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Advertising information and real reviews about the Zb pain relief patch differ. Users note many negative aspects. Commercials claim that the Zb pain relief orthopedic patch has a miraculous effect on diseases of the joints and internal organs. Negative reviews say the opposite.

The patch is designed for people who have lost faith in traditional medicine and want a speedy healing

  • Areas of application of orthopedic plaster
  • Mode of application
  • Reviews from real users

Description of ZB Pain Relief

The patch recipe includes more than 10 medicinal herbs, and was obtained as a result of centuries-old research by traditional healers. The orthopedic plaster is manufactured using modern technology and meets the strictest international quality standards. The patch has passed all the necessary clinical trials and has proven its effectiveness. ZB Pain Relief Orthopedic plaster does not contain chemical impurities, is non-toxic, safe, simple and effective to use, and has no side effects.

Therapeutic orthopedic patch is used for orthopedic problems of the spine, inflammatory conditions in the vertebra or in the back (ganglia), sciatica, lumbosacral radiculitis, pain in joints and muscles, etc.

The ZB Pain Relief orthopedic patch was registered back in 1899. For more than 100 years, this unique health product has been popular all over the world. Made according to the recipe of classical ancient Chinese medicine, it has retained its relevance and high effectiveness in the modern world. The orthopedic patch has earned the respect of doctors everywhere, which is confirmed by numerous studies, as well as the commitment and trust of consumers! The analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect of the patch is ensured by the effect of closed penetration. The combination of substances continuously, sequentially and dosed enters the deep layers of the skin throughout the entire time of use of this product. The use of patches does not cause any reactions from organs and systems, since the substances included in the patches are concentrated as much as possible in the affected tissues.

What can you do? Where to complain?

Today, the police are inundated with complaints from victims at the hands of Internet scammers. This fraudulent scheme has been operating for more than 2 years. You, of course, can file a complaint or write a statement to the police, which will waste a lot of time and nerves, but no one will return your money.

The only thing you can do is to protect those who are not yet aware, who have not yet been deceived, by warning them.

By sharing this information on social networks, you can help your loved ones avoid becoming victims of scammers.

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How to buy online? Consumer Memo

Pain Relief transdermal orthopedic patches have many advantages:

  • The active substance begins to act quickly;
  • Long-term entry of substances into the blood and their accumulation in tissues for long-lasting action;
  • There is no need to limit yourself in freedom of action and the course of daily active life;
  • No chemical effect on the body;
  • Comprehensive improvement of the condition of the digestive system, endocrine system, genitourinary system;
  • Improving metabolism, restoring metabolic levels;
  • Possibility of high concentration of active substances inside the site of the disease and in adjacent tissues.

Composition of ZB Pain Relief Orthopedic plaster

The patch is made only from natural ingredients and contains extracts of medicinal plants.

The ZB Pain Relief orthopedic patch contains the following herbal ingredients:

