What is hygroma? Treatment of hygroma of the hand and other localizations

Causes of hygroma

There is still no consensus on the causes of this disease. There are three theories, each of which has only been partially proven:

  • inflammatory;
  • tumor;
  • dismetabolic.

According to the first, the triggering factor for the development of the disease is the inflammatory process. Proof of this is, first of all, a clearly traceable connection between occupational injuries and the resulting tendovaginitis, bursitis, and the appearance of hygroma in the joint area. Typically, the cavity occurs in a weak spot of the tendon canal or joint capsule and communicates with the cavity of the main capsule. Over time, the channel connecting the cavities can close with scar tissue and the hygroma becomes an independent formation.

According to the second theory, hygroma is considered a benign tumor that grows outward from atypical cells. At first it is just a microscopic nodule, in which a cavity subsequently forms. Proof of this is the frequent detection of atypical cells in its contents during puncture of a cyst. The second evidence is the recurrence of hygroma when it is removed carelessly, when sections of the capsule wall remain in the joint area.

The third theory suggests that with certain diseases that are often associated, the production of synovial fluid by the joint capsule at some point begins to exceed the ability of the capsule to absorb it back. With an increase in intra-articular pressure, a protrusion is formed, which subsequently becomes a hygroma.

The causes of neck hygroma in the fetus are completely different. This form of the disease occurs due to impaired development of the lymphatic system in the prenatal period (at approximately 12 weeks). This hygroma is correctly called lymphangioma, since it grows from lymphatic vessels and has nothing to do with the structures of the joints.

Clinical picture

The tumor hurts when pressed

Hygromas in a child are easily recognized by the signs that this disease has. You need to understand that the progression period can take from a couple of months to several years. During this time, the symptoms of the pathology will gradually increase, which will enable parents and the doctor to suspect a tumor in the child’s joint area.

As the hygroma develops, the child begins to complain of pain at the site of the lesion. You can also notice a seal on his body that can be easily felt.

In the initial stages of the disease, the patient is not bothered by pain. It does not occur even during palpation of the tumor. The following changes appear as it grows:

  1. Increase in the size of the hygroma up to 6 cm in diameter.
  2. The appearance of dull pain, which can move to neighboring areas.
  3. Thickening of the skin that is located above the cyst.
  4. Difficulty moving the affected joint.

Clinical symptoms of the disease appear in the patient depending on the location of the benign neoplasm. A child may be bothered by the following signs of illness:

  1. On the foot. The tumor grows in the area of ​​the phalangeal bones or ankle. For this reason, the patient has difficulty moving, as he experiences severe discomfort because of it. Due to the proximity of the cyst to the nerve endings, an exacerbation of the pain syndrome may occur. If the foot is constantly overloaded and injured, this will ultimately lead to inflammation and active progression of the pathology.
  2. Near the knee joint. The pathology is accompanied by the development of a compaction that has a spherical shape. It can be seen directly on the kneecap. The child does not notice the growth of the tumor. Discomfort is felt only during a blow to the knee or intense physical activity on the lower limbs.
  3. Near the popliteal fossa. The tumor in this case is characterized by a slight displacement from above the popliteal fossa. The cyst progresses rapidly, which is why the child begins to experience pain at the site of the lesion, numbness in the leg and cramps.

Similar symptoms are observed with hygroma on the upper extremities.


The main symptom is the presence of a space-occupying formation of the appropriate localization. Sometimes it is accompanied by pain, especially severe in cases where the growing cyst compresses the nerve trunks located nearby. In parallel, a disorder of skin sensitivity occurs in the area of ​​innervation of the corresponding nerve. Pain can also be caused by tissue malnutrition if arteries are compressed.

Sometimes there is a violation of the mobility of the corresponding joint. This is usually associated with pain that occurs when moving in it.

Types of fibroids

There are two types of tumors: soft and hard.
Soft fibromas in a child are characterized by very slow growth, rather flabby consistency, mobility and clear localization. Such growths occur mainly in the genital area and anus, sometimes forming multiple clusters. Solid neoplasms are smooth or slightly rough pink and flesh-colored nodules with dense contents. Such fibromas are located on a wide base and, as a rule, do not exceed 1 cm in size.

Diagnosis of hygroma

To make a diagnosis, as well as to differentiate various types of periarticular pathology, use:

  • radiography, which allows you to distinguish hygroma from osteosarcoma, hematoma, lipoma, tuberculosis lesion, osteomyelitis;
  • computed tomography, which makes it possible to determine not only the structure of the tumor, but also to identify its exact location and connection with the articular structures;
  • puncture biopsy, with the help of which the contents of the cyst are obtained for analysis for the presence of atypical cells - this makes it possible to distinguish a benign process from a malignant one. If pus, caseous masses, or blood are detected in the punctate, the diagnosis of hygroma is considered doubtful.


