Treat back muscle strain at home

Strained back muscles are a fairly common phenomenon, as every second modern person has encountered it when they tried to lift something heavy from the floor without preparation. This is an injury to muscle tissue that was not ready for such a load. If the fiber is not elastic enough, then micro-tears can easily appear on it if the technique of performing force actions is incorrect. At this moment, a person feels acute pain, blockage or limited action. This is the body's defense response to prevent more serious injury.

Tensile Characteristic

Muscle strain is not dangerous, since the body regenerates quite quickly. This happens due to the supply of oxygen, glucose and other nutrients to damaged tissues. Even worse, if you pull a ligament, it will take much longer to recover.

Spinal muscle strains are classified according to the degree of injury:

  • Moderate. It manifests itself as a mild pain syndrome that can go away on its own when a person takes an upright position. If you follow bed rest, recovery occurs in a couple of days.
  • Average. It manifests itself as acute, sharp pain, which intensifies when the muscle contracts or is damaged. The main symptom can be relieved only with good painkillers. Treatment takes longer than in the previous case.
  • Complete break. This is no longer a sprain, but a loss of muscle integrity. It manifests itself as an acute pain syndrome, which is often eliminated only by novocaine blockade. The muscle can no longer contract, and in severe cases internal bleeding occurs.

A sprain can be caused by exercise in strength sports, an unhealthy lifestyle, when the whole body is weakened and is unable to withstand even small loads, injuries or an external blow.

Anatomy of the back muscles

To understand the mechanism of injury, you first need to understand which back muscles are involved in the work, and what is the likelihood of serious damage.

Muscle groupType of injuryAt what movementPossibility of injury
TrapezeStretchingBarbell row to the chinLow
LatStretchingBent-over rowLow
Teres major muscleStretchingFront thrustLow
Extensor longus muscleStretchingSudden movements during hyperextensionHigh
Psoas musclesSprain/microdislocationFor any that requires precise technique, with neutralization of the static load on this departmentHigh

As you can see, with almost any exercise you can get a serious injury, and even more so a simple sprain. And in the case of the lumbar region, an incorrect or sudden movement can lead to a microdislocation, which will make itself felt every time you do a heavy approach.

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The symptoms of a back muscle strain are not specific, but they appear immediately and allow you to recognize the problem. First of all, the victim feels that something has broken inside. After this, the range of movements sharply decreases, any actions provoke increased pain. In the first few minutes, swelling or bruising appears at the site of injury. In addition, characteristic features include:

Why do my back muscles hurt?

  • Sharp severe pain of varying intensity (depending on the degree of damage). This is the first sign by which the severity of the patient is determined.
  • Puffiness or slight swelling. There is always fluid in the muscles, and when the fibers break, it accumulates in one place, so the soft tissue swells.
  • Decreased mobility. Severe pain prevents bending or turning, which forces the person to move less. Gradually, the muscles lose their functionality, and the patient becomes bedridden.
  • Increased pain intensity when bending over or pressing with fingers.
  • Normalization of the condition in a horizontal position.
  • Hematomas or bruises in the area. Minor sprains rarely cause bruising; they usually indicate serious internal tears.

If the latissimus muscle is stretched, symptoms may last for several months. In this case, the recovery process should be monitored by a specialist, since deterioration can also affect the functioning of other organs. For example, some patients experience nausea or vomiting, fever, pain while urinating, or abdominal pain.

Acute pain and a feeling of tearing are the main symptoms of a sprain.

Injury Prevention

In order not to tear your muscles or get a sprained back ligament , you should follow simple rules that will help you protect yourself from injury.

Rule #1: Don’t start training without warming up. In ordinary life, the back is not the most mobile part of the body, especially in the lumbar region. Therefore, do easy approaches before the main one.

Rule #2: Don't stretch your back before heavy deadlift sets. Although stretching is recommended for any workout, when it comes to your back, things are a little different. A stretched back becomes more difficult to compress, which creates additional stress on the spine and can result in a microdislocation.

Rule #3: Don't use a different grip. When working with a different grip, an additional torque is applied to the spine, and accordingly, the load on the back ceases to be symmetrical, which leads to rapid sprains.

Rule #4: Use a safety belt . If you are not completely confident that you can do the exercise with the correct technique and heavy weight, it is better to refrain from doing it. But if this is not possible, then use a weightlifting belt.

The most important rule : when working with the back muscles, forget about sudden movements, as well as working with kicks. A sudden change in load invariably leads to severe back strain.

