Instructions for the use of cosmetic ozokerite “Marina Lupin”.

Almost every modern clinic, health resort or sanatorium can offer its clients a number of physiotherapeutic procedures for heat treatment. This method of influencing the body has positively proven itself in therapy and rehabilitation medicine.

Thanks to a controlled increase in the temperature of individual areas of the body, metabolism is normalized, capillary blood flow improves, muscle function and skin elasticity are restored. The best results in the heat treatment industry continue to be demonstrated by ozokerite or mountain wax.


Ozocerite treatment is carried out with caution in case of inflammation of the pancreas - pancreatitis. There is a well-known expression: the pancreas “does not like” strong heat and salty waters. Therefore, in case of chronic pancreatitis, even with concomitant gastritis with reduced acid-forming function of the stomach, the most mineralized mineral water of source No. 2 is not usually prescribed.

  • Tumors
  • Acute inflammatory processes
  • Tuberculosis of any localization
  • Circulatory failure grade 2-3
  • Hypertension stage 2-3
  • Severe symptoms of atherosclerosis of blood vessels of the heart and brain
  • Coronary heart disease (CHD) with symptoms of angina pectoris
  • Glomerulonephritis
  • Active hepatitis, liver cirrhosis
  • Thyrotoxicosis, decompressed diabetes mellitus
  • Cysts of the kidneys, ovaries and other localizations
  • Tendency to bleed
  • Epilepsy
  • Pregnancy
  • General contraindications for thermal applications, individual intolerance.

Chemical composition and properties

Unlike paraffin, ozokerite is able to maintain temperature for several hours after heating, which contributes to better heating of diseased areas of the body. This mineral is also of petroleum origin and can be in crystalline, plastic or liquid form.

In addition to the hydrocarbon base and high-molecular substances, it contains mineral oils, resins and hydrogen sulfide derivatives. For medical purposes, purified ozokerite with a pronounced kerosene odor is used. The color of this waxy mass can range from bright brown to black.


Cosmetic ozokerite “Marina Lupin” is used as thermal applications. Treatment with ozokerite consists of temperature, mechanical and chemical factors. In terms of its medicinal and cosmetic properties, Marina Lupine ozokerite is similar to paraffin, except that ozokerite contains biologically active substances. Numerous chemical components of ozokerite, upon penetration through the skin, cause significant changes in the overall reactivity of the body.

The use of ozokerite is most beneficial in the treatment of inflammatory and metabolic-dystrophic diseases. Applications of ozokerite have a positive effect on inflammatory processes, accelerate recovery processes, increase immune indicators, normalize the tone of the autonomic nervous system, and stimulate blood circulation.

Treatment with ozokerite increases the effectiveness of spa therapy, and the use of ozokerite at home is no less effective.

Instructions for the use of cosmetic ozokerite “Marina Lupin”.

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Cosmetic ozokerite is used as thermal applications. Treatment with ozokerite consists of temperature, mechanical and chemical factors. In its medicinal and cosmetic properties, ozokerite is similar to paraffin, except that the composition of ozokerite “Marina Lupine” includes biologically active substances. Applications of ozokerite have a positive effect on inflammatory processes, accelerate recovery processes, increase immune indicators, normalize the tone of the autonomic nervous system, and stimulate blood circulation.

Medicinal and cosmetic properties:

- improves blood circulation; - stimulates sweating; - relaxes and calms; - relieves inflammation, pain, spasms and muscle tension; - affects the diseased area of ​​the body, allowing to eliminate the source of exacerbation of skin rashes; — accelerates the healing process of wounds; — moisturizes, cleanses, increases elasticity and smoothness of the skin; - helps reduce wrinkles;

Mode of application:

There are several methods for applying the substance. It is applied both to the skin of the hands, feet, face and neck, and to individual areas of the body. The following application techniques are used:

Ozokerite must be heated in a water bath to the melting point (65-80°C).

Molten ozokerite is poured into a container in a layer of 1-3 cm, having previously lined the bottom of the container with cotton cloth. Avoid getting ozokerite in your eyes and mouth.

