How to Achieve Cat Flexibility with 10 Back Stretches

Stiffness in the back and pain in the spine are common problems for people living in the era of technology. The occurrence of these conditions is facilitated by spending long periods of time doing sedentary work and using gadgets. Elderly people also suffer from pathologies of the spine; their movements are accompanied by pain and discomfort.

To support the functioning of the musculoskeletal system at any age, experts recommend performing a number of exercises for back flexibility. It is important not only to make your training effective, but also to make sure there are no contraindications. One of the advantages of performing the complex is the ability to support spinal health at home.

The relationship between back flexibility and health

The spine is the frame of the body; it is with its help that the main vital organs are correctly located and function. Back flexibility affects a person’s health in the following ways:

  • Energy costs are reduced. When muscles in the human body contract, it is in a state of tension; when they are stretched, it is in a state of relaxation. Prolonged muscle contraction leads to significant energy consumption, as a result of which a person feels tired. Stretching the back muscles not only relieves tension, but also releases wasted energy.
  • Improved blood circulation. Performing exercises improves blood supply to the spine and the muscles that support it, and supports the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Improved coordination. Gymnastics to develop back flexibility helps the muscles not only relax, but also, on the contrary, stay in good shape. At the same time, coordination of movements improves, allowing you to quickly acquire new physical skills and abilities.
  • Normalization of blood pressure. In parallel with the muscles, the blood vessels begin to function normally. Vascular walls relax at rest, which reduces blood pressure to normal. Especially useful for older people.
  • Improving the functioning of internal organs. The functioning of the heart, respiratory and genitourinary systems is supported.
  • Protection from injury. A flexible back allows you to maintain a high level of physical activity, perform complex exercises, and lift weights.

Note: Chinese doctors recommend restoring health, starting with developing back flexibility, improving the functioning of the spine and muscle frame.

Indications and contraindications

How do you know if your back is not as flexible as it should be? You should stand straight with your feet together. Try to touch your hands to the floor without bending your knees. If it doesn't work out, it's time to start training. It is recommended to improve the flexibility of the spine for people whose work involves long periods of driving, at the computer, or with a sedentary lifestyle.

Anatomical features of the spine

You also need to regularly stretch your muscles for joint diseases, osteochondrosis, and frequent back pain associated with weak muscles. Another indication is heavy physical work, during which the muscles of the lumbar region are regularly under tension. In addition to a healthy spine, exercise helps to tighten your figure and reduce body weight.

List of contraindications:

  • traumatic injuries of the spine;
  • osteoporosis;
  • acute phase of joint inflammation;
  • thrombosis;
  • recent operations;
  • tendency to hypertensive crises;
  • oncological diseases;
  • the first 3-4 days of the menstrual cycle;
  • diseases of the heart and joints in the stage of decompensation;
  • kidney and bladder diseases;
  • ARVI, influenza in the acute phase with increased body temperature;
  • period of bearing a child;
  • severe pathologies of the respiratory system.

Why is plasticity lost?

The range of motion around joints is very specific and varies by body part and individual characteristics. Muscle flexibility is primarily related to genetic factors and physical activity.

Range of motion is affected by joint structure, ligaments, tendons, muscles, skin, age and even body temperature. The older we get, the more muscles and their weight contract. In addition, the tendons that attach muscles to bones have reduced water content. This makes the tissues more rigid and reduces their mobility.

The more often we stretch our muscles, the longer and more flexible they become. As a result, we get the following advantages:

  • Wide range of motion
  • Reduced risk of muscle and joint injuries
  • Reducing back pain
  • Improving balance, thereby reducing the risk of falls
  • Improved posture

Recommendations for implementation

The optimal time to perform the exercise is after a light dinner. This will relax your muscles and relieve fatigue before a night's rest. It is better to choose the same time every day. Before the complex, you need to warm up the muscles and ligaments; movements should be smooth, without jerking or sudden twisting. You need to give preference to clothes that will not hinder movement and retain heat inside the body during training.

For exercises performed in a horizontal position, it is better to take a special mat. You should not warm up on the carpet, since sudden movements can itch your skin. It is important to listen to your body. If pain appears in the back, lower back, joints and legs, stop the exercise or reduce the intensity of the exercise. For beginners, the number of repetitions of each exercise is up to 7, for regular exercisers – up to 15.

Note: The minimum number of classes per week is 4, the maximum is 6, that is, one day off must be required.

Not only does daily training make no sense in achieving your goals, on the contrary, you can also harm your body. To become truly flexible, you need to perform a full complex, devoting enough time to it. A reasonable lesson duration is from 30 to 50 minutes. More is possible, but not less.

Types of stretching

Having finished with questions about whether stretching is necessary, it’s worth going over what, exactly, you need to do? All exercises can be divided into three main categories:

  1. Warm-up stretching involves various turns of the body, slight bends, all in order to warm up the muscles before the approach.
  2. Dynamic stretching - we take a certain range of movements and stretch at an average pace.
  3. Static stretching – needed to improve overall flexibility.

