Treatment of arthrosis of joints 2 degrees: diagnosis, treatment methods

Elderly people and people experiencing inadequate physical activity often experience pain in the joints caused by degenerative-dystrophic changes.

This pathological condition is called osteoarthritis, or simply arthrosis of the joints. It is accompanied not only by pain, but also by deformation of the joints, which leads to their functional insufficiency and causes human disability.

The disease is classified into stages, which is important when selecting therapy. For example, if stage 2 arthrosis is diagnosed, treatment has a more favorable prognosis than for stage 3.

Diagnosis of arthrosis 2 degrees

Treatment procedures can be started if the presence of the disease is confirmed during the diagnostic process.

Diagnostic procedures for arthrosis begin with a consultation with a rheumatologist or orthopedist, who, based on the patient’s complaints, give a referral for research:

  • X-ray diagnostics;
  • ultrasound examination of the joint;
  • computed or magnetic resonance imaging;
  • for differentiation with other pathologies - laboratory tests of blood and urine.

If necessary, additional procedures are used: joint puncture, arthroscopy and others.

Careful diagnostic procedures make it possible to assess the degree of joint dysfunction, damage to cartilage tissue, pathological changes in the joint fluid and synovium.

Based on the data obtained on the condition of the joint, a comprehensive therapeutic regimen is developed.

Symptoms of pathology

A typical symptom of grade 2 osteoarthritis is a crunching sound when moving, bending and (or) straightening the knee. It occurs due to thinning of the cartilage layer and impacts of bone surfaces during displacement. Crunching, crackling, clicking are accompanied by pain. At first they are weak, but gradually their intensity increases. Pain is felt not only when walking, but sometimes also at rest, disrupting night sleep and daytime rest, which negatively affects a person’s psycho-emotional state. Osteoarthritis also manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • limited mobility, inability to fully bend or straighten the knee. The decrease in range of motion is especially noticeable in the morning. The patient needs from 30 minutes to an hour to “disperse”;
  • At this stage of development of the pathology, deformation of the knee is noticeable; it seems to be expanding.

In the morning, the joint looks a little swollen. If the swelling does not disappear, and the skin turns red and becomes hot to the touch, then this indicates the development of synovitis. Inflammation of the synovial membrane often accompanies grade 2 osteoarthritis and requires additional treatment.

Treatment methods for second degree arthrosis

When drawing up a treatment regimen for arthrosis of the 2nd degree, several important factors are taken into account - the duration of the disease, its etiological circumstances (causes) and the severity of symptoms.

The main goal of the first stage of treatment is to reduce the load on the diseased joint, especially if it is a supporting one.

To do this, the patient is recommended to limit physical activity, refuse to carry heavy objects, and avoid long walks and long stays in a certain position.


Another step towards symptom relief is pain relief. For this purpose, drugs from the group of NSAIDs are prescribed - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that have not only analgesic, but also anti-inflammatory properties.

The most commonly prescribed NSAIDs, whose active ingredients are:

  • indomethacin;
  • nimesulide;
  • diclofenac.

If the patient has a predisposition to the development of peptic ulcers, the listed drugs can be replaced with drugs with similar pharmacological effects based on lornoxicam, meloxicam.

In parallel, anti-inflammatory gels and ointments are used. For intense pain, intra-articular blockades based on glucocorticoids are used.

Physiotherapy for inflammation and pain relief

Drug therapy is well complemented by physiotherapeutic procedures:

  • paraffin applications;
  • laser therapy;
  • electrophoresis with analgin and novocaine;
  • electrotherapy.

Balneological therapy, therapeutic exercises and regular spa treatment will help improve the motor ability of joints and strengthen muscle-ligamentous structures.

Nutrition and recovery - chondroprotectors

For stage 2 arthrosis of the joints, treatment with chondroprotectors is effective - medications for the regeneration (restoration) of cartilage tissue and maintaining the function of the joint-ligamentous apparatus.

These drugs are prescribed by the doctor after a thorough examination of the patient. In addition to medicinal chondroprotectors, in the treatment of arthrosis joints of the 2nd degree, it is recommended to use products with chondroprotective properties:

  • rich bone-cartilage broths (meat and fish);
  • aspic and aspic;
  • jellies and mousses prepared with the addition of gelatin;
  • baked salmon fish - trout, chum salmon, salmon, salmon.

Patients with stage 2 arthrosis are recommended to regularly include these foods in their diet to maintain healthy joints.

