Sabelnik for joints: recipes for tincture and ointment, rules of use, patient reviews

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How to brew a remedy for pain in the musculoskeletal system?

Various diseases of the spine and joints of one form or another affect about half of the world's population. Diseases have recently shown a tendency towards rejuvenation. Now joint diseases can occur, even in 30-year-old people. The reasons are: low physical activity, unbalanced diet and hereditary predisposition.

A cinquefoil tincture for joints, as well as other remedies based on a medicinal plant, will help improve the condition of diseased joints.

  • Composition of cinquefoil
  • Medicinal characteristics of cinquefoil
  • How to prepare cinquefoil tincture
  • Decoction of cinquefoil
  • Sabelnik 911 When to use gel-balm?
  • Release form
  • Instructions for use of the drug
  • Contraindications for the use of cinquefoil
  • Medicinal properties of cinquefoil

    One of the effective remedies from the arsenal of traditional medicine is the cinquefoil plant

    Sabelnik for joints can be used as an independent remedy, or as part of complex therapy for pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. This drug is approved by official medicine and is part of a number of drugs for the treatment of inflammatory joint diseases.

    Properties of the drug:

    • elimination of pain syndrome;
    • anti-inflammatory effect;
    • improvement of metabolic processes;
    • decongestant properties;
    • stimulation of blood microcirculation;
    • removal of uric acid salts;
    • improvement of tissue regeneration.

    The medicinal plant is widely used in folk medicine as an analgesic and antispasmodic. When used topically, cinquefoil effectively eliminates joint pain characteristic of arthritis and arthrosis.

    Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, this plant is widely used for inflammation of the joint membrane. For this purpose, rubbing based on cinquefoil tincture, various lotions, compresses and baths are used.

    When applied topically, the plant improves blood microcirculation, normalizes lymph flow and metabolic processes in joints and periarticular tissues. As a result, trophism improves, swelling and inflammation decrease, and the nutrition of cartilage tissue is normalized.

    The decongestant properties of cinquefoil have found application in all branches of medicine. This plant has a diaphoretic and diuretic effect, thereby reducing swelling and stimulating the removal of salts from the body.

    Lotions and compresses with cinquefoil increase local immunity and improve the speed of regeneration. This helps restore the elasticity of cartilage tissue in joint pathologies.

    Thus, the cinquefoil rhizome has a complex effect on the entire body as a whole and on the musculoskeletal system. For mild forms of joint diseases, the use of drugs based on this plant is sufficient to achieve a lasting therapeutic effect. For severe forms of joint pathologies, it is recommended to use cinquefoil-based medications in addition to drug treatment and physiotherapy.

    Composition of cinquefoil

    Sabelnik is a creeping shrub or plant. Its habitats: reservoirs, lakes and rivers. The length of cinquefoil rhizomes reaches 3 m, and its height is up to 1 m.

    Sabelnik in its composition contains a lot of valuable components.

    In its composition, cinquefoil contains many medicinal components, which, when used rationally, have a positive effect on the human body.

    Table Medicinal substances in the composition of cinquefoil:

    Name of substanceBeneficial features
    Vitamin CParticipates in hematopoietic processes, affects the nervous system and helps in the absorption of iron.
    Vitamin AImproves immunity, increases body resistance, promotes tissue regeneration.
    FlavonoidsThey prevent premature aging of the body and save from the development of atherosclerosis, improve recovery processes.
    Resins, gumsThey have a healing effect.
    SaponinsHave a tonic and expectorant effect

    In addition to the listed substances, the plant contains: organic acids, essential oils and trace elements.

    The influence of the healing qualities of cinquefoil on the body is multifaceted. The plant can relieve the inflammatory process, relieve pain, stop bleeding, stabilize the mechanisms of cellular metabolism and help restore the body after damage.

    Indications for use

    Sabelnik tincture for joints or other products based on this plant can be used to treat:

    • arthritis;
    • arthrosis;
    • osteochondrosis;
    • gout;
    • rheumatism;
    • injuries and bruises.

    Products based on cinquefoil are intended for both external and internal use.

    The main feature of the plant is that cinquefoil enhances the effect of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, so complex treatment allows you to achieve quick results in the fight against joint diseases.

