Norbekov's gymnastics for the spine and joints. Set of exercises, video

According to the World Health Organization, more than 80% of people on the planet are susceptible to various diseases of the musculoskeletal system. If previously the symptoms of pathologies were observed mainly in the older generation, today able-bodied people and children are increasingly suffering from them.

The urgency of the problem requires finding new ways to solve it. Along with drug therapy, alternative treatment methods are becoming increasingly popular. These include Norbekov’s gymnastics for the spine, which allows not only to get rid of pathologies, but also contributes to the overall health of the body.

Narbekov is an Uzbek and Russian figure who practices alternative medicine, the founder and director of the Institute of Human Self-Healing.

The institute has branches in 28 countries, and approximately 2,500,000 patients have undergone rehabilitation exercises.

Despite the skepticism of many specialists towards Norbekov’s methods, the gymnastic exercises he developed bring positive results, are quite popular and have good reviews.

The essence and basic principles of the method

Mirzakarim Norbekov is the author of his unusual technique, as well as an academician who in 1998 founded the special “Institute of Human Self-Healing”. The institution offers everyone who wants to learn the basics of therapy without the use of traditional methods.

The essence of Norbekov’s technique is to restore the mobility of joints, muscles and the spinal column by performing simple exercises aimed at strengthening the muscle corset.

In this case, treatment mainly depends on the mood of the patient himself, his desires and aspirations.

The specialist claims that every movement should be performed consciously and with pleasure. Only in this case can results be achieved . Everyone who has tried the method on themselves notes that the exercises are simple and do not require physical training, that is, a professional athlete and a person who has not previously had anything to do with sports can do it.

It is worth noting that before the publication of gymnastics and its results, the academician tried it on himself, and was able to achieve the elimination of severe kidney pathology and improve the condition of the spinal column.

After that, he conducted many more tests on volunteers who completely entrusted their body and health to the specialist. Only the positive experience of all the volunteers convinced Norbekov of the effectiveness of the developed technique. Today, everyone who has problems with the musculoskeletal system knows about it.

It was in 1998 that testing of the method began, since then the academician has managed to cure more than 2,500,000 people.

The technique is based on strengthening joints and muscles, improving their mobility, training the vascular system, as well as awareness of one’s own importance in getting rid of ailments. The author himself claims that 99% of success depends on the person, his mood, harmony with the inner world, and only 1% is correctly selected exercises.

The technique includes complexes designed for the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine . Additionally, during execution, the muscle corset and joints are trained. It is worth noting that gymnastics has a positive effect on all organs and tissues, normalizes blood pressure and eliminates pain in various chronic diseases.

Restoring health according to Dikul

The founder of the system knows firsthand about spinal problems. Valentin Dikul received a serious injury in his youth - a compression fracture of the ridge. Such a disappointing diagnosis leaves patients virtually no chance for a healthy and fulfilling life. But thanks to perseverance and regular training, he was able to overcome the disease. Today, using his method, millions of people are restored to health, independently or in specialized clinics. A variety of exercises are offered aimed at eliminating curvatures, treating intervertebral hernias, osteochondrosis and other pathologies.

The Dikul complex is carried out only under the supervision of a specialist

Several approaches to support back health:

  • Lie on your back and place your hands crosswise on your chest. First, the left shoulder turns to one side, then the other. The results are small twists with low amplitude, only on the floor. 10 repetitions will be enough.
  • Lying on your stomach, arms extended forward and touching the floor. As you inhale, you need to raise your forelimbs as much as possible. You should pause at the highest point.
  • Take a position lying on your back, hands resting on the floor. The hips rotate in different directions in turn, the body maintains one position. When turning, you need to pause a little.

The start of exercise is preceded by a comprehensive diagnosis, which allows the pathology to be accurately determined. During the process, all actions should be calm, aimed at restoring the functioning of the body, so there is no point in grueling exercises. You need to control your breathing and do everything thoughtfully. Exercises with a gymnastic ball are provided for children; they are carried out by specialists under strict supervision.

Specialists help you choose a program and undergo rehabilitation

Indications for use

Norbekov (gymnastics for the spine is the most effective today) believes that it is necessary to undergo an examination that will help clarify the diagnosis. Only in this case can you count on a positive result from the classes.

