Displacement (bending) of the coccyx - symptoms, treatment and consequences

Aching, sharp, sudden or constant pain in the tailbone is a problem that is regularly addressed to neurologist
. Discomfort in this area can occur for a variety of reasons, and most often it is only noticed when the pain becomes constant (for example, when pain appears and does not go away when sitting or standing). Constant, incessant pain may indicate a serious illness, and not a simple bruise, the pain after which goes away for some time after the treatment prescribed by the doctor. As a rule, problems with the tailbone are more often diagnosed in those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, but there are other reasons.

Causes of coccyx displacement

A bent tailbone can be a consequence of mechanical trauma or changes in a woman’s pelvic bones during pregnancy. Such deformation significantly complicates the birth process. But this phenomenon can be triggered by improper delivery of obstetrics, when a woman, trying to avoid pain, pushes incorrectly, bending or shifting the tailbone at different angles. Whatever the reason for the displacement in the coccygeal segment, it must be corrected in a timely manner to avoid pathological processes.

A curvature of the tailbone can be caused by several reasons. The abnormal direction of the coccygeal apex or a change in the angle of its inclination can be caused by the individual anatomical features of the human structure and the consequences of injuries to the coccyx.

Injuries include fractures, bruises, dislocations, subluxations, rupture of the coccygeal-sacral ligaments, the process of pregnancy and pathological changes due to this position of the pelvic bones, and incorrectly carried out childbirth. An injury to the coccyx received in childhood is one of the common causes of changes in the usual position and subsequent pain in this area.

Deviations from the normal dislocation of the pointed end of the coccyx inevitably lead to disruptions in the normal activity of the lower body, pelvic organs, limbs, muscles and ligaments, and lead to increasing pain.

In 30% of people with an incorrect position of the acute-angled part of the bone, a congenital anatomical feature may develop. An even more common cause is deformation of the spinal column in the lumbar region, which occurs as a result of chronic and systemic diseases that lead to inevitable deviations in the location of the final part of the lumbar region.

Diagnostic measures

The symptoms of bent coccyx have many similarities with the manifestations of other diseases of the pelvic organs. To carry out differential diagnosis, you should contact a medical institution. Despite the fact that the system is not damaged, diseases are much easier to eliminate in the early stages of their development.

If you experience pain in the pelvic area, you should consult an orthopedic doctor. At the first appointment, the doctor collects anamnesis and examines the patient’s complaints. Then the specialist begins a direct examination, which includes palpation, rectal examination, and visual assessment.

Radiological diagnosis of coccyx bends includes x-ray examination, which in case of such pathology should be carried out in different projections, in a standing and sitting position. If this diagnostic method does not allow a full disclosure of the clinical picture, the patient is referred to a computed tomography scan.

Symptoms of a bent tailbone

The fact that the coccyx is in a normal state is due to the fact that nerve endings, ligaments and muscles responsible for the functioning of the rectum and genitourinary system are attached to it. Displacement of the coccyx leads to disruption of the normal functioning of organs. In many people, X-ray examination reveals deviations of the pointed pyramid, which is the coccyx, from a position that is considered normal. In about 10% of them it is congenital, in another 20% it is the result of illness or injury.

A characteristic manifestation of such an anomaly as a bend of the coccyx is a pain syndrome that occurs quite characteristically. Over time, the symptoms begin to be felt quite intensely, so it is important to consult a doctor in time.

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The reasons that played a role in the formation of deformation, bending or bulging do not play any role in the nature of the pain. They are equally intense and localized in the damaged area, constantly intensifying with any body movement. A continuation of the scenario is pain in the anus, due to which the vast majority of suffering people do not connect its etiology with the displacement of the coccygeal bone.

Few people think about how to treat such a disease, especially women who developed it during pregnancy or after childbirth, who believe that these are simply consequences of childbirth and that over time everything will go away on its own. Many people stoically tolerate such negativity for a long period of time.

Such deformation is the result of several reasons at once, one of which is a chronic disease of the spine. In this case, the need to see a doctor and long-term treatment is even more obvious. The different options that the displacement acquires can lead to complications with very serious consequences.

Therapy at the acute stage

In the acute period of the occurrence of a bent tailbone, drugs are prescribed by injection for treatment; after the pain subsides, patients are transferred to taking tablets. It should be noted that analgesics and NSAIDs negatively affect the mucous membranes of the digestive organs, so they should be taken with some caution. They are usually contraindicated in patients with peptic ulcer disease (including medical history).

