How to remove the withers from the back of the neck in women. Exercises by Bubnovsky, Anna Kurkurina, treatment video

Sedentary work and an inactive lifestyle have a negative impact on the entire body. However, it has the worst effect on the collar area, where unwanted deposits of salts and fats accumulate. Even those who regularly engage in fitness encounter these uncomfortable manifestations, because strength exercises do not often work on this particular area.

The collar area needs to be given special attention. This is well known to the popular athlete Anna Kurkurina.

Athlete Anna Kournikova

Therefore, she invites everyone who strives to gain a healthy body to do exercises for the widow’s bump (withers). The girl has prepared several videos, during which she conducts a fun workout with women in the studio and with those who have decided to study online, accompanied by a lot of useful comments.

What is a widow's hump on the neck? Symptoms in women

At the junction of the cervical and thoracic spine, stagnation processes increasingly occur with age. In the projection of the 7th cervical vertebra, adipose tissue accumulates, which leads to the formation of a compaction called the widow’s hump or withers.

The term itself appeared in the Middle Ages, when many mature women who had become widows had a specific bulge on the back of their neck. The tumor not only has a negative impact on appearance, but can also cause health problems, although in the early stages it does not cause discomfort.

With the development of pathology, the following manifestations arise:

  • impaired sensitivity of the skin of the hands, numbness, tingling;
  • limited neck mobility, pain;
  • headaches, pressure surges;
  • deterioration of posture;
  • memory impairment, sleep problems;
  • problems with urination.

Meaning for humans

The lump in the collar area looks like a fold of fat or cartilaginous formation.
It is easy to feel and diagnose yourself. The withers are located between the 6th and 8th cervical vertebrae. In fact, in the initial stage it is a clot of lymph.

At this stage, timely measures can completely eliminate the disease and prevent its serious complications.

Then osteochondrosis develops: the trapezius muscles become asymmetrical, the vertebrae experience uneven loads, blood circulation and lymph exchange are disrupted. There is an active accumulation of lymph and adipose tissue, destruction of intervertebral tissues, stiffness of neck movement, crunching in the spine, numbness of the fingers, dizziness and, as a result, pain.

Pain is a symptom that finally forces a person to see a doctor and hear a disappointing diagnosis: osteochondrosis or, even worse, a herniated cervical vertebrae. The danger of this disease is often underestimated. Osteochondrosis can cause very serious vascular diseases. Blood supply and venous outflow are disrupted, which affects memory and mental abilities and causes severe headaches. The quality of life changes significantly for the worse. The pain can simply be relieved with analgesics, but it is impossible to eliminate the cause itself with the help of medications alone.

Causes and consequences

Most often, the defect occurs in women who have entered menopause. During this period, there is first a sharp increase and then a decrease in female sex hormones. Testosterone levels remain the same, so male-type fat deposits are observed - in the shoulder girdle area.

The problem also occurs due to:

  • calcium deficiency, which provokes destruction of the entire joint-skeletal system;
  • genetic predisposition. The likelihood of a lump appearing on the neck increases the presence of withers in female relatives;
  • osteochondrosis, which is accompanied by pain, a crunching sensation when turning the head;
  • myogelosis is a rare pathology characterized by thickening of muscle tissue. The problem is mainly observed in athletes experiencing increased stress;
  • spending a long time at the computer, which leads to constant tension in the neck muscles;
  • long-term therapy with glucocorticosteroids. As a result, Itsenko-Cushing syndrome develops, the manifestation of which is a lump in the neck.

If treatment is not treated in time, fatty deposits will spread over a large area and begin to put pressure on the vertebral artery, which is responsible for blood supply and nutrition to the brain.

Another dangerous consequence of the withers is an increase in pressure on the spinal canal, which in case of osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, destruction of discs and cartilage will lead to pain and cerebral complications. A person may experience frequent headaches, dizziness, and possibly blurred vision.

The withers on the back of the neck in women is a very noticeable defect, and if it is not removed, it will lead to psychological discomfort, the development of complexes and a decrease in self-esteem.