IndicationGymnastics action
OsteochondrosisExercise improves mobility, stops the progression of the disease, and improves blood circulation in the spinal column
OsteoarthritisThanks to regular practice, it is possible to significantly improve the condition of intervertebral discs and vertebrae, stop degenerative changes and stimulate recovery processes
Herniated discs without pinching nerve endingsStimulates blood flow to the affected area, reduces the load on the damaged disc, which has a beneficial effect on the patient’s condition
Osteoarthritis and chronic arthritisImproves joint mobility in the absence of acute symptoms of inflammation, increases the amount of joint fluid
RachiocampsisCorrects the line of the spine and improves posture, reduces the load on the thoracic and lumbar spine
Chronic sciaticaReduces pressure on the roots of nerve endings by training the muscle corset and increasing the clearance between the vertebrae, normalizes blood flow and the passage of nerve impulses
Weakening of the muscle corsetTrains muscles, makes them flexible and strong, which helps maintain the spinal column in the desired position
Recovery period after musculoskeletal injuriesAllows you to speed up the rehabilitation period, avoid muscle atrophy and congestion in the spine and joints
Deterioration of joint mobilityNormalizes movements, makes them smooth and clear, eliminates stiffness after a long stay in one position
Elderly ageHelps stop the progression of degenerative changes that inevitably develop in elderly patients. Prevents the development of diseases associated with weakening muscles and increased stress on the cartilage tissue of the joints

It is worth noting that the specialist recommends exercising not only to treat any diseases, but also to prevent their occurrence.

Relaxing exercise for eyes

We offer you basic exercises for resting the eyes, which are based on the method of ophthalmologist William Bates. Their short but regular implementation helps to effectively relieve tension and increase visual acuity. Please note that in each specific case the effectiveness of the classes may differ.

The essence of “relaxation” is to isolate the organs of vision from the light source for a certain period of time. At the same time, the systematic implementation is several times a day and for at least five minutes. However, even 30 seconds of exercise can already help your tired eyes.


  • Take a comfortable sitting position.
  • Place your elbows on the table.
  • Fold your palms into a house and cover your eyes with them, but they should not touch them.
  • Relax, breathe deeply and think about pleasant things.

The appearance of small light dots indicates overexcitation of the optic nerve. In any case, you should not concentrate on them, as this prevents complete relaxation. For comfort, you are allowed to move your eyeballs, but you cannot lift your eyelids or move your facial muscles, arms, legs or body.

The method becomes more effective if you include a psychological component - visualize a black canvas in front of you and imagine objects of the same color. Concentrate and make them darker and darker in your mind. A correctly completed exercise will be indicated by the achievement of complete blackness without any light reflections in the form of sparks, dots or spots.

Contraindications for use

Norbekov (gymnastics for the spine helps to cope with many diseases) draws the attention of patients to the fact that the technique is not an absolutely safe method of treating pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

There are contraindications that should be taken into account:

  • During pregnancy, exercises are contraindicated . They can negatively affect the general condition of the mother and the development of the fetus. Many women at this time experience toxicosis and increased blood pressure, which is also a reason for refusing to exercise.
  • When diagnosing cancer, infectious diseases or uncontrolled hypertension, exercise is contraindicated, especially during an exacerbation. Failure to comply with the recommendations will certainly lead to the development of complications. You should not perform gymnastics if you have heart defects, coronary artery disease or advanced angina.
  • An absolute contraindication for gymnastics is the recovery period after surgery on the heart or digestive system, as well as rehabilitation after a myocardial infarction or ischemic stroke.

An acute inflammatory process is a contraindication for doing spinal gymnastics according to the Norbekov system.
There are also relative contraindications:

  • Acute pain due to arthritis and arthrosis. It is recommended to start classes after the elimination of severe symptoms and completion of the course of drug treatment.
  • Chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system during exacerbation. In this case, exercise can worsen the condition, so gymnastics is indicated during the period of remission.
  • The first few weeks after limb injuries are considered a relative contraindication for exercise. During this period, a gentle regime is necessary, but after a while the exercises are allowed. It is important to consult your doctor first.

For women, the postpartum period is considered a relative contraindication. If the patient feels well and there were no complications during childbirth, it is allowed to perform the simplest exercises that will not provoke a deterioration in the condition.

It is worth noting that there are restrictions for patients with any injuries, but without acute pain and other symptoms. Gymnastics are allowed, but you should only do simple exercises and carefully monitor your own condition. If you feel worse, you should stop exercising and consult a specialist.

Is it possible to exercise during pregnancy?

Pregnant women benefit from physical activity (in the case of a normal pregnancy) and there are no individual contraindications, but they should exercise under the supervision of an instructor who can provide assistance in case of a sudden deterioration in well-being.

