When your legs won't move: three sure-fire ways to relieve tired legs

Causes of stiffness in the legs

Stiffness in the legs, leading to disruption of habitual motor activity, is familiar to many.

Stiffness in the legs

Physiological physical activity is an integral and necessary part of the life of any person. Physical inactivity itself is a factor in the development of a number of diseases. A decrease in physical activity leads to the following undesirable phenomena:

  • Disruption of the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Obesity.
  • Muscle atrophy.
  • Creates the basis for the development of osteoarticular pathology.
  • Changes in hormonal levels.

Stiffness in the legs can be associated with many reasons, each of which requires a specialized and competent approach. The most common cause of stiffness in the legs in young and active people is venous pathology. When the normal outflow of blood from the lower extremities is disrupted, stagnation processes develop in the legs. Swelling and bursting sensations, pain accompany the symptom of stiffness in the legs. Obviously, the sensations described above will have an extremely negative impact on motor activity.

Contrast for fatigue: contrast baths

Everyone has heard that a contrast shower invigorates the body.
But this technology can also be applied locally. Contrast foot baths are a great way to relieve fatigue, improve blood circulation, and cleanse the skin. In addition, contrasting temperatures help to increase the tone of the body as a whole, activating the central nervous system and boosting the immune system. How to make foot baths:

  • Pour two basins of water at different temperatures: warm (no more than 42°C) and cool (no less than 10°C). It is recommended to start with medium temperatures: 36 °C and 22 °C.
  • Immerse your feet up to your ankles, first in warm (50-60 seconds), then in cold (20-30 seconds) water.
  • Repeat the procedure at least 10 times.

You can also use hot and cool baths separately. Hot ones are suitable if your feet are cold or heavy, and cool ones are suitable when you need to relieve fatigue and pain. It is better to increase the temperature of the hot bath gradually, this way you will contribute to the gradual dilation of blood vessels.

How to overcome stiffness in the legs due to venous pathology?

Symptoms of varicose veins develop, in most cases, gradually. At the initial stages, when there is no organic damage to the main venous vessels, venotonics and compression stockings can have a good effect. In later stages, when stiffness in the legs is associated with persistent impairment of the valvular function of the venous vessels, radical interventions will be required. The latter involves turning off the affected veins from the bloodstream. In any case, it is necessary to deal with stiffness in the legs with the help of a specialist. Today in Moscow it is better to consult a phlebologist at a good phlebological center. Here you will be given a detailed diagnosis of the venous system and a tactical approach will be determined in your specific case. Of course, many patients who have stiff legs solve the problem differently. Patients go to a public hospital to see a surgeon or self-medicate. Very often this approach turns out to be ineffective. It is worth understanding that compression and venotonics have a good effect, but more often even they cannot prevent the development of complications of varicose veins, if present.

Stiffness of the lower extremities

Modern treatment of varicose veins does not require significant time and is not associated with pain and complications of conventional operations. Innovative treatment solves the problem of stiff legs quickly, comfortably and effectively.

Why pain occurs when walking and how to fix it

Having sore feet makes it impossible to move normally. Any movement is difficult. The pain may be felt throughout the entire foot or just in one place. As a rule, the foot hurts after a long walk, due to abnormal loads, sports activities, unsuitable shoes, or even at rest.

Causes of pain

First of all this:

  • joint problems;
  • diseases of the spine;
  • interruptions in blood supply;
  • injuries to the lower extremities;
  • diseases of the nervous system.

The main causes of pain are associated with disruption of the functioning of the body as a whole. The specialist’s task is to find the source of the disease.

Common foot diseases

1. flat feet.

The most common form of foot change. Flat feet

can be congenital or acquired. If there is pain in the foot when walking, we immediately go to the clinic. How to determine:

  • A foot defect appears, causing the shoes to wear out quickly;
  • your legs get tired, and cramps in the calf muscles are possible.

Only in children can flat feet be cured. But there are techniques that can help alleviate the condition.

It is suggested to use special shoes or orthopedic insoles; do gymnastics every day to strengthen the arches of your feet.

2. Muscle strain and hypocalcemia (calcium deficiency).

When you walk for a long time, or vice versa, if you stand for a long time in unsuitable shoes, aching, scattered pain occurs in the instep of the foot - they can signal hypocalcemia. In addition, similar symptoms are accompanied by osteoporosis, characterized by bone weakness.

3. Plantar fasciitis.

Accompanied by stabbing pain when pressing on the heel and when moving. It may appear due to excess body weight, flat feet, frequent heavy lifting, unsuitable shoes, and pregnancy. In the early stages of development the following will bring relief:

  • massage;
  • orthopedic insoles or special shoes;
  • special exercises.

4. Arthritis and arthrosis.

They manifest themselves as a result of inflammation of the joints, when the patient cannot stand on his feet. The causes of arthritis can be stress, colds and hypothermia. The first signs of arthrosis are the constant occurrence of pain when walking and rapid fatigue of the feet. The “bones” on the mortar grow, and as a result the patient cannot stand on his feet for a long time, his gait changes. The causes of arthrosis can be excessive stress on the legs, excess body weight, and improper shoes.