Advice from orthopedists for patients with scoliosis

Orthopedists evaluate Kurkurina’s gymnastics very positively, but at the same time supplement it with several tips for people suffering from scoliosis:

  • Never stay in one position or another for too long.
  • Even in relaxed states, change your body position at least every quarter of an hour.
  • Under no circumstances should you lift or carry heavy objects in your hands (it is optimal to use a backpack with an orthopedic back).
  • Sleep only on an orthopedic mattress and pillow.

If possible, try to swim more. Therapeutic swimming has a beneficial effect on muscle tissue and the skeletal system, making it recommended for any type of curvature of the spinal column.

Diagnostic measures

At the first symptoms of a disorder, you will need to consult a vertebrologist or orthopedist. A specialist will be able to make an accurate diagnosis even at the initial stages of the pathological process, visually assessing the growth on the neck.

To determine the degree of development of pathology and identify concomitant diseases, ultrasound of the cervical spine and x-rays are prescribed. To assess the level of adipocytes (components of adipose tissue), the doctor will recommend magnetic resonance imaging. You will also need to determine calcium levels and assess bone density.

Women will also have to visit a gynecologist and endocrinologist to determine their hormonal status. Having determined what caused the pathology, you can begin treatment.

Folk recipes

It is worth noting that these recipes themselves can only help in the initial stage. But as an addition to exercises, they will work well. Here are the recipes.

  • mix liquid honey and vodka in equal proportions, rub the withers, cover with a gauze cloth and wrap with a scarf. The duration of the procedure is 2-3 hours, the length of the course is 14 days;
  • steam 3 bay leaves, chop, grind the onion through a meat grinder, mix the resulting ingredients with milk and honey (3 tbsp each). Make a compress for 30-40 minutes;
  • 2 tbsp. l. mix castor oil with 10 drops of propolis alcohol tincture, rub into the withers or use as a massage product;
  • A chicken egg compress, 3 tbsp, will help reduce the lump. l. vegetable oil, 50 ml of turpentine and 50 ml of vinegar 6%. Rub the problem area, rinse with warm water after 20-30 minutes.

Prevention of the formation of withers in the collar area is body weight control, moderate physical activity, and an active lifestyle.

Ways to get rid of withers on the back of the neck in women at home

You can remove the withers on the back of the neck in women in the early stages of formation using simple methods, such as:

  • Sleeping on a hard bed . A firm mattress allows the body to take a position in which the spine is not deformed. You also need to choose the right pillow. Its thickness should not exceed 10 cm. It is better to avoid bedding filled with down, as they will not bring any benefit to the spine.
  • Massage. It is not necessary to contact a massage therapist; self-massage of the collar area is also useful. It is important that the procedures are regular. Therapeutic massage is carried out 2-3 times a year.
  • Physiotherapy. You also need to do physical exercise regularly. You should choose complexes that pay a lot of attention to the muscles of the neck and upper back.
  • Physiotherapy . This treatment method must be prescribed by a doctor. The effectiveness of therapy increases if physiotherapy is combined with massage.
  • Proper nutrition. You should adhere to the permissible caloric intake of the diet, and also consume fruits and vegetables in sufficient quantities.
  • Active lifestyle. If you can't go to the gym, you should increase your physical activity by choosing an activity you enjoy, such as walking or dancing.
  • Washing. To get rid of withers, you need to slightly diversify this daily procedure. When taking a shower, you should direct a stream of cool water to the lower part of your neck, massaging it in a circular motion from side to side, and then from top to bottom along the side surfaces and the front of it. At the end of the procedure, you need to wipe the skin with ice.
  • Use of Lyapko or Kuznetsov applicators. Such devices can be used on the recommendation of a doctor; they can stop the growth of adipose tissue.

  • Using cans. With the help of special cups that create a warming and smoothing effect, you can get rid of fat deposits. But to carry out the procedure you will need the help of another person. After lubricating the problem area with a special oil, apply the jar tightly to the skin and make smoothing movements. The procedure is carried out daily for 5 minutes; after the condition improves, several times a week will be enough.

