Posture exercises – a set of exercises for a healthy back

Poor posture in humans leads to a number of serious diseases. Therefore, it is very important for everyone to learn to always keep their back straight. The correct position of the spine not only looks aesthetically pleasing, but also affects human health. First of all, this allows you to evenly distribute the load, strengthen the muscles of the neck and face, and also improve the functioning of the digestive tract. Beautiful posture is found mainly in people who constantly engage in sports or choreography. The rest should learn to keep their back straight.

Improving your posture at home

The concepts of a straight back differ from one another in different sources. Therefore, it is very important to understand what correct posture means. According to experts, it has the following features:

  • the head should be in an upright position;
  • there is a right angle between the chin and neck;
  • shoulders are freely straightened and slightly pulled back;
  • the shoulder blades are symmetrical and at the same level;
  • the chest is slightly forward;
  • the stomach is pulled in, the buttocks are slightly pulled back.

In this position, it is very difficult to force yourself to walk all the time, but it is extremely necessary. To do this, you should always keep your back straight while walking and working at the computer. Simple rules will help with this:

  1. Making sure your back is straight is easy. You need to stand up straight and straighten your shoulders, moving them as far back as possible.
  2. Fix the position at the end point. The head is positioned as straight as possible.
  3. Place a book (thicker) on your head and try to hold your back so that it does not fall.
  4. In this position, you need to slowly walk around the room.

The position of the head and shoulders will have to be constantly monitored only for the first few days, after which a habit begins to develop, and maintaining it becomes easier and more natural. A special corrective corset used to correct your posture will also help you keep your shoulders straight. In addition, constant performance of a set of exercises aimed at strengthening the body is required. They are selected individually by the attending physician. Therapeutic gymnastics differs from sports and has its own characteristics.

The most difficult thing to do in a chair is to keep your back straight, but this forms the habit of keeping your posture

Electronic correctors that can be used without a doctor’s prescription

There is such a type of correctors as electronic

These are harmless but effective devices that can be used without
a doctor’s prescription. What are they and how do they work?

These are miniature devices that are attached to underwear or glued directly to the body (like a patch). When a person begins to slouch, the corrector vibrates

, reminding you that it is time to take the correct position.

Russian development – ​​“Master of Posture”

The gadget is sold in two versions for children and adults, with differences in packaging design. You can buy with delivery here.

In the kit you will find detailed instructions with a training program and answers to the most frequently asked questions, as well as, in addition to the sensor:

  • clothing fastening element;
  • replaceable stickers for attaching the sensor to the body (designed for approximately a 30-day course);
  • spare battery;
  • a special device for “pushing out” the battery.

To put the gadget into action, you need to secure it in one of the ways on your body or clothing with the arrow pointing up and press the button, thereby fixing the desired position.

The gadget does not synchronize with anything, and feedback is only possible in the form of a vibration signal.

  1. When you press the button, there is a single vibration signal, indicating that the pose is fixed. If your posture is violated for more than 50-60 seconds,
    you will receive a 5-fold vibration notification, noticeable by ear, especially in a quiet room.
  2. Notifications are not continuous: in case you remain in the wrong position, you will receive a subsequent notification again only after 50-60 seconds
  3. You can recalibrate the sensor at any time.
  4. The device can be paused by placing it on a horizontal surface or by holding the button. Pause information signal - double vibration.

For more visual reviews of the Posture Master, watch the video below:

Video on the topic

Video on the topic

Ways to keep your back straight in a chair

You need to start correcting your posture by monitoring your position while writing, working on the computer, walking and sleeping. By noticing the problem, you can begin to correct yourself, constantly returning the spine to its natural position. The correct placement at the table is:

  • The position on the chair is not complete, but only 2/3.
  • The back is straight all the time, resting on the back only during breaks.
  • The legs under the table are bent at a right angle, do not cross, are not on their toes or on their heels, but are placed exactly on the full foot.
  • The hands are placed on the table along with the elbows.

It is necessary to monitor your spine not only while sitting at the table, but also while walking. The shoulders are pulled back slightly, the abdominal muscles are pulled in, and the foot is fully planted on the ground. This position is considered the most optimal.

