Rutin (Vitamin P): instructions for use, why the body needs it, contraindications and side effects

Vitamin P or rutin was synthesized from lemon peel in the late 1930s. A special feature of the resulting substance was its ability to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. This factor explains the name, which comes from the English “permeability” - permeability. Vitamin P is a natural bioflavonoid consisting of various chemical compounds.

Release form of the medicine

The dietary supplement Rutin helps improve the body's absorption of vitamin C and is produced in the form of tablets, capsules with various dosages and powder. On pharmacy shelves you can find dosages of tablets of 20, 50 and 500 mg. Cardboard packaging usually contains the product packaged in plates of 10 pieces and plastic jars of 50, 100 and 250 pieces. Capsules are produced in 120 pieces in jars. The powder is produced in 50, 100, 500 and 1000 g.

Any form of drug production contains rutoside, a glycoside of the flavonoid quercetin, which is extracted from the leaves of aromatic rue, Japanese sophora, buckwheat and some other plants. For the first time, the substance was extracted from fragrant rue, from which it got its name.

Rutin: description, composition and action

The permeability vitamin or rutin has the following structural chemical formula – C27H30O16. This is a water-soluble substance. Its compound is destroyed when exposed to sunlight, oxygen, or when heated or frozen. The structure is based on a diphenylpropane carbon “skeleton”. Rutin can be used to build biochemically important compounds in the cell. Chemical properties determine its biological role:

  • stabilization of the basic substance of connective tissue;
  • participation in redox processes;
  • stimulating tissue respiration.

It should be noted that scientists have proven the fact that vitamins of group P exhibit their properties much more actively when interacting with other chemical elements, biologically active components and vitamins. So the tandem of vitamins C and P is considered one of the most significant and mutually reinforcing. Therefore, in some sources rutin is also called vitamin C2.

Sources of rutin in food

The effect of the drug on the body

All vitamins can be divided into two groups. Some are produced by the human body independently, while others must be artificially introduced into the diet. Rutin is one of the latter. The vitamin is found in large quantities in some foods, but sometimes deficiency still occurs. In such cases, the dietary supplement Rutin comes to the rescue.

The action of the drug is as follows:

  • prevention of cancer;
  • regulation of blood cholesterol;
  • normalization of intraocular and blood pressure;
  • stimulation of the immune system, prevention of bacterial and viral diseases;
  • providing an antihistamine effect;
  • reducing blood viscosity, preventing the formation of blood clots;
  • antioxidant effect on the body;
  • stimulation of better absorption of vitamin C;
  • strengthening blood vessels;
  • preventing fragility and excessive permeability of capillaries.

Rutin has a positive effect on the walls of blood vessels and the body as a whole.

In addition, Rutin activates the normal functioning of the adrenal cortex, helps relieve inflammatory processes, and acts as a mild diuretic.

Important! Despite the fact that reviews of Rutin are often positive, and its main contraindication is the body’s hypersensitivity to rutoside, the drug should be taken as prescribed by a doctor.

Benefits of Vitamin P

The benefits of Rutin or vitamin P affect almost all organs and systems. Therefore, the substance is actively used in medicine. Among the main effects are:

  1. Reduces the risk of certain types of cancer;
  2. Normalizes cholesterol levels;
  3. Strengthens the immune system;
  4. Has antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effects;
  5. Normalizes blood pressure (including intraocular pressure, which is why it is often prescribed by ophthalmologists);
  6. Improves the structure, production and flow of bile;
  7. Increases elasticity and tone of blood vessels;
  8. Reduces the risk of blood clots, prevents blood thickening;
  9. Improves the production of joint fluid;
  10. Normalizes hormonal levels and thyroid function.

There are also scientific studies that prove a decrease in the destruction of hyaluronic acid when combined with vitamin C. Therefore, Rutin is especially useful for women as a means to preserve beauty and youth. The substance can often be found in creams and other care products, especially in anti-aging lines.

In sports, vitamin P is not used separately. It is often included in vitamin and mineral complexes, especially due to its interaction with vitamin C. But taking the substance separately in sports does not provide any tangible benefits and does not increase performance. Therefore, it can only be used for general strengthening and support of the body, which is important against the background of increased stress, oxidative processes and inflammatory effects during frequent training.

In what cases is it prescribed

Instructions for use of Rutin include the following indications:

  • phlebeurysm;
  • pain and swelling caused by injuries;
  • thrombophlebitis of superficial veins;
  • treatment of side effects in the form of trophic disorders after the use of radiation therapy;
  • chronic or acute vascular insufficiency;
  • treatment of consequences after treatment of thrombosis;
  • symptomatic treatment of hemorrhoids;
  • retinopathy of various origins;
  • lymphostasis.

