Treatment of inflammation of the ligaments and tendons of the hand. Tendinitis


Inflammation of ligaments and tendons is a pathology that causes discomfort and discomfort in the hand area. As the disease progresses, the pain becomes constant and its intensity increases.

Tendinitis needs to be treated on time! In advanced cases, a person may completely lose the functionality of the hand.

Causes of pathology:

  • sprains sustained while doing work or playing sports
  • weakening of tendons with age, improper formation
  • associated diseases: arthritis, osteoarthritis, scleroderma, lupus erythematosus

Main complaints:

  • pain during active movements or palpation
  • swelling
  • redness, warmth in the inflamed area
  • crunching sound when performing rotational movements with the brush
  • limited movement
  • the appearance of nodules under the skin, compactions

Causes of hand tendonitis

Wrist tendinitis (styloiditis) occurs against the background of other serious pathologies or develops as an independent disease.

The key factors that provoke the onset of the disease include excessive stress on the tendons.

For wrist tendinitis, as an independent pathological process, the following processes are characteristic:

  • The appearance of mechanical damage that occurs against the background of prolonged physical activity;
  • The occurrence of microtraumas, which is a consequence of tendon tension during physical exercise;
  • Pathological processes that manifest themselves as a result of pathogenic bacteria entering damaged tissue.

Patients who have hand tendinitis due to other reasons often turn to medical care, including:

  • Deterioration of metabolism;
  • Incorrect posture;
  • Degenerative processes in the joint area, which can be triggered by hormonal imbalances, metabolic failures, and increased stress;
  • A number of diseases characterized by damage to periarticular tissues and joints;
  • Infectious diseases caused by the penetration of pathogens;
  • Malfunctions of the immune system associated with prolonged exposure to medications or colds.

Tendinitis of the hand is most common in males.

When drawing up a treatment plan, our specialists take into account not only the nuances of the development of the disease itself, but also the age characteristics of the patient, his lifestyle and gender. In case of diagnosing related processes, we are ready to apply an integrated approach based on the latest highly effective techniques.

Thanks to the constant improvement of professional skills, continuous scientific activity and interaction with large research laboratories, the staff of our medical center are able to put innovative therapeutic methods into practice.

Hand tendinitis: ICD 10

Tendinitis is a disease in which the inflammatory process is localized at the site of bone attachment or muscle-tendon junction. Tendonitis of the hand ICD 10 has the code M65, this code includes synovitis and tenosynovitis. After a comprehensive diagnosis, a specialist determines the nature of the disease and the characteristics of its course, after which an additional index is assigned.

Patients who come to the Yusupov Hospital with signs of tendinitis undergo a comprehensive examination. Detection of the pathological process at an early stage is possible through the use of high-precision European equipment. In addition, specialists establish the causes of the disease and associated disorders that could provoke the inflammatory process.

Symptoms of hand tendonitis

The key nuances of wrist joint tendinitis include the localization of its symptoms in the area of ​​inflammation. The primary stage of the disease is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • Pain syndrome that increases during physical activity. Irradiation of pain can be observed in nearby areas;
  • Crunching when making motor movements of a limb;
  • Swelling in the joint area;
  • Feeling of stiffness;
  • In the area of ​​inflammation, the temperature often rises;
  • The appearance of dense formations under the skin.

If you have wrist tendonitis but other symptoms are present, the symptoms and treatment will also be specific.

The presence of hand tendonitis can be judged from the results of studies carried out using instrumental methods and in laboratory conditions. For this purpose the following are appointed:

  • X-ray of the joint;
  • General blood analysis;
  • Study of the synovial fluid filling the joint cavity;
  • Ultrasound, which allows us to exclude the presence of pathological processes in the joint area;
  • MRI.

Medical specialists conduct a thorough study of the existing symptoms and determine the degree of joint mobility.

The key objective of our activity is to provide highly qualified services with a guarantee of long-term results. At the same time, you can always clarify information about the cost of future treatment and ask other questions that interest you.

Tendinitis of the knee joint - the essence of the disease and should you be afraid of it?

Strictly speaking, tendinitis can affect any ligament in our knee, but the patellar ligament (kneecap) is most often affected.
This is explained primarily by the fact that this ligament bears the greatest load during knee extension. This disease is primarily damage to some ligaments of the knee, which may be accompanied by inflammation (in the acute stage), fibrosis or ossification of the knee ligaments (chronic stage). As you can see in the picture, our knee is entangled in a network of ligaments and tendons.