First aid

A sprained back muscle can happen to anyone at any time. In this case, you need to know how to properly provide first aid. It consists of the following actions:

  1. The patient needs to ensure maximum rest for the injured muscle, regardless of whether it is located in the neck or in the lower back. You should once take a horizontal position on a hard, flat surface.
  2. Apply ice to the area of ​​maximum localization of pain. It is advisable to first place it in a clean natural fabric to reduce discomfort upon contact with the skin.
  3. Apply anesthetic ointment to the site of inflammation. “Finalgon” or “Apisatron” are perfect for this.
  4. Take a painkiller tablet, for example, Solpadeine or Diclofenac.

If someone has pulled a muscle and doesn’t know what to do, these tips will prevent the situation from worsening and help reduce the discomfort that appears in the first few minutes after the injury.

Ligament hypertrophy

Hypertrophic processes in the yellow, anterior longitudinal and posterior ligaments develop for many reasons. These include previous back injuries, sprains, and an inflammatory process that occurs after injury or hypothermia.

Sometimes the thickening progresses very quickly. The reasons for this phenomenon are not well understood, but it is believed that the triggering factor is prolonged tension in the ligaments, causing complex biochemical disorders.

With partial destruction of the intervertebral joints and vertebrae, pathological hypertrophy of the yellow, anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments also develops. This is a protective reaction of the body to the instability that has arisen in certain segments of the spinal column. Thickened ligaments take on the role of a supporting frame.

Main methods of treatment

Treatment for back muscle strain is carried out in a comprehensive manner, which speeds up the healing process. Even if the degree is moderate, continuing to lead a normal lifestyle will quickly lead to aggravation of the process, increased pain, and therapy will take several months instead of 3 days. Therefore, first of all, the patient must ensure complete rest, exclude any physical exercise, jogging, walking, etc. Sprains should be treated with medications, physiotherapeutic procedures and exercise therapy.

One way to help yourself with acute pain is to lie on the floor and place a cushion under your back.

Drug therapy

Almost any problem with the spine causes acute pain, which can only be relieved with medications. Not only tablets or ointments are used, but also injections in especially severe cases. The main task of any drugs is to reduce pain and swelling, stop inflammation and normalize the mobility of ligaments and muscles. Basic funds that are assigned:

  • Cooling ointments (“Nise”, “Bystrum-gel”, “Diclofenac”). They promote the regeneration of damaged fibers and restore mobility after 2-3 days.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Nimesulide, Naklofen). They relieve pain and relieve swelling in the damaged area.
  • Analgesics (Ketoral, Analgin, Lornoxicam). They are used only in the second stage, when the pain is too severe.
  • Muscle relaxants (Mydocalm, Baclofen, Sirdalud). They are aimed at smoothing out the smooth structure of the muscles and removing the block that often forms during stretching, restoring back mobility.

While taking the medications, the patient is recommended to wear a special corset, which will reduce mobility and provide the damaged muscle with the necessary rest. This will take approximately 10-12 days, after which therapeutic exercises are included in the complex.


Such procedures are used only after pain relief. They will enhance the effect of treatment and restore muscle tone. The main methods used for stretching:

  • Magnetotherapy. It involves the use of static magnetic fields to achieve sustainable results and enhance the effectiveness of drugs.
  • Electrophoresis. It involves exposing an area to small electrical discharges. The process requires the use of special equipment.
  • Vibromassage. Vibration has a positive effect on muscle tissue located far from the surface. They resort to the technique when it is necessary to restore blood circulation and metabolism at deep levels.
  • Acupuncture. Involves using needles with rounded tips in the process. The effect of acupuncture helps to launch the process of regeneration of damaged tissue.

Which methods to choose, the duration of exposure and the course of treatment are determined individually by a specialist. The presence of contraindications and chronic pathologies is taken into account.

Surgical intervention

They resort to it when a conservative approach does not give the desired effect. Surgeries are usually performed only on professional athletes, as they need to fully restore the functionality of the ligament and joint. In this case, arthroscopy is performed, which reconstructs the ligamentous fragment. Rehabilitation after it is quite short, since only small punctures are made during the process.

Massage treatments

With a small degree of sprain, a special massage helps to restore the muscle. It is done to increase blood flow and ensure normal circulation of biological fluids in the affected area. They entrust it to a specialist, especially if there is an inflammatory process and hematoma. Just a few sessions will allow you to completely get rid of them.

The massage is designed to correct tissue nutrition, ensure the supply of synovial fluid, and improve mobility and flexibility. The first sessions are prescribed only after complete relief has occurred. On average, the course lasts two weeks for 20 minutes.