    It is not recommended to use cinquefoil-based medications for infectious and purulent inflammations in the joints. The product improves local blood circulation and metabolic processes, which is dangerous due to the risk of infection spreading through the bloodstream to neighboring joints and organs. It is necessary to agree with your doctor about the possibility of using cinquefoil in home therapy.

    Decoction of cinquefoil

    Arthritis causes severe pain that stiffens the joints and reduces the ability to move and use joints.

    To obtain a decoction, you need to take a small spoon of crushed plant roots and add 200 ml of hot water. It should boil for 15 minutes in a water bath. Before taking, strain the liquid and drink 1/3 cup before meals, preferably warm.

    A decoction of cinquefoil for joints will reduce the intensity of pain, reduce inflammation and restore the ability to move. Preparations from the plant are also widely used in traditional medicine.

    Effective recipes with cinquefoil

    Sabelnik improves processes in joints and periarticular tissues

    Treatment of joints with cinquefoil is carried out in combination with other means. Home-made preparations are used both externally, in the form of ointments and compresses, and internally, in the form of a decoction. External agents have an analgesic effect and improve metabolic processes in the affected area, while decoctions have a positive effect on the entire body as a whole, improving the excretion of salts, reducing swelling and strengthening the immune system.

    As an alternative to home-made medicines, you can use pharmaceutical ointments and balms with cinquefoil and special bioactive supplements with an extract of this plant. It is not difficult to purchase such drugs; they are available in any large pharmacy, as they are popular.

    Tincture for the treatment of joints

    Therapy with cinquefoil tincture is one of the most effective ways to treat diseased joints. The root of the plant is used to prepare the tincture. It should be cut into small pieces and fill a liter jar by a third. The rest of the container must be filled with vodka. The jar is sealed with a lid and set aside in a cool, dark place for three weeks. The container should be shaken every three days.

    After three weeks, the tincture should be filtered and used for therapeutic purposes. Treatment of joints with cinquefoil is carried out as follows. Take one large spoon of the tincture three times a day, 20 minutes before meals. The product can be mixed with the same amount of water, or washed down with several sips of liquid. The therapeutic course takes one month.

    Alcohol tincture can also be used for rubbing. In this case, the effectiveness of the product is due to the local irritant effect and mechanical irritation of the skin during self-massage.

    Apply the product to a terry towel and vigorously rub the sore joint in a circular motion. The massage is performed for 5-10 minutes, after which you should feel warmth in the affected area. Such rubbing must be used daily for two weeks. In case of infectious inflammation, rubbing is contraindicated.

    Decoction of cinquefoil

    To prepare tea or decoction of cinquefoil to treat inflammation of the joints, you need to use the herb of this medicinal plant. The preparation is very simple - pour a tablespoon of chopped herbs into two glasses of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 5-7 minutes, and then leave covered for another 10 minutes. This tea should be taken daily, one glass in the morning, at lunch and before dinner. To minimize the negative impact of the plant on the gastrointestinal tract, the medicine should be drunk half an hour before meals.

    Homemade ointment

    Dried cinquefoil roots are used to prepare an ointment for the treatment of joints

    Ointment from cinquefoil for joints is prepared according to the following recipe. It is necessary to chop the rhizome into small pieces and then grind them into powder in a blender or coffee grinder. Then the powder is mixed with any fat base. For one part of the crushed root, take ten parts of the base, which can be any animal fat, butter, lanolin or petroleum jelly.

    The ointment is used twice a day. The product should be applied to the sore joint, gently rubbed in with massaging movements, and left until completely absorbed. There is no need to use any bandages or compresses.

    Arthritis oil

    Cinquefoil extract for joints can be used in a variety of ways. Oil is considered one of the effective remedies for treating arthritis. To prepare it, you need to chop the root of the plant with a knife and add oil. Afterwards the product is kept in the jar for a month. Proportions – 20 g of root and 100 ml of olive or sea buckthorn oil. It is recommended to preheat the vegetable oil, but do not bring it to a boil.

    The oil should be rubbed into the sore joint daily and self-massage should be performed. You need to massage the affected area for at least 5 minutes. After the massage, it is recommended to wrap the joint in a warm shawl and provide rest for 1-2 hours.

    How to prepare cinquefoil tincture

    An extract with increased activity is prepared from cinquefoil, which can be used in the treatment of neoplasms and arthrosis. Tea has increased effectiveness and can be used to improve immunity and treat infectious diseases, as well as arthritis.