Some ligaments are responsible for the movement of the knee, others for its stability.

Knee tendinitis is often referred to as "Jumper's Knee" or "Patellar tendinitis."

The site of tendon microtrauma is most often located in close proximity to the bone, where the tendon is not so elastic, but is a cross between bone and ligamentous tissue.

Therefore, in such places, tearing or other damage is most likely.

In the absence of stress, our body can independently restore the damaged area and the pain will stop. But if the pain does not go away for a long time, then conservative treatment is necessary. This pathological process should not be started, since if this disease is not treated, then such adverse consequences as calcium deposition on the ligament, its fibrosis (thickening and swelling of the ligament due to fibrous tissue) or ossification (degeneration of ligament tissue into bone) may appear.

Tenderitis of the knee joint - manifestations of the disease

The disease manifests itself differently in everyone. Pain in the patella area is a mandatory symptom. Pain can occur when walking up stairs, during excessive physical activity, or even when simply walking. However, it inevitably makes itself felt upon palpation at the site of probable damage.

Tenderitis of the knee joint - stages

  • At the first stage, mild pain occurs only with significant physical activity, and the patient does not experience any discomfort in everyday life.
  • At the next stage of development of the disease, the patient begins to experience paroxysmal pain in the patella area even with minor physical exertion and even in everyday activities.
  • At the last third stage, pain manifests itself not only in everyday activities, but also at rest while lying in bed. As the load on the legs increases, the pain becomes acute.

Tendonitis of the knee joint - treatment

The disease can be successfully treated with conservative methods in the first and second stages. At these stages, if the disease is not in an acute state, it is usually sufficient to undergo a course of shock wave therapy . In advanced cases, we also add magnetic therapy , ultrasound therapy or procedures using the Chivamat . At any stage, a necessary condition for successful treatment is to ensure rest of the joint and avoid excessive stress, especially training or sports.

Methods for diagnosing hand tendonitis

Determine the presence of tendinitis of the wrist joint after a thorough examination and palpation of the limb by a doctor. This makes it possible to identify the area of ​​spread of the pathological process.

In addition, to differentiate the disease, the specialist asks the patient leading questions. Sometimes doubts arise regarding the specification of the affected area.

In order to determine infectious pathologies, studies are performed in laboratory conditions. In turn, X-ray examination allows identifying the presence of calcium accumulations. Ultrasound and MRI are indicated if the specialist suspects the presence of tears in the wrist area.

Make an appointment Online booking

  • Clinic on Krasnopresnenskaya +7 (499) 252-41-35 Volkov lane, 21
  • Clinic on Varshavskaya +7 (499) 610-02-09 Varshavskoe highway, 75, building 1
  • Clinic in Annino +7 (495) 388-08-08 Varshavskoe highway, 154, building 1

Stages of development of Dupuytren's contracture

I degree is manifested by the presence of a subcutaneous seal on the palm, which practically does not limit the extension of the fingers and does not interfere with the patient’s daily life. At this stage of the development of the disease, there is no significant impairment of the functions of the hand and surgical treatment, as a rule, is not performed.

II degree – limitation of passive extension of the finger to 300. A relatively small limitation of hand function is also often not a reason for surgery in the eyes of patients. However, with radical aponeurectomy at this stage, finger extension can be completely restored.

III degree – deficit of finger extension ranges from 300 to 900. Due to the high prevalence of the process, surgical treatment sometimes presents significant difficulties. Straightening the finger to full extension often requires a palmar capsulotomy. During surgery, skin deficiency and excessive tension in the neurovascular bundles of the fingers sometimes occur. Surgical treatment at this stage does not always lead to complete restoration of finger extension.

IV degree is characterized by the involvement of the tendon apparatus and articular structures in the pathological process, and the finger extension deficit exceeds 900. Surgical treatment has limited effectiveness and often involves such radical operations as corrective arthrodesis of the finger joints.

Treatment of contracture can be carried out using both conservative and surgical methods. The main basis for choosing a treatment method is the severity of pathological changes. Dupuytren's contracture is treated by an orthopedic traumatologist.

Treatment of wrist tendonitis at various stages

When diagnosing the pathology of wrist tendonitis, treatment should be prescribed by an experienced specialist, taking into account the existing symptoms. As a rule, all doctor’s recommendations can be followed at home. Hospitalization is carried out only in advanced cases.