  1. Layering
  • Molten ozokerite ť 50-55°C is applied with a flat paint brush to the corresponding area of ​​skin, previously lubricated with Vaseline or greasy cream to avoid burns;
  • The next layer of ozokerite can be applied hot, up to 70-80°C. After applying a layer of ozokerite 1-2 cm thick, it is covered with oilcloth and widely wrapped in a blanket.

Session duration is up to 30 minutes, number of procedures is 12-15, every other day. Ozokerite can be used repeatedly.

  1. Ozocerite bath
  • The hand or foot is coated with ozokerite ť up to 50-55°C;
  • Immerse in an oilcloth bag filled with ozokerite ť 65-70°C;
  • The bag is tied (pulled) at the top;
  • The limb is wrapped in a blanket.

The session lasts 20-30 minutes, every other day, 12-15 times.

  1. Napkin appliqué
  • A gauze napkin, moistened with ozokerite and folded in 6-8 layers, is wrung out using tweezers and spread on an oilcloth to cool to ť no higher than 45-50°C.
  • A second gauze napkin, slightly smaller in size, is cooled to 60-70°C and placed on top of the first gauze napkin.
  • An ozokerite compress is made from 2 such multilayer gauze napkins, placing them one above the other.
  • They are covered with oilcloth on top and everything is wrapped in a blanket.

The procedure is carried out for 20 minutes, every other day, for a month.

  1. Appliqué
  • Molten ozokerite is poured into a metal cuvette (baking tray) 5 cm deep onto an oilcloth previously placed in it, which protrudes 5 cm beyond the edges of the cuvette.
  • Select the appropriate cuvette size.
  • Cooling in the cuvette, ozokerite turns into a hot cake 2-5 cm thick.
  • Turning the cuvette upside down, a cake ť 50-60°C together with an oilcloth is applied to the patient’s skin.
  • Everyone is wrapped in a blanket.
  • This technique eliminates the use of high temperature ozokerite. Session duration is about 30 minutes, number of up to 15 procedures.


- for any disease in the acute stage; - any bleeding; - diseases that can lead to bleeding; - for purulent abscesses and wounds; - any tumor, both malignant and benign; - stomach and duodenal ulcers; - tuberculosis; - severe pathology of the cardiovascular system; - urolithiasis; - pancreatic disease; - liver disease; - hyperthyroidism; - epilepsy; - diabetes mellitus; — pregnancy (at any stage); - for gynecological diseases (fibroids, fibroids, adnexitis, if there is a threat of suppuration); — individual intolerance to components; — general contraindications for thermal applications.

In any case, before starting self-treatment, you should definitely consult with your doctor.


Composition: ozokerite

Release form: Packaging 250 g.

Storage conditions : at temperatures from 0° to +25°C.

Shelf life: 5 years. Do not use after expiration date.

Manufacturer: PC "Sirius" by order of LLC "PHARM-EFFECT" Russia, 143090, Moscow region, Krasnoznamensk, st. Stroiteley, 19 tel.


We will be happy to answer any questions about our products!

Be healthy!

Recommendations for use and contraindications

In a complex of health spa procedures and at home, ozokerite is used to treat the following problems:

  • disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system;
  • inflammation of tissues and internal organs;
  • diseases of the skin and blood vessels;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • damage to the musculoskeletal system;
  • rehabilitation after surgery;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system.

It is prohibited to carry out thermal treatment, as well as treatment with shock wave therapy, ultrasound and other physical procedures, in case of exacerbation of any chronic diseases, or detection of disturbances in the functioning of the heart, thyroid gland or kidneys. Also, you should not use ozokerite during pregnancy and lactation.

Home treatment with ozokerite

Mountain wax is widely used for the prevention and treatment of diseases on its own. This is explained by the simplicity and safety of the procedure (subject to the advice given in the instructions).

How to heat ozokerite at home?

The home method for heating the substance comes down to the following:

  1. The required amount of wax is placed in a container. Depending on the area of ​​application and the age of the patient, this can be a volume from 100 grams (in a glass jar) to a kilogram (in a pan).
  2. A second pan (deep basin) of larger diameter is installed on the gas (electric, induction) stove. It is advisable to place a small heat-resistant cube-shaped object at the bottom: a piece of brick, a wooden block, a matchbox filled with pebbles or sand.
  3. A jar with pieces of ozokerite is placed on the footrest. The structure is carefully filled with water to the paraffin level. It is necessary to ensure that water does not get into the vessel with mountain wax, so the jar is covered with a lid before doing this.
  4. Adjust the heat of the stove to minimum and remove the lid. The process has begun.
  5. When the paraffin begins to melt, we begin stirring. The thinner the mass, the more often.
  6. After complete melting to a homogeneous substance, the substance is cooled to a temperature of 55°C and can be used.