  • Milletia reticulata. Chinese herbalists believe that the main cause of pain is a lack of blood supply. According to the study of ancient Chinese medicine, milletia reticularis stimulates and strengthens the condition of the blood system, and is very often used in the treatment of various menstrual disorders in women. The use of milletia helps to normalize both the disturbance and absence of the menstrual cycle, and relieves pain during menstruation. A good effect is achieved even with anemia. Milletia is prescribed for paresthesia and numbness in the legs and arms, as well as for polyarthritis. Milletia reticularis has a good anti-inflammatory effect and has a positive effect on stabilizing blood pressure. Decoctions from the roots are used to treat anemia, relieve stomach pain, restore the menstrual cycle, and treat gonorrhea. The plant stimulates the level of red blood cells in the blood and helps relieve tumors and swelling.
  • Ginseng has a lot of healing properties. This is due to the many complex compounds and variety of substances that make up each cell. Ginseng root is most often used to obtain medicinal raw materials. Scientists and doctors have proven that the content of useful elements in the stems and leaves of ginseng is not inferior to their amount in the roots. In Eastern folk medicine, in addition to the root, flowers and seeds, as well as stems and leaves, are used. Ginseng tinctures are widely used to treat type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus, trophic ulcers, necrosis, malnutrition, neuropsychiatric diseases, chronic fatigue, and to restore condition after severe stress. Ginseng is a well-known tonic, stimulating and restorative. Preparations from plants increase efficiency, stimulate the functions of the reproductive system, improve appetite, reduce mental and physical fatigue, and strengthen the central nervous system. Ginseng has a positive effect on neurasthenia and depression, regulates blood pressure and normalizes the cardiovascular system.
  • Cistanche saline is an amazing and unusual plant that grows in the Kyzylkum desert, Central Asia and the Caucasus. The plant is rich in organic acids, flavonoids, iridoids, lignan, and carbohydrates. It is often used as a tonic and as a strong aphrodisiac. In Chinese and Arabic medicine it is used for frigidity, impotence, infertility, to relieve weakness, for joint pain, weakness of bones and tendons, for pain in the knees and lower back and for constipation. In Central Asia, a decoction of cistanche is used to treat syphilis. Cistanche relieves swelling well, soothes aching pain, and normalizes blood microcirculation. The plant is effectively used for inflammation of the genitourinary system, restores kidney function and strengthens the functioning of the urinary tract.
  • Drinaria . It is a rich source of biologically active substances, contains carotene, flavonoids, mannitol, fructose. Normalizes blood supply to internal organs, enhances bone marrow function and the production of red blood cells. Perfectly helps with joint inflammation, relieves muscle spasms, restores joint tissue and cartilage. Soothes pain in the spine and lower back.
  • Cybothium. It grows in tropical forests of Asia, Central America, Hawaii and Mexico. Used as a dressing and hemostatic agent. Dried roots are part of the very useful medicinal tea “Sheng Cha”, which effectively helps with arthritis and kidney diseases.
  • Angelica coarse-serrate . Contains essential oils, organic acids, a complex of active enzymes. In folk medicine it is used in the form of a decoction or infusion of the roots. It is used as an analgesic for rheumatism, an anti-inflammatory, and a sedative. A good diaphoretic for respiratory tract infections, it has a strong antitumor effect.
  • Safflower . It is an excellent helper for back pain and can increase local blood flow. It fights well against sore throat, tones and normalizes the condition of the venous and arterial systems, and increases the speed of microcirculation. Has an anti-inflammatory effect. Removes toxins, reduces swelling, enhances the functioning of lymph nodes. Flowers have choleretic, laxative and diuretic effects. In Chinese folk medicine, flower decoction was used for enterocolitis, stomach ulcers, jaundice and gastritis. Seeds as a blood purifier and laxative. Safflower oil also helps with coronary artery disease and heart disease, rheumatism, pneumonia and gastritis. It eliminates blood stagnation, revitalizes the blood and normalizes menstrual cycles.
  • Ginura pinnately incised . It was extremely valued due to the healing properties of the root. More than 100 years ago, this plant was simply irreplaceable and highly valued. The root is instantly able to heal wounds by quickly pulling the edges of the wound together. The plant has strong hemostatic, astringent and wound-healing effects. Helps with bruises, wounds, bleeding and injuries, snake and animal bites. The foliage is in many ways not inferior to the roots in terms of healing properties.
  • Corydalis is doubtful . Contains more than 20 alkaloids and many different active substances. The tubers of the plant are mainly used. Tubers are considered a diuretic, analgesic, tonic and hemostatic agent. A decoction of tubers is used for uterine bleeding, painful menstruation, gastralgia and headaches. Among the alkaloids, one can distinguish bulbocarpine - a strong sedative and hypnotic effect. It is also worth mentioning sanguinarine - a good antimicrobial element that can help with neglected and non-healing wounds and relieve trophic ulcers. In traditional oriental medicine, corydalis is used as a hemostatic, analgesic, and to treat dysmenorrhea and stomach ulcers. Decoctions help with abdominal and chest pain, stomach pain, hernia, and disrupted and painful menstruation. When applied topically, it acts as a decongestant, analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent.
  • Bornean camphor . It has proven itself as a safe, highly effective and reliable remedy for the treatment of various rheumatic diseases, quickly relieves pain, restores affected tissues and organ functions. When applied topically, it increases microcirculation and has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. In Chinese folk medicine, it is believed that camphor activates Yang, revitalizes the blood, destroys blood clots, dilates blood vessels, and helps with circulatory disorders and angina pectoris.

How to buy? What is the price?

When searching for this patch and its official website, you may encounter a huge range of prices. In fact, at the moment, due to the high popularity of the product, many fakes have appeared, which can be distinguished primarily by cost.

How to make an order

Our site does not sell medical products. You should only purchase the product from an official supplier on the official website , paying attention to its cost - such development cannot be cheap.

Average price in different countries

If we take four nearby countries - Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia, then, based on the current official rates, the average cost for this drug is almost equal to :

Ukraine1999 hryvnia
Belarus27,770 BYN rub.
Russia990 rubles
Kazakhstan5690 tenge

How to use ZB Orthopedic plaster and recommendations

How to use the ZB orthopedic patch:

  • Open the package, peel off the protective film,
  • Apply the patch to clean, shaved skin on the painful area.
  • Use the patch for 2-3 days. The next patch can be used after 3 hours.
  • Course of treatment: 6 patches. To get the best results, it is recommended to take 3 courses.