In addition to medications, hand tendinitis can be treated through massage and physiotherapeutic methods.

In case of acute manifestations of the disease, the patient is recommended to:

  • Use cold compresses to relieve pain;
  • Secure the joint with a special bandage;
  • Use medications;
  • Carry out physiotherapeutic procedures.

UVT for hand tendinitis

If you have been diagnosed with hand tendinitis, treatment can be performed using the latest technique - shock wave therapy. This is a modern, highly effective way to eliminate pathological processes in the area of ​​tendon tissue, thanks to which you can easily deal with calcium deposits and avoid surgical intervention.

By using this method in the treatment of tendinitis of the hand, the following positive effects can be achieved:

  • Break up calcium deposits;
  • Normalize blood flow in the area of ​​localization of pathology;
  • Completely eliminate pain;
  • Restore metabolism;
  • Stop the pathological process;
  • Restore motor activity and healthy tissue.

You can get the desired healing effect from the first sessions. Their frequency and intensity should be selected individually. However, in order to obtain a lasting therapeutic result in the process of shock wave therapy for tendinitis of the right or right hand, it is necessary to consult a specialist in a timely manner.

In our clinic, shock wave treatment is carried out using innovative Swiss equipment, which guarantees reliable and prolonged results, as well as an easy rehabilitation period.

How to treat hand tendonitis with medications?

If tendonitis of the wrist joint occurs, it is not possible to carry out effective treatment without the use of medications.

First of all, the patient is recommended to take medications that eliminate pain and reduce swelling. In this case, the best results are obtained by taking anti-inflammatory drugs.

The above medications are taken for at least two weeks. As a rule, after a course of treatment, all unpleasant manifestations disappear and the functionality of the hand is restored.

The necessary therapeutic effect can be obtained by taking the following medications:

  • Ibuprofen;
  • Ketoprofen;
  • Piroxicam;
  • Motrin;
  • Indomethacin.

For the purpose of local anesthesia, Viprosal, Voltaren, Dolobene gels are applied to the affected area. The method of use is indicated in the instructions.

In case of infectious processes, antibacterial agents are used. If the immune system malfunctions, the specialist will prescribe steroid hormonal drugs.

Therapeutic exercises and massage for hand tendonitis

In order to prevent the development of the disease and quickly restore the functionality of the hand, special exercises are used. However, they can only be performed after pain has disappeared. Moreover, special emphasis is placed on the complex, which allows you to strengthen the muscles of the hand.

Daily exercise helps normalize blood circulation and restore metabolic processes. In this case, rotational movements, bending and stretching are performed. They have a powerful healing effect and help maintain muscle tone.

In addition, those diagnosed with wrist extensor tendinitis need to swim regularly.

If the pathology is chronic, resort to therapeutic massage. You can perform a special complex at home. For those who are interested in how to treat wrist tendinitis through massage, below we will give some recommendations:

  • If you have tendinitis, you need to rub the sore spot with your thumb;
  • Light stroking and patting movements are carried out in the affected area, as well as along the tendons.

Physiotherapy for wrist tendinitis

You can quickly restore the affected area through physiotherapeutic methods. They can be performed independently or as part of complex therapy - in addition to taking medications.

Thanks to physiotherapy, it is possible to improve metabolic processes and also ensure a rapid process of fusion of tendon fibers and resorption of dense formations.

Some of the most effective physical procedures include:

  • Electrophoresis with lidase;
  • Use of ultraviolet exposure;
  • Magnetotherapy;
  • Laser radiation;
  • Ultrasound.

Traditional methods

For mild manifestations of the disease, you can use folk methods that can eliminate pathological processes in the affected area and relieve pain. Next you will get acquainted with several effective recipes:

  • Consumption of curcumin. Allows you to eliminate pain and minimize inflammation. To achieve the desired effect, it is recommended to use seasoning - about 0.5 grams per day;
  • A mixture of sarsaparilla and ginger. The raw materials are crushed, after which an infusion is made - 1 teaspoon of the contents is poured into 1 glass of boiling water. Take 2 times a day instead of tea. The action of the above mixture is aimed at relieving inflammatory manifestations;
  • Bird cherry berries. Make a decoction: the raw material (3 tablespoons) is poured with 1 glass of boiling water. Take 2-3 times a day. Due to the presence of tannins in bird cherry, the necessary anti-inflammatory effect is achieved;
  • Walnut. Add 500 ml of vodka to 1 glass of partitions. The contents are infused for about 20 days. The course of treatment reaches 1 month;
  • Salty water. To prepare the product, take 1 tablespoon of salt and add water. Soak a cotton sponge in the resulting solution, wring it out lightly and place it in a bag, and then put it in the freezer for a few minutes. After removing the sponge from the bag, bandage it to the sore spot and keep it there until it dries completely.

