Taping for hallux valgus in children

The feet perform an important function in our body. They bear the weight of the body, while providing a stable position and smooth movements when walking. When we walk, run, jump and increase activity, a colossal load is placed on the lower limbs. Therefore, they are susceptible to the development of various pathologies. And one of the ways to correct them is kinesio taping. This direction in the technique is new, but it is being actively developed and promoted by orthopedists, traumatologists and rehabilitation specialists.

Foot taping

Kinesio tapes are used for application. These elastic patches stretch and contract like skin, so they provide support to the musculo-ligamentous system, but do not limit movement like bandages and fixing bandages.

Depending on the application technique, you can both relax tense muscles and tone them. In parallel with supporting the articular-ligamentous apparatus, tapes have a drainage effect, improving blood and lymph flow. Therefore, they are resorted to for various pathologies:

  • flat feet,
  • plantar fasciitis,
  • hallux valgus deformity,
  • pain syndrome,
  • swelling of the lower extremities,
  • prevention of injuries during increased physical activity,
  • rehabilitation after fractures, ligament ruptures and other injuries,
  • peroneal nerve neuritis,
  • paresis.

The technique can be used in conjunction with drug therapy, since the elastic patches do not provide any drug load - only a physiological effect. Therefore, it is important to select schemes in accordance with the pathology, and when applying tapes, take into account the anatomical features of the legs.

Taping of hallux valgus

The most common deformity in children and adults is valgus foot. In this case, the structure of the foot is disrupted, which moves outward. Without treatment, such curvature progresses and causes further disorders that affect the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. People with such a deformity constantly “trample” the inner side of the sole of all their shoes and complain of pain in their legs and back. Over time, posture changes, gait and any physical activity cause discomfort.

By taping a planovalgus foot, the load on the foot is distributed evenly, the degree of pain is reduced and the quality of life is improved. In addition, the amplitude of movement of the longitudinal arch increases, due to which it is possible to model an anatomically correct shape, especially if treatment is started in the early stages, for example, in childhood. And combine it with therapeutic exercises, electrophoresis and massage.

If the first toe is in valgus position, it can be corrected using tape. To do this, prepare two straight strips. Pass the first one across the surface of the foot directly through the protruding bone. And fix the second one next to the nail, and guide it along the “bump” with a tension of up to 50%.

But you need to understand that the correction takes a long time - minimum courses of 2 months or longer for several years. Usually applications are applied for 3 days, and then a break is taken. But the doctor must select the duration of treatment and the regimen depending on the degree of deformation.

Which tapes for children are considered the best in 2021?

A child's skin is sensitive, delicate and requires careful handling. During the correction process, it is important to eliminate the risks of allergic reactions in the form of redness, irritation, rashes and other problems. Korean kinesio tapes, presented by the BBTape brand, are considered the best in 2021 and are ideal for this purpose. The products are certified and have a hypoallergenic adhesive layer created using special acrylic glue. Standard cotton or special designer ribbons last a long time and work effectively throughout the entire wearing period - up to 5 days. A special line of products has been developed especially for children. In the KIDS children's series you can find kinesio tapes with interesting designs in different sizes. The patches have optimal elasticity and are adapted for children's skin. Material: organic eco-cotton.


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Taping for flat feet

The foot has a transverse and longitudinal arch, due to which a person’s movements are natural. With flat feet in adults and children, these arches are smoothed out, so the anatomy of the feet is disrupted and the supporting function suffers. And if at first the pathology does not manifest itself in any way, then pain appears when walking, and various disorders of the musculoskeletal system develop.

Taping in such a situation partially relieves unpleasant symptoms by redistributing the load, and an orthopedic effect is achieved. Moreover, the procedure can be carried out for congenital and acquired diseases.