Safety regulations


Despite the fact that Kurkurina positions her system as having no contraindications, caution and strict adherence to a number of rules during any physical activity are necessary. There are only six such rules, and remembering them is not at all difficult:

The beginning of classes is always a warm-up

Moreover, the warm-up is very easy and simple (which is especially important for scoliosis). The purpose of the warm-up is to warm up the muscles, which results in increased elasticity of the ligaments.

As soon as you feel warm, move on to the main training program. There is no need to increase the number of repetitions from the initial five to more than ten. But the load level should slowly but steadily increase. Completion of classes is a mandatory final part. Any sudden movements are completely prohibited: the main thing in Kurkurina’s treatment system is smoothness. If the patient suffers from scoliosis or is still a complete beginner, the use of additional external loads (for example, dumbbells) is also strictly prohibited. Selecting a set of exercises from all their huge variety is the prerogative of only a qualified specialist! Self-indulgence (especially with complex diagnoses) can cause irreparable harm.

How to do self-massage for the withers

Self-massage is best done after a bath or shower, when the body is warm. The procedure improves blood circulation, makes muscles elastic, and increases their tone.

Massage technique:

  1. Press your palms against the skin of your neck as tightly as possible.
  2. Perform stroking, while your hands should move from top to bottom.
  3. Perform acupressure with your fingertips, paying special attention to pain points.
  4. Perform pats, treating the entire surface of the neck.
  5. Then pinch with your thumb and forefinger.
  6. At the end of the procedure, rub the neck skin well with your hands.

The duration of the manipulations is arbitrary, depending on patience and the availability of free time. Massage, which is carried out several times a day, will achieve results faster: after 7 days the seal will soften.

Features of Anna Kurkurina's methodology

Working on the neck won't take much time. Therefore, such exercises are suitable even for very busy people. Just a few minutes a day, everyone can sacrifice for the sake of health.

The exercises do not require any special material costs. To achieve the best fruit, flawlessly in combination with exercise, use a massage that will be shown by an experienced sports trainer. If you are unable to attend classes at Anna's gym, you can do so online.

If time is up and the withers have already appeared, do not despair. Gymnastics by Anna Kurkurina will improve this pathology. Her technique was created not only for preventive purposes, but also for therapeutic purposes. As a result, you won't have to wait after your first lesson. This is evidenced by numerous reviews from grateful fans.

Special gymnastics

Physical therapy will help remove the withers on the back of the neck in women. This is the most effective way to combat compaction. Gymnastics is contraindicated in the acute stage of the disease. You can exercise only if there is no pain.

A simple set of exercises

Gymnastics for working out the shoulder girdle are effective in the initial stages of the disease.

You can remove the withers on the back of the neck in women by performing the following exercises:

  1. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your waist. Tilt your head back and forth, left and right, making smooth and slow movements.

  2. Without changing position, swing your arms back and forth. The amplitude of movement should gradually increase. At first, the arms move synchronously, then you need to swing the right and left limbs in turn.
  3. In the same position, spread your arms to the sides. Make 3 small jerks back and hug yourself, crossing your arms. Stay in this position for a short time, then relax, lowering your arms.
  4. Make circular movements with your shoulders, first forward, then back.

You need to do gymnastics 4-5 times a week. Perform 2 approaches per day. Each exercise is performed 10 times. The positive effect can be seen within 7 days. The full course of therapy is 1-1.5 months. Then, for prevention, it is recommended to exercise 2-3 times a week.

Exercises from trainer Anna Kurkurina

Anna Kurkurina’s exercises are very effective in treating withers, which you will only have to spend a few minutes a day on, but you will have to do them every day.

First you need to do a warm-up:

  1. Raise and lower your shoulders at a fast pace for one minute. The head is lowered down.
  2. Take dumbbells in your hands and make diagonal movements. You need to perform the exercise for 2 minutes.

Then you can begin to perform general exercises for the collar area:

  1. With dumbbells in your hands, lean forward a little. Move your shoulders forward, then back. Duration of execution – 2 minutes.

    You can remove the withers from the back of the neck with the help of exercises

  2. Do some stretching. Lowering your head down, clasp your hands at the back of your head. Raise your head while resisting with your hands. Repeat 4-5 times, holding the position for 10 seconds.