Increasing curves

Most often, the curves increase, hypertrophy, and then hyperlordosis or hyperkyphosis occurs in one or another department, which disrupts the muscle balance in the body. Some muscles become stronger, and the muscles on the opposite side (antagonists) relax.

This is clearly seen in people who are stooped: they have a sunken chest, shortened pectoral muscles and a round back - increased thoracic kyphosis - stretched muscles of the upper back. It is difficult for such people to keep their back straight and it is almost impossible to bring their shoulder blades together.

Hyperlordosis of the lumbar region can often be observed in girls who engage in dancing or rhythmic gymnastics. During training, they are constantly forced to arch their backs, pushing their buttocks back. Visually, a beautiful image of a flexible girl is created, but in reality there is a chronic compression of the back muscles surrounding the lumbar region, and the abdominal muscles on the opposite side are stretched.

Also, tight lower back muscles can force the pelvis to be in a forward tilt position, which in turn will lead to muscle imbalance in the lower extremities, namely, shortening and hypertonicity of the muscles of the anterior surface of the thigh, lengthening and weakening of the hip extensors. Often in such a situation, the gluteal muscles may be well expressed, but in fact they are not included in the work from a biomechanical point of view and do not perform their function.

Scoliosis support

If there are curvatures of the spine, regardless of the stage (1,2,3) of the disease, it is more difficult to maintain correct posture throughout the day. But this is just as necessary as for any healthy person. The reason for this pathology is often hidden in the constant incorrect position of the body and the deficiency of nutrients and minerals in the body. Contributing factors are also a sedentary lifestyle and prolonged exposure to an incorrect posture at a computer desk. You can get a straight back when diagnosing scoliosis by doing simple exercises:

  • You need to squat down and walk around the house, imitating duck walking. 5-10 minutes is enough to improve stretching and strengthen the muscle frame.
  • You need to clasp your hands and throw them back as far as possible. Then squat down and place your hands between your knees. Do 10-15 approaches.
  • Get on all fours and arch your back as much as possible. The hands should be located strictly under the shoulders. This exercise will make your back much more elastic and stronger.
  • Lie on the floor and raise your legs up. Place your hands behind the back of your head and begin to imitate riding a bicycle.

In addition to posture, you also need to control your breathing. The axis of the hip joint and the diaphragm should be parallel. This enriches the body and muscle tissue with oxygen.

Constant training and self-control will allow you to develop a habit

Causes of spinal curvature

In normal condition, the spine has natural physiological curves in the thoracic and lumbar regions. However, for a number of reasons, incorrect posture may develop. The most common of them should be listed. So, violations may appear:

  • Staying in an uncomfortable position for a long time. Most often this applies to those who, due to their occupation, have to sit for a long time. The same applies to schoolchildren sitting at uncomfortable desks.
  • Due to a sedentary lifestyle and weakened muscles.
  • As a result of various diseases and injuries affecting the spinal region.
  • When a person walks for a long time in incorrectly selected shoes or clothes that force him to take an uncomfortable position.
  • If there is a constant deficiency in the diet of vitamins and microelements necessary for the body.
  • When systematically performing heavy physical work.
  • In the absence of timely correction of postural disorders in childhood and adolescence.

Effective exercises

A comprehensive workout or even simple exercises in the morning can ensure good back health and create beautiful posture. The main task is to force yourself to do it constantly in the morning. It consists of several exercises aimed at different muscle groups. For example, you can perform the following approaches:

How to choose a back corrector

  • Warm up all the muscles of the body by alternately rotating the head, limbs and body. Exercise should be similar to school physical education.
  • Stand near a flat wall and press your heels, buttocks, shoulders and the back of your head as close as possible to it. Stand like this for about 5 minutes.
  • Sit on a chair straight, legs at right angles. As you exhale, tighten your abdominal muscles and keep your back straight. After 20 seconds, exhale and repeat everything several times.
  • Clasp your hands behind your back and bend forward. The gaze is an extension of the spine. A small niche is formed between the hands. Stand in this position for several minutes. If your lower back hurts periodically, the approach is performed extremely carefully.