Make an appointment Online booking

  • Clinic on Krasnopresnenskaya +7 (499) 252-41-35 Volkov lane, 21
  • Clinic on Varshavskaya +7 (499) 610-02-09 Varshavskoe highway, 75, building 1
  • Clinic in Annino +7 (495) 388-08-08 Varshavskoe highway, 154, building 1


If a patient has advanced tendinitis of the hand, which cannot be treated with ointments, anti-inflammatory drugs and physiotherapeutic methods, the only way out of the situation is surgery. Thanks to it, it is possible to remove adhesions and scars that usually accompany tendonitis of the extensor tendon of the hand.

Landouzy-Dejerine progressive muscular dystrophy

Facioscapulohumeral progressive muscular dystrophy of Landouzy-Dejerine is a hereditary disease, the onset of which occurs in adolescence, and progression develops gradually over 20 years. The early childhood form of the disease occurs between the ages of 3 and 6 years and progresses rapidly; this form is characterized by the presence of contractures, muscle pseudohypertrophy and scoliosis in the thoracolumbar region. The early childhood form is a variant of progressive Landouzy-Dejerine muscular dystrophy. The early form can be combined with epilepsy, sensorineural hearing loss, and retinal vascular pathology. Scapulohumeral muscular dystrophy occurs without affecting the facial muscles, which progresses moderately at the age of 12-40 years.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • - Eyelids that do not close tightly;
  • — Mask-like appearance of the face “sphinx face”;
  • - Thickening and protrusion of the lips “tapir lips”;
  • — Weakness of the muscles of the shoulder girdle and face;
  • — Limitation of range of motion in the shoulder joint “pterygoid blades”;
  • — Paresis of the muscles of the shoulder and forearm.

Diagnostics consists of the following components:

  • — Examination, which predetermines the further diagnostic path;
  • — Determination of the enzyme creatine phosphokinase (CPK) in the blood, the level of activity of which is increased by 1.5-2 times;
  • — Electromyography – signs of primary muscle damage are characteristic;
  • — Muscle biopsy – excessive unevenness in the diameter of muscle fibers, centrally located nuclei and proliferation of endomysial connective tissue;
  • — Detection of antibodies to the protein emerin;
  • — Prenatal diagnostics – analysis of DNA markers.

Rehabilitation after treatment of hand tendinitis

An important part of therapy aimed at eliminating the consequences of tendinitis is the rehabilitation period. It includes therapeutic massage and special exercises. However, rehabilitation measures should be started only after pain has been eliminated and inflammation has been relieved.

The main goal of such exercises is to restore the elasticity of the tendons and strengthen the muscle tissue. At the initial stage, the use of special devices is not provided. Over time, they resort to using an expander.

As for massage procedures, they are carried out with the aim of improving regenerative processes in tissues, normalizing blood flow and improving the elasticity of tendons.

Postoperative period

Recommendations will depend on the treatment method. If there was an operation:

For 1-2 weeks, you need to wear a special bandage on your wrist. After 1 month, you need to do therapeutic exercises and massage. After 3-4 months, you will be able to return to sports activities.

For prevention purposes:

  • avoid overloading, take breaks in work (10-15 minutes per hour is enough)
  • choose the optimal working position
  • do massage and hand exercises
  • Always warm up before starting a workout
  • athletes use wrist protection

Is it possible to return to sports activities after tendinitis?

In case of relapses after wrist flexor tendonitis or other varieties of this disease, the doctor may advise you to avoid sports that involve excessive stress on the hand. But with positive dynamics after treatment, there are no restrictions for resuming sports activities.

For preventive purposes, when performing sports exercises, it is advisable to use a bandage, which will minimize the load. It is also mandatory to stretch the muscles of the hand before and during sports. After training, you need to take a salt bath.

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