Instructions for use of Sustarad ointment for joint health

Brief description of the drug

Sustarad is a cream for joints, the healing properties of which allow you to quickly get rid of pain in the limbs. The completely natural composition of the product allows it to be used for preventive purposes against pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. The drug has a second name - Sustarad-active.



International nonproprietary name

Skin cream

Pharmacological group

Skin care products

Release form and packaging

The product is a yellowish-brown ointment intended for external use. The product is sold in 150 ml plastic jars. The cream comes in a jar with a screw cap.

Packaging of the drug Sustarad


Contains only natural ingredients (medicinal plant extracts, essential oils). These include:

  1. Swamp cinquefoil. A substance that stops the spread of inflammatory processes. Eliminates pain, normalizes blood circulation and metabolism.
  2. I'll fall asleep. The component has pronounced antifungal, anti-inflammatory and anti-infective properties.
  3. Ginkgo biloba. A plant extract that normalizes blood circulation in large and small blood vessels. Prevents the development of varicose veins.
  4. Poultry farmer. Accelerates the resorption of scars and scars.
  5. Kenyan pepper. It has pronounced analgesic and restorative properties.
  6. Artemia (extract). Improves motor activity, renews cartilage and muscle tissue.
  7. Lespedezu. An antifungal component that stops the spread of infections and purulent inflammations.
  8. Reishi mushroom extract. The substance strengthens the immune system and participates in the renewal of cartilage cells.

The cream also contains:

  1. Vitamins (P, C). Participate in regeneration processes, normalize blood circulation and rejuvenate cells.
  2. Panthenol. Has a powerful wound healing effect.
  3. Sea buckthorn (extract). Restores muscle tissue, normalizes blood circulation and slows down age-related changes.
  4. Clover. Improves blood circulation.
  5. Mumiyo. Accelerates the processes of fusion of bone and muscle tissue, participates in regeneration processes in case of ruptures, and prevents the appearance of skin dermatitis.
  6. Chamomile. Natural antiseptic that accelerates the healing process of tissues.
  7. Burdock. Painkiller, wound healing component.
  8. Laurel. Relieves cramps and spasms, relieves swelling.
  9. Plantain. Starts the regeneration process in the skin, restores connective and muscle tissue.
  10. Willow. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.
  11. Tar. Reduces inflammation and accelerates healing of the skin.

Shilajit as part of Sustarad accelerates regeneration processes

Essential oils present in the cream:

  1. Amaranth oil. Nourishes, restores metabolism in cells.
  2. Stone oil. Prevents the development of neuritis, fights tumor changes at the molecular level and normalizes the functioning of nerve endings.
  3. St. John's wort oil. Helps prevent varicose veins, eliminates blood stagnation, and relieves fatigue.
  4. Frankincense oil. Eliminates pain, normalizes motor activity.
  5. Tea tree. Has a powerful antifungal effect.
  6. Juniper oil. Fights infection and inflammation, relieves spasms.

The main component is an extract from deer antlers. The substance helps fight age-related changes (loss of elasticity of muscle tissue, bone fragility).


Sashera-Med LLC, Russia

general description

“Sustarad: Cartemia” contains a patented intensive complex of natural substances “Cartemia”, isolated in an active form, which has a maximum penetrating effect on the joint capsule and a direct restorative effect on the cartilage tissue of the joint and the epiphyses of the bones of the joint. The Sustarad: Cartemia complex helps prevent malnutrition of cartilage at a young age and prevents further degenerative changes in cartilage and the development of deforming osteoarthritis and related diseases. The Sustarad: Cartemia complex enhances the effect of the capsule components, which eliminate the infectious nature of cartilage destruction. The Sustarad: Cartemia complex affects the causes and consequences of all types of infectious specific arthritis (tuberculosis, brucellosis, gonorrhea, syphilitic, dysentery, pneumococcal, viral, septic, fungal), as well as psoriatic polyarthritis.

