Super remedies for treating joints - tinctures, ointments and compresses with garlic

Cooking method

Garlic oil is easy to make at home and anyone can do it. You will need 400 g of peeled cloves, unrefined vegetable oil and a liter jar. It’s better to take cold-pressed oil, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s sunflower, olive or something else, the main thing is that it’s unrefined.

Grind the garlic in a blender and put it in a jar, then pour oil up to the hanger. Close the jar with a lid and place in a cool, dark place, but not in the refrigerator. The contents must be shaken every day. After 14 days the oil is ready for use. It is carefully filtered and you can begin to heal.

How does it affect?

Garlic is rich in various vitamins and microelements, but sulfur is especially valuable for treating the musculoskeletal system. It is involved in the formation of chondroitin and glucosamine.

These components of cartilage tissue provide freedom and painlessness of movement. The lack of these substances leads to such a phenomenon as “abrasion of the joints” due to the loss of water in the tissues. One of the first symptoms is a characteristic crunching of the joints when bending the knees.

The beneficial effect of garlic on the human body, including joints, is also due to the content of diallyl sulfide, which suppresses the production of enzymes that negatively affect articular cartilage.

Additionally, vitamin C (ascorbic acid) promotes collagen production . It, in turn, is a “building material” for cartilage tissue and is responsible for the flexibility of joints.

In addition to the listed microelements, garlic contains phosphorus and calcium, which are necessary for maintaining bones and teeth.

Among all food products, garlic occupies one of the leading places in terms of its positive effect on human health. Read our materials about the basic rules of its use from:

  • cancer;
  • toenail fungus;
  • parasites;
  • pressure;
  • herpes, acne and psoriasis;
  • toothache;
  • cough.

How to treat with garlic oil

Treatment of sore joints involves applying a compress every day . It is better to do the procedure at night, and then immediately go to bed. First massage the sore spot, then take a little oil and rub it thoroughly for several minutes. Then the joint is immediately insulated: fixed with an elastic bandage and wrapped with a woolen (not synthetic!) scarf. In the morning, the compress is removed and the joint is washed with warm water. The course of treatment is 2 months, and the course cannot be interrupted even for one day .


Garlic oil should not be used in the following cases:

  • For acute inflammatory diseases of the joints: arthritis, bursitis, etc.
  • For any infectious diseases.
  • At a temperature. If a person gets sick during the course, it means that it needs to be interrupted and then started all over again.
  • In case of an allergic reaction that occurs when using the oil. The allergy is expressed in itching, rash, even swelling at the site of the compress.
  • For purulent joint diseases.
  • If the skin has scratches or other damage. Garlic oil can cause severe irritation, so you need to heal the wounds first.

Side effects

When using tinctures, ointments or compresses from garlic, you need to remember that this plant is rich in essential oils, which can cause serious skin irritation . You should not use these remedies if there are wounds and scratches; it is better to postpone treatment with folk remedies until these skin lesions have healed.

And remember that before turning to traditional medicine methods, you should consult a doctor. Only he can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

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When to use garlic oil

Garlic oil will help with diseases caused by degenerative changes in the joint . A disease that affects large joints is called osteoarthritis. If the pathological process has affected the spine, then we are talking about osteochondrosis. Both of these conditions can be treated with garlic oil.

How does garlic oil work on a sore joint? The thing is that the disease begins with a gradual decrease in the amount of synovial fluid that serves to lubricate the joints. Blood circulation in the sore spot becomes worse, the joint does not receive the nutrients it needs. As a result, the cartilage tissue first becomes loose and then gradually thins out. The cartilage begins to be replaced by bone growths, which not only causes severe pain, but also deforms the joint. In advanced cases, only joint replacement surgery can help.

Of course, garlic will not help a patient whose joint is already practically immobilized. The sooner treatment is started, the greater the chance of getting rid of arthrosis. Garlic oil will restore blood circulation, relieve pain and inflammation. In this case, you need to follow a special diet prescribed by a doctor, do therapeutic exercises, and go to physiotherapy. It is impossible to be cured with garlic oil alone, because the disease requires complex treatment.

Treatment and prevention of coronavirus

Please note: publications are informational materials and cannot be used as recommendations for self-medication.

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Tashkent. 03/21/2020

Shukhrat Khalilov, candidate of medical sciences. sciences

The main danger of the COVID-19 virus is that it, first of all, affects the immune system and only then, secondly, affects the lung tissue. The time lag between these two waves of attack is precisely what we call the “incubation period.”