In most cases, the onset of pathology is asymptomatic. Fibroids that form in the dermal layers do not hurt; there is no burning or other negative sensations at first. The presence of the disease can be suspected only in the later stages, when the formed nodules are noticeably visible on the skin, and the child begins to be bothered by severe itching and sensitivity to touch. In some cases, children complain of discomfort in a certain area if the formation comes into contact with clothing and interferes with movement.

Fibroids that affect bone structures can manifest over time in the form of swelling and pain when pressure is applied to the damaged area. Neoplasms on the mucous membranes cause swelling and impaired blood circulation, which leads to pain. If fibroma has formed in the paranasal sinuses, breathing problems, dizziness, and headaches may occur. Plantar elements cause discomfort and pain when walking, and changes in gait.

Obvious symptoms are accompanied by infection of neoplasms, which can be caused by mechanical damage to fibroids. In such cases, the following appears:

  • intense pain and redness in the damaged area;
  • noticeable swelling of tissues;
  • temperature increase;
  • discharge of pus and serous fluid from the fibrous cyst.

Possible complications may include various damage to internal organs, bacterial infections, deformations of the bone structure, fractures, and cracks.

Treatment of hygroma

Traditional medical practice shows that it is impossible to get rid of this formation with conservative treatment. And even though miraculous folk methods are described on the Internet, telling, for example, how to treat hygroma on the leg, it will not be possible to do without surgery. This may be due to its partly tumor nature, which promotes recurrence.

Before the intervention, the patient must be prepared: the doctor determines blood clotting ability, glucose and electrolyte levels. In the presence of hemophilia and other blood pathologies, the level of coagulation factors should be adjusted in advance.

The operation is usually performed under local anesthesia. Before it starts, a test is carried out for the anesthetic that is supposed to be used. Also, before surgery, a broad-spectrum antibiotic is prescribed for prophylactic purposes (usually 3-4 generation cephalosporins).

The incision is made in such a way as to gain maximum access to the cyst, while remembering that a poor incision is a guarantee of poor healing. The hygroma is isolated using a blunt method, trying not to damage its capsule, the leg is crossed between two clamps, the base is either bandaged or sutured. Then the wound itself is sutured. The removed hygroma is sent for histological examination.

Laser removal of hygroma on the wrist is carried out according to the same rules as the traditional method. The difference is that a laser scalpel is used instead of a regular scalpel. This helps reduce blood loss. A laser scalpel can be used to remove it in any location, for example, hygroma of the knee joint. After surgery, restoration of ability to work occurs within 2-3 weeks.

Treatment of atopic dermatitis in children

There is no complete treatment for atopic dermatitis, that is, there are no methods of therapy that would lead to complete recovery (change the long-term prognosis of the disease). All existing methods of therapy change only the short-term prognosis - for the coming months.

However, treatment is necessary:

  • to improve the quality of life of the child and family; for the prevention of secondary local complications (infections, skin atrophy, etc.);
  • for the prevention of psychological problems (sleep disorders, depression, etc.).

Treatment is divided into lifestyle changes (eliminating triggers) and drug interventions (eliminating symptoms).

Change of life. What can parents do themselves?

Don't let your baby's skin become excessively dry, severe itching, and avoid triggers. Try following these simple tips:

  • Children with atopic dermatitis should take short baths or shower with warm (not hot) water. Use mild, unscented soap or soap-free cleansers. Do not wipe, but pat your skin with a towel after washing. Immediately after bathing, apply moisturizer to your entire skin. Teenagers prefer to use unscented cosmetics and oil-free facial moisturizers.
  • Consult your doctor; if your child has no contraindications, add oat decoction to the bath when bathing; it can reduce itching.
  • Preference should be given to soft children's clothing made from breathable fabrics, such as cotton. Wool or polyester may be too harsh or irritating for atopic skin.
  • Your child's nails should be trimmed regularly and short to prevent scratching of the skin. If your child scratches himself at night, try putting him to bed in comfortable, lightweight mittens or with the sleeves of his pajamas sewn up.
  • Overheating of children should be avoided, as sweat can lead to exacerbations. This is especially true for Russian parents who are accustomed to hot temperatures in the apartment and wrapping their children up during walks.
  • Children should be encouraged to drink plenty of water.
  • Try to get rid of common allergens in and outside your home, such as pollen, mold and tobacco smoke.
  • Stress can make atopic dermatitis worse. Help your child find ways to cope with stress (such as exercise, deep breathing, or talking to a counselor).