The Sustarad: Cartemia complex affects the qualitative composition of the joint fluid and helps prevent the visco-elastic properties of the joint fluid, which prevents friction between the epiphyses of the bones. The peculiarity of “Sustarad: cartemia” is that the natural complex simultaneously prevents the main mechanisms of bone and joint destruction and promotes the regeneration of cartilage cells, the surface of the epiphyses of bones, and joint fluid. In the effective restoration of the articular capsule, the balance of the visco-elastic properties of the joint fluid is of no small importance; if it is disturbed, cartilage is depleted, cartilage bone is exposed, bone spines grow, and pain increases. Further development of this process leads to deformation of the joints and disruption of motor activity of the joint.

"Sustarad: cartemia" contains a source of the main component of joint fluid - hyaluronic acid in its native, quickly absorbed form, which is enhanced by natural components of anti-inflammatory and restorative action.

Therapeutic effect of using Sustarad cream

The main active ingredients of the dosage form are able to quickly penetrate into areas of inflammation and relieve acute attacks of pain. They actively influence the location of discomfort, restoring synovium (viscous fluid in the joint cavity), cartilage tissue and metabolic processes at the cellular level. Regular use of the cream allows you to reduce the friction force between moving joints, which allows you to normalize a person’s motor activity.

The product is made on the basis of a natural component - antler extracts. The milky juices of various medicinal plants act as additional components.

Medicinal herbs reduce pain in the joints of the back, lower and upper extremities, and have an anti-inflammatory and healing effect. The cream contains capsaicin, which improves metabolism and blood microcirculation, has a warming effect, and increases tissue elasticity.

Regular use of Sustarad cream restores joint mobility

The beneficial properties of Sustarad include:

  • wound healing;
  • regenerating;
  • anti-infective;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • restorative;
  • analgesic.

Experts recommend using Sustarad as an adjuvant for pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

This natural organic ointment is able to intensively penetrate the area of ​​pain and the joint in which inflammatory processes have begun. Actively acting on the site of discomfort, the cream restores cartilage tissue, synovial fluid, metabolic processes in moving joints, and also softens friction between them. Thus, the drug reduces pain and normalizes the patient’s motor activity. Therefore, Sustarad has a second name - “active cream”.

Sustarad Phytocollection for joints in capsules, 30 capsules, 0.5 g each.

Joint diseases are “getting younger”: if previously these were elderly patients, now they are increasingly being diagnosed even in children and adolescents.
There are many reasons for this: unbalanced nutrition, lack of vitamins and mineral complexes, lack of physical activity, metabolic disorders, and the lifestyle of residents of modern cities.
This is why it is so important to pay attention to joint health at a young age.
Sustarad is an intensive native complex
that has a restorative effect on cartilage tissue, articular surfaces of the epiphyses of joint bones and periarticular tissues.
It helps eliminate joint pain, relieve inflammation of the joints, stop the destructive processes of cartilage tissue and related disorders.
Natural complex “Sustarad” cartemia” is recommended for:

  • arthrosis
  • arthritis
  • osteoarthritis
  • osteoporosis
  • injuries

The “Sustarad” cartemia complex consists of natural components representing the molecular form of plant milky cells, which have maximum penetrating properties into the cells of organs weakened by disease.
They act directly at the cause of the joint disease, eliminating unpleasant and painful symptoms and accompanying changes.

kit includes cartemia

» includes clear capsules to be taken in the morning and colored capsules to be taken in the evening.
Together they have an anti-inflammatory and restorative effect, block the main mechanisms of destruction of bones and joints and promote the regeneration of cartilage cells, the surface of the epiphyses of bones, and joint fluid. They reduce joint friction, eliminate pain, restore joint fluid, and prevent the growth of bone spines.
"Sustarad cartemia" is recommended for the following causes of joint disorders:

  • inflammatory processes
  • degenerative-dystrophic changes
  • metabolic disorders
  • diseases of other organs
  • injuries
  • infectious nature of destruction
  • immune abnormalities