    But the most reliable remedy for treating joints is alcohol tincture. It is used in the treatment of: arthritis, tumors of the joints and spine, arthrosis and other diseases. A tincture is prepared from 2 tablespoons of crushed rhizomes of the plant, which are poured with 0.5 liters of vodka.

    To get a high-quality tincture, the jar is placed in a dark place for 21 days. It is filtered and taken 0.5 -1 tablespoon, previously diluted in 50 ml of water. Marsh cinquefoil for joints is consumed after each meal (usually 3 times a day), in courses of 3 weeks. After a 7-day break, the tincture should be repeated.

    To prepare a medicinal tincture, the rhizomes of the plant are taken. Plant materials are poured with vodka and left in a dark place for 3 weeks. Take tincture 0.5 tbsp. 3 times a day, after diluting with 50 ml of water.

    Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of joints

    Those who do not want to waste time preparing a medicine that must be infused for several weeks are advised to pay attention to pharmaceutical preparations containing cinquefoil. The advantages of such funds:

    • affordable price;
    • ease of use;
    • detailed instructions;
    • safety of use.

    Each medicine that contains marsh cinquefoil is equipped with instructions for use, as a result of which the treatment of joints becomes safer. If when preparing a medicine yourself there is always a risk of accidentally violating the dosage, ready-made preparations do not have such a drawback.

    Before purchasing cinquefoil-based products, joint balm or cream, it is recommended to consult with your doctor about which medicine is appropriate to use in each specific case.

    Evalar - tablets for joints

    Sabelnik Evalar is a cream and dietary supplement intended for the treatment of joint diseases. You can purchase these medicines at any pharmacy, without a prescription and at an affordable price.

    The tablets are a nutritional supplement that enriches the diet with essential microelements. The drug is available in capsules and is intended for course treatment. The package contains 60 capsules. You should take them either one daily for two months, or two capsules for a month.

    Evalar also produces cinquefoil tincture, which can be used in the same way as a home-made remedy.

    Sabelnik cream for joints is used in the treatment of arthrosis, arthritis, rheumatism and osteochondrosis. It is applied to the affected joint 1-2 times a day, depending on the severity of the symptoms. The cream must be used until the symptoms disappear completely.

    Balsam Sabelnik 911

    When treating joints, medications based on cinquefoil are prescribed

    Treatment can also be carried out using a drug or gel based on cinquefoil, which is beneficial for joint health. One of the popular products with a light consistency is Sabelnik balm from the manufacturer 911.

    Gel-balm 911 has a combined composition, which includes:

    • cinquefoil extract;
    • arnica extract;
    • nettle extract;
    • juniper oil;
    • thyme oil;
    • eucalyptus oil.

    The product has a cooling effect, reduces swelling and relieves pain. The balm can be used for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, which are accompanied by impaired flexion function of the joints. The drug is applied as needed. It should be rubbed in with gentle movements and left until completely absorbed.

    The manufacturer also produces cinquefoil in capsules, which is used as a dietary supplement for diseases of the musculoskeletal system and inflammation of ligaments and tendons.

    Pharmacies offer many medicines based on cinquefoil. On sale you can find balms based on this plant with the addition of bee venom, chondroitin, and propolis. Such products are more likely to be medicinal and cosmetic preparations and can be used not only for the treatment of joints, but also for the prevention of various diseases.

    Medicinal characteristics of cinquefoil

    The leaves, stems and roots of the plant contain: ascorbic acid, tannins, carotenes, saponins, essential oils and many trace elements, which makes it possible to use cinquefoil for joints.

    In folk medicine it is used in the form of: tincture, decoction, ointment and poultice. The pharmacy industry produces various ointments and gels based on medicinal plants. For example, cinquefoil gel-balm is a product that effectively reduces pain and swelling in diseases of muscles and joints.

    So, cinquefoil has the following beneficial properties:

    • anti-inflammatory, which is especially important during exacerbation of diseases (including joint ailments);
    • wound healing and regenerating (promotes the restoration of soft tissues after wounds and cuts, as well as bone tissues after injuries);
    • pain reliever, which helps reduce joint and muscle pain;
    • antipyretic;
    • relieves swelling due to diuretic and pathogenic effects (removes swelling from joints);
    • improves blood and lymph circulation, normalizes tissue trophism.