After such gymnastics, you should move on to exercises aimed specifically at combating the withers:

  1. Bend your arm and move your elbow back as far as possible. Perform circular movements for 1 minute. Change hands. At the end, do some stretching, for example, by hanging on the horizontal bar for 10 seconds.
  2. Taking dumbbells, raise your arms to shoulder level and move them back. Move your elbows so that your shoulder blades are as close as possible.
  3. Straighten and raise your arms. Bend slightly at the waist. Move one leg forward a little. Bend your knees slightly and hold in this position for about 20 seconds, then straighten up and repeat the exercise on the other leg.

You can start gymnastics even in bed.

The following simple exercises will help improve your condition:

  1. Lying flat, fixing the lower limbs and pelvis, bring the shoulder blades together. At the same time, the chest should rise. You need to stay in this position until a slight trembling begins to be felt. Relax and repeat the exercise.
  2. Nod, turn your head in different directions. The main thing is that the movements are not sudden.

Over time, the movements can be made more intense, but avoid overexertion. If you feel a crunch, there is no need to stop exercising, this is a reaction of salts to physical activity.

Therapeutic gymnastics from Carol Maggio

California cosmetologist Carol Maggio has developed a special lifting gymnastics that allows you to preserve facial contours and smooth out wrinkles.

The complex also includes exercises for the neck, strengthening the muscles and improving its condition:

  1. Lie down on a hard surface. Place your palms around the front of your neck. Raise your head slightly, tense your buttocks. After 5 sec. get down on the floor and relax.
  2. Also lying on the floor, extend your arms along your body. Tighten your gluteal muscles, raising your shoulders and head above the floor 1 cm. Turn your head right and left. Perform 20 repetitions on each side.

You need to perform the exercises 2 times a day every day for 1.5-2 months. During gymnastics, it is important to ensure that the back of the neck is not involved in the work, this contributes to the appearance of pain.

Exercises from Dr. Bubnovsky

To get rid of the withers, Dr. Bubnovsky recommends active work with the arms and shoulders, which contributes to the disappearance of fat deposits.

You can solve the problem using:

  • intense movements of the shoulder joints in different directions. 20 repetitions are required for each shoulder;
  • swings with straight arms. The movements are performed back and forth, the number of repetitions is 20 times for each hand;
  • exercises with an expander. Stand with your feet in the middle of the device, grab the handles with your hands and pull it upward through the sides. Perform at a fast pace.

When performing strength exercises, blood circulation in organs and tissues improves. To increase their effectiveness, Bubnovsky recommends performing a massage after exercise, which breaks down fat deposits. An integrated approach will allow you to get rid of the problem in 2-3 weeks.

Swimming also helps to remove the withers from the back of the neck in women and stop its growth. This sport is not contraindicated for people suffering from spinal diseases. The positive effect will be noticeable after six months if you exercise regularly.

Exercises for the collar area in bed

If your busy schedule does not allow you to devote even 10 minutes to physical therapy, then do a few movements right in bed before or after sleep:

  1. Lie straight, squeeze your shoulder blades so that your chest rises. Keep your shoulder blades squeezed together until your body is so tired and trembling. Do 9-10 minutes. By performing this movement, you improve the condition of the collar area and perfectly pump the muscles of the thoracic region.
  2. Make slow nods, turns and rotations of the head, which is very useful for reducing the withers. A slow pace should be gradually increased. The crunch in the spine is not a signal to stop, but on the contrary, continue the movements.

If you have back pain or chest discomfort, follow these steps:

  • Go to the wall, rest your hands.
  • Bend strongly in the back area.
  • Repeat several times.
  • You can perform backbends while holding the back of a chair.

Drug therapy in addition to physical activity

To strengthen the immune system, speed up metabolism, and saturate the body with useful substances, it is necessary to use vitamin and mineral complexes. Vitamin D is needed to maintain the required bone density, vitamin C for the normal functioning of the nervous system, vitamins E and A for the production of female sex hormones.

If a woman is diagnosed with endocrine pathologies, she will need to take hormonal medications, which will be prescribed after a hormone test. During menopause, hormone replacement therapy is used to normalize testosterone levels.