Postoperative period

If there is no inflammation in the postoperative wound, the sutures are removed after 5-7 days. If the wound becomes infected, they may be removed earlier to re-debride the wound with antiseptics. In this case, recovery may take a longer period of time.

After removal of a hygroma of the wrist joint, a patient whose work involves constant trauma to this area is recommended to change profession. This is the only way to reduce the likelihood of relapse to a minimum. Foot hygroma in children is most often caused by flat feet, so timely correction is required. This will avoid not only the recurrence of this pathology, but also the development of other problems in adulthood.

Special situations

Sometimes the patient can crush the hygroma. Previously, they tried to treat her in exactly this way and operated on only in case of a subsequent relapse, which occurred very often.

The consequences of a burst hygroma on a finger are usually negligible, since its contents are sterile. However, the patient should observe the area where it was located. If signs of inflammation or rapid subsequent growth appear, the specialists of our dobrobut.com clinic recommend immediately consulting a doctor.

Hygroma is mostly a cosmetic defect, although sometimes it can cause a lot of inconvenience. In any case, it must be treated with the help of specialists.

Related services: Orthopedics and traumatology Arthroscopy

What are the causes of the disease?

It is necessary to distinguish between the cause and triggers of atopic dermatitis.

The reason is not fully known to modern science; the main version is a set of genetic, immune and skin changes, in particular, a deficiency of the skin protein filaggrin, which is responsible for retaining moisture in the skin.

The triggers of atopic dermatitis are very diverse, atopic skin is overly sensitive to irritation, so exacerbation can be caused by increased sweating, heat, rough clothing, detergents, dry air, etc. Children with atopic dermatitis may simultaneously have allergies to food, household or other animals, dust mites, tree and grass pollen - these allergens can also be triggers for exacerbations.

In general, atopic dermatitis has a wave-like course, periods of exacerbations (most often occurring for unobvious reasons or for no reason) are replaced by periods of remission - hence there is a great temptation to associate exacerbations with factors that are not directly related to the disease, and vice versa - to attribute healing properties to completely extraneous factors (for example, a diet that parents started by mistake or out of desperation).

It is impossible not to mention the established harmful domestic tradition of calling atopic dermatitis allergic (usually associating it with an allergy to cow’s milk protein) and treating it with diets (a strict “hypoallergenic” diet for a nursing mother, and/or a hydrolysis/amino acid mixture for a child). Indeed, if a child has an intolerance to cow's milk proteins, it may aggravate or cause atopic dermatitis, but not vice versa. Not every child with atopic dermatitis has an intolerance to cow's milk proteins or any other allergens. This means that by prescribing a diet, or an expensive and unpleasant-tasting mixture, the doctor adds problems to the family without helping them. In most cases of atopic dermatitis, identifying allergies and excluding allergens does not provide any benefit.


There is no specific prevention that can eliminate the likelihood of fibroids. You can reduce the chance of neoplasms forming by carefully monitoring the health of your children.

  • It is necessary to bring children regularly for preventive examinations.
  • It is advisable to avoid prolonged exposure of children to direct sunlight, especially during the period of greatest sun activity.
  • It is necessary to promptly and correctly treat infectious diseases, injuries, burns and other damage to the skin or internal organs.

You should not give children medications without the instructions of doctors, or try traditional and non-traditional treatment methods. It is also important to ensure that babies eat properly and get enough physical activity on a daily basis.

Fibroids do not always pose a danger to the body, however, they must be kept under control. Doctors at the SM-Doctor clinic will carefully examine the child and select the optimal method of treating the disease.

Benefits of laser hygroma removal

  • Sterility.
    The laser sterilizes the surgical area, thereby minimizing the risk of infection from the outside.
  • No risk of bleeding.
    Under the influence of the laser, damaged vessels are coagulated.
  • Highest precision and accuracy.
    The laser cuts tissue very thinly (unlike a scalpel, which “tears” tissue), as a result of which there are no “torn” edges or noticeable scars.
  • Minimal trauma.
    The healing period is reduced by approximately half compared to an operation when a conventional scalpel is used.

Laser removal of hygroma in El. En."

Hygroma laser removal is a delicate and effective way to get rid of lumps on joints of any size. In "El. En." Modern Italian equipment is used - excellent results are guaranteed!

Quickly, safely, without pain and without scars - the procedure for laser removal of hygroma can be briefly described this way. In this case, a laser is used instead of a scalpel. Using a laser knife, an incision is made on the skin, as well as separation and dissection of the formation capsule.

Moreover, the surgeon must find the place where the capsule is attached to the synovial bursa and make a dissection right here. This is especially difficult when it comes to the wrist, which is a complex system of ligaments, joints, nerves and blood vessels. In our clinic, hygroma removal is carried out by professionals with extensive experience, and therefore the most “complicated” patients come to us.

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