The first and second types can be performed before training, and the third - after.

Let's take a closer look at the categories.

Where to begin?

To develop back flexibility, you need to choose a special set of exercises. It is advisable that this be done by a specialist who will clarify the presence of problems with the musculoskeletal system, concomitant diseases, the level of muscle elasticity, joint performance, etc. Subsequent training can be done independently at home.

What to do before stretching:

  • wear comfortable clothes;
  • choose a suitable location;
  • assess your health status, whether there is pain in any places, the presence of contraindications;
  • do a light warm-up;
  • work on your breathing technique.

If you lose your breath during exercise, do not sit or lie down. You should stop doing the exercise and walk slowly, you can drink a few sips of water. You should not expect quick results from training; the first achievements will be noticeable only after 2-3 weeks.

The best exercises for beginners

Below we consider the recommended complex for those who are just starting training with the goal of developing spinal flexibility. Each exercise should be performed for 30-40 seconds.

NameBenefits of exerciseExecution RulesRecommendations for simplification
Bend back while standingStrengthening the back muscle corset, restoring the functioning of the thoracic spine, good postureStand up straight. Hands on waist. Bend back, bending in the lumbar region. Hips can be pushed forward slightly to maintain balance Can be done while sitting, but do not tilt your head back too much
Sphinx poseDeveloping lumbar flexibility, relieving muscle spasms, supporting lung functionLying on your stomach, resting on the inner surface of your forearms. Palms parallel to each other, head looking straight For pain in the lumbar region, fix the position for only a few seconds
Back archStretching the back muscle corset, restoring the functioning of the thoracic regionStarting position, as in the sphinx pose. Next, you need to place your arms straight behind your back, extend them along your body and raise your body. Feet remain on the floor. Performing a backbend in the sphinx pose, without putting your hands behind your back
"Swimmer"Allows you to increase the flexibility of the spine, strengthen the legs, improve coordination of movementsLying on your stomach, arms in front of you. The arm and the opposite leg are raised alternately, imitating the movements of a swimmer. Perform without sudden movements, smoothly Reduce the range of motion or lift your legs first, then your arms, one at a time
Grasping the foot on all foursDevelopment of coordination and balance, spinal flexibility, calming effectPosition on all fours with one leg raised up without straightening the knee. The opposite hand clasps the foot of the raised leg, while arching the back. Repeat for the other side You can use a fitness band or towel to grip your foot.
Half bridgeStrengthening the muscles of the back, lower back, pelvic floor, buttocks and thighsWhile lying on your back, pull your feet towards your pelvis and bend your knees. Raise your pelvis, lifting it off the floor. Shoulders, head and feet remain on the floor. Hands parallel to the body. You need to lift your pelvis as high as possible, tensing your gluteal muscles at the top point. The lumbar region can be supported with your hands, this reduces the load on it
CrunchesDevelopment of mobility of the lower spinal column, muscle stretchingLying on your back, pull one foot toward your pelvis, bending your knee. Move your hand to the side on the same side. When performing a twist in the lumbar region, move your knee in the opposite direction, trying to touch the floor with it. Hold for a few breaths, then repeat on the other side. You can reduce the range of motion of your leg so that your knee does not touch the floor
"Arc" on the backRelaxation of muscles in the thoracic and lumbar region, stretching of the spineLying on your back, place both hands behind your head, cross your legs at the feet. Turn the body and legs in one direction so that the body forms an arc Arms can be extended along the body

Side bend

The ability to bend sideways largely depends on the condition of the oblique abdominal muscles. There is one good exercise that, on the one hand, helps to stretch tight muscles, and on the other hand, strengthens them.

Bent-overs with a kettlebell

  • Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hips and shoulders facing forward.
  • Take a dumbbell in one hand - from 2 to 10 kg, depending on your training.
  • Slowly move the dumbbell along your leg, bending your spine to the side, until you reach the maximum range.
  • Slowly straighten up and repeat.
  • Do five bends in each direction.

List of exercises for advanced

Each exercise from this complex should be performed for 5-7 breathing cycles. The time is approximately 40-45 seconds.