We often said words such as “strong” or “weak” immunity. However, ordinary people have almost no idea what it is. Moreover, most doctors have a very poor understanding of the structure of the immune system and the functionality of its individual parts. More details can be found here (1). However, this text is very difficult for an unprepared reader.

I will try to explain in the most simplified and accessible way possible in a thesis format the mechanism of the impact of the COVID-19 virus on the human body.

80% of the entire immune system is concentrated in the mucosal and submucosal layers of the small intestine in the form of lymphoid tissue and its accumulations - Peyer's patches. Lymphoid tissue produces antibodies (lymphocytes T-, B-, G-, etc.), as well as various types of immunoglobulins.

Antibodies enter the inferior vena cava, the heart, through the lymphatic system and, after passing through the pulmonary circulation, enter the systemic circulation and are distributed throughout the body.

Thus, tissue immunity is strengthened, including the lung tissue’s own tissue immunity.

COVID-19, when mixed with food during eating, enters the intestines and begins to destroy lymphoid tissue. As a result, the affected lymphoid tissue stops producing lymphocytes and immunoglobulins. Thus, the immune system is destroyed, and, as a result, tissue immunity in the lungs is sharply weakened.

From this moment, the second wave of coronavirus attack begins on the already unprotected lung tissue, which manifests itself in severe pneumonia, which ends in death.

Currently, all anti-epidemic measures are aimed at preventing coronavirus from entering the lungs, which is, in principle, extremely costly and practically ineffective. And all therapeutic measures are aimed only at combating complications, in the form of pneumonia.

It should be understood that COVID-19 is a threat for many years and decades. What we have today is just the first wave of the pandemic. And there will be many such waves. At the same time, all preventive and therapeutic measures are aimed at coronavirus localized in the lungs, while no effect on coronavirus localized in the intestines is carried out. In other words, “the cart is put before the horse.”

There are many natural products that not only have bactericidal properties, but also directly affect viruses, killing them. The most effective in this regard is garlic, and if you drink 2/3 cup of aqueous infusion of garlic daily, it immediately enters the small intestine and begins to immediately kill COVID-19. This achieves the following effects:

— “killed” COVID-19 stops destroying the lymphoid tissue of the small intestine. As a result, the lymphoid tissue continues to properly perform its function - i.e. produce antibodies and immunoglobulins;

— the damaged immune system is quickly restored and strengthened, which leads to a significant increase in tissue immunity in the lung tissue. An insurmountable barrier arises for COVID-19, but also for microbes (staphylococcus, etc.) and fungi, which also pose a significant danger in the event of coronavirus pneumonia;

— under the influence of “garlic water” a very interesting chain of events unfolds in the small intestine. “Killed” and weakened by “garlic water”, COVID-19 is nothing more than a natural vaccine formed naturally inside the human body.

As you know, to create an artificial vaccine, you need a super-equipped and very expensive laboratory and the work of highly qualified personnel. Work on creating an artificial vaccine continues for 6-9 months, and industrial production requires enormous costs and time.

After taking “garlic water”, a natural vaccine is formed in the small intestine within 30-40 minutes and is completely free;

— the natural vaccine begins to actively form specific immunity against COVID-19.

Thus, the chain of destructive pathological events in the human body caused by COVID-19 is interrupted and destroyed at the very beginning and has no continuation. The body fights COVID-19 in the most natural way, so to speak as planned, and defeats it. At the same time, the emergency and stressful mode of struggle on the part of the body is completely eliminated, and it counteracts the virus as planned. As a result, the resulting epidemic ends in a matter of days. Taking “garlic water” as an anti-epidemic protocol can be applied within one day throughout the country among the entire population. The basic pathogenic morphological substrate will disappear completely in one or two days.

The method for preparing “garlic water” is extremely simple.

1. One (!) peeled clove of garlic is cut in half in the transverse direction, placed in a porcelain liter teapot and filled with water at room temperature. This is done in the morning.

2. By evening, “garlic water” is ready for consumption. You should consume 2/3 cup 3-4 hours after your last meal, at night, before bed.

3. The next day, repeat the procedure for preparing “garlic water” with a fresh clove of garlic.

4. Continue for one month. During this time, specific immunity against COVID-19 will be formed.

(1) R. M. Khaitov, B. V. Pinegin. Features of the organization and functioning of the immune system of the gastrointestinal tract and diseases associated with disorders of its functioning (lecture). //ANNALS OF SURGICAL HEPATOLOGY, 1998, V.3, No. 1, p.112-116

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