Recommendations for using the Pain Relief patch for various types of diseases:

  • For orthopedic problems of the spine, it is recommended to apply two patches simultaneously: one in the lumbosacral region, the second in the cervical-scapular region (in areas where pain is localized).
  • For inflammatory processes, the patch is glued to the painful area or on both sides of the spine.
  • For sciatica, lumbosacral radiculitis - one patch is glued to the sacral area, the second - to the heel area on the outer side of the heel.
  • For pain in the knee joint, the best effect is obtained by applying two patches simultaneously on both sides of the knee - left and right.
  • For bladder problems (cystitis), it is recommended to apply 1 patch on the sacral area and 1 urological patch above the pubis (projection of the bladder).
  • For problems of the uterus and ovaries, the best effect is obtained by applying two patches (one on the abdomen, the second on the sacrum) plus the use of vaginal phytotampons.
  • For colds (bronchitis, tracheitis), two patches are used (one on the sternum, the other between the shoulder blades), depending on which lobes of the lung the inflammatory process is occurring in.
  • Neck pain. Course 5 pcs. The first 1-2 pcs. help eliminate inflammation. Subsequent 2-5 pcs. additionally have the effect of nourishing bone and muscle tissue. Used in the cervical-scapular region (in areas where pain is localized).
  • Lower back pain. Application (plaster application) on the sacrum. The patch normalizes muscle tone and eliminates inflammation, swelling and irritation of nerve endings.
  • Frequent pain, cramps, paresthesia (pins and needles sensation) in the legs and arms. Application on the shin and sacrum simultaneously.
  • Postoperative conditions. Complex conditions after orthopedic and other surgical interventions. Promotes rapid healing of surgical wounds, actively restores blood circulation, eliminates swelling of affected tissues.
  • Pain in the knee joint. Application simultaneously on the 7th cervical vertebra, as well as on both sides of the knee (the patch can be cut in half and additionally secured with a bandage on the knee).
  • Intervertebral disc prolapse (intervertebral disc herniation) is a rupture of a spinal disc due to overload, malnutrition or injury. The patch stimulates the process of tissue restoration, normalizes muscle function and nutrition. 3-5 courses are recommended. Application for the 7th cervical vertebra and coccyx.
  • Swelling and pain in the legs. Application of an orthopedic plaster on the sacrum and a urological plaster “Prostatic Navel Plaster” on the kidney area.
  • Frequent headaches and neck pain. Use the Prostatic Navel Plaster urological plaster on the 7th cervical vertebra, and the ZB Pain Relief orthopedic plaster on the thoracic spine.
  • Post-stroke conditions (circulatory disorders, displacements in the cervical spine). Applications to the thoracic (front) and cervical spine at the same time.
  • Bronchial asthma. 2-3 courses are recommended. Orthopedic plaster ZB Pain Relief - on the thoracic spine, urological plaster Prostatic Navel Plaster - on the upper chest.
  • Neuritis of the facial nerve. Application for the 7th cervical vertebra. Course of 12 patches.

Comparison with pharmacy analogues

At the moment there are no completely similar products on pharmacy shelves.

The following ointments have similar properties:

  • Fastum gel . It is applied topically, eliminates pain, has an anti-inflammatory effect, but does not have a therapeutic effect on cartilage. Used exclusively to combat attacks of pain. Cost 560 rubles;
  • Finalgon . Relieves pain and is used for warming massage. Cost about 300 rubles;
  • Viprosal . An anesthetic ointment that is applied directly to the source of pain. The disadvantage of using it is the fact that it needs to be used several times a day to eliminate unpleasant painful sensations. The price for a 50 ml tube is 322 rubles.

Photo review of ZB Pain Relief patch

Fig.1 Production date and expiration date ZB Pain Relief Orthopedic plaster

Fig. 2 Appearance of the ZB Pain Relief orthopedic plaster in the open state

Fig.3 Front view, open

Fig.4 Rear view, open

Fig.5 View of the ZB orthopedic plaster ready for gluing

Experts' opinion

Rudnev V. M. orthopedist, doctor of the highest category

Orthopedic patches «

certainly deserve the most cdsxzacdsxazxdfcdvzsascdzsadcvzszsdaxzsdacxzZZXcvbgfcdxzsahgfvcxz steely attention. These are the drugs of the future. Convenience, accessibility and high efficiency practically do not leave them behind their competitors.

Despite the fact that these drugs appeared on the Russian market relatively recently, they are already included in most treatment programs for orthopedic diseases in the country's leading clinics.

I can say for myself that after I began to recommend them for use to my patients, the dynamics of cures almost doubled. This is a very good indicator that best proves the effectiveness of orthopedic patches «


Irina Gurnova

40 years old, orthopedist, neurologist, Krasnoyarsk

I have been dealing with joint and spine problems for many years. I tried different methods of treating orthopedic diseases. Basically, this is a medicinal or surgical type of intervention in organs and systems. Traditional methods are used less often. We are not talking about grandmothers’ recipes, but those recognized in the scientific community.