NameBenefits of exerciseExecution RulesRecommendations for simplification
"Cobra"Development of lumbar flexibility, elimination of lower back pain, good postureLying on your stomach, stretch your legs, bring your feet together, place your palms on the floor. As you inhale, raise your body so that your pubic bone presses against the floor. And your palms should be pressed to the floor. Tighten your buttocks and thighs For pain in the lumbar region, slightly raise the pelvis
Jefferson CrunchStretching the spinal column, relaxing the back musclesPerform while standing on a cabinet or chair. Slowly lower your head, then twist your spine until you reach full range of motion. The wrists should be below the edge of the cabinet, do not bend the knees The amplitude should be such that it does not cause pain in the back or lower back
Side plank crunchesWorking out the muscles of the chest, arms, abdomen, endurance trainingPosition in a side plank with emphasis on the forearm, the second hand behind the head, the elbow looking up. Bend forward, touching your elbow to the floor. Rise, repeat Reducing the number of twists
"Fish"Relaxes the pelvic floor muscles, strengthens the hipsLie on your back, bend your knees and place your shins on the sides of your body. Raise your body, keeping your head and pelvis on the floor Performed with straight legs or in half lotus position
HyperextensionDevelopment of the erector spinae and gluteal musclesYou need a hyperextension machine or any bench that you can grab onto with your feet. Place your hands behind your head and lower your body until it is parallel to the floor. Next, pull your body up, moving your shoulders back and straightening your back. Arms can be crossed over the chest or placed on the sides of the body
BridgeImproving posture, developing flexibility of the spinal column, getting rid of back painLying on your back with your palms placed under your shoulders. Climb to the bridge Perform a half bridge
Bridge with alternating leg raisesImproving posture, developing flexibility of the spinal column, getting rid of back painThe first part of the exercise is performed as a “bridge”. Next, you should alternately raise your legs Perform a half bridge without raising your legs

Special mention should be made about the “child’s pose.” It must be performed between other exercises, every 5-7 minutes during training. The exercise does not make the back more flexible, but it allows you to relax the muscles after heavy poses, twisting, and bending. To perform this, you need to get down on all fours and stretch your arms forward. Lower your pelvis onto your heels, face down, head touching the floor.

If you experience pain, you can simplify the pose: do not stretch your arms forward, but bring them to the sides of the body. You can turn your head a little in one direction or another. This will allow you to relax your cervical spine and surrounding muscles as much as possible.

Static stretching

What static stretching is is known to many who at one time wanted to do the splits. In the case of the back, the situation is approximately the same, only with the specifics of the exercises. Below are a few movements that are performed for static stretching.

The desire to touch your toes with your hands

Without jerking, maintaining a static position.

Exercise cat

A very useful exercise for your back and overall flexibility.

Pressing the front of your thighs without bending your knees

Hanging on the horizontal bar

It would seem that it could be easier than just hanging. Yes and no. Yes, it's easy. No – hanging long enough is not that easy. This exercise helps strengthen your back and grip. Perfectly relaxes the spine after training and a hard day. Track your progress and try to do a little more with each workout. It is optimal to hang for 30 seconds.

At the counter

  1. Stand sideways to the counter.
  2. With one hand that is closer to the counter, grab it, and bring the other one above your head and also grab the counter. Stretch out in an arc from the support.
  3. Move your pelvis in the opposite direction from the rack.
  4. Repeat for the other side.

Stretching the lower back muscles

  1. Sitting on your knees, stretch one leg in front of you, the other behind you and bend at the knees.
  2. One hand rests its palm on the floor, the other is raised up.
  3. Lean forward and twist towards your front leg.

Back Extensor Stretch

  1. We sit on a chair, bend our knees, resting our feet on the floor.
  2. Grasp the inside of your shins with your palms.
  3. Leaning forward, round your back. Ideally, you should bend as low as possible.

More information about the technique of back stretching exercises can be seen in the following video. An experienced instructor will tell you what mistakes can be avoided, what is best for beginners to start with, and most importantly, how to stretch so as not to harm your athletic achievements.

Tips for Improving Training Results

Stretching for the back and spine

Tip #1

Assess the adequacy of physical activity in daily life. Constantly sitting or, conversely, regularly lifting heavy loads has a negative impact on the condition of the musculoskeletal system. Alternate activity modes with proper rest.

Tip #2

Evaluate your sleeping space. Very old, sagging sofas are not the best option for a night's rest. The muscles become stiff, the back hurts in the morning, the person is constantly tired and lacks sleep. Choose a mattress that is optimal in terms of firmness.

Tip #3

Include in your menu foods rich in protein (eggs and dairy products, meat and fish, legumes) and calcium (cottage cheese, cottage cheese, cabbage and liver). Don’t forget about vitamins, which are found in sufficient quantities in fresh vegetables and fruits and herbs.

Tip #4

Give up bad habits: drinking large amounts of coffee, alcoholic beverages, smoking.

Dynamic stretching

Dynamic stretching partially overlaps with warm-up stretching, but the difference lies in the details of execution and a slightly different technique for similar movements.

Bends towards the legs with the toes touching the feet

Bending over is a great exercise for stretching your back. However, do it with caution and without sudden movements. The most important thing is to keep your back straight and not round in the lumbar region. It’s better not to reach the floor than to reach it with poor technique.

© fizkes —

Bends with hands touching heels through the back

Gently stretch back without sudden movements or jerks. A very useful exercise for back muscles and flexibility.

Alternate tilts

Alternate bending to the left and right legs with a wide stance is another classic exercise from physical education lessons.

Hyperextension without weight

Hyperextension is an excellent exercise for stretching the back. However, try to do it carefully and without fanaticism. It's perfect as a warm-up before heavy lifting.

© Makatserchyk —

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