The exercises are not difficult, but if you keep yourself in good shape and always pay attention to the main support of the body, then problems with posture will not arise. In addition, it is necessary to constantly carry out strengthening procedures for the back, engage in swimming, yoga, or give the muscles aerobic exercise.

Driving position

Driving position is especially important if you are driving somewhere very far away and you will be sitting for a long time. From the very beginning of the journey, it is necessary to provide additional support for the lower back - place a small pillow or rolled up towel under your back. The seat must be adjusted so that your legs do not experience overstrain.

If possible, the headrest should also support your head and be positioned clearly in the middle of the back of your head. Control the position of your head. Don't let your chin move too far forward, as this puts unnecessary stress on your spine.

Improving posture while resting

Improper sleeping posture can ruin all efforts to maintain proper back alignment. Therefore, you should observe sleep hygiene, choose the right mattress and pillow, and do not sleep on your stomach. To correct your posture during a night's rest, you need to sleep on your side, with your knees slightly tucked toward your stomach. At the same time, the back straightens a little, as if pressed tightly against the wall. To maintain this position while sleeping, you must follow the following rules:

  • Place a pillow between your legs or near your chest.
  • The pillow should support the head in such a way that the cervical spine is at the same level as other parts of the spine. An orthopedic product copes better with this task.
  • If you roll up a thick blanket and place it in the abdominal area, this will allow you not to change your position while sleeping. It can be removed once the body gets used to sleeping correctly.

Experts do not recommend sleeping on your stomach because it causes increased stress on your back and neck. It is quite difficult to get rid of this habit, but it is extremely necessary to normalize posture and reduce tension in the muscular frame of the spine.

The correct posture during sleep is the key to a straight back

Digestive system

The optimal location of the vertebral segments has a beneficial effect on the functioning of all internal organs, including the digestive system.

Correct posture allows the abdominal organs to occupy their natural position without excessive compression, which can interfere with the normal flow and functioning of the gastrointestinal system. Incorrect posture, such as sitting slouched, can provoke acid reflux (“heartburn”), constipation and even hernia.

From the spinal cord, located inside the spine, nerve fibers go to each internal organ, which are responsible for their normal functioning. Diseases such as osteochondrosis, scoliosis, postural disorders, vertebral displacements, torticollis in childhood and others can cause a variety of symptoms, ranging from headaches to pain in the stomach or heart area.

If you treat such disorders using traditional medicine methods, no matter how many tablets and injections you use, there may be no result.

Changes in physiological curves do not always occur under the influence of external factors (sedentary work, engaging in a certain type of physical activity, asymmetrical load); sometimes there are internal problems that will also affect the musculoskeletal system from the inside.

There is an inverse relationship - when the disease of any internal organ is primary, then this organ can become inflamed and increase in size, it suddenly becomes cramped in its place, it requires more space.

If this organ is located in the pelvic area, for example, the ovaries in women, then their inflammation often leads to anterior tilt of the pelvis, lengthening and relaxation of the abdominal muscles, which leads to tension in the lower back muscles, which will pull the outer vertebrae of the lumbar region towards each other, thereby forming hyperlordosis.

Often such girls complain that by endlessly “pumping up” their abs, they do not get the coveted abs on their stomach. In this case, it is necessary to contact a gastroenterologist or gynecologist in order to exclude possible diseases of the internal organs and only then increase the load on the abdominal area.

Useful tips

Mosaraf Ali gives excellent recommendations regarding maintaining health and a straight back in his book. Its rules cover all areas of life and always remain relevant. But besides them, it’s worth taking on board a few more expert tips:

  • Avoid uncomfortable high-heeled shoes. Or limit its use, as this leads to a shift in the center of gravity and instability.
  • Sleep only on a medium-hard mattress. Avoid beds with sagging tops or soft feather beds.
  • Keep your back straight while eating or doing any activity.
  • The head should be straight, the chin stretches slightly forward. This will allow you to control your back position at all times.
  • The diet should be complete and contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals for healthy development.

