Gel Bischofite Poltava for back, joints and muscles 75 ml

pharmachologic effect

Gel Bishofit Poltava enhances the phagocytic activity of neutrophils, reduces the activity of cyclooxygenase (the main enzyme in the metabolic reactions of arachidonic acid), prostaglandins, kinins and other inflammatory agents. The gel strengthens the walls of capillaries, stabilizes the lysic membrane, suppresses the release of microsomal enzymes, reduces the energy supply to the inflammatory focus, and accelerates tissue regeneration.

Active elements penetrate the skin depending on the total amount of gel and the degree of hydration of the skin. Resorption takes 10 hours; when using occlusive dressings, resorption increases threefold.

Gel Bischofite Poltava relieves pain in the postoperative period, in case of traumatic injuries, reduces inflammation, and is effectively used in the treatment of arthritis and arthrosis.

Important! Gel Bishofit Poltava has no contraindications (except for individual intolerance).

Bishofit Poltava: professional use

In the conditions of a physiotherapy room in clinics and sanatoriums, the use of Bishofite involves modern procedures.

  • Magnetophoresis is a physiotherapeutic method based on the use of the transport properties of a low-frequency magnetic field, which is applied to the affected area of ​​the body, previously treated with Bischofite.

  • Phonophoresis is a method in which Bishofite is applied to the desired area of ​​the body, which is then subjected to ultrasound, facilitating the penetration of the substance deep into the tissue. For this purpose, a special bischofite gel for phonophoresis has been developed.
  • Electrophoresis - electrode pads are impregnated with Bischofite solution, the directed effect of which ensures that Bischofite penetrates directly into the affected area of ​​the body.
  • Massage – due to the physical effect on the tissue, the penetration of Bishofite is significantly improved.
  • General or local bischofite baths are one of the main methods of balneotherapy. The penetrating properties of water and the effect of heat facilitate the delivery of Bishofite into the human body.

The feasibility of using certain methods for using Bishofite is determined by specialists from clinics and sanatoriums.

Mode of application

Easily rub into the skin (if possible, perform hardware procedures), wrap for 1-2 hours.

Arthrosis treatment basic principles

Reduction of physical activity, orthopedic structures, physical therapy complex, physiotherapeutic procedures.

Osteoarthritis of the knee joint (treatment at home)

If your knee hurts, treatment using a gel product is carried out in a thermoactive manner: the ointment is heated to a temperature of 40°C, rubbed into the knee joint, and an occlusive bandage is applied on top. The absorption time of the active substance is 5 hours. Course of treatment: 12-14 procedures.

Coxarthrosis treatment with Bischofite Poltava gel

Treatment of cosarthrosis (arthrosis of the hip joint) is carried out using a complex method: Bischofite Poltava gel is used in combination with electrophoresis, shock wave and laser therapy.

Important! Before using the gel, it is recommended to warm up the joints.

Using bischofite at home

The use of Bishofite in everyday life is possible using the following available methods:

  • compress
  • massage
  • local bath (for hands and feet)
  • wrap
  • shared bath
  • warming up
  • ingestion

For these techniques, you can use Bischofite solution, gel, cream or salt crystals. The choice of method and form of release of Bishofite often depends on the type of disease.

  • For the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, it is advisable to use local application of Bischofite preparations - directly to the area of ​​​​the affected joints. Remedies for joints with bischofite.
  • For cardiovascular diseases, it is better to use warm bischofite baths in combination with internal administration.
  • If you have gastrointestinal problems or nephrological pathologies, it is recommended to take Bishofite drinking.
  • For skin diseases, compresses, local baths, wraps and general baths are used.
  • Massages, general baths with Bishofite, and also taking special mineral supplements based on Bishofite help fight diseases of the peripheral and central nervous system
  • General bischofite baths in combination with internal administration will help eliminate disturbances in general well-being, decreased immunity, mental activity, performance and menopausal disorders

Note! During topical application, to enhance the effect of Bishofite, it is recommended to pre-heat the treated area. To do this, you can use a regular heating pad, a blue or infrared light lamp, which warms up the desired area of ​​the body for 5 to 10 minutes.

