Humming feet: causes and what to do about this problem

Every person, regardless of age, has complained at least once in his life that his legs are buzzing. And the reasons for this phenomenon can be very diverse. Starting from simple fatigue and ending with serious vascular disorders. Heavy leg syndrome is the medical name for this phenomenon. Do not take lightly the fact that your feet are buzzing. And it is better, of course, to consult a doctor.


Tingling sensations in the legs may be a sign of the development of varicose veins. To get rid of this disease, our experts recommend Eliva venotonic cream, wearing compression garments and orthopedic insoles every day.

Restless legs syndrome - what is it?

Restless legs syndrome or Ekbom syndrome is a large group of diseases hiding behind typical clinical manifestations - nagging pain in the legs, a feeling of heat in the feet, aching sensations in the calves, intermittent swelling of the legs, and so on.
These sensations can be so intense that patients cannot sleep, seeking relief from suffering in night walks. The reasons for the development of this kind of condition can be different and the list of them is quite impressive: from hereditary metabolic disorders and intervertebral hernia, to chronic venous insufficiency and atherosclerosis of the arteries of the legs. Sometimes it is difficult not only for the patient, but also for the doctor to figure out what’s what. However, the problem of “restless legs”, no matter what causes it, has to be solved and, unfortunately, in some cases the matter does not end with general recommendations and strengthening procedures.

Treatment for leg pain

Leg pain should not be treated with traditional methods - it is not the pain that is treated, but the disease that provoked it. Even if using any method it was possible to eliminate pain, this does not mean that the problem itself is solved. Treatment for leg pain can be very different and can only be prescribed by a doctor. Prescriptions for pain relief may be as follows:

  • blockade - anesthetics are used for it;
  • taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • topical use of ointments or gels;
  • injections of antispasmodics - for muscle spasms, which could cause pain.

Patients often have the question: “If you have pain in your legs, what should you do?” Only a doctor can answer this question after examining the patient and making a diagnosis. The listed manipulations can only relieve pain, so the disease that caused the pain in the legs must be treated.

On our website you can make an appointment with a therapist and get more detailed advice from him - why there is pain in the legs, what are its causes, what measures should be taken to relieve pain.

What to do if your legs ache and you need to solve the problem?

First, you will have to figure out which doctor to go to. You can't do it without the help of a professional. To do this, you need to silently study the symptoms, catching the slightest differences and understand what is happening to you. Here are some small tips to help you.

When to go to a phlebologist?

As a rule, from narrow specialists, it is this doctor who sees the majority of patients with symptoms of restless legs syndrome. So, if you have vascular disorders - “stars”, varicose veins, by the end of the day your legs swell, by the evening a feeling of painful heaviness appears in them, one of your relatives has varicose veins - you need to contact a phlebologist. The doctor will examine your legs and conduct an ultrasound examination of the veins of the lower extremities, after which he will prescribe appropriate treatment. However, be prepared and understand that a competent phlebologist may suspect other causes of restless legs syndrome in you and refer you to the appropriate specialist.

When to see an orthopedist?

Pain in the feet and legs, transient swelling in the ankle joints, a feeling of heat in the feet, cramps in the calves can be associated with flat feet and deformation of the arch of the foot. You should not get your hopes up because once upon a time a surgeon examined you and there was no flatfoot. Over time, the foot can become deformed, this is a kind of our retribution for walking upright. If you notice the symptoms described above and - moreover - your usual shoes become uncomfortable for you, your big toes are deviated to the side, a characteristic “bone” appears - a protrusion at the big toe - you should consult an orthopedist. The doctor will recommend appropriate insoles, shoes and procedures.

When to go to a neurologist?

There is a certain spectrum of neurological conditions, which can also cause painful, aching, shooting sensations in the legs, and various kinds of sensory disturbances. As a rule, they are a manifestation of problems in the lumbar spine and a consequence of injuries, hypothermia, inflammatory changes, pathology of the intervertebral discs, etc. Nerve fibers can also be affected in diabetes mellitus and other systemic diseases. If you have previously had back problems or other conditions associated with pathology of the peripheral nervous system, you should contact a neurologist. The doctor will prescribe appropriate examination and treatment, and recommend preventive measures.

