Magnetic therapy of various injuries using the ALMAG device

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Magnetic therapy for an ankle fracture is prescribed as an additional therapy that helps relieve pain and speed up bone healing. Magnetic therapy is a way of influencing various processes in tissues using a magnetic field. An alternating magnetic field affects local temperature, muscle and vascular tone, transport through cell membranes, blood clotting and other parameters of homeostasis.

Magnetic therapy for a broken leg or ankle, indications:

  • pain syndrome of any severity;
  • microcirculation disturbance;
  • swelling in the area of ​​the fracture;
  • residual inflammation;
  • muscle spasm;
  • disturbance of nerve conduction (numbness of fingers, impaired sensitivity of the skin);
  • risk of developing muscle atrophy due to ankle immobility;
  • slow division of osteocytes (bone cells).

Magnetic therapy for fractures is prescribed during the healing period when there is no longer acute inflammation.
With the use of magnet physiotherapy, the recovery process is easier and less painful. Contraindications for magnetic therapy for fractures:

  • acute inflammation, especially with pus;
  • temperature is above normal;
  • blood diseases;
  • metal structures in the area affected by magnetic radiation;
  • cardiac pacemaker;
  • oncological diseases;
  • decompensation of chronic diseases.

Physiotherapy, as recommended by a doctor, can be done in the hospital or at home. Home devices for magnetic treatment are affordable, easy to use and useful not only for fractures.

Magnetic therapy devices for the treatment of fractures


Magnetic therapy device Almag 01: contraindications

  • bleeding and tendency to it, systemic blood diseases, acute thrombosis, cerebrovascular accident (acute period)
  • aneurysm of the heart, aorta and large vessels
  • severe cardiovascular failure, severe angina pectoris, severe cardiac arrhythmia (atrial fibrillation, paroxysmal tachyarrhythmia, frequent extrasystoles), acute myocardial infarction, presence of a pacemaker
  • mental disorders
  • oncology
  • active tuberculosis process
  • general severe condition of the body, individual intolerance

Contraindications to magnetic therapy

Despite all the advantages of the device, it may have a negative effect on health in the following cases:

  • for acute inflammatory and infectious diseases, purulent process;
  • with hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxic goiter);
  • during pregnancy;
  • in persons with a pacemaker;
  • for malignant tumors, leukemia;
  • in persons under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

There are no other health contraindications; no cases of side effects or any complications have been described during the entire existence of the device.

Magnetic therapy device Almag 01: indications for use

Surgery and traumatology:

  • fractures, dislocations, sprains, joint injuries, joint surgeries
  • various joint diseases (arthritis, arthrosis, etc.)
  • traumatic injuries of internal organs
  • wounds, burns, frostbite
  • diseases of the veins (thrombophlebitis, phlebitis), arteries (obliterating endarteritis, or “intermittent claudication”)
  • heel spurs, etc.

Sports medicine: accelerating the recovery of athletes after sports overload and injuries

Neurology: radiculitis, osteochondrosis, cervical-brachial syndrome, etc. Magnetotherapy is also successfully used for diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastroenterology, pulmonology, ENT diseases, urology, gynecology, dermatology, cosmetology, dentistry, and other areas.

Operating principle of the device

The device is manufactured by ELAMED (Elatomsky Instrument Plant), a leader in Russia in the production of medical devices, has an international quality certificate, and is intended for magnetic therapy treatment both in hospitals and at home. Not only is it a compact and safe source of magnetic field, but it also generates a pulsed supply to the diseased area.

This allows you to achieve a more intense effect on tissue than with conventional magnetic therapy. The therapeutic effect of a pulsed magnetic field is based on the following processes:

  • increased blood circulation due to the expansion of small arterioles and capillaries;
  • reducing blood viscosity, improving blood circulation;
  • activation of cell membranes, improvement of cellular metabolism;
  • stimulation of the regenerative properties of cells;
  • decreased sensitivity of nerve endings, reduced pain;
  • elimination of edema, resorption of infiltrates.

Everything ingenious is simple, and the operating principle of the device is not complicated. Its device is represented by the following blocks: an electronic unit, a magnetic emitter consisting of 4 coils, a transmission cable and a power cord. After being connected to the network, the electronic unit generates a pulsed current, it is supplied to the coils, where it is converted into a pulsed magnetic field that “runs” from one coil to another. The depth of penetration of such pulsed fields into the body reaches 8 cm.