Rutin tablets have a positive effect on the skin, the walls of blood vessels, and are used to prevent cardiovascular pathologies. The drug has an excellent effect on bleeding gums, strengthening blood vessels. The remedy is indicated for patients who often experience colds. Rutoside strengthens the immune system and helps strengthen the body's resistance to viruses and bacteria. For women, Rutin is used in combination with melito extract during mesotherapy.

Mode of application

The product in question is intended for oral use. The medicine in the form of tablets and capsules is taken orally with plenty of water. The dosage of Rutin depends on the person’s condition.

For pathologies of veins and capillaries, 2 tablets of 500 mg are usually prescribed throughout the day. This therapy is maintained for 14 days, after which the doctor decides to increase the dosage or continue treatment according to the same regimen, depending on the therapeutic effect achieved.

The regimen for taking the drug is determined by the doctor and depends on the patient’s condition.

To treat diabetic retinopathy, the patient is prescribed 2 to 4 tablets of 500 mg each day.

To prevent negative skin reactions during treatment with radiation therapy, patients are usually advised to take 500 mg of the drug twice a day.

Therapy for lymphostasis is carried out at a dosage of 3 thousand mg throughout the day, divided into 3 doses.

Indications and contraindications for use

It is important to understand that, as in the case of other vitamins, the attending physician must prescribe an appointment. Use without consulting a doctor is recommended only for preventive purposes.

Main indications for use of Rutin:

  • With radiation therapy;
  • For the prevention of vascular atherosclerosis;
  • To eliminate vitamin deficiency and hypovitaminosis;
  • For venous insufficiency;
  • To accelerate the recovery of soft tissues;
  • In the treatment of measles, diphtheria and measles in children;
  • To reduce the development of varicose veins and reduce the consequences of the disease;
  • For lymphostasis.

For long-term vitamin P supplementation, a blood test is recommended, especially when preventing deficiency. Uncontrolled use of the substance without consulting a doctor and conducting a blood test is not recommended.

Contraindications to the use of vitamin P or Rutin are:

  • Individual intolerance;
  • Pregnancy, especially in the first trimester (in the second and third trimesters, the use of the vitamin is allowed, but only as directed by a doctor);
  • Tendency to increased thrombosis.

Methods of administration and dosage

Rutin is available in tablets, capsules and powder. The most common form is considered to be dense gelatin capsules. Daily dosages of Rutin may vary depending on the purpose of use. Therefore, it is extremely important to follow the rules specified in the instructions for use of Rutin.

It is best to take a serving during meals. Take the capsule or tablet with a glass of water. This use of the supplement minimizes the destruction of the substance in the acidic gastric environment and increases the bioavailability of the vitamin. Reception is recommended in winter and spring periods, in courses of 4-8 weeks. The break between courses should be 50% of the cycle duration. For example, when using a supplement for 8 weeks, a month break should follow.

The standard daily dose of Rutin, which is used for preventive purposes, ranges from 40 to 75 mg. Apply once a day, at breakfast, lunch or dinner. The pediatric dosage is 25 mg.

In sports, higher dosages are used. The standard dose increases to 100 mg once a day. During periods of intense physical activity (cutting or dieting, pre-competition period, etc.), the rate is increased to 130 mg/day.

For medicinal purposes, high dosages, up to 500 mg, can be used, but only as prescribed by a doctor. Rutin is often used in conjunction with vitamin C. For every 500 mg of the substance, a single serving of Rutin increases by 100 mg. Joint use provides a synergistic effect.

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Contraindications for the vitamin preparation Rutin are quite limited. This is due to the natural origin of the active component of the product and its good tolerance by the body. Among the prohibitions are:

  • first 12 weeks of pregnancy;
  • individual sensitivity to the drug.

During treatment, factors that can negatively affect the absorption of the drug by the body should be taken into account. Tobacco, alcoholic beverages, antibacterial medications, acetylsalicylic acid, and the hormone cortisone have a destructive effect on vitamin P.

Side effects

During treatment with Rutin, side effects are rare, but in some cases the following disorders occur:

  • excessive gas formation;
  • heartburn;
  • belching;
  • nausea;
  • allergic rashes on the body, itchy skin.

Sometimes patients experience hot flashes, migraines, weakness and other negative symptoms. If such signs are detected, it is important to stop taking the vitamin and visit a leading doctor.