Features of osteoarthritis of the knee joint of the second degree

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative-dystrophic disease that first affects the cartilaginous and then the bone structures of the knee. The pathology develops slowly, gradually, without clinically manifesting itself at the initial stage. Therefore, patients are usually diagnosed with grade 2 osteoarthritis, which is characterized by pronounced symptoms.

Pathology occurs due to impaired blood supply to hyaline cartilage with nutrients. Against the background of the resulting deficit, it becomes less elastic and resilient. Instead of sliding smoothly, the cartilage surfaces now “cling” to each other. This leads to their wear, loss of shock-absorbing properties and further deformation of the tibia and femur.

Prognosis for patients

With timely consultation with a doctor and immediate initiation of treatment for grade 2 arthrosis, it is possible to quickly eliminate the pain reaction and improve the functionality of the diseased joint.

Patients who put off visiting a doctor and starting treatment should know what to expect:

  • Complete restoration of damaged cartilage in adults is unattainable. Only treatment significantly slows down the process of joint degradation.
  • The second stage of arthrosis inevitably (although with less intensive treatment) passes into the 3rd, severe stage of the disease.
  • Pathological changes are accompanied by bone deformation of the joint, the appearance of characteristic marginal growths - osteophytes, and narrowing of the interarticular space.
  • Ultimately, all this leads to complete immobility or abnormal mobility of the joint and disability of the patient.

The destructive process in articular cartilage inevitably progresses if it is not kept under control. By controlling the course of the disease, you can slow down the destructive process and delay the development of severe complications.

Causes of the disease

Osteoarthritis especially often develops in the knee joint. The appearance of degenerative-dystrophic changes in it is facilitated by its complex structure, frequent injuries and the heavy load that the knee joint experiences throughout a person’s life. There are several etiological factors that result in the disease. It can be:

  • age-related changes;
  • injuries (domestic and sports);
  • obesity;
  • hormonal changes and metabolic disorders;
  • congenital pathologies of the musculoskeletal system;
  • autoimmune diseases.

Osteoarthritis of the knee joint that occurs in old age is considered primary. Secondary is a lesion that develops against the background of (or after) another disease.


Reducing the progression of osteoarthritis can be achieved with an integrated approach to treatment, including medications, physiotherapy and rehabilitation methods, as well as exercise therapy.
One of the most modern types of physical therapy is kinesitherapy - movement treatment in which the patient actively participates in the healing process.

This helps to increase the patient’s motivation for regular exercise, strengthens self-confidence, and accelerates the cessation of the inflammatory process.

The course of treatment is best completed at the specialized Kinesitherapy Center “Doctor Osteochondrosis”. The advantages of treatment at the Center are obvious:

  • The set of exercises is carried out under the guidance of an experienced physician-instructor, who adjusts the training program depending on the well-being and individual characteristics of the patient.
  • The lesson plan is developed in consultation with the patient at a time convenient for him, which will allow him to combine them with study, work and other usual activities.
  • The most modern technologies, equipment and simulators are used during treatment.
  • Since 02/11/2020, the Center has been running a program of free classes “Moscow Longevity” for residents of the capital over 55 years of age.
  • Before starting classes, you can get a free online consultation from a leading specialist at the Center.

Our Kinesitherapy Center operates in Zelenograd and the cities of Tver, Dubna and Klin. You can sign up for an in-person consultation by phone or through the online services of the Doctor Osteochondrosis Center for Kinesitherapy.

Complications and consequences if left untreated

The immediate cause of the development of grade 2 osteoarthritis is ignoring the first signs of cartilage damage - pain and limited range of motion. If there is no medical intervention at this stage of degenerative-dystrophic pathology, then fusion of the joint space occurs with the occurrence of ankylosis - complete or partial immobilization of the leg.


Often, when examining a patient, doctors pay attention only to the bones, ligaments, and joints. At the same time, nothing is said about muscles
, the function of contraction of which plays a significant role in human life. Weakened muscles lead to thinning and deformed bones.

Unfortunately, common methods of therapy only aggravate the situation, leading to even more severe pain, muscle atrophy and a deterioration in the quality of life of patients.

Effective treatment is impossible to imagine without muscle restoration. Unique kinesitherapy technique

consists in a therapeutic effect, which implies, first of all, muscle activity during the methodical execution of a set of exercises on special simulators.

All exercises are performed by patients sitting or lying down, so there is no excessive stress on the joints and circulatory system, and our instructors-methodologists correct the technique of movements

and monitor the correct execution of actions.

Remember that diseases of the spine and joints are not a death sentence; if the patient wishes and the right approach to treatment, everything can be corrected!

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