The duration of treatment with Bishofite is determined individually and depends on the severity of the pathological process. On average, this is 10 - 15 procedures, which are carried out daily or every other day. If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated after 1 month.

The use of Bishofite at home for the prevention of diseases is best used in the form of general bischofite baths - 1 - 2 baths, every 5 - 7 days.

Bischophytotherapy: side effects and contraindications

Bishofite, the use of which is well tolerated by humans, has virtually no contraindications. In very rare cases, an allergic reaction of the body may occur due to individual intolerance to magnesium, iodine and bromine, which are part of the substance. Contraindications to the use of the mineral are diseases in the acute stage, skin lesions at the sites of exposure and oncological pathologies.

Bishofite in road construction

The use of bischofite as an anti-icing reagent, similar in principle to the well-known reagent - technical salt (based on sodium chloride), but less harmful to the environment due to its composition, which is based on magnesium chloride. However, it has more aggressive corrosive properties.

It was found that at 15% concentration and above, the activity of bischofite does not exceed the level of tap water. Most deicers destroy sidewalks and roadways. Independent studies conducted by a German national research institute showed that calcium chloride and sodium chloride caused asphalt pavement crumbling several times greater than magnesium chloride (bischofite).

Magnesium chloride destroys cement supports and structures less than other above-mentioned compounds, has a gentler effect on plants and even increases their productivity without changing quality.

Bishofite is safe for the environment.

In spring, meltwater washes harmful chlorides into lakes and rivers. Magnesium chloride reduces the chloride content in waters, because contains less chlorine than calcium and sodium chloride. None of the modern deicers can compare with magnesium chloride. It is efficient and economical. It prevents ice formation at temperatures down to -350C, much lower than other deicers. Bishofite acts quickly: In 15 minutes it melts twice as much ice as sodium chloride. It is estimated that the cost of maintaining roads using crystalline bischofite is 3-5 times less than when using other substances used for the same purposes.

Bishofite in livestock and agriculture

Magnesium chloride (bischofite): contains 65 elements of the periodic table, including phosphorus, potassium, sodium, manganese, iron, calcium, copper, zinc, iodine, etc.; is an effective mineral supplement; replenishes the deficiency of diets in macro- and microelements (magnesium, iron, iodine, copper, etc.); helps improve metabolism in animals and more efficient use of feed.

The effectiveness of using bischofite in crop production: increasing the productivity of fruit and berry crops and resistance to pests and diseases; increasing yield, sugar content; improvement of taste; the products do not contain residual toxic substances; replenishes the deficiency of macro- and microelements (VNIALMI research).

The use of this unique mineral for extinguishing forest and steppe fires, as well as wooden buildings and as a fire retardant

Chemical fire retardants are widely used to fight forest fires. An effective remedy for extinguishing forest fires is a diluted brine of natural bischofite.

It has been established that wood materials treated with a bischofite solution retain high fire resistance for a long time (before being washed away by rain). This quality is proposed to be used to eliminate forest and steppe fires and fires of wooden buildings.

Bishofite is used in the production of artificial stone (tiles, blocks), agriculture (pre-sowing treatment of plant seeds during the growing season), in oil production - for the preparation of grouting and hardening mixtures, in the chemical industry - for the production of magnesium compounds of high purity.

Bischofite (magnesalt) is a natural mineral with a rich composition

Bischofite (magnesalt) is a natural mineral consisting mainly of crystalline hydrate of magnesium chloride MgCl2 x 6H2O. In addition to MgCl, the substance contains a large number of impurities, such as magnesium bromide, potassium, sodium, calcium chlorides, calcium sulfate and bicarbonate, bromine, iron, molybdenum, copper, boron, lithium, iodine, zinc, silicon and others. In total, you can find up to seventy elements and compounds in it.

Bishofite is one of those minerals about which it is known exactly when it was discovered and by whom. It was discovered by German geologists in 1877 in salt-bearing deposits in Stasfurt (Germany). They were looking for oil and found a new mineral. They named it in honor of the German chemist and geologist K. G. Bischof.

Magnesalt is very soluble in water, so it is mined by pumping artesian water into underground wells and pumping the resulting brine up.