An important nuance is also the position of a person during sleep. The best choice would be high-quality orthopedic pillows and mattresses developed using modern technologies. In this case, you should completely stop sleeping on your stomach, and try to stay on your left side most of the night, with your legs slightly bent at the knees.

You can learn to keep your back straight in about six months if you constantly control yourself and consolidate the results obtained. Over time, a straight back will become a normal, familiar position, and you can all be proud of your royal posture.


Before starting treatment for stoop, it is necessary to establish a diagnosis and determine the angle of curvature of the ridge. In addition, the doctor checks the motor capabilities of the limbs, the functioning of the bladder, and intestines, which can be impaired by compression of the spinal cord. The following methods are used for this:

  • X-ray – allows you to obtain an image with a general and lateral projection to understand the degree of curvature of bone structures.
  • MRI - a study is performed if pinched nerve endings are suspected.
  • CT scan – an image is taken if it is necessary not only to correct stoop in adults, but also to restore nerve impulses.

To determine the condition of the spine, the patient is recommended to do a number of exercises. A series of neurological tests, muscle strength and sensitivity are also carried out. Which doctor should I contact? A vertebrologist and an orthopedist can help correct stooping in an adult and determine the cause.


Self-detection of stoop

It is possible to eliminate a slouched back at home only in the initial stages, when the problem is caused by improper sitting at the table or lack of exercise. The following test will help you assess the condition of your spine:

  • A child or an adult needs to stand with their back against the wall.
  • The feet are placed together, the heels and sacrum are pressed tightly to the surface.
  • You should try to insert your palm between your lower back and the wall. Normally, it should move freely; if posture is impaired, the space disappears.
  • Assessment of the condition of the thoracic spine and how far the shoulder blades lag behind.
  • If the back of the head is not pressed completely, and the head is shifted forward, this indicates a pronounced stoop, which should be eliminated.

You can also check your posture using a mirror. This requires the help of another person. You need to stand in front of the mirror in a familiar position, after which marks are made on the surface with chalk in key places: ankles, knee joints, elbows, shoulders, earlobes. Normally, they should all be on the same line.

You can even diagnose stooping yourself at home.

Yoga and Pilates

Yoga has a lot of complexes that develop body flexibility and strengthen the musculoskeletal system. The most popular morning routine is surya namaskara; every yoga session begins with it. “Triangles” also strengthen the back, allow it to straighten, and remove tightness in the muscles in the chest. By regularly practicing special asanas, after just six months you are guaranteed to forget about problems such as lower back stiffness and back pain, and after a year of regular practice, your shoulders, as if by magic, will straighten and your back will straighten. The flexibility of the spine is developed by cat and dog poses. If you have never exercised, start with at least basic Pilates. It allows you to work out your muscles well and strengthen your back without stress or risk of injury.

How to position your pelvis correctly

First of all, you need to feel the correct position of the pelvis. To do this, sit on the edge of a chair, place your feet on the floor, the angle at the knee should be 90 degrees. This is the correct position of the legs.

First, arch your back and hold for a couple of seconds, then arch your back, pushing your chest forward and creating. After this, take the middle position.

If the position is correct, it feels as comfortable as possible (for the first minute). The weight is located on the ischial tuberosities, the back is straight, but maintaining the physiological curves of the spine.

So, you have found the ideal position, but your body has been accustomed to another for years, so as soon as you are distracted, it will immediately return to its usual position. Of course, you can’t do nothing but monitor the position of your pelvis all day, and your lower back will get tired out of habit. Help yourself get used to it - use back support, which will make it easier to form a new pattern.

Morning exercises

The popular Soviet exercise “bridge” very effectively develops the back muscles. There are three options for the “bridge” according to difficulty level, start with the simplest one. Stand in this pose for 10-20 minutes a day, and within a month your back will begin to strengthen, and you will gradually get used to holding it straight. To straighten your shoulders, move your arms to the sides and back; it is useful to use weights, such as dumbbells. Increase the weight gradually. After two weeks of regular exercise, you can take heavier dumbbells. Various versions of “locks”, which are performed by clasping hands from behind, “spread” the shoulders well. You can get rid of tightness in your chest with regular push-ups. The main thing is the correct technique.

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