Pregnant women benefit from physical activity

Charging according to Norbekov is a comprehensive technique for healing the back and the whole body, the popularity of which among patients and practitioners of alternative medicine is constantly growing. Evidence-based medicine does not recognize the declared uniqueness of the program, since there is no scientific evidence of its effectiveness. However, the exercises that are included in the Norbekov training complex can improve the functioning of the spine and reduce the intensity of chronic back pain, as they are aimed at stretching the spinal column and increasing the elasticity of the muscles that support it.

Video - Charging according to Norbekov

Useful tips for patients

Norbekov recommends that patients follow simple rules so that gymnastics for the spine brings only benefits:

  • For classes you will only need loose clothing made from natural materials. The best option would be a T-shirt and cotton sweatpants. During gymnastics, weights or other devices are not used. You can perform exercises on a special rubber mat; you should purchase it at a sporting goods store.

  • The study room should be quiet, well ventilated and lit. It's best to leave the window open while exercising. The author of the method recommends practicing at least 20 minutes daily. The optimal time for this is considered to be early morning, but if it is not possible to perform exercises after waking up, you can devote time to them during the day or 3 hours before bedtime. You should not eat food 2 hours before training and 1 hour after it, but you should definitely drink water in small sips in moderation.
  • The most important thing in training, according to the author, will be the patient’s psychological attitude. It is important to perform all exercises with pleasure, to feel the movements of the muscles and the whole body, and also to feel how the disease leaves every cell. Such visualization is a guarantee of success and significantly speeds up the healing process.
  • It is important to pay attention to your surroundings. It is better to perform exercises alone and in silence. Some people prefer to train to music, but Norbekov insists on complete silence, since music distracts the patient from his own thoughts and does not allow him to fully visualize the result. After the lesson, it is recommended to stay in silence for 5-7 minutes, take a deep breath of fresh air and realize the benefits of the training. The patient must believe that only he himself can improve his health.
  • It is also worth remembering that gymnastics performed without desire will not bring results. Only the desire for self-improvement will help achieve positive dynamics.

General rules

For gymnastics to be beneficial, the exercises must be performed constantly, and all the rules must be taken into account.

  1. Before carrying out, we recommend that you contact your doctor and find out how to do exercises more effectively - with or without lenses and glasses. Depending on individual indicators and goals, an original set of exercises without optical products may be offered.
  2. You should not do too many repetitions at one time. If you're not used to it, you can overstrain your eyes even more. Effectiveness lies in several approaches, but it is advisable to do gymnastics at least twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.
  3. It is necessary to take breaks between exercises. Blinking frequently between repetitions will help reduce eye strain.
  4. Combine calm breathing with uniform movement of the eye muscles. A smooth deep breath while lowering the diaphragm synchronizes the work of all processes in the body.
  5. Always avoid performing mechanical exercises. You must carefully monitor how the eye muscles work. Regular exercise should become a whole philosophy for you, and not an automatic workout.
  6. Let only your eyes “work”. To be effective, you do not need to move your head, your neck should be relaxed, and do not use your facial muscles.
  7. The shape of the eyeball is close to a ball, and natural muscle contractions will not be in straight lines. Therefore, movements should be soft and smooth.
  8. When the first signs of fatigue or tiredness appear, you need to take a break. Performing exercises should eliminate the occurrence of discomfort and any pain.

Main complex

Norbekov (gymnastics for the spine from the author is considered the most popular among patients of different ages) includes warm-up exercises in the main complex, after which gymnastics for the cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebrae are performed step by step.

Warm-up includes several simple exercises to prepare your muscles for further stress:

  1. Clenching your palms into fists and then relaxing your fingers. Your hands should be raised in front of you.
  2. Shrug while standing. In this case, it is necessary to round the upper back as much as possible.
  3. Rotation of the shoulders in a standing position with arms lowered along the body. At the same time, you should try not to move other parts of the body and head.
  4. Try to move one arm back as much as possible after raising it above your head. At the same time, you should bring your other hand back, but do not raise it, but lower it down.
  5. Rotation of the pelvis in different directions. Repeat at least 10 times for each side. In this case, the palms should lie on the lumbar region.

Each exercise is performed 10-12 times. After this, you can proceed to the main complex for each group of vertebrae. To train the cervical spine, exercises should be performed in a clear sequence, which will ensure the correct load and eliminate the likelihood of complications.

Exercises for training the cervical spine:

  1. Tilts of the head to the sides. In this case, you should try to touch your earlobe to your shoulder. Repeat 10 times in each direction. After this, try to hold your head close to your shoulder for a few seconds to stretch your neck muscles.
  2. Head tilts forward. The patient should try to reach his chest with his chin, while his head should also follow him. Perform 10 times.
  3. Tilt the head back with the chin pointing as high as possible. Perform 10 times.
  4. Rotate your head clockwise and counterclockwise. Movements should be slow, smooth, careful. Rotate in each direction for 15 seconds.
  5. Bring your chin as close as possible to your chest, then carefully turn your head to the right and left. Do 10 times in each direction, trying not to lift your chin from your chest.
  6. Throwing your head back while simultaneously relaxing and tensing your neck muscles. After throwing back, the patient should feel the neck muscles, strain them with caution and relax them gradually. Perform for 20 seconds.