    Sabelnik, in addition to all these properties, is a good antioxidant and has a beneficial effect on many human organs: it is used for diseases of the liver and kidneys, the female genital area, the respiratory system, etc. A feature of the plant is also its antitumor properties. But the plant is still most widely used for the treatment of joints.

    The healing plant has found application for various ailments.


    Having figured out how to treat sore elbows and knees, and how to take cinquefoil for joint health, you should remember that this medicinal plant is unsafe. External use of products containing cinquefoil should be avoided in the following cases:

    • cinquefoil intolerance;
    • pregnancy and lactation;
    • age up to 10 years;
    • the presence of wounds and irritation on the skin.

    Internal intake of cinquefoil as a dietary supplement is contraindicated in cases of heart failure, hypotension, and impaired renal function.

    When taking decoction or capsules, there is a risk of lowering blood pressure, since cinquefoil has a diuretic effect.

    It is recommended not to abuse this method of treatment. The maximum duration of treatment with home-made drugs should not exceed 30 days. Pharmacy products must be used according to instructions.

    Methods of application

    Depending on the location of the source of the disease, it is worth selecting the substance that will have the best effect in this area. The most common recipe is cinquefoil tincture for arthrosis. With its help, you can remove disturbances in cartilage tissue and restore its original structure.

    It is sold ready-made or made independently. The basis for it can be either dry plant roots or other parts. There are several options. Choose the one that will be most accessible to you.

    Option 1

    For it you need:

    • ml alcohol;
    • 50 g of underground part.

    Grind the plant material so that the maximum size is no more than 1 cm. Place everything in a glass jar and fill with strong alcohol. Leave for three weeks in a place protected from sunlight. Shake the contents from time to time. The substance should be strained before use.

    Option 2


    • a mixture of different parts of the plant;
    • vodka.

    Grind everything and combine with the alcohol-containing component. The ratio should be 2 to 1. Let stand for about 28 days.

    Option 3

    You will need:

    • 1 part galangal roots;
    • twice as many underground branches of the main component;
    • alcohol.

    Fill the vessel 1/2 full with the herbal ingredient. Cover with alcohol. Wait a week.

    Cinquefoil tincture for joints: indications, use and reviews

    Sabelnik belongs to the group of medicinal plants. It has numerous beneficial properties and can suppress many pathologies. The leaves and roots have a medicinal effect. You can collect the herb yourself or purchase it at a pharmacy. Sabelnik is not a rare species; its thickets can be found in swamps or lowlands. The plant is most often used to prevent pathologies of bone tissue and joints.

    Properties and benefits

    Esters, carotene and retinol, flavonoids and aromatic organic substances are found in the rhizomes of cinquefoil. The plant is rich in vitamin C, which controls many processes. Thanks to it, calcium absorption increases several times, reducing the risk of developing malignant tumors and bone metastases.

    The plant has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect that affects joints after the first use. Sabelnik prevents the development and treats many pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

    It is used for:

    • reduced immunity;
    • rheumatism;
    • arthrosis;
    • arthritis;
    • tendonitis (inflammation of tendons);
    • bursitis (damage to the joint capsule);
    • ligamentitis (inflammation of ligaments);
    • fibrositis (fascial pathology);
    • dislocations;
    • poor joint mobility;
    • osteoarthritis;
    • osteoporosis;
    • osteochondrosis;
    • gout;
    • epicondylitis (disorder of the elbow joint);
    • humeroscapular periarthritis;
    • subluxations;
    • injuries.

    The primary effect of treatment with cinquefoil relates to salt deposits and inflammatory processes in bone tissue. To achieve maximum effect, therapy with preparations from the plant must be used for a long time and regularly. If you follow all the recommendations, you can refuse expensive medications.

    Typically, rhizomes are used to prepare cinquefoil-based recipes. The concentration of beneficial substances in the leaves is not so high, but many people prepare tea based on them.

    Dosage forms

    Extracts from cinquefoil are presented in various preparations. Creams, tinctures, ointments, tablets and oils with the plant are available in the pharmacy. Any category of drugs has a similar effect to each other and is used in accordance with the instructions.

    1 tablet contains 400 mg of the main active ingredient. An additional element is microcrystalline cellulose.