When to go to a vascular surgeon?

Not only veins, but also arteries can cause leg pain. This is, as a rule, a typical pain syndrome that occurs due to oxygen starvation of muscles and other tissues due to narrowing of the lumen of the arteries. Pain occurs during exertion - long walking, climbing stairs and forces a person to stop for a while and stop moving. Gradually, the distance that a person can cover without pain decreases, a feeling of coldness appears in the feet, and in warm weather the toes freeze. If you have such symptoms, you should contact a specialized specialist - a vascular surgeon.

Why do foot problems occur?

The reason why your feet buzz is “on the surface.” All this can be explained by referring to anatomy. Since a person is an upright creature, most of the blood accumulates in the lower extremities. As a result, blood stagnation begins, which causes pain, swelling and other problems with the legs.

The veins in the legs have valves that allow blood to flow back. They have 2 valves formed by connective tissue, which are located every 8-10 cm and are able to withstand high pressure (300 mm Hg). The older a person is, the fewer valves there are in the lumen of the venous vessels of the extremities.

When a person makes any movement with the lower limbs, the veins of the legs are compressed due to muscle contraction. As a result of this, the blood flow rushes upward, and the valve flaps close after the blood passes through. Thus, it is the activity of the muscles and the one-way operation of the valves that ensure the flow of blood. When a person walks, the pressure in the veins is approximately 20 mm Hg; when standing for a long time, the pressure on the walls of blood vessels increases several times - up to 90 mm Hg. Art. and higher. In veins of smaller caliber - capillaries, the pressure becomes even higher. For this reason, fluid from the venous bed passes into the surrounding soft tissue, which is manifested by swelling in the legs. Most often, legs buzz at the end for women.

According to statistics, women are 3 times more likely to complain about leg problems. It is very simple to explain this pattern. Women experience greater vertical loads. Especially during the period of bearing a child, when the weight increases several times. And the opportunity to play sports and live an active life is impossible.

There are certain risk factors:

  • prolonged stay in an upright position or inability to change body position;
  • shoes that cause discomfort, heels;
  • overweight;
  • sedentary work, without any physical activity;
  • hereditary diseases that are associated with the vessels of the lower extremities;
  • long-term use of contraceptives with a high content of hormones;
  • problems with blood vessels, their blockage, which is caused by problems with the pelvic organs.

What to do before visiting a doctor.

Do leg exercises regularly, lead a healthy lifestyle, follow a diet and exercise, and visit the pool. It is necessary to wear comfortable shoes with orthopedic insoles, while trying to wear high-heeled shoes or, conversely, ballet flats or sneakers with flat soles as little as possible. In the evening, do a separate contrast shower for your feet - alternating warm and cool water, and place a pillow under your feet at night.

It is certainly necessary to follow these traditional recommendations if your legs ache. However, given the range of possible diseases that can cause this condition, you should not delay visiting a doctor and receiving specialized help.

Ivan Ilyich Kalachev, Ph.D. phlebologist, head of the surgical department of the Clinic of Expert Medical Technologies

What to do if there are problems

If the doctor has identified the reasons why your legs hurt and prescribed treatment, then you can breathe easy. But the pain in your legs will not go away after the first dose of medication or after the first procedure. And I want to ease the situation. Therapy can also be performed at home. There are many different ways to relieve swelling, heaviness and pain in the legs:


Massage helps relax muscles, increase blood flow, and relieve tension. You can do it yourself or ask someone close to you. To achieve the best effect, it is recommended to use a special relaxing massage oil or cream.

Physical exercise

In order to drain blood from the lower extremities and increase blood flow, the following must be done. Lie on your back, legs should be higher than body level. To do this, you can use the back of a chair, chair or wall. Legs should be straight. It is enough to lie in this position for 10-15 minutes. After time, you will feel lightness in your legs, the pain will go away and they will not buzz.


Special foot baths can work wonders. Below are some recipes for healthy foot baths.

