Why do my legs go numb during pregnancy - what to do?

Carrying a child is a significant period in a woman’s life, which not every expectant mother experiences without unpleasant symptoms. One of the unwanted surprises for the fair sex is the condition when the legs go numb during pregnancy.

A woman in an interesting position often experiences weakness. But when numbness in the limbs occurs during pregnancy, it can frighten her.

Usually the tingling sensation occurs in the morning, after sleep (the tummy gets in the way). But as the period increases, around 30 weeks, pain and numbness become common, regardless of the time of day.

Causes of numbness in the legs during pregnancy

Numbness or hypoesthesia is a condition characterized by decreased sensitivity to stimuli. It begins with a sensation of pins and needles on the soles of your feet. Numbness is often diagnosed in expectant mothers.


At first, numbness occurs rarely and for a short period of time. Over time, the attacks become more intense and occur more frequently. They appear not only at night, but also during the day. In most cases, arms and legs go numb at 30 weeks of pregnancy.

The cause of numbness in the legs is a malfunction of the central nervous system (CNS) or poor circulation. Often, unpleasant sensations develop due to compression of nerve endings or blood vessels.

Numbness of the legs during pregnancy

Doctors identify the following causes of numbness of the limbs during pregnancy:

  • Increased load on the legs. Pregnant women quickly gain weight from the second trimester, which increases the load on the spinal column and large vessels of the legs. In late pregnancy, women find it difficult to walk;
  • Physical inactivity – decreased mobility. During pregnancy, the belly grows and it becomes difficult for a woman to move. Therefore, the expectant mother does not change her body position for a long time or performs the same type of actions, which leads to stagnation of lymph in the legs and their numbness;
  • Edema. Changes in hormone levels during pregnancy lead to fluid accumulation and swelling. This provokes compression of nerve endings and blood vessels and a decrease in sensitivity;
  • Uncomfortable position while sleeping. At night, women do not control their body position, which leads to compression of veins and nerves;
  • Varicose veins, chronic venous insufficiency, hypoesthesia is caused by hormonal changes during pregnancy, weight gain, and increased blood flow;
  • Lack of vitamins and microelements. A nutritious diet cannot provide adequate levels of nutrients. A large amount of calcium from the mother’s body is used to form the fetal skeleton. And a lack of calcium leads to muscle spasms, compression of nerves and numbness in the legs. Magnesium deficiency causes disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system - a failure in the transmission of nerve impulses occurs, abnormal muscle contraction develops and a feeling of numbness develops. A lack of B vitamins leads to damage to nerve cells, causing the sensation of pins and needles on the toes;
  • Preparing the body for childbirth. Some women at 37 weeks of pregnancy complain of thigh numbness. This is due to the divergence of the pelvic bones and stretching of the muscles of the lower abdomen.

On a note!

Numbness of the legs during pregnancy is a common symptom associated with anatomical and physiological changes in a woman’s body. After the baby is born, the numbness disappears as the body returns to normal functioning.

Causes of numbness of the lower extremities during pregnancy

However, the occurrence of numbness in the legs may be a symptom of a serious illness that develops latently during pregnancy:

  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Osteochondrosis is characterized by various symptoms: numbness of the limbs, pain in the lower back and sacrum. Diseases of the lumbar region are accompanied by a feeling of numbness in the lower extremities from the fingers to the thigh. Numbness in the feet and legs may indicate a herniated disc. Rheumatoid arthritis is accompanied by numbness of the fingers and feet;
  • Diabetes mellitus, which is also characterized by numbness in the legs;
  • Predisposition to heart attack. In this case, only the left leg and arm become numb;
  • Diseases of the kidneys and urinary system.


Most often, women over 40 years old experience leg numbness during pregnancy.

If numbness in the lower extremities is associated with a systemic disease, the help of a qualified physician will be required. Since the complications that arise can disrupt the functioning of all organs and systems of the body.

The use of sleeping pills is allowed

Quite often, a woman during pregnancy, in order to improve her sleep, voluntarily tries to use sleeping pills. Doing this is strictly prohibited. Drugs in this category cannot be used during pregnancy. Such drugs will cause serious harm to the developing child and may even cause his death.

Only certain herbal preparations can be used to restore sleep, which should be selected by the gynecologist observing the woman. It is strictly forbidden to prescribe them for yourself.

As a folk sleeping pill, even before consulting a doctor, you can only use milk with honey, but only if there is no allergy to the beekeeping product. The drink should be warm and drunk no earlier than 20 minutes before you plan to go to bed.

Self help

If your leg goes numb during pregnancy, the following will help cope with the discomfort:

  • Massage the numb area - pinching, rubbing, tapping. You can use a massage roller. If an area of ​​your leg becomes numb and is difficult to reach on your own, you should ask someone close to you to massage it;
  • Warming baths. The water should be at a comfortable temperature – 37-37.5°C; you can add eucalyptus, fir or juniper essential oil. Your feet will warm up and the discomfort will disappear;
  • Change of position. Movement restores blood flow and sensitivity. Therefore, you should change your body position more often.


The listed methods are recommended as first self-help if numbness occurs rarely. If attacks become more frequent, unpleasant symptoms increase, or a nagging pain appears in the lower abdomen, a woman should consult a doctor.

In rare cases, a pregnant woman is referred for additional studies to determine the cause of numbness in her legs. If discomfort is caused by a systemic disease, then therapy is prescribed depending on the diagnosis.

