonated drinks, coffee, chocolate, fatty and salty foods.

Reconstructive surgeries

Reconstructive surgeries are used to treat chronic ligament tears that are accompanied by ankle instability. The integrity of the ligaments is restored surgically, after which the joint is fixed with an Ilizarov apparatus. If the injury is less than 5 months old, surgery is often performed by arthroscopy. But old ruptures require open reconstruction.

The integrity of the ligaments can be restored:

  • local tissues;
  • allotissues;
  • synthetic endoprostheses.

Plastic surgery with local tissue is associated with additional trauma to the donor site, so it is rarely performed. To restore ligaments, synthetic tissue or allotendon is often used.


Therapeutic massage after fractures involves the use of specific techniques:

  • rubbing – active movements improve blood circulation and reduce pain;
  • kneading – restore muscle tone, improve tendon mobility;
  • stroking – light stroking movements relax muscles, improve microcirculation;
  • effleurage - improves blood flow and increases muscle contractility.

The massage therapist selects a treatment course taking into account the characteristics of the injury and the exact location of the fracture. A course of therapeutic massage helps to avoid muscle atrophy and weakness, improve mobility, relieve swelling and pain.

Endoprosthetics and arthrodesis

Surgeries on the ankle joint are performed mainly for severe post-traumatic osteoporosis, which is accompanied by severe pain and limited mobility of the ankle.

Young patients often undergo endoprosthesis replacement - replacement of a joint with an artificial endoprosthesis. This operation allows you to completely restore the function of the ankle. When endoprosthesis replacement is not possible (old age, severe concomitant diseases), the patient undergoes arthrodesis - immobilization of the joint. This operation is resorted to as a last resort.

Let's summarize:

  1. Torn ligaments and ankle fractures often occur at a young age. They are difficult to treat and often lead to disability.
  2. Fresh injuries are much easier to treat. The sooner a person receives medical help, the higher the chances that joint function will be restored.
  3. To treat injuries, different methods are used, ranging from conservative treatment to surgical treatment.
  4. The choice of treatment method depends on many factors. The severity and duration of the injury, ankle instability, the degree of post-traumatic osteoporosis, etc. play a role.
  5. Surgery is a radical method of treatment. As a rule, surgery is performed when it is impossible to restore the function of the joint in other ways.

What shoes to choose for different seasons

  • In summer, it is undesirable to wear patent leather shoes, as they do not allow air and moisture to pass through well. It is suitable for a one-time exit, but not for every day. For constant wear, choose shoes made from natural materials or open sandals.
  • Shoes for autumn and spring should not allow water to pass through and at the same time should “breathe”. If there is a zipper on demi-season shoes or boots, it should not start at the very sole, but a little higher, otherwise moisture will get inside even when stepping on a shallow puddle. Autumn and spring shoes should also not fit tightly to the foot, since they must be put on over the toe.
  • For winter shoes, the main thing is the sole, which is thick enough, with a tread that prevents slipping. The best option for icy conditions is boots with different tread patterns, for example a combination of stripes with rounded protrusions. The protector should also be present on the heel, always rubber and not plastic, so that the foot does not slip.

The optimal winter shoes are leather, lined with natural fur and have a fur insole.

What shoes to choose for sports

During training, the likelihood of injury is very high, and this often happens due to uncomfortable sneakers and constant discomfort, which acts as a powerful distraction. Sneakers or sneakers should be selected specifically for your sport and reliably protect against injuries - twisting of the foot. They should provide the leg with maximum stability and fix the ankle well.

The optimal material is leather, which ensures normal air exchange. Be sure to have an insole, because it can be removed and dried. There should be a small distance between the toe and the toes.

Sneakers for sports should have a flexible sole, a rigid heel and light weight

Differences between natural and artificial materials

At any time of the year, you can wear shoes made of natural material, which will help your feet breathe and improve heat transfer. Optimal materials - genuine leather, nubuck, suede, textiles. Leatherette is especially dangerous in summer, because under the influence of high temperatures the chemical components of the material interact with the skin, and it does not allow air to pass through. The immediate prospects are diaper rash and fungus.

When choosing artificial materials, pay attention to the following:

  • the lining should be made of genuine leather or textile, because it is in contact with the foot;
  • the insole should absorb unpleasant odors, remove moisture and kill bacteria;
  • Ideally, the insole should be impregnated with an antibacterial composition.

Unlike artificial materials, natural ones wear out over time and take the shape of the foot. This is especially true if you are going to wear shoes in the summer, when your feet swell slightly and increase in size.

Shoes made from natural materials are the best option for people of any age.

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