Muscle strain: symptoms and causes. Treatment for muscle strain at home

With the help of elastic fibers - ligaments - the bones are connected into a joint. Along with tendons, which provide attachment for muscles to bones, ligaments form the flexible part of the structure. They contain both blood vessels and nerve endings, so movement of the injured arm provokes pain, and swelling forms at the site of injury. Hand injuries are often accompanied by sprains or tears of the ligaments near the wrist, which support the bones of the wrist joints. The provoking factor is a fall or increased load on the upper limbs due to sports or professional activities. But babies are also at high risk of injury - parents often pull them by the arms. That is why it is important to know the symptoms of the disorder and how to treat a sprained ligament in the arm.

The ArthroMedCenter Joint and Spine Clinic has been treating sports injuries of various types for many years, using an innovative technique - MBST therapy - to restore damaged tissue.

Treatment for hand sprains at ArthroMedCenter is:

  • Qualified medical care from unique specialists;
  • Innovative effective treatment without surgery;
  • No pain, injections or side effects;
  • Use of original German equipment;
  • Long-term effect of the therapy;
  • Eliminating the causes of the disease, not the symptoms;
  • No need for hospital treatment;
  • 100% regeneration after completing the course.

Treatment of hand sprains using MBST therapy

The Joint and Spine Clinic "ArthroMedCenter" offers a progressive method of treating sprains aimed at restoring tissue after a sprain of the hand - MBST therapy. MBST is a therapeutic magnetic resonance that is used in clinical practice in the mode of several programs encoded on a chip card. The programs are designed to treat various types of injuries and illnesses.

For sprained wrist ligaments, the course of treatment is 7 or 10 procedures, 1 hour per day. At this time, the patient lies on the device and “receives” the incoming energy without feeling discomfort.

There are special programs lasting 3 days that are used by athletes after intense competitions and training, as well as to prevent damage to cartilage tissue. Magnetic resonance therapy uses the energy produced by our own hydrogen atoms to heal. In some way, sprains in the hand are treated with bioenergy, and therefore, its use is not associated with consequences for the body and the risk of complications. The procedure can be repeated without restrictions.

Rehabilitation and recovery period

Muscle tissue has a fairly good regenerative ability. Therefore, the measures taken during the rehabilitation period are designed to enhance the muscles’ own regenerative potential.

Reference . The duration of tissue restoration for minor damage is 14-20 days, and for severe damage - several months.

The recovery period for damaged muscles usually includes the following rules:

  1. Limiting loads on the injured arm.
  2. Compresses - during the recovery period, it is allowed to alternate between a cold and a warm compress. Changing the temperature improves blood circulation and promotes a speedy recovery.
  3. Physiotherapy - usually the victim is prescribed electrophoresis, UHF, magnetic therapy. Such procedures improve metabolism, blood circulation, and stimulate tissue regeneration processes.
  4. Therapeutic massage - sessions are carried out by a specialist using gentle massage techniques.

Also during the recovery period, a gentle set of exercises is prescribed to moderate the load on the injured limb. It is selected by a specialist individually for each patient, taking into account the severity of the injury.

The selected exercises should be performed as prescribed. This helps restore muscle tone and prevent the development of complications.

How does MBST work?

The principle of operation of this therapeutic method is based on the fact that tissue metabolism is regulated by electric and magnetic fields. And if in a healthy organ or system the processes of regeneration, that is, renewal, occur independently, then in case of dysfunction they require impulse influence from the outside. In MBST therapy, magnetic resonance is used as such an impulse, which sends signals to the tissues affected by the disease, reproducing the signals of a healthy body system. Normalized metabolism allows you to resume the regeneration process in the cells of cartilage, bone tissue, tendons, etc. This allows you to eliminate the cause of disorders of the musculoskeletal system, and not only relieve the patient from the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

Differential diagnosis

When a patient experiences functional impairment and pain after a wrist injury, we want to know whether there is a fracture or not. To make a diagnosis, in most cases it is necessary to do an x-ray examination. At the moment, a group of scientists is trying to develop the “Amsterdam Wrist Rules”, as we already know the “Ottawa Ankle Rules”. The purpose of their study is to establish guidelines to follow when deciding whether you need to have your wrist x-rayed or not.

Friends, on July 17 in Moscow, as part of the #RehabTeam project, Anna Ovsyannikova’s seminar “Rehabilitation of the hand after a fracture of the distal radius (fracture of the “radius in a typical place”)” will take place.” Find out more... In addition, on July 18, she will conduct a seminar “Rehabilitation of the hand after fractures of the metacarpal bones (Boxer fracture).” Find out more...

