How to quickly recover an ankle after a sprain or rupture of ligaments

How to quickly recover an ankle after a sprain or rupture of ligaments

You stumbled, landed carelessly on your foot after a jump in training, hit or slipped - in any of these cases, a sprain or rupture of the ankle ligaments can occur. Careless movements most often cause such injuries. This is especially true for women wearing high heels. And in winter, anyone can trip and get such an injury.

When injured, pain is felt not in one place, but along the entire length of the muscle. It intensifies when pressed. After a couple of days, the skin color may change and swelling may appear.

Traditional Treatment for a Sprained Ankle

To treat a sprain, the patient is prescribed bed rest. The limb is kept in an elevated position, and a fixing bandage is applied to the ankle. As the pain subsides, the joint begins to be developed with light exercises. Surgery for sprains is required in rare cases, only when the ligament is completely torn or its function is impaired.

The effectiveness of traditional treatment for sprained or torn ligaments

Traditional therapy is really necessary. This is primarily immobilization of the damaged joint, since without this the injury cannot be cured. Anti-inflammatory and analgesic medications are prescribed to relieve pain and reduce swelling. But in the future, the ankle area becomes more vulnerable due to injury to the ligamentous-muscular system of the ankle, so there is a risk of re-injury.

The risk group includes both athletes and people with a sedentary lifestyle. In the first case, the joints experience increased pressure, and in the second, stagnation is observed in them, since the person is constantly in a sitting position.

In addition, after the sprain has healed, the patient may still experience unpleasant symptoms. The joint begins to ache or ache, especially when the weather changes. Because of this, many too often resort to painkillers, which negatively affect the heart, kidneys and liver. So, with a normal sprain, a person, without noticing it, can slowly deteriorate his health.

The effectiveness of modern methods of treating sprained or torn ankle ligaments

The reason for repeated injuries is that the tissue cells in the joint area are not active enough. Due to a decrease in their natural vibrations, metabolic processes deteriorate, capillary circulation is disrupted, and tissues do not receive enough nutrients and are not cleansed of toxins. As a result, even with the slightest deviation from the normal position, the ankle is injured again.

Modern methods of treatment

allow not only to restore the ankle after injury, but also to prevent them in the future. The essence of the therapy is very simple - you wear the Fizomed-Artro device on your ankle every day. It stabilizes the condition of fibers and tissues, improves blood circulation and relieves joint swelling in the shortest possible time.

Other results from using the device:

  • relieves attacks of pain;
  • eliminates congestion in injured tissues;
  • minimizes complications after injury;
  • helps you return to an active lifestyle;
  • strengthens the ligamentous apparatus;
  • restores the functionality of the ankle by 100%;
  • normalizes joint mobility.

Advantages of home treatment with Fizomed devices

Devices for home treatment of joints restore cell vibrations. This is useful for both professional athletes and those who cannot break away from sedentary work. In both cases, the cells become more active. As a result, the tissues and joint, even in positions unusual for the ankle, are not injured, but “adjust” to the load. The advantages of Fizomed-Artro devices also include:

  • eliminating the cause of injuries, which eliminates their occurrence in the future;
  • no contraindications or side effects for long-term use;
  • Possibility of use without doctor's prescription;
  • one-time costs only for the purchase of the device;
  • the ability to carry the device anytime and anywhere;
  • no age restrictions.

You will recover from an injury without visiting doctors and without interrupting your work. The device can also be used to prevent future injuries. It does not temporarily relieve pain, but completely restores the joint, eliminating pain in it forever.


Symptoms of moderate and severe ligament damage may mask periarticular and intra-articular fractures. Therefore, radiography is performed to exclude damage to bone structures.

This study is also informative in case of complete separation of the ligament from the bone base. In the area of ​​their attachment, a freely lying separate fragment is clearly visualized. Such a thin plate is part of the bone, torn off with the fibers of the connective tissue cord.

MRI and CT are performed to determine the severity of the injury, exclude damage to cartilage tissue, and assess the condition of the blood vessels. Arthroscopy is usually used when it is difficult to make a definitive diagnosis.

X-ray of the foot.

Features of the ligamentous apparatus of the foot

The ligamentous apparatus of the foot includes the long sole ligament. It begins around the heel bone and continues to the base of the metatarsal bone. There are bundles of fibers on the surface of the ligament that help strengthen the arch of the foot.

They also keep it in the correct position throughout life. The ligamentous apparatus of the foot also includes other varieties. The main task of the ligaments is to maximally strengthen the arch of the foot. As a result, a person can walk, run and play sports. The foot perceives both dynamic and static loads.

The ankle joint is surrounded by three types of ligaments. They are responsible for fixing it in a static position. In the inner part there is a collateral ligament. It consists of two layers. Its superficial layer is connected to the lumbar bone. Most ankle ligament strains and tears occur in the lateral component.

Symptoms of injury

The leading symptoms of a foot sprain are pain, limited mobility, swelling and bruising. They do not appear immediately, but gradually. At first, a sharp pain is felt, which intensifies when trying to lean on the foot. Gradually its severity decreases, but after a few hours inflammatory edema forms. It compresses sensitive nerve endings, causing constant pain in the foot. After the swelling resolves, an extensive dark purple hematoma forms, which persists for a week. Blood cells released from damaged vessels slowly disintegrate. Therefore, the color of the bruise also changes - it becomes greenish-yellow.