    Application: for pathologies of the spine and bones, it is recommended to take 1 tablet with food for 25-30 days. The repeated course begins after 10-15 days.

    Properties: the tablets contain a monocomponent of plant origin - an extract from the roots of the marsh cinquefoil. When developing the drug, special pharmaceutical technologies are used that preserve all the beneficial components of the plant. The medicine was tested at the Chemical-Pharmaceutical Academy of St. Petersburg.

    1. immediate inhibition of inflammation;
    2. elimination of pain at different stages of the disease, tension in muscle tissue and swelling in the joint;
    3. reducing the daily dose of any anti-inflammatory drugs and steroid medications;
    4. no side effects.
    • Sabelnik ointment (from 320 RUR)

    Indications: the extract of the substance in an ointment base is intended for external use. Recommended for the prevention and treatment of gout, rheumatism, arthritis, arthrosis, heel spurs and sciatic neuralgia.

    Action: after applying the ointment, the antitumor, analgesic and sedative effect is activated. Regular use effectively removes salts from the joint capsule and increases blood flow.

    The ointment is actively used for injuries, bruises, dislocations or sprains. As a combination therapy with other drugs, it supports the spine during hernia of various parts.

    • premium palm oil;
    • cinquefoil alcohol extract;
    • fir oil;
    • mint oil;
    • eucalyptus esters;
    • chamomile extract;
    • softening components.

    Usage: apply a small layer of ointment to the area of ​​diseased bones about 4 times a day. The duration of treatment is one month. After a break of 40 days, treatment with cinquefoil is resumed.

    Before treating a disease, it is necessary to confirm the correctness of the diagnosis. Learn about ultrasound of joints.

    An alcohol infusion from the plant is a powerful drug in the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders. It is taken orally or applied externally.

    Properties: has an immediate effect when applied to the skin of the diseased area. Promotes the expansion of blood vessels, the outflow of blood and lymph. When applied regularly, it increases joint mobility and does not have a systemic effect.

    1. External. A bandage folded in several layers is soaked in the tincture and applied to the affected area. Application time is no more than 20 minutes. After 40 minutes the procedure is repeated. At night, another compress is made. It is not recommended to close the bandage to avoid burns or irritation. The course of treatment is 21 days, then it is recommended to switch to ointment.
    2. Inside. Every day after meals, cinquefoil tincture is taken 2-3 times. The drug is diluted 1:1 and taken a teaspoon for 25 days. Then rest for a week.
    • Cream Sabelnik (from 120 rub.)
    • glycerin base, wax, stearate;
    • vegetable oils (cedar, corn, lanolin);
    • cinquefoil oil extract, chamomile, rose hips, horse chestnut, nettle;
    • elecampane extract in alcohol, wild rosemary, melilot, wormwood, plantain, horsetail;
    • vitamins E and A;
    • collagen hydrolyzate;
    • panthenol, withanol.

    Indications: persistent deposition of salts in joints, limitation of their mobility, osteochondrosis, radiculitis.

    There are no contraindications for use. Use with caution in case of individual sensitivity to the components of the cream.

    1. Neuralgia, pain syndrome. The cream is rubbed into the pain area with massage movements without pressure for 3 minutes up to 2-4 times a day.
    2. The course is at least 14 days. The maximum period of use is 21 days.
    3. Arthritis, arthrosis, salt deposits. The cream is intensively rubbed into the area of ​​the affected joint for about 2 minutes up to 3 times a day.
    4. The effect is enhanced when the area is covered with a warm cloth. Duration of use is about 21 days.
    • Mirolla Sabelnik oil (from 150 RUR)

    The oil extract can be used externally, internally, and for baths.

    External use is in the form of compresses once a day. A cotton swab is soaked in the drug and fixed to the affected area with a bandage. The course of treatment lasts 1 month.

    You can take cinquefoil oil 15-17 drops per 50 ml of water with food once a day. The course of treatment is at least 9 days. Can be alternated with alcohol tincture of cinquefoil.

    To warm up and relieve joint inflammation, you can take warm baths with cinquefoil oil. The only contraindication is arthritis in the acute stage. Add a cap of oil to 3 liters of water. The limbs are kept in water for 20 minutes. After the procedure, the feet are wiped dry and treated with cinquefoil ointment.