Your doctor should tell you how to treat anterior bending of your tailbone. In addition to oral medication, ointment applications are prescribed for the coccygeal area. These ointments contain local anesthetic and anti-inflammatory substances. Rectal suppositories with a similar composition are also quite effective.

When a bent tailbone is accompanied by constipation, laxatives are prescribed. For example, "Pikolaks".

Manual therapy plays an important role when the tailbone is bent, but massage procedures should only be carried out by a specialized specialist.

Offset Options

There are several options for traumatic displacement, which is due to the different nature of the injuries and the variable conditions under which they could be obtained. The coccyx segments can deviate to the right, left, forward, to the side, simultaneously to the side and forward.

Angular deformity is often a consequence of labor. Uncharacteristic transformations can lead to one vertebra moving backward and the other two moving in the opposite direction, to the right or left.

If such an injury is received during professional activities, dancing or any sport, it will significantly complicate or make it impossible to continue. The displacement also leads to disturbances in the process of defecation, its pain, depression, and a depressed state. The pain syndrome will become prolonged and move to the groin or inner thigh. At a later stage, disturbances in the functioning of the spine will begin.

The spine is an organocomplex in which everything is interconnected; it cannot remain unharmed if one of its segments is damaged, and the pathology of one department will certainly lead to functional disorders in all segments.

Possible complications

No doctor, unfortunately, can guarantee the effectiveness of surgical intervention , since this process always carries risks. Complications after surgery include:

  • paresthesia of the groin area,
  • partial paralysis of the legs,
  • anemia,
  • purulent and infectious processes,
  • difficulties in the functioning of the pelvic organs.

Complications that are possible if left untreated include paralysis and pinched nerves.

Muscle spasms cause severe pain and limit movement.

The most severe consequences include birth injuries and difficult childbirth.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis is carried out on the basis of anamnesis, manual examination to determine the location and variant of displacement. Then an X-ray of the pelvic organs, lumbosacral region in several projections, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging may be required.

Treatment methods are determined only by the appropriate specialist, who chooses the tactics for eliminating the pain syndrome, taking into account the degree and nature of the lesion, the progression of the syndrome, and possible negative consequences. In this case, medicine categorically denies the possibility of self-medication and the use of folk remedies without making a correct diagnosis.

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Drug treatment and surgery

This type of treatment is widely used for coccydynia, a pronounced pain syndrome caused by displacement of the coccyx, its deviation from the physiological position. Drug blockades, NSAIDs, muscle relaxants to eliminate muscle spasms and muscle tissue lesions, B vitamins, antidepressants and even opioid analgesics (Tramadol) are used. In some cases, drug blockades may be used.

During surgery, there is a possibility of removal of the coccyx, or partial destruction of nerve tissue. However, both methods are problematic and are fraught with a long list of possible complications.

After relieving acute pain

How else to treat a bent tailbone? After stopping the acute phase of the inflammatory process, patients are prescribed exercise therapy and electrophoresis.

When undergoing a course of traditional therapy, it is recommended to use a cotton-gauze circle for lying and sitting in order to minimize the load on the tailbone.

If you follow all the doctor’s recommendations, the course of therapy lasts up to 2 months. If conservative treatment does not help, reconstructive surgery is performed. An indication for emergency surgery is curvature of the coccygeal elements at an angle of 90 degrees or more.

An individual approach to the treatment of inward curvature of the tailbone, due to the individual characteristics of the body. Therapeutic measures and procedures are selected depending on the absence or presence of certain clinical signs of coccydynia. If the patient experiences pain, the same regimens are chosen as for coccydynia. If there are no pronounced symptoms, no special steps are taken. In such a situation, the patient is simply observed.

How can you get a dislocation?

The spine in the lower part ends in the sacral vertebrae, at the end of which the sacral joint is localized. The connective tissue is cartilage, which plays the role of holding the sacrococcygeal ligaments. As soon as a fracture-dislocation occurs, the vertebrae in this section are displaced.

Dislocation of the coccygeal vertebrae occurs in the following cases:

  • in case of an unsuccessful fall on the gluteal region of the body or back;
  • labor (large baby);
  • impact on the coccygeal region;
  • strenuous physical activity (for example, during sports training);
  • cycling (riding on potholes and uneven roads);
  • weak depreciation of the knee joints and weakness of the muscular system in the lumbar region.

In most cases, subluxation of the coccyx is diagnosed in children and adolescents, who, due to their mobility, can often fall, for example, in physical education lessons, during outdoor games, dancing, etc.).

It is very easy to get a tailbone injury

In old age, dislocation can occur due to wear and tear of the muscle tissue and an increase in its level of weakness. In addition, older people develop joint pathologies, which also affect the condition of the bones.

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