In its pure form, bischofite is rarely found. As a rule, the mineral occurs in rocks with other minerals, such as halite, carnallite, kieserite, and anhydrite. Pure bischofite - crystals without color, white or slightly yellowish; bitter-salty taste, odorless. They are very hygroscopic, so when exposed to air they quickly absorb moisture and dissolve. Bishofite conducts electric current. If it contains iron impurities, it gradually darkens from reaction with atmospheric oxygen, acquiring a rusty color. Bischofite rocks can be of different colors, depending on the type of impurities: from pinkish-yellow to red and brown. The mineral is characterized by high fire and explosion safety, bactericidal activity, and frost resistance.

Bischofite brines are highly reactive. Reacts with strong acids and metals. The mineral interacts with water even at low temperatures, when water is ice.

This is interesting

The medical benefits of magnesalt were discovered completely by accident. It was noticed that workers who deal with bischofite brines no longer have pain in their hands and even arthrosis nodules resolve. After this, comprehensive studies were carried out. It turned out that the positive effect of bischofite solutions is associated with a high content of magnesium, which is very often lacking in the human body.

In addition, the trace elements contained in the mineral contribute, especially bromine, which has a calming effect.

What is very important is that all these beneficial elements are in soluble form, easily penetrate the skin and are absorbed by the body.


  • Road and utility services - as a deicing agent that is less corrosive than sodium chloride (table salt) and less harmful to the environment.
  • For the production of xylolite and fiberboard, building materials used in the manufacture of self-leveling floors, artificial stone, tiles, glass-magnesium sheets. Building materials that contain bischofite acquire high wear resistance, vapor permeability, fire resistance, and resistance to microorganisms. Magnesalt is also used in the production of abrasive and sharpening materials, and millstones.
  • In agriculture it is used as an environmentally friendly source of microelements in a soluble form convenient for plants.
  • In cosmetology, it is included in skin care and massage products, has a tonic, bactericidal effect, smoothes wrinkles, increases skin firmness and elasticity, and accelerates tissue regeneration.
  • In pharmaceuticals it is used in the production of dry bath salts, gels, solutions for compresses, balms; preparations containing magnesium.
  • In medicine - a remedy for headaches, joint pain, inflammation, insomnia, nervous excitement, high blood pressure. Products based on bischofite are used in balneology and physiotherapy, gynecology, dermatology, to relieve pain, for cardiac arrhythmia, to improve immunity, and to quickly recover from injuries.

Attention! Self-medication with bischofite and its use in homemade cosmetics is unacceptable, as there are contraindications and can cause harm to health. If the product gets into your eyes, rinse them thoroughly immediately.

Bischofite as a chemical raw material

Impregnation of wood with the proposed composition provides wood with reliable fire protection with the following gradation of fire resistance: When wood absorbs dry salts in a volume of up to 35 kg/m3, wood becomes difficult to ignite; When absorbing dry salts in a volume of 100 kg/m3 or more, the wood goes into the category of low-flammability with a weight loss of 6-8%. One of the areas of use of bischofite is the possibility of obtaining valuable products from it. Bishofite brine (salt) is the best raw material for obtaining such important products for industry and agriculture as magnesium oxide and magnesium metal.

Bischofite is also used as a component of drilling and cementing fluids in the oil industry. Bishofite (commercial salt, magnesium chloride) is supplied in big bags and polypropylene bags of 25 kg.

For questions regarding the purchase and cost of refractories, please contact the sales department of OgneuporEnergoHolding LLC


Bischofite is a natural mineral containing sodium chloride-magnesium complex, iodine, bromine, iron and other minerals.

  • • Calms and relieves stress;
  • • Has a rejuvenating and general strengthening effect;
  • • Restores the balance of salts and microelements in the body;
  • • Exhibits a pronounced anti-inflammatory, absorbable, antispastic and vasodilating effect;
  • • Relieves muscle and joint pain;
  • • Improves night sleep.

Contraindications: with general contraindications for balneotherapy; with the phenomena of iodism and bromism, diseases in the acute stage.

Bishofite belongs to the anti-inflammatory balneotherapy drugs, which are created on the basis of natural substances.

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