    Recipes based on cinquefoil

    Goose fat is used to make the drug. It has excellent absorbent abilities. The animal product can be replaced with lanolin cream, but fat has more medicinal properties.

    For 75 mg of fat, take a teaspoon of cinquefoil and pepper tincture, one capsule of vitamin E and 10 grams of honey. Mix everything thoroughly in a non-metallic container and apply a thin layer to the area of ​​the sore joint.

    Thanks to red pepper, intense heating occurs, so the components of the plant are better absorbed into the skin and enter the capillaries. But using the product during exacerbations is not recommended.

    After one use:

    1. blood circulation and lymph flow improves;
    2. muscle tone and joint mobility increases;
    3. pain in the limbs is relieved.

    You can make an alcoholic potion from cinquefoil yourself. To do this, you need to buy dry rhizomes of the plant. They need to be ground into powder. Then 2 large spoons of powder are poured into 500 ml of vodka. The tincture is aged for 20 days in the dark and cool. After extracting the extract, the drug must be filtered. The tincture is taken in diluted form, 5-7 ml 3 times a day.

    A decoction of cinquefoil in baths for leg joints has a quick effect. After regular use, the inflammatory process is suppressed, and mobility returns to the joints. Both roots and leaves of cinquefoil are suitable for decoction. To obtain a concentrated decoction, take 50 grams of dry herb and brew it in 500 ml of water. The drug is brought to a boil in a water bath. For one procedure, 100 ml of decoction per 2 liters of water is enough. The feet are kept in the bath for about 20 minutes. They can be done daily.

    The roots of the cinquefoil are crushed and poured with boiling water so that the water covers the grass by 0.5 cm. After two hours, the powder from the roots should swell well. It is squeezed out of excess water and poured out. Add any vegetable oil to the wet mixture. The consistency should not be liquid. The resulting drug is laid out on a piece of bandage, then it is rolled up and applied to the affected area. To keep the bandage in place, a bandage is required. The compress lasts 40 minutes. The course of treatment is 1 time per day for 20 days.

    Homemade cinquefoil oil has no less effect than the pharmaceutical preparation. About 120 grams of root powder is poured into 500 ml of unrefined sunflower oil. The drug is infused for 20 days in the dark and cool. Shake the mixture periodically. After aging, the oil is well filtered. It is used for compresses 2 times a day. You can make applications for 7 days with a break of 4 days.

    About 30 grams of crushed root is poured into 250 ml of boiling water. Then the drug is adjusted in a water bath for 15 minutes. The product is infused for about an hour. The boiled root is squeezed out and can be applied to the joint. Add water to the remaining liquid to 250 ml. The medicine is taken 15 ml 3 times a day.

    Sabelnik root (100 grams) is brewed in 250 ml of water. After swelling, add 30 grams of buckwheat honey to the mixture. The drug is thoroughly mixed and infused for two hours in the refrigerator. Then it is heated and applied to the joint area with a spatula. Leave the compress on for about 40 minutes and wash off. After the procedure, it is recommended to apply cinquefoil ointment.

    Drinking a decoction of the plant is good for eliminating muscle pain. For preparation you will need 2 large spoons of chopped roots. They are filled with 500 ml of hot water in a thermos. After 2 hours, filter the infusion and take 100 ml between meals 2-3 times a day for 15-20 days.

    Poultices for joints made from fresh leaves and roots are no less effective than ointments and rubs. A fresh plant is cut, poured with boiling water for 25 minutes and squeezed. Leaves and roots are placed in gauze, soaked in infusion and kept on the joints. Treatment time is 40 minutes. You can make poultices all the time while the cinquefoil is blooming.

    In acute periods of pathology, you can prepare a cooling ointment. It will relieve pain and stress on the joint. A few drops of horsetail in alcohol and lemon balm oil are added to the ointment with cinquefoil. Rub the drug 3 times a day for 10 days. If the acute attack of arthritis has subsided, stop using this ointment until the next time.

    The beneficial abilities of cinquefoil have helped many in eliminating the most complex progressive diseases of joints and bones. Therapy with cinquefoil is successfully combined with pharmaceutical drugs. Caution is advised if the patient is allergic to herbs.

    You can learn about individual dosing of cinquefoil and other herbs from this video.

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