Prescription during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the drug is used exclusively in the second and third trimester of pregnancy. Often the medicine is prescribed to women with vitamin deficiency, lack of vitamin P, for the treatment of varicose veins and other diseases.

During pregnancy, the medicine is prescribed with caution

Important! A dietary supplement during pregnancy is used only when necessary, since there is currently no official data on the safety of the product for the health of the mother and fetus.

Sources of rutin (vitamin P). What foods contain it in large quantities?

Rutin is not produced by the human body. Therefore, in order to avoid a lack of rutin (vitamin P), it is necessary to constantly replenish the reserves of this substance by eating foods containing it. Once in the intestinal flora, the bioflavonoid dissolves and is instantly absorbed into the blood, and excretion occurs through the excretory organs.

What and where is rutin contained? Vitamin P is found in citrus fruits, buckwheat, black wild cherry, magnolia, red pepper, tricolor violet, etc. Where and in which foods the most of this substance is contained is reflected in the table below:

Product Vitamin P, content in products (mg per 100 g)
Chokeberry 4000
Cherry 2500
Honeysuckle 1200
Rose hip 1000
Lemon, orange, sorrel 500
Grape 430
Barberry 400
Nectarine, peach 350
Bell pepper, strawberries, gooseberries, blackberries 300
Strawberries, raspberries, lingonberries 250
Black currant 230
Chinese quince, red currant 200
White cabbage 150
Cauliflower 130
Potato 100
Spinach, lettuce, cherry, plum 90
Apple 80
Tomato 60

In addition to foods containing rutin, there are also drinks rich in this substance: fruit juices, herbal juices and green tea.


All foods containing vitamin P should be consumed fresh or semi-raw.

Since during heat treatment bioflavonoids (Bioflavonoida) are destroyed. Also, bioflavonoid compounds are easily destroyed by tobacco smoke and alcohol, so in order to saturate your body with useful substances, it is extremely important to give up bad habits and lead a healthy lifestyle.


The modern pharmaceutical market provides a wide selection of substitutes for the vitamin Rutin. These include:

  • Solgar Rutin is a product that is produced in tablet form. The drug is produced by a US company and is used to improve the condition of blood vessels and replenish the lack of vitamin P;
  • Troxerutin is a Russian medicine that contains troxerutin and is used for trophic skin lesions, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids, for the treatment of injuries, swelling and other conditions;
  • Revit - designed to strengthen the body, restore immunity, contains a complex of vitamins, including A, B1 and B2.

Synonyms of Rutin are Rutinon, Rutavit, Neorutin, Ritosidum and others. It is important to remember that you cannot use several medications from the same drug group at the same time. This can provoke an undesirable consequence in the form of hypervitaminosis.

Features of the drug

The drug rutin can be purchased in the form of capsules or tablets. They contain rutoside. This substance can reduce capillary permeability and increase the elasticity of vessel walls. Thanks to this, the blood supply to the bed increases and the speed of transport of nutrients throughout the body improves.

Vitamin P is a powerful natural antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals. This reduces the risk of the formation of malignant cells. In addition, rutin enhances the body's defense reactions, which allows it to resist infections. Taking the drug reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and reduces the likelihood of various functional disorders.

A high-quality drug is the dietary supplement Solgar Rutin from a well-known American manufacturer. This is a comprehensive product with a unique balanced formula. The combination of components in the drug guarantees its high effectiveness.

Patient reviews

Stanislav, Sochi “Since childhood, I have often suffered from colds. I get the infection even in the summer. To strengthen the body, the doctor recommended that I take Rutin dietary supplement several times a year in courses of 3 weeks. I would like to immediately note the positive effect of the vitamin on the body; I actually began to get sick less often. In addition, I try to eat more citrus fruits.”

Svetlana, Moscow “After my second birth, I suffered from varicose veins. At first, I tried to ignore the pain in my legs and swelling, since I simply didn’t have time for it. When the condition worsened, I still had to see a doctor. The specialist prescribed me a venotonic ointment and the drug Rutin. After 2 weeks of treatment, I felt lightness in my legs again, even at the end of the day.”

Yana, Minsk “Several years ago I began to notice that small hematomas began to appear on my legs. I immediately underwent an examination and, fortunately, no pathology was detected in me. The doctor prescribed Rutin. I took the medicine for a month, 2 tablets. After this, the skin condition improved, the bruises no longer appeared.”

Ekaterina, Kharkov “I always give Rutin to my son during the autumn cold spell. The product helps us get sick less, and if a cold does happen, it is much easier for the child to tolerate. By the way, I myself take the drug once a year. It definitely won’t do any harm, but it will definitely help improve your health.”

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