Symptoms of fractures

  1. Absolute symptoms (reliable signs). Characteristic only for fractures. Specially checked only by a doctor and after pain relief! Often these signs are felt by the victim himself.
      Pathological mobility is mobility of a limb that is not normally typical for this zone.
  2. Bone crepitus is a sound and sensation similar to the crunching of snow caused by the friction of bone fragments against each other.
  3. Visible bone fragments (with an open fracture).
  4. Relative symptoms (probable signs). Occurs not only with fractures, but also with other injuries (for example, dislocations, ligament damage):
  5. limb dysfunction;
  6. swelling of soft tissues;
  7. hematoma;
  8. change in limb shape.

Recommendations for use after injury and surgery

Magnetic therapy for fractures

Treatment with the device begins 3-5 days after the injury in case of a complex fracture. In milder cases, treatment can begin immediately after the first emergency medical aid is provided. The influence of the running pulsed magnetic field of the ALMAG device relieves tissue swelling, reduces pain, allowing you to reduce the dose of painkillers. Due to the effect of the magnetic field on the fracture area, callus formation is accelerated, blood circulation is improved, muscle spasm and joint stiffness are reduced, which shortens recovery time.

Carrying out a magnetic therapy procedure for a fracture

The inductor coils are placed on a plaster cast or directly on the patient's limb, along or around the bone. In this case, the LEDs are located upward. It is recommended to carry out the procedures 2 times a day, for 10-15 minutes for 20 days. In case of a complex fracture, a second course of treatment is carried out after 30-40 days.

Magnetic therapy for joint surgeries and internal joint injuries

Treatment with the ALMAG device begins on the 3rd day from the moment of injury or surgery on the joint if there is no blood in the joint cavity. If there is blood in the joint cavity (hemarthrosis), procedures are carried out only after blood has been removed from the joint cavity and as prescribed by a doctor. The effect of a traveling magnetic field during joint surgery or injury reduces tissue swelling and accelerates the resorption of accumulated fluid and blood from the joint cavity. As a result, the risk of contracture formation (persistent limitation of joint mobility) is reduced.

The use of the ALMAG 01 magnetic therapy device in combination with the Artromot or Kinetek mechanotherapy device allows you to most effectively restore the range of motion of the joint. The effect is achieved by reducing the swelling of the injured area (it is the swelling that prevents the joint from bending in the early stages) and increasing the elasticity of the soft tissues.

Fracture classifications

Due to the occurrence

1. Traumatic – arising under the influence of a traumatic factor. The structure of the bone and its mechanical strength are usually normal. The strength of the traumatic factor is high.

2. Pathological - occurring spontaneously or under the influence of an extremely low force of a traumatic factor (sneezing, changing body position, lifting a light object).

The reason is a change in the structure of bone tissue and a decrease in the mechanical strength of bone (osteoporosis, metastases of malignant tumors, bone tuberculosis).

By type of displacement of bone fragments

  1. No offset.
  2. With offset:
      by lenght;
  3. in width;
  4. on the periphery;
  5. at an angle;
  6. with divergence of fragments;
  7. comminuted fractures.

In relation to the surrounding skin:

  • closed;
  • open.

Along the fracture line:

  • transverse;
  • oblique;
  • helical;
  • driven in;
  • tear-off.


Diagnosis and treatment are carried out by a traumatologist, or less often by a surgeon. The main diagnostic method is radiography in two projections - frontal and lateral. For some types of fractures, special projections are used (for example, iliac and obturator for an acetabulum fracture). A more informative (and expensive) method is X-ray computed tomography (XCT) , which allows one to obtain a three-dimensional 3D image of the damaged segment. For additional diagnosis of soft tissue damage, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound (ultrasound) , and, less commonly, angiography and electroneuromyography are used.

Reviews from patients and doctors

Among the many reviews on the Internet about the device, you can find both positive and negative. If we analyze them, it turns out that ALMAG was beneficial in cases where it was used in the complex treatment of injuries in agreement with a doctor.

A negative opinion about the device was formed by those who relied on the device as a panacea, or used it incorrectly. But not a single medicine, even the coolest one, can become a panacea. Treatment of any pathology, in particular injuries, must be comprehensive, and magnetic therapy plays a positive role in it.

As for the reviews of doctors who used the device in their practice, they are mostly positive and based on facts: faster healing of fractures, resorption of hematomas and edema, rapid restoration of function after injury.

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