Warming up

One of the effective ways to improve the condition of a damaged muscle is visiting a bathhouse or sauna. If you follow a simple visiting technique, the mobility of the ligaments will increase, the elasticity of the ligaments will increase, and they will become better saturated with blood. Warming up promotes proper distribution of lymph throughout the body. But it is better to carry out the procedure after the recommendation of a doctor.

Treatment with folk remedies

Traditional medicine helps cope well with pain and inflammation. Several of them can be taken into service for use if necessary, as first aid. The simplest recipes are:

  • Iodine mesh. The fastest and easiest way to increase blood flow in the desired area. To do this, you need to take a clean cotton swab, dip it in the solution and draw a grid with 1 cm cells.
  • Dough. Take flour and mix it with salt in equal proportions, then add a little water and knead into a stiff dough. Apply the resulting composition to the sore spot in the form of a cake. Hold until the pain completely goes away.
  • Clay compress. Take raw potatoes and peel them, grate them, and beat a little onion in a blender. Mix the ingredients, add sugar and clay (several spoons). Place the resulting mixture on the sore area, cover with a clean cloth, and insulate with a scarf. Hold for several hours, then repeat the action.
  • Plantain. Wash the leaves of the plant thoroughly under running water, chop them, and pour boiling water over them. After a few hours, soak a clean cloth in the broth and apply to the affected area.

The techniques are quite simple to use, but remain effective in treating strained muscles. But we should not forget that there is always a risk of an allergic reaction. If redness appears after use, you should stop using the product and consult a doctor.

To get rid of the problem for a long time, you need to do gymnastics regularly.

Literary sources[edit | edit code]

  • Aure OF et al: Manual therapy and exercise therapy in patients with chronic low back pain: a randomized, controlled trial with 1-year follow-up. Spine 2003; 28:525.
  • Bono CM: Low-back pain in athletes. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2004;86A(2):382.
  • Fujiwara A et al: The interspinous ligament of the lumbar spine: magnetic resonance images and their clinical significance [Diagnostics]. Spine 2000; 25(3):358.
  • George SZ, Delitto A: Management of the athlete with low back pain. Clinics Sports Med 2002; 21:105.
  • Green JP et al: Low-back stiffness is altered with warm-up and bench rest: implications for athletes. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2002;34:1076.
  • Greene HS et al: A history of low back injury is a risk factor for recurrent back injuries in varsity athletes. Am J Sports Med 2001;29:795.
  • Nadler SF et al: The relationship between lower extremity injury, low back pain, and hip muscle strength in male and female collegiate athletes. Clin J Sports Med 2000; 10:89.
  • TrainorTJ, Wiesel SW: Epidemiology of back pain in the athlete. Clinics Sports Med 2002;21:93.

Is treatment possible at home?

A sprained back can also be treated at home, provided that all recommendations were given by the doctor or the patient has a mild stage. In this case, it is necessary to strictly observe bed rest, drink more fluids, limit salt intake and review your diet. Therapy will also include other activities:

  • Taking medications. If you find painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs in your medicine cabinet, you can take them, taking into account the dosage specified in the instructions.
  • Local impact. It is worth applying an anti-inflammatory ointment to the damaged area; it will enhance the effect of the pill and relieve pain and relieve swelling.
  • Paraffin therapy. It is better to use only after pain relief or consultation with a doctor. It is better to carry it out to a specialist.
  • Traditional medicine. They have proven themselves in the fight against sprains, but it is better to use them with extreme caution.
  • Physiotherapy. During the rehabilitation period, it is extremely important to strengthen the muscles and restore their lost tone. To do this, simple exercises are done.

Massage is not allowed during the acute period, as it can only increase the unpleasant effect. Wearing a warm belt made of dog hair will help reduce unpleasant pain.

A back strain is not a dangerous or pathological condition, but you should not self-medicate. If acute pain of any location occurs, you must seek medical help. Otherwise, there is a high risk of inflammation spreading and only increasing pain over time. Unpleasant symptoms not only limit mobility, but also reduce the patient’s quality of life and prevent them from fully caring for themselves. After the therapy prescribed by your doctor, it is extremely important to follow all recommendations in order to recover faster.

Mechanisms of spinal stenosis formation

With isolated (without calcification) hypertrophy of the yellow, anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments, their volume increases, which partially fills the spinal canal from the inside. Its lumen narrows and spinal stenosis develops. This type of stenosis is an acquired disease and often occurs in old age.

The next stage of ligament thickening is its calcification, which aggravates the severity of the disease and worsens its prognosis. {banner_st-d-2}

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