There are different modifications of schemes for applying tapes, but there is one most common one. It is usually prescribed for longitudinal flat feet:

  • To work you will need a Y-shaped tape. To make it, simply measure the tape from the heel to the base of the toes, cut on one side to make two beams with an anchor of 2-3 cm.
  • Form the longitudinal arch of your foot as much as possible by pulling your leg towards you.
  • Apply the anchor to the heel area without tension.
  • Pull the strip across the formed arch of the foot, fixing the anchors of the two rays at the base of the toes.
  • Only after this, place the formed bridge in the central part on the work surface and rub it well.

With flat feet and hallux valgus, you can modify the previous scheme by correcting two pathologies at once. To do this, apply a Y-shaped tape as in the previous diagram. Draw the second straight section from the thumbnail through the “bump” along the lateral arch.

And fix the third one on top of the previous one, wrapping its ends around your finger.

Often, against the background of flat feet, plantar fasciitis develops, which is also called a “heel spur.” With this disease, a person wakes up with pain in the heel, which recurs with every movement. Kinesio taping is also used to relieve discomfort.

The procedure will require two wide tapes. The first is fixed on the arch of the foot and carried through the lower leg to the base of the calf muscle. The second patch is needed for lateral support, and it is glued perpendicular to the first strip in the heel area.

Operation techniques

Seri. Surgeon Foldini discovered this technique in the late 90s. One of the world's most popular techniques. Effective at the initial stage of disease development. It takes place under local anesthesia. A special chisel or hammer is used to penetrate the joint part through the incision and artificially remove the interfering parts. The knitting needle is inserted and the desired angle is manually set from the first finger. The period of wearing the plaster is two weeks. The pin is removed as healing progresses.

McBride. The aesthetic appearance of the foot is achieved by making an incision in the area of ​​the first metatarsal bone and tendon. The tendon is sutured with absorbable synthetic threads. Next, through an incision in the foot, the doctor gets to the sesamoid bone. The nerve is branched off from it and taken to the side. The joint capsule is crushed. Remove excess growths so that in the future they do not cause pain and discomfort while walking. The wound is tightened and sutured. The method was invented 80 years ago, but is still widely used in orthopedic centers today.

Laser. A gentle surgical method that is useful in the first stages. Treatment is administered through a small incision in the center of the lump, and once healed, the scar remains virtually invisible. The use of a laser greatly limits the surgical process. Laser removal of hallux valgus is carried out in specially equipped clinics. The recovery process is fast, patients return to their normal lives after a couple of weeks. The position of the bone and phalanx of the finger does not change, only the protruding joint is ground, so relapses may occur.

Taping feet for children

Orthopedic problems in children are not immediately noticed by adults. But it is at a young age that it is possible to correct the existing deformity and prevent the development of pathology using various methods, including kinesio taping. Of course, such a procedure cannot be perceived as a magic pill, since a complex of therapeutic measures is important - physiotherapy, massage, wearing orthopedic shoes, etc.

Taping hallux valgus in children and flat feet helps achieve a noticeable effect. Often, even after one course, good results are obtained, since the child is growing and the functioning of the legs can still be harmonized in a short time. The shape of the feet is restored, muscles and ligaments are strengthened.

But a specialist must select a course of treatment, since orthopedic problems in children are strictly individual, and the final result depends on how competently the applications are applied.

Advantages of the clinic

Surgical interventions are performed in the departments of orthopedics or surgery. A staff of experienced specialists in their field will provide high-quality diagnostics and accurate diagnosis. Thanks to a serious approach to therapy and the combination of various methods of world medicine, careful work is carried out for results. A quick recovery and patient safety is the main goal of the medical center team.

Contacting the clinic guarantees an individual and effective treatment program. All external factors and characteristics of the human body are taken into account. Compliance with medical orders will help you achieve success with minimal financial investment.

The clinic is provided with all necessary and modern equipment. The entire range of medical practice from classical treatment to unique technologies little known on the Russian market. Cooperation has been established with distinguished professors. The center also creates prosthetics and orthopedic insoles. How much the hallux valgus operation costs can be found on the official website of the clinic or by phone number.