Light stretch

Mild damage is characterized by ruptures of a small number of fibers. Pain occurs only at the moment of injury, and then its intensity quickly decreases. After a few hours, a slight swelling forms in the area of ​​the ligaments, and if a hematoma forms, it is mild. The victim feels pain when placing weight on the foot, but can move without any restrictions.

Medium stretch

This diagnosis is made to the victim when about 50% of the fibers are torn. Clinically, foot damage is manifested by acute pain, which intensifies when trying to take a step. A person can move independently, limping for a short distance. After about 5 hours, the foot swells, further limiting mobility. And after a few days, an extensive bruise appears at the site of the swelling.

Severe sprain

Damage of high severity - rupture of most of the fibers or their complete separation from the bone base. When injured, not only piercing pain occurs, but a crunching sound is also clearly heard. It resembles the sound that occurs when breaking a dry thick stick. The pain subsides slightly, intensifies with the formation of swelling throughout the entire foot, and sometimes on the lower part of the ankle. The resulting hematoma is also not localized at the site of the torn ligaments, but spreads to the heel and lateral surfaces of the foot. The victim is unable to put weight on his leg due to pain and loss of stability of the foot.

I sprained my ankle: what should I do to make the pain go away quickly?

If your leg is injured during normal walking, running, or playing sports, you should definitely go to the hospital, especially if the following symptoms occur17:

  • unable to stand on the injured leg;
  • the joint has become “unstable”;
  • numbness is felt in the leg;
  • acute pain does not go away for more than an hour;
  • swelling or hematoma appears;
  • the skin in the area of ​​injury turned red.

If a person has twisted his ankle, only a specialist can prescribe treatment after an ultrasound, CT, MRI, or external examination. Complex therapy is usually used, which may include17:

  • applying bandages or plaster;
  • taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • ensuring complete rest until recovery;
  • surgical intervention (in especially difficult cases).

When a person twists his leg, how to treat it, what rules to follow, what to limit yourself to, how to speed up recovery - it’s better to immediately check with a traumatologist. If you delay visiting the hospital, the symptoms will only get worse. This is especially dangerous in situations where a ligament rupture or fracture has occurred. After an injury, you definitely need to stop playing sports, taking a hot bath, and massage (the first three days).17

First aid

Often timely and correctly provided first aid allows you to avoid surgical intervention. Rapid relief of inflammatory swelling prevents injury to soft tissues, compression of nerve endings, and damage to small blood vessels.

Stages of first aid to the victimCorrect provision of first aid
ImmobilizationThe victim should be placed on a hard surface, with the leg raised so that the foot is slightly higher than the chest. To do this, place a bolster or pillow under your ankle.
Joint fixationTo immobilize the foot, it is necessary to make a splint from available materials. If you don’t have the skills, you can fix your leg up to the knee with an elastic bandage or a special compression bandage
Cold compressesImmediately after injuring the ligaments, cold should be applied to the foot: apply a plastic bag with ice cubes, wrapped in thick cloth, for 10 minutes. The procedure must be repeated every hour. If there is no ice, then a piece of frozen meat or a bag of mixed vegetables will do.
Taking medicationsTo eliminate pain, it is necessary to give the victim a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) tablet, for example, Nise, Ketorol, Diclofenac

Splint for fixing the foot and ankle.


UHF therapy is used to stimulate the dilation of blood vessels and enhance recovery and metabolic processes. The use of ultrasonic massage helps relieve inflammation and relieve pain from injury. After such a massage, blood circulation improves.

Magnetic therapy can be used for sprains. It can improve blood circulation and relieve swelling. A visit to the pool can alleviate the condition of the victim, but swimming in the usual style is not recommended; you should limit yourself to physical therapy.

Complications of a sprain

Even after competent conservative or surgical treatment, fibrous foci are formed in certain areas of the ligaments, devoid of any functional activity. This leads to weakening of connective tissue structures. In the future, such injuries can cause frequent dislocations, and sometimes flat feet. In the absence of medical intervention, ligament ruptures predispose to the development of arthritis and arthrosis in the foot.

What are the causes of sprains?

“Sprain” is a common term in everyday life, but it misinterprets ligament damage. These strong connective tissue cords are inelastic. When exposed to loads exceeding the strength limits of the ligaments, their fibers rupture rather than stretch. The mechanisms of foot injury are different:

  • rotational gap. The cause of damage to the ligaments is a sharp turn of the foot inward while simultaneously moving the leg and body forward. Such injuries are quite common when walking on slippery or uneven surfaces, and also occur while jogging;
  • tucking. At the moment of unnatural rotation of the foot, tension occurs in the ligaments, which, against the background of imbalance, provokes their rupture. External connective tissue cords, which are exposed to increased loads, are more often damaged.

Joint hypermobility, wearing high-heeled shoes, previous ankle injuries, excessive physical activity, and excess weight predispose to sprains. Inflammatory or destructive-degenerative processes in the foot, the causes of which are arthritis, arthrosis, tendovaginitis, and synovitis, can provoke injury.

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