Features of preventing hand sprains

You can actively work with your hand after a course of treatment only after receiving the doctor’s permission, when pain is not felt at rest and at low loads, and the wrist itself feels healthy. If you do not treat the hand or begin to load it prematurely, the healing period is significantly prolonged, and there is a risk of developing arthritis, a predisposition to repeated injuries, and decreased functionality.

After recovery, do not forget about prevention. Regular moderate training is required, before starting which you should warm up the muscles and ligaments. For six months, you should be careful and use protective equipment when playing sports.

Preventive measures and consequences

If the doctor's recommendations are not followed, such an injury can provoke some consequences.

Reference. The most serious consequence of spraining is the formation of scars on muscle tissue.

Such a complication can cause constant pain in the arms or even limit the motor activity of the limb. All this will negatively affect a person’s well-being and lifestyle.

In order to prevent the injury itself, as well as possible complications, it is necessary to observe the following preventive measures:

  • avoid various injuries if possible,
  • since no one is safe from falls, you need to learn how to group yourself correctly,
  • perform daily gymnastics, which will strengthen your muscles,
  • lift weights correctly
  • do a good warm-up to warm up your muscles before playing sports,
  • give up bad habits, especially smoking, since nicotine impairs metabolic processes and reduces muscle elasticity.

You should also go to the hospital in a timely manner if you receive even a minor injury, as this will protect you from unpleasant consequences.

Causes of damage

The functions of the ligamentous apparatus are twofold. On the one hand, stabilization of the joint is ensured, and on the other, its mobility, the ability to move in different directions. In this case, the movement of the joint does not go beyond the normal range of motion. The strength of this mechanism is high; the joint of the hand is able to maintain integrity under different degrees of load, in the event of lifting loads or in the event of a fall. The reason for this reliability is the presence of dense bundles of connective tissue fibers, which are distinguished by their strength with a low tendency to sprain the ligaments of the hand.

However, under excessively high loads or under extreme impacts, damage to integrity is possible. Factors of damage are:

  1. Natural aging of the body - in older people, the level of elasticity of connective tissue is an order of magnitude lower compared to young people.
  2. Pathological tendon disorders caused by heredity.
  3. Deterioration of blood flow and loss of tissue elasticity due to active inflammatory changes.
  4. Inactivity, lack of physical activity, which provokes a decrease in the body's endurance and stimulates dystrophic damage to muscle tissue and ligaments.

The problem manifests itself as a result of sudden exposure to excessively intense loads or due to regular performance of the same type of joint movements. Therefore, the causes of damage are:

  1. injuries due to a fall or direct impact;
  2. dislocations;
  3. bone fractures;
  4. active sports activities;
  5. features of professional activity;
  6. carelessness of parents when handling children.


A sprain of the ligaments of the hand is accompanied by constant pain or soreness when moving, swelling and bruising occur. In this case, the temperature may increase, both general and local, in the area of ​​damage. The functionality of the hand is impaired, stiffness and limited movement appear. The location of the injury and its degree determine the specific signs of a hand sprain or rupture. That is why doctors distinguish three degrees of pathology:

  1. Mild damage accompanied by micro-tears. In this case, the integrity of the ligaments is usually not compromised. Minor damage to the fibers rarely causes severe pain, and the risk of swelling is minimal. Therefore, the disorder is not always diagnosed in a timely manner, although this is required to prevent complications.
  2. Ligament tear. With a partial rupture, the damage is more serious, resulting in pain. Moreover, it can be both intense and moderate. Hemorrhage and swelling are sure to be present.
  3. Complete break. As a result of this effect on the tissue, extensive swelling is formed, accompanied by severe pain, both at rest and with movement. Hematoma due to inflammatory changes is not uncommon. In some cases, there are features of the localization of the damage, so limitation of mobility may not be observed. Fever is observed against the background of the pathology.

Possible complications

For mild sprains, the healing process lasts no longer than 3 weeks. Complex injuries require a long rehabilitation process. If the injury becomes chronic, there is a risk that mobility limitations will remain permanent. This is a direct path to disability.

Almost every person has experienced sprains and dislocations in their life. However, you should not perceive the injury as a minor injury. To avoid complications, you need to take care of your health and seek help in a timely manner.

Author: Victoria Shvidchenko, doctor, especially for

Primary care for the patient

Treatment for a sprained hand is usually conservative and can be done at home. In severe cases of rupture, hospital stay and surgery may be required. Typically, for mild to moderate injuries, recovery occurs within 2-3 weeks. In some cases, a rehabilitation period is required.