Taping toes

Every day, fingers perform many movements and are an active component of the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, with a bruise, various pathologies of the metatarsophalangeal joints, or tendon ruptures, mobility is severely limited. With the help of taping, damaged limbs will recover faster, and you can return to normal life.

For example, if the ligamentous apparatus of the big toe is damaged, you can alleviate the condition and “unload” the injured area with the help of a simple application. To do this, you will need a Y-shaped patch (15 cm). The base is attached without tension at the base of the thumb. And the two ends of the beam are wrapped in a spiral on both sides of the finger with 30% tension.

Taping the foot for pain

For painful sensations, the choice of regimen depends on where exactly the discomfort occurs. For example, heel pain can be reduced with the help of an application in the form of a snowflake, when the center of each of the 3 patches falls exactly on the site of pain.

With swelling of the lower extremities, you can significantly alleviate the condition and relieve pain thanks to drainage taping - with special perforated tapes or cut straight “octopuses”.

If pain occurs when the muscles and ligaments of the ankle joint are sprained, it is important to fix it in the physiological correct position. To do this, take one straight patch, which needs to be secured in the heel area and circled around the ankle in the form of a figure 8 with slight tension. Fix the ends on the shin without tension.

Degrees of the disease

There are three degrees of deviation and curvature of the thumb. The degree depends on the angle of deviation of the phalanx of the finger from the metatarsal bone.

1. The first is referred to as the minimum stage of growth development. The angle is about 12 degrees, and the thumb deflection is up to 25 degrees. There may be no visual or tangible symptoms.

2. The second degree is due to an increase in the angle to 18, and the slope is more than 25 degrees. If this degree is present, discomfort and pain are felt when walking in ordinary shoes. The lump is constantly filled with blood, which provokes the appearance of a callus. This swelling indicates the beginning of the inflammatory process.

3. The last degree is the most painful. Deviations from the metatarsal bone exceed 18 degrees, and the toe rests on the adjacent toe, forming a cross. The top is bright red and very painful when touched. Wearing shoes becomes a painful and unrealistic process. Lameness and severe pain appear.

Diagram: how to apply tape to the foot

The effectiveness of the procedure largely depends on how correctly it was done. Therefore, there are certain rules and schemes for how to apply tape to the foot:

  • The application should be done at least half an hour before the expected physical activity. This rule is relevant especially in cases where the use of tapes on the foot is combined with physical therapy and training.
  • Before the procedure, remove hair from the area of ​​application, clean and degrease the skin.
  • If after applying the tapes you experience goosebumps, numbness, the color of the skin has changed and you feel discomfort, you need to redo everything. When used correctly, tape on the sole and instep of the foot does not limit daily activity in any way.


Although tapes do not contain medications, like any other physical procedure there are contraindications for applying elastic bands:

  • individual intolerance,
  • any skin problems in the treatment area (allergic reactions, dermatitis, eczema, trophic ulcers),
  • complicated forms of diabetes mellitus (you can only work if there is no swelling on the foot, the skin is not too dry and thin),
  • deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities,
  • increased body temperature,
  • oncological diseases,
  • taking coagulants.

Diagnosis process

The diagnosis is made after examination by a therapist, orthopedist, surgeon and mandatory general urine and blood tests. If no inflammatory process is observed in the blood, then the diagnosis continues. An x-ray of the foot is taken. The position for the image is selected at a special angle to view the space between the 1st and 2nd metatarsal bones.

After studying the x-ray photograph, the degree of arthrosis changes is determined. The subchondral bone plate is deformed, the joint space is narrowed. For a more detailed examination, an MRI is additionally prescribed to study muscle tissue and subcutaneous tissue. CT scan – to assess the condition of the bones. If there is a disturbance in the supply of nerve impulses to the muscles, you definitely need to consult a neurologist. The usual list of studies can be supplemented by an analysis of hormone levels to rule out the appearance of a malignant tumor or oncology.

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