It should especially be taken at any age: in young people this complex prevents malnutrition of cartilage, and in the older generation it prevents degenerative changes in cartilage and the development of deforming osteoarthritis.
One of the main components of “Sustarad” is a patented complex of natural substances “cartemia”, which has a maximum penetrating effect on the joint capsule and a direct restorative effect on cartilage tissue.
It improves the shock-absorbing properties of the joint, promotes the restoration of cartilage, and improves the motor functions of the joint. Marsh cinquefoil
, which is part of the complex, helps eliminate the inflammatory process, infections,
enhances the regenerative processes of cartilage cells and bone epiphyses

White willow bark
eliminates pain, relieves inflammation, and eliminates swelling

Laurel leaves

prevent the infectious nature of destruction of cartilage tissue and joints.

normalizes hormonal balance and eliminates destructive processes in cartilage tissue caused by disruption of endocrine functions

We also recommend that you pay attention

for other
natural remedies to maintain healthy joints and bones

Indications for use

The drug is approved for use for any diseases of the musculoskeletal system, accompanied by severe pain in the joints, destruction of cartilage and inflammatory processes of various etiologies. These include:

  • rheumatic pain, joint pain, arthritis, arthrosis;
  • dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system;
  • sprains, bruises, injuries, muscle pain, spasms;
  • inflammation of the mucous joint capsules, neuritis;
  • poor circulation, mobility of limbs, numbness of fingers;
  • osteochondrosis of the spine, severe pain in the back and neck;
  • bone fractures, surgical sutures and scars;
  • spondylitis, gout, thrombophlebitis of superficial veins, phlebitis;
  • spondylosis, osteoarthritis, Reiter's disease;
  • rheumatoid arthritis, arthritis of infectious etiology, psoriatic arthritis.

The cream can be used for sprains, bruises and other mechanical injuries as a pain reliever.

Sustarad is indicated for osteochondrosis

Sustarad cream instructions for use

INSTRUCTIONS for using Sustarad cream

Sustarad is a natural organic cream of intense penetrating action based on native osteoblastic and chondrocyte cells of Altai deer antlers, enriched with the milky juice of medicinal plants that have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, wound-healing, regenerating, restorative, anti-infective effects.

Ingredients: Hydrophilic extract from the antlers of the Altai deer, milky juice of plants: rhizomes of cinquefoil, meadow clover flowers, chamomile flowers, ginkgo biloba, usnea filamentous, reishi, burdock root, leaves and roots of common plantain, Lespedeza kopecica herb, white willow bark , laurel leaf; black cumin extract, cordyceps extract, brine shrimp extract, St. John's wort oil, amaranth oil, juniper oil, hemp oil, frankincense oil, panthenol, rock oil, mumiyo, tar, sea buckthorn extract, Kenyan pepper extract, Indian onion extract, vitamin C, vitamin PP , tea tree oil.

Osteoblastic and chondrocyte cells of Altai deer antlers are isolated from the biomass of deer antlers, are characterized by a deep penetrating effect on the area of ​​pain and inflammation of the joint or the area of ​​the musculoskeletal system, have an intense restorative effect on the cartilage tissue of the joint, help restore metabolic processes in the joint, restore synovial fluid, softening friction between joints, reducing pain and normalizing motor activity.

Description of the action of the active components:

Marsh cinquefoil - prevents inflammation and pain in joints, improves blood circulation, normalizes metabolism.

Clover - normalizes peripheral blood circulation, restores mobility and eliminates stiffness and limitation of motor activity.

Chamomile – has an anti-infective, calming and analgesic effect.

Ginkgo biloba - normalizes capillary and venous circulation, eliminates congestion, prevents varicose veins.

Usnea – has an intense anti-inflammatory, anti-infective, antifungal effect.

Reishi – promotes the restoration of cartilage cells, restores immunity, and prevents concomitant changes in the body due to joint disorders.

Burdock – has an analgesic, decongestant, anti-inflammatory, wound healing effect.

Plantain – promotes rapid healing of wounds, restores muscle and connective tissue.

Lespedeza - prevents the development of infectious processes, purulent inflammation and fungal infections.

Willow - has an intense anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect for joint pain and all types of rheumatic and gouty pain.

Laurel – eliminates swelling during inflammatory processes in the joints, pain, muscle spasms, night cramps.