Sea salt bath:

You need to take 2 liters of warm water, add 100 grams there. sea ​​salt. It is better to take natural, without dyes and flavors. Place your feet in the water and hold for 20 minutes. As the water cools, add warm water. The most important thing is that the water completely covers the feet; if the calves also hurt and buzz, then you should take a deeper container and add more water. In this case, you also need to take more salt, at the rate of 100g. for 2 liters.

Herbal bath:

You need to take pharmaceutical herbs, any with a calming effect will do. They need to be steamed first. Then add to warm water at the rate of 300 ml. for 1 liter of warm water. Place your feet in the water and keep them there for at least 30 minutes. After the first procedure, your legs will stop buzzing, swelling and pain will disappear. It is recommended to do baths even in cases where there are no problems with the legs, for preventive purposes.


In order to relieve swelling, pain and stop the buzzing of the legs, it is necessary to apply cold compresses. They should be applied for no more than 15 minutes. This will be enough to relieve tension and pain. It is especially useful to do this procedure before bed.

In order for your feet to always be healthy, you need to follow simple rules - wear comfortable shoes, lead an active lifestyle, walk more, and massage your feet regularly. In this case, pain, swelling and other problems with the legs will not be terrible.

What is weakness and fatigue of the legs

We all know what weakness and fatigue in the legs feels like after prolonged and intense physical activity.

Weakness and fatigue of the legs

However, weakness and fatigue of the legs can also be associated with pathological processes in the lower extremities. Varicose veins play an important role here. In the presence of this pathology, weakness and fatigue of the legs develops much faster, and the usual level of physical activity is no longer possible.

How to treat weakness and fatigue of the legs due to varicose veins

After diagnosis, the phlebologist will prescribe appropriate treatment. It will be individual for each patient. In the initial stages of varicose veins, when there is still no damage to the vein valves, compression therapy and conservative phlebotropic therapy are sufficient. In cases where the valves of the venous vessels are destroyed, modern endovascular interventions are used. Removal of varicose veins restores blood flow in the lower extremities, and the patient gets relief from increased weakness and fatigue in the legs.

You must remember that if weakness and fatigue in the legs is associated with varicose veins, only a doctor can help. But only a good, experienced phlebologist will do this really quickly and effectively.

Frequently asked questions from patients about weakness and fatigue in the legs

Why does weakness and fatigue occur in the legs after normal physical activity?

Weakness and fatigue in the lower extremities may be a sign of an advanced disease. According to modern statistics, it is diseases of the venous system that are most often responsible for the appearance of weakness and fatigue in the legs after ordinary physical activity or without it at all.

Could weakness and fatigue in the legs be a sign of a disease?

Yes, weakness and fatigue in the lower extremities can be a sign of a number of diseases. These may be metabolic disorders, heart disease and nervous system diseases. The main cause of weakness and fatigue in the legs is varicose veins.

When should you see a doctor if you experience weakness and fatigue in your legs?

If you experience frequent episodes of weakness and fatigue in your lower extremities, you should seek medical help. First, you should diagnose the venous system by visiting an experienced phlebologist.

What can cause weakness and fatigue in the legs?

Weakness and fatigue in the lower extremities can be caused by a number of diseases of the nervous, cardiovascular systems, impaired electrolyte metabolism or excessive physical activity. An important and very common cause of weakness and fatigue in the legs is varicose veins. Therefore, if weakness and fatigue appear in the lower extremities, one of the first things you should do is visit a phlebologist.

Why weakness and fatigue of the legs develop with varicose veins

Varicose veins lead to a pathological accumulation of fluid and metabolic products in the muscles of the lower leg, which leads to their rapid functional depletion. Weakness and fatigue of the lower extremities, which previously only occurred after several kilometers of walking, appear over much shorter distances. Gradually, the usual load becomes impossible and the person is forced to limit himself in movements. In addition to weakness and fatigue comes swelling, a feeling of fullness, and pain in the legs.

Fatigue, feeling of fullness and pain in the legs

Then trophic disorders appear and progress: hyperpigmentation, eczema, lipodermatosclerosis, trophic ulcer. All these processes are most often preceded by weakness and fatigue of the legs.

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