A visit to the doctor is mandatory, especially if the following symptoms are present:

  • intense pain does not go away within 3-4 days;
  • local temperature rises;
  • lack of joint mobility;
  • numbness occurs in the underlying areas;
  • there are headaches or dizziness.

At the first signs of a sprained hand, first aid should be provided:

  • Apply pieces of ice in a bag wrapped with cloth to the damaged area. The duration of the compress is no more than 20 minutes. with a break of the same duration.
  • Immobilize the area by applying a tight elastic bandage. A long piece of fabric or scarf will also work.
  • Pain relief with Ketorol, Next, Celecoxib, Meloxicam or take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Ibuprofen, Diclofenac or analogues in the form of ointments are suitable. They will reduce pain and inflammation.
  • Keep the injured wrist at shoulder level to prevent active swelling. It is recommended to periodically clench and unclench your fingers.


  • We will begin the examination by collecting anamnesis. During this we want to know more about the origin of the injury and can already assess whether there are (according to the patient) any functional impairment. Have the patient describe the symptoms (the most common complaint is pain). It is also important to ask about expectations from therapy. You can gather information about previous injuries and any possible factors that may interfere with the healing process.
  • After taking a history, you should examine the injured wrist, comparing it with the other wrist. A sore wrist may be swollen, red, warm, and painful to the touch.
  • After completing the examination, you can palpate the wrist with all its structures. Most structures can be felt very well, but swelling and tenderness may interfere with this.
  • After palpation, you should evaluate each joint for pain, abnormal movement, or crepitus.
  • Physiological wrist movements can be examined using simple palmar flexion, dorsiflexion, radial and ulnar deviation tests.
  • You should also test functional movement by allowing the patient to do things such as grasping, pinching, holding, and manipulating objects.
  • When there is severe swelling, you can expect that even the simplest movements will be very painful for the patient.
  • To test muscle strength, you can evaluate resistance movements. This is possible at the moment of flexion, extension, radial and ulnar abduction. Be careful as this can be very painful or even impossible for patients with severe wrist injuries where passive mobilizations are already painful and not fully feasible.
  • Your test results, and therefore your functional impairment, will depend on the severity of your injury.

You can also do some more specific provocative tests to look for wrist injuries.

  • Watson's scaphoid shift test.
  • Lunate-triquetral ballot test.
  • Extension of fingers against resistance.
  • Mid-palm test.
  • Distal radioulnar joint test.
  • Stress test of the triangular fibrocartilaginous complex.
  • Stress test of the triangular fibrocartilaginous complex with compression.
  • Grip and rotation test.

These tests will give you more information about which ligaments are damaged and whether there is instability in the wrist.

Wrist sprain: conservative treatment

The therapeutic plan for a sprained hand depends on the extent of the injury. In the first degree, rest and wearing a bandage or bandage are required. Rehabilitation exercise therapy classes are introduced after 11-14 days. It is recommended to first warm up the hand to increase ligamentous flexibility. After exercise, a cold compress is applied to the wrist to prevent inflammation.

With a moderate injury, tears occur, so treatment for a hand sprain takes longer. The bandage or cast is worn for 4-8 weeks. First, start with light exercises to reduce swelling, and then with strengthening exercises. If a complete rupture of the ligaments occurs, then it is often difficult to do without surgical manipulation. After ligament reconstruction using an open method or arthroscopy, you will need to wear a plaster cast for up to 9 weeks. Then about 1 month. wear a bandage. A rehabilitation course will also be required. First, light exercises are performed for a month for recovery, and then a course of strengthening physical education of increased intensity. Prescribing physiotherapeutic procedures is also useful.

In the process of treatment for sprained ligaments of the hand, various types of drugs are prescribed, the action of which is aimed at relieving pain, relieving inflammation, and reducing swelling. It is permissible to use both general products and local preparations. Ointments, gels and creams have a slower speed of action compared to drugs taken orally or intended for injection. However, they quickly help to quickly relieve symptoms.

To speed up the process of treating hand sprains, a combined approach is used, combining the use of general medications and local effects.

Often, a wrist sprain requires rehabilitation measures. Rehabilitation is especially important after surgery. The patient is prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures and massage. Actions to restore mobility are performed after acute symptoms have been eliminated. After removing swelling and minimizing pain, physical therapy is prescribed - electrophoresis, mud therapy, paraffin therapy, laser treatment for hand sprains, wave and magnetic therapy.

These procedures must be carried out by a specialist, the duration is determined by the doctor. In this case, possible contraindications should be taken into account when treating hand sprains.

It is worth noting that conservative methods of treating hand sprains are quite effective, but make the healing and recovery process quite lengthy. ArthroMedCenter specialists offer an innovative method for treating sprains using MBST therapy.

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