Chinese medicine has always been credited with the most powerful and effective properties, including recipes for potions and ointments of Tibetan monks, the drug “ZB PAIN RELIEF”. Their production is based on modern scientific achievements. The use of the product is based on eliminating the cause and returning the body to its original state. When applying the patch, the substance is heated from the body and melts, the healing elements included in the composition penetrate through the skin to the affected area. The dimensions of the medicinal elements correspond to nanoparticles, which ensures rapid penetration even into the deepest parts of the body, ensuring high-quality treatment.

Elena Ugrupova

45 years old, orthopedic surgeon, St. Petersburg

Orthopedic diseases are increasingly beginning to appear in young people as a result of unstable metabolism, characteristics of professional activity, injuries and congenital disorders. As studies have shown, the complex effect of rare and powerful natural healing elements of ZB PAIN RELIEF allows you to quickly get rid of a number of diseases (in 10-15 days):

  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Rheumatism.
  • Arthritis.
  • Arthrosis.
  • Radiculitis.
  • Scoliosis.
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Flat feet.
  • Ligament rupture, etc.

All these disorders are accompanied by pain in the joints (acute pain or aching, pulling), swelling or edema, and the inability of passive and active movements.

To effectively treat a disease using Chinese therapy, the correct solution is to conduct a diagnosis based on a general examination of the patient, palpation of areas where pain is localized, questioning the patient, and radiography, which reviews internal orthopedic deformities or changes in the musculoskeletal system. It is important to take into account the individual intolerance of the components included in the composition and, based on the indications, use the manufacturer’s recommendations regarding the areas where the patch will be placed.

Ekaterina Rapucina

36 years old, general practitioner, orthopedist, Moscow

Once people begin to experience pain, it is unwise to endure it and wait for it to go away. In order to prevent further development of inflammation, the correct solution would be to use the ZB PAIN RELIEF patch. After its contact, the absorbed substances are directed to the source of pain, which leads to its relief.

The patch provides quick relief from pain syndromes.

Considering the properties of the spectrum, I was surprised by the versatility of the drug, thanks to the innovative technology of delivering useful microelements to the diseased area, it relieves pain, increases elasticity, removes swelling and damage, normalizes metabolism, etc. Judging by the composition, the product replenishes a number of components that the body lacks. This helps improve the supply of oxygen to cells, accelerate blood circulation and disperse toxins, which will activate the action of all body systems.

Positive and negative customer reviews

Timur Hello! I am 29 years old and work as a firefighter. It so happened that in January I caught a cold, there was a tingling sensation in my back in the area of ​​the shoulder blade. I didn’t attach any serious importance to it. This went on for 1 week. Then the terrible thing began. At night my neck hurt so much that I couldn’t sleep all night (as if I had been twisted) and ran to get it in the morning I was on sick leave. The doctor examined me and said that I had cervical osteochondrosis, and prescribed injections and pills. The procedures began. They ended, my neck still hurt.

The worst was yet to come. A couple of days later in the morning I woke up from severe dizziness, I had never experienced anything like this in my life. I started vomiting, I couldn’t do any work. Fear, anxiety. What should I do? I thought I was poisoned, but my stomach was fine. I went online and I found out that these symptoms were from cervical osteochondrosis!!! I rinsed for 2 days, called an ambulance and took me away. I took tests, checked my temperature and blood pressure - everything was normal. They prescribed me pills again and told me to undergo physical therapy. Every day was terrible, my head hurt as if I had a brain concussion ,honestly!

I started surfing the Intranet in search of treatment and then I found out about the Chinese zv relief patch, at first I thought it was a scam, my wife was also against the purchase. And I clung to every opportunity that would help. I placed an order, 10 pieces for 1 course. I waited impatiently, I was sure that they would help, because there were a lot of positive reviews! I started gluing 1,2,3,4 and so on... you can’t imagine how I was getting better and better. The headaches went away, the swelling of the neck too, the pain subsided. I began to gradually strengthen my neck and vertebra with physical exercises. Now I want to complete the full course of 2-3 months. I hope my review will help someone!!! The patch is a miracle, it helped in a way that injections and pills did not help, which sometimes are of no use!!!! Take care of your health! !!

Pavel, 57 years old

They have been suffering from arthritis for a long time; pain, especially in the mornings, prevents them from living normally, doing everyday things, not to mention work.

On the recommendation of a relative, I bought an orthopedic patch, I have already used it 5 times, and a month has passed in total.

I am very pleased with the result, since the pain has become moderate, but, of course, has not completely gone away. I will use it in the future and hope for even greater results.

Olga, 38 years old

When I was injured at work, I damaged my spine and had to undergo a bunch of procedures.

My back has recovered, but the pain never goes away.

I ordered the patch a week ago and applied it today.

Everything is very simple and convenient. The price is very pleasing, which is why I chose it.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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