5. Neuritis and pinched nerve endings.

This condition often manifests itself due to deformation changes in the ankle, insufficient blood supply to the lower extremities and age-related changes. As a result of this disease, the shock absorption of the foot is impaired and therefore severe pain begins when walking or after prolonged periods of rest.

6. Foot injuries.

During movement, the injured foot is very painful, and sometimes even at rest. In addition, pain is felt in other places, depending on the type of injury. There are two main types of damage:

  • sprain
  • calcaneal fracture.
  1. Bursitis.

This is an inflammatory process in the periarticular bursa of the Achilles tendon. Common signs of bunions include swelling and redness of the affected part, severe pain in the foot, and discomfort with slight movement. This disease usually occurs from excessive physical joint stress, infections, and can be a complication of arthrosis.

Severe pain can occur due to minor factors. These include calluses, plantar warts, or ingrown toenails.


Having established the causes of pain while walking, the doctor prescribes medication. Usually these are means for relieving inflammation in the form of ointments and tablets, corticosteroid injections. There are additional procedures to reduce pain:

  • contrast dousing;
  • hot bath with essential oils;
  • massage using ointments and essential oils;
  • physiotherapy;
  • ice compress, etc.

Before doing any procedure, especially massage and gymnastics, you must consult a specialist.

In addition to the main treatment, it is recommended to use alternative medicine recipes:

  • For gout - to lubricate painful areas, a mixture of 50 g mustard powder, 200 g kerosene and sea salt.
  • For inflammation, the use of ointments made from beeswax, butter and spruce resin is effective.
  • For pain relief - alcohol infusions of birch buds or lilac flowers.
  • A good help is baths where you should add essential oils: eucalyptus and cloves.

The best treatment is prevention

With sore feet, a person’s performance decreases. For this reason, it would be good to prevent their manifestation - treat inflammation and blood supply disorders in a timely manner, protect your feet from any damage and use the right shoes under all conditions.

Walking, cycling, skiing strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the foot. Don’t overwork: if you’re tired, take a rest. Do gymnastics, swim, walk barefoot on sand or grass.

In case of any malfunctions in the body, it is very important to eat properly: use more fresh vegetables and fruits. Eliminate harmful foods from your diet.

How promptly you consult a doctor with a problem depends on the speed and time of your recovery.
Remember that joint diseases can lead to a wheelchair in less than 3 years! What treatment you choose: medication, folk or complex - this is your right. When choosing folk remedies for treatment, consult with a specialist in this field. Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr

Frequently asked questions about stiff legs

Why does stiffness in the legs occur with varicose veins?

Stiffness in the legs with varicose veins occurs due to the development of stagnation of venous blood in dilated and non-functioning venous vessels.

Is it possible to get rid of stiffness in the legs?

You can get rid of stiffness in your legs. It is necessary to find out the cause of stiffness in the lower extremities. To do this, you need to seek advice from specialized specialists: phlebologist and orthopedist. After the diagnostic measures have been taken, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment.

What diseases can cause stiffness in the legs?

In most cases, stiffness in the legs is caused by diseases of the veins and musculoskeletal system. Stiffness in the lower extremities can also be caused by neurological diseases.

How to treat stiff legs?

If stiffness in the legs is caused by vein pathology, you need to contact a good phlebology center. After the diagnosis, the doctor (phlebologist) will prescribe the necessary treatment. Modern methods of treating varicose veins make it possible to eliminate all the symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency without interrupting your normal life.

Pleasant benefit: massage with foot gel

The healing power of a relaxing foot massage cannot be ignored. Firstly, it’s pleasant, and secondly, it really helps relieve muscle tension and improve blood flow. The correct sequence is important here: you should start by kneading the heels and arch of the foot. Then you can begin more “aggressive” actions, pressing your knuckles on the foot and making circular movements. Then the inner arch of the foot needs to be rubbed quite intensively (from heel to toe). But when massaging your calves and legs, you should make careful movements from bottom to top.

It is recommended to apply foot gel with troxerutin after the massage. It tones and pleasantly cools, and also has anti-inflammatory, decongestant and antioxidant effects. There are two of them in the CONSUMED assortment: a gel containing 2% troxerutin and a gel with the addition of additional components - leech and horse chestnut extract (you can use the one that will give you the best effect on an ongoing basis, everything is individual).

It is useful to complete the massage with kneading exercises: circular rotations of the feet, walking on tiptoes and heels, raising the legs up. Exercise will also help absorb the gel.

Conservative treatment

During treatment, trophic ulcers are treated with antiseptic and antibacterial agents: solutions, gels, ointments, dressings. In case of infection, antibiotics are prescribed in tablet or injection form.