All exercises are performed in a standing position with legs spread shoulder-width apart and arms extended along the body. You should not help yourself with your hands or try to make the exercise easier.

After this, you can move on to a set of exercises for the thoracic vertebrae. They are also performed step by step; do not break the sequence.

Exercises for the thoracic vertebrae:

  1. Join your hands in front of you in a lock, and then try to press your hands on each other. In this case, the patient should feel tension in the thoracic vertebrae. Perform for 20 seconds.
  2. Joining the arm behind the body at the level of the buttocks, followed by maximum contraction of the shoulder blades. It is necessary to carefully bring the shoulder blades together and relax the thoracic spine, but do not unclench your arms. Repeat for 10-15 seconds.
  3. Lowering of one shoulder with simultaneous raising of the other. Repeat for each shoulder 10 lowering and lifting.
  4. Turn the body in different directions so that only the shoulder and thoracic spine are involved. Perform 12 times in each direction.
  5. Bend the body forward from a standing position. In this case, the patient should not bend his knees, but should try to reach the floor with his hands. Feet are shoulder-width apart. Do 10 inclines.

After completing the basic complex, you need to rest for 2-3 minutes, and then move on to exercises for the lumbar spine.
All movements must also be performed consistently, carefully and without excessive tension. Exercises for the lumbar region:

  1. Turn the body to the sides. The pelvis should be motionless, but the entire body rotates smoothly to the right and left. Repeat 10 times in each direction.
  2. Relax as much as possible, then lower your body and relax your arms. The legs should be straight, and the body should seem to hang from the pelvis. In this case, you need to feel how the muscles in the lumbar region relax.
  3. Get on all fours and lower your head, then arch your back as much as possible, trying to stay in this position for 3-5 seconds. After this, bend down and point your face up. Repeat 10 times.
  4. Lie on your back. Rise up and clasp your legs bent at the knees with your hands. Rock in this position back and forth for 10 seconds.
  5. Take a position - sitting on the floor with your legs extended and connected. Bring your torso as close to your legs as possible, stretching your arms in front of you. Perform 10 inclines. The patient should feel how the lower back muscles are stretched and tension is removed from the entire body.

After doing this, you should simply lie on the mat in the “starfish” position for at least 7 minutes. It is necessary to feel every muscle and the benefits that exercise brings. All exercises should be performed smoothly and carefully.

Introductory part of classes

The set of exercises includes successive stretching movements that primarily affect the joints. They also train:

  • blood vessels;
  • nervous system;
  • strength of spirit.

Immediately before training aimed at treating the spine, it is necessary to massage the ears for a certain period of time. The presence of biologically active points on them has a beneficial effect on a person’s overall well-being and helps to achieve the necessary psychological state.

Massage of the paranasal area and chin has a similar effect.

There are numerous books by M. Norbekov that allow you to independently master gymnastics for the spine for the purpose of its further use. If you wish, you can sign up for group classes

The warm-up doesn't end there.

You should perform rotational movements with your hands, as well as with your arms at the elbow and shoulder joints. Clench and unclench your fists. Raise and lower your shoulders.

Consolidate the result

Norbekov (gymnastics for the spine from the author is often the only method of treating spinal pathologies at the initial stage) draws the attention of patients to the fact that in order to consolidate the result, it is important to exercise daily. In addition, you need to tune in to the positive effect of the classes.

The specialist also recommends consolidating the results of training with proper nutrition, especially if you are overweight. You should increase the amount of vegetables, fruits and cereals in the menu. It is useful to consume fermented milk products, dried fruits, and first courses.

It is necessary to exclude confectionery products, smoked meats, baked goods and fatty foods from the diet. In addition, portions should be small and meals should be frequent. You should drink more fluids, but avoid alcohol, carbonated drinks and coffee.

When to expect an effect

The effect of the exercises should not be expected a few days after the start of exercise. The minimum duration of the course should be 4 weeks. But the author of the method claims that lasting results can only be obtained with regular training and following a diet.

Norbekov is the author of a unique technique, thanks to which many patients get rid of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

Norbekov’s gymnastics for the spine and joints is considered the most popular and effective today, and is therefore used by patients all over the world.

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