How to use at home?

The method of using ozokerite does not differ from other paraffin procedures:

  1. The skin where the wax is applied is first lubricated with Vaseline to protect it from burns.
  2. Paraffin, melted to the desired temperature (55°C), is applied to the area of ​​skin where treatment is required.
  3. Subsequent layers of the substance are applied heated to a temperature of 60 to 80 degrees. (Sometimes it is necessary to heat the composition to a temperature of 90°C.)
  4. The layer of the applied substance is made up to two millimeters thick.
  5. Insulation is applied over the applied layers: a warm scarf, cotton wool in gauze, a blanket. The goal is to keep warm for as long as possible.

Remedies and methods of treatment

There are such means and methods of treatment with ozokerite:

Baths with ozokerite. Bath therapy is used to treat diseases of the joints of the limbs and diseases of the skin of the hands, feet and the whole body. The bottom of the container is thickly lined with fifty-five degree ozokerite, where the limbs are lowered to warm up. Then more is added, but in molten form (temperature up to 75°C). The legs and basin are wrapped in a blanket. If there are no medical instructions, then the bath is taken until the legs no longer feel the heat from it. The procedure with the hands is identical to the foot one.

Directions for use and dosage

Ozokerite is used in the form of compresses and by the layering method (ditch-application method).

Application in the form of compresses: Ozokerite is heated until a viscous viscous mass is formed, a gauze pad (6-8 layers) is impregnated with it, squeezed out, cooled to a temperature of 40-50 ºC and applied to the affected areas. The top of the compress is covered with wax paper or a plastic bag and woolen cloth. Depending on the readings, the temperature of the outer dressing can be up to 80 ºС. The duration of the procedure is until the compress has completely cooled (1-2 hours). Then the ozokerite is removed from the body.

Application by cuvette-application method: Ozokerite is heated until a viscous mass is formed, it is poured into cuvettes lined with wax paper or polyethylene. Cool to the required temperature, as a result of which the mass turns into a cake - it is removed together with paper/polyethylene and applied to the affected areas for 20-30 minutes; if necessary, the application time can be increased to 60 minutes. Then the cake is removed.

The course of treatment consists of 15-20 procedures.

Procedure for treatment at home

Mountain wax is heated for 10 minutes in a steam bath to a temperature of 100 degrees, which makes it possible to sterilize the paraffin. Then you need to make bags, which should be slightly larger in size than the area of ​​skin being treated.

Melted ozokerite is poured onto the prepared film and cooled. It can be used once the temperature reaches 50 degrees (for children it is necessary to either use colder applications or reduce the duration of the procedure). Before applying wax plates to the body, you should first apply a thin layer of Vaseline, which will prevent skin irritation and burns.

To apply several layers to the diseased area, each subsequent plate is wrapped with film or gauze. A bag of ozokerite can be wrapped around a limb and covered with oilcloth for better heating. After 40-50 minutes, the compress is removed. The procedure is repeated 10-15 times at intervals of 1 day. Mountain wax treatment almost never causes allergic reactions or side effects.

Ozokerite for children

The procedure for preparing ozokerite at home for children is simple, and parents should not have any questions. A mixture of paraffin and ozokerite in equal proportions is placed in a metal container and melted in a water bath. When the paraffin becomes liquid, oilcloth or cellophane is placed on a baking sheet, onto which the molten substance is poured. A layer up to one and a half millimeters thick is prepared. After the paraffin hardens, the necessary part of the ozokerite is separated from it with a knife.

The procedure lasts no more than a quarter of an hour. A still warm substance is applied to the child’s skin in sore areas, and cellophane or a blanket is placed on top. To obtain the desired effect, up to ten such heating procedures must be carried out during one course of treatment.


The restrictions for children are:

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