After cleansing the ulcerative bottom, the trophic ulcer is treated with agents that enhance regeneration and restore trophism. To improve the tone of the veins, elastic bandaging is used. Maintenance therapy is prescribed: vitamins, venotonics, restoratives. Physiotherapy in this case is an auxiliary method that helps improve blood microcirculation and tissue nutrition. The most commonly used are laser therapy, magnetic therapy, and infrared radiation.

Stages of development of ulcers with varicose veins

Varicose ulcers of the extremities develop gradually. First, the skin over the varicose vein changes color to intense pink, and then purplish-red. Later, the skin becomes shiny, smooth, thin and dry, and begins to itch and flake. Microcracks appear, which soon transform into erosion. Without treatment, they progress, growing in depth and breadth, gradually capturing subcutaneous fat, muscles, tendons and even the periosteum. Ulcers with varicose veins on the legs look scary and are prone to suppuration. The developing infectious process aggravates the patient's condition.

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Pre-ulcerative stage of varicose veins . With intact skin, a place with reduced sensitivity is detected. The area of ​​skin over varicose veins reacts little to pain, cold or heat, pressure and injections. At the same time, tingling and twitching sensations (convulsions) periodically appear in the area of ​​the legs and feet. A little later, part of the skin of the leg, where the varicose veins are, becomes smooth and shiny. This is caused by further trophic disorders, swelling of the subcutaneous adipose tissue. As the veins continue to dilate, the pressure increases, the skin, experiencing strong tension, stretches and becomes thinner. The affected area first turns pale, then becomes bluish, and then turns red. The patient experiences burning and itching. On a red background, you can see dark dots (exudate sweating) and necrotic pale spots.

Stage of formation of trophic ulcers . In place of whitened spots and microtraumas, ulcers are formed - round-shaped erosions with a tendency to spread. They “grow” both in depth and in breadth. They can unite and merge into a common wound surface. There is a high risk of bacterial infection.

Purification stage . Ulcers on the legs deepen and take on a characteristic shape with jagged edges. The skin around them rises due to swelling, becomes bright purple, and peels off. A bloody exudate with an unpleasant odor is released from the wound surface. If an infection occurs, the discharge becomes purulent and can be very copious. Sometimes additional defects appear nearby - the trophic ulcer spreads, affecting neighboring areas.

Necrotic stage . The process is progressing. The ulcers merge into one necrotic, smelly wound. The infection spreads and general intoxication occurs. Body temperature rises to 39ºС, headache, chills occur, lethargy and weakness increase. Necrosis involves muscles and bones. The person experiences severe pain. There is a high probability of developing wet gangrene, which almost always ends in amputation of the limb. Otherwise, the patient faces death.

Complications arise from untimely medical care, in advanced cases. These include:

  • gangrene - tissue necrosis that spreads quickly,
  • sepsis - "blood poisoning"
  • thromboembolism - the formation of a blood clot in the affected vein and its separation with drift into the vessels of the heart, lungs or brain.

All these complications of varicose veins are deadly. They can be avoided by consulting a doctor in time, identifying the disease and undergoing a full course of treatment.

Diagnosis of ulcers in varicose veins

Phlebologists deal with the problems of varicose veins. Where there are no phlebologists, surgeons help with varicose veins of the extremities. Trophic ulcers on the legs with varicose veins look so characteristic that the doctor makes the diagnosis during an examination of the patient. Additional research methods are used to clarify the stage of the disease and assess how deep the varicose ulcer is. For this purpose, angiography, venography and, in some cases, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are used. Clinical and biochemical blood tests allow us to assess the general condition of the body in order to plan appropriate therapy.

To fully treat trophic ulcers, the doctor collects a complete “dossier” of the disease: he specifies the time of the first signs of leg disease, what treatment methods were used and how they helped. The doctor is interested not only in the immediate location of the pathology, but also in the general condition of the body. After a thorough examination, an examination is prescribed. How wide it will be depends on many factors. After the doctor collects the necessary data, a final diagnosis will be made and a treatment plan drawn up. The doctor will discuss the target dates, when approximately the ulcers on the leg should clear and heal.

Causes of formation of varicose ulcers

The main reason for the formation of ulcers on the legs with varicose veins is a violation of the trophism (nutrition) of tissues. The veins cannot cope with their work and expand under the influence of excess blood pressure. Blood stagnates, tissues do not receive oxygen and nutrients. Gradually, the process spreads, nerve fibers atrophy, and sensitivity is impaired.

Trophic ulcers in varicose veins are divided into primary (true) and secondary. True ones form on the wall of the dilated vein. The triggering factor is the rupture of a varicose vein and a violation of the integrity of the skin.

Secondary ones arise above the affected vein, where tissue trophism is significantly impaired. Any damage to the legs can trigger a dangerous process - an abrasion, scratch, chafing, bruise or scratch.

The situation can be aggravated by a sedentary lifestyle, prolonged sitting, working on your feet, frequent hypothermia of the feet, heavy lifting and even smoking. Complications can also arise from wearing tight or narrow shoes.

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