For moderate severity of the pathological process, when the patient suffers from severe pain, complex therapy using medications is recommended.

Table 1. Medicines for withers

Group of drugsTitlesAction
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Ibufen;
  • Ibuprofen.
Relieve inflammation, pain
  • Ketanov;
  • Analgin.
Eliminate pain
Muscle relaxants
  • Mydocalm;
  • Miaxil.
Eliminate muscle spasms
External agents with irritating effects
  • Deep Relief;
  • Finalgon.
Have an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and distracting effect
  • Chondroxide;
  • Chondroflex.
Accelerate tissue restoration, eliminate pain, increase mobility
NSAIDs for topical use
  • Voltaren;
  • Diklak.
Relieves inflammation and pain

If conservative methods are ineffective, liposuction is recommended. This operation eliminates excess fat accumulation.

The withers on the back of the neck in women respond well to therapy. With adequate treatment, it can be removed in a few months. Therefore, you should not worry about your appearance, the main thing is to consult a doctor at the first symptoms and follow all his recommendations

Article design: Vladimir the Great

Classes with an experienced trainer

Anna Kurkurina created exercises for the back and withers, which helped many people get rid of excess weight, restore mobility and forget about osteochondrosis.

Most of our contemporaries, city residents, lead a sedentary lifestyle, spending time in the office in front of a monitor screen or driving a car.

This is what causes stagnation in muscle tissue, disruption of blood and lymph flow, and metabolism.

The collar area requires special attention, performing certain exercises to strengthen it and get rid of excess fat. To achieve this goal it is necessary:

With your feet shoulder-width apart, tilt your head down, lowering your chin and bringing it closer to your chest. As you inhale, your shoulders rise up, and as you exhale, they smoothly (without jerking) fall down. You need to repeat the movement many times, increasing the speed, raising and lowering your shoulders faster and faster. Continue for at least 5-8 minutes

It is important that the shoulders move up and back and the head remains tilted. To perform the second exercise, you will need to pick up weights. These can be dumbbells or 0.5 liter plastic bottles filled with water

The movement is performed first with one hand, then with the other. Without bending, you need to lift it along the body, moving your shoulder up and back diagonally. This ensures retraction of the scapula and active movement in the shoulder joint. Time – 5 minutes. You need to complicate the exercise by changing the direction. Now the straight arm lowered down with weights moves back (inhale) and forward (exhale) due to the activity of the shoulder joint. The shoulder blade approaches the spine and moves away from it. The body is motionless, the arms are straight. Continue for 5 minutes. Stretching. Tilt your head, pressing your chin to your chest, clasp your fingers at the back of your head. Try to raise your head with effort, holding it with your hands. Repeat the third exercise, but now bending your elbow and speeding up the pace. Stretching the collar area. In a half-squat, clasp your hands under your knees and try to rise with effort without breaking the lock. The next complication is that, having taken dumbbells, you need to move your arm away, raising your elbow so that the shoulder blade approaches the spine. It is important to lift your elbow and move it back. Stretching. One leg forward, raise your arms straight, take a deep breath, and exhale, bend over, maintaining a 90° angle and keeping your arms straight in front of you. Hold for 2 minutes. Smoothly straighten up and, changing legs, repeat. Hands should not be visible. They are not at ear level, but behind them.

After Anna Kurkurina’s exercises, during which the collar area of ​​the back is developed, pain often occurs in the neck, head, between the shoulder blades and in the shoulders themselves.

Before you start training, you need a warm-up, for which the trainer advises you to move to the sounds of your favorite music.

Warm-up and stretching are mandatory components of any complex. All movements must be performed at the specified pace, but not abruptly, but smoothly and without jerking.

The efforts made during exercise should make themselves felt, manifesting themselves in the form of pain or a slight burning sensation and active heat in the developed area.

Physical therapy from Alexandra Bonina will help you get rid of constant pain and keep your muscles in good shape.


If you want to get more information and similar exercises for the spine and joints from Alexandra Bonina, check out the materials on the links below.

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is for general information purposes only and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes. This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist). Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

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