Self-help for numb feet during pregnancy

Methods for treating numbness during pregnancy

The expectant mother must tell her attending gynecologist that her legs are going numb. This will allow timely detection of the disease.

Expert opinion!

During pregnancy, a salt-free diet will help eliminate swelling and numbness in the legs. The expectant mother should eat small meals, but regularly. A pregnant woman's daily diet should contain foods high in magnesium, potassium and B vitamins. These are liver (beef or chicken), porridge, whole grain bread, dairy products, persimmons, bananas and dried fruits. If nutrition is not enough to replenish the required amount of vitamins and microelements, special multivitamin complexes for pregnant women are prescribed.

Varicose veins are also accompanied by swelling and numbness. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, wearing compression garments - tights, knee socks or stockings - is recommended. The degree of compression and type of product will be recommended by your doctor. Special knitwear normalizes blood flow and prevents the progression of the disease.

A professional massage will help you completely get rid of unpleasant sensations. You can massage your legs above the knees yourself, but this is less effective. Movements around the sacrum, ankles and feet should be as careful as possible, since acupuncture points are located in these areas. Stimulation of these zones can provoke premature termination of pregnancy or early birth.

On a note!

Pregnancy is not a reason to give up physical activity. The most beneficial sports for expectant mothers are swimming, yoga, Pilates or race walking. Such exercises relieve swelling and help get rid of numbness.

If your legs and arms are numb, you should perform a simple set of exercises immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed:

  • Lying on your back, slowly raise both arms, then gently clench your fingers into a fist, relax your palm, and lower your arms. Repeat 5 times;
  • Lying on your back, slowly raise your right leg, carefully roll your foot clockwise, and slowly lower it. Repeat for the second leg;
  • Raise both legs and perform the “bicycle” exercise;
  • Sit in bed, stretch both arms forward, clench your fingers into fists and roll them through your wrist to the right and left.

Massage and exercises to treat numbness in the legs during pregnancy

A contrast shower helps relieve numbness. The temperature difference should not exceed 10°C. Flexing and extending your toes can help you shower more efficiently.

On a note!

If your legs often go numb, the doctor prescribes special ointments, vitamin complexes and sedatives.


Any ailments during pregnancy require mandatory consultation with the treating gynecologist. You should inform your doctor about your health to rule out the possibility of concomitant diseases. Do not put the health of the baby and mother at risk.

Usually after childbirth, numbness in the limbs goes away, because the female body is restored to the state it was before pregnancy. If this is not your case, contact your doctor immediately.

Prevention of numbness during pregnancy

To prevent the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the lower extremities, the expectant mother must follow the following rules:

  • Balance your daily diet - include foods high in vitamins and beneficial microelements. And from pickles and smoked meats. It is recommended to avoid fatty and fried foods, as they retain fluid in the body;
  • Maintain a drinking regimen: it is recommended to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of pure still water or herbal teas per day. Drinks with high caffeine content and sweet soda are prohibited;
  • Weight control. Body weight gain during pregnancy must meet established standards, otherwise the load on the legs increases;
  • Physical activity. Physical inactivity and being in one position provokes the appearance of numbness and swelling;
  • Correct daily routine: alternating work, active activities and rest. It is important that the working conditions are comfortable for the expectant mother, and that she goes on maternity leave in due time;
  • Comfortable clothes that do not tighten the tummy and shoes made of natural materials (leather, suede) with stable soles;
  • Clothes for the season. Hypothermia of the lower extremities must not be allowed. If your feet are cold, you should warm them in the bath;
  • Regular massaging of the thighs and legs;
  • Comfortable sleeping position. The best option is on the left side;
  • Reducing the amount of stress and anxiety.

If the cause of numbness in the legs is not a systemic disease, it goes away on its own after the baby is born. Paying attention to your health and following your doctor’s recommendations will help the expectant mother get rid of unpleasant symptoms or reduce their intensity.

Numbness of the limbs, prevention

Prevention of painful symptoms is aimed at eliminating discomfort and fatigue.

The following tips are useful to ease the suffering of a pregnant woman and reduce numbness in the arms or legs:

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome mainly affects women expecting a baby, who spend most of their time sitting, without changing monotonous postures (working on a computer). You need to reconsider your lifestyle and move more.
  • A nutritious diet, rich in vitamins and low in salt, is beneficial for both mother and fetus.
  • Compliance with the drinking regime, minimizing the consumption of coffee and carbonated drinks or completely abandoning them.
  • Physical activity without heavy loads (walking with calm steps in the fresh air) is an excellent prevention of leg disease and improves blood circulation during pregnancy.
  • Weight control (gradual gain without exceeding the norm).
  • Wearing compression garments, especially during long walks, will significantly reduce the enormous stress on your legs.
  • Massage with light kneading without sudden movements that will restore blood circulation. At home, you can trust a loved one to do this. A positive effect will come from self-massage of the lower back, from where the pain often radiates to the limbs (alternately stroke the right and left sides).
  • Relaxing warm foot baths will reduce painful numbness.
  • Avoiding hypothermia.
  • Wearing comfortable shoes that do not put pressure on the little toe; too low and high heels are not acceptable.
  • Avoiding stressful situations.
  • Adequate sleep during pregnancy is a necessary factor for the normal development of the baby and the well-being of the mother.
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