Black cumin extract - restores muscle tissue, normalizes blood circulation, prevents atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels, age-related changes in the musculoskeletal system, and prevents polyarthritis.

Artemia extract – promotes the renewal of muscle cells, joints, improves motor activity.

St. John's wort oil – prevents varicose veins, venous congestion and pain, helps relieve fatigue.

Amaranth oil – helps improve metabolic processes in the musculoskeletal system, restore, normalize blood circulation processes and supply nutrients.

Juniper oil – has anti-inflammatory, anti-infective, analgesic effects.

Frankincense oil – relieves pain in small joints due to polyarthritis, normalizes blood circulation and motor activity.

Panthenol – has a powerful wound healing effect.

Stone oil – eliminates neuritis, restores nerve impulses, prevents tumor changes in cells.

Mumiyo - relieves pain, enhances bone healing in case of fractures, restores muscle and connective tissue in case of ruptures, eliminates skin infections, allergic dermatitis, stretch marks (stretch marks on the skin).

Tar – eliminates demodicosis, lichen, inflammatory and infectious processes on the skin.

Sea buckthorn extract - promotes restoration, normalization of functions and metabolic processes in the area of ​​damage to the musculoskeletal system and skin, strengthens the immunity of the skin and the body as a whole, enhances the body's resistance to complications and disorders of organs and systems subject to destructive processes when the musculoskeletal system is damaged. motor system.

Kenyan pepper – has an analgesic and restorative effect.

Indian onion – eliminates surgical scars, keloid scars.

Vitamins C and PP - improve blood circulation, promote rejuvenation, regeneration and tissue restoration.

Tea tree oil – has antiherpetic, antifungal, anti-infective effects.

Recommendations for use: Natural cream Sustarad is recommended:

  • for joint pain;
  • for rheumatic pain;
  • for arthritis;
  • with arthrosis;
  • in case of dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system;
  • when stretched;
  • with bruises;
  • for injuries;
  • for muscle pain, night cramps;
  • with inflammatory processes of the mucous membranes of the joints;
  • with neuritis;
  • in case of poor circulation, impaired mobility of the limbs, numbness of the fingers;
  • with osteochondrosis of the spine;
  • with severe pain in the back and sacrum;
  • with cervical osteochondrosis;
  • for bone fractures;
  • for scars and surgical sutures;
  • with spondylitis;
  • for gout;
  • with phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of superficial veins.

Directions for use: Take the cream onto your fingertips and apply with light massage movements to the problem area. It is recommended to use at least 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 10 days. If necessary, it is possible to use the cream for a longer time without restrictions.

Contraindications: Individual intolerance to the components of the product.

Storage conditions: Store at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.

Shelf life: 2 years.

Volume : 150 ml.

Instructions for use of Sustarad: method and dose

The product is intended for external use. There is no need to shake the cream before opening the jar; just remove the protective film.

Take the cream onto your fingertips and apply with light massage movements to the problem area. Frequency of use: 3–4 times a day. The course of treatment is 10 days. If necessary, it is possible to use the cream for a longer time without restrictions.

If joint and rheumatic pain is acute, then after applying the cream, the treated area should be wrapped in a warm cloth. If necessary, the product can be used for a longer time and with high frequency. However, only a doctor will tell you which course of treatment is best suited in a given situation.

To achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to combine Sustarad cream with oral administration of Sustarad food concentrate.

For best effect, the cream is recommended to be used in combination with food concentrate

Sustarad caps. 0.5 g. No. 30

A special complex of natural components in native form, helping to eliminate the destructive processes of cartilage tissue and accompanying changes in joints, enhanced by the 'cartemia' biocomplex.

The special native complex 'Sustarad' cartemia compensates for: - cartilaginous tissue in arthrosis; — synovial fluid in case of metabolic and endocrine processes disorders; — blood supply to the capillaries of the joint in case of circulatory disorders; — protective barrier functions of the joint during infection and degenerative changes; — bone tissue for osteoporosis; - the surface of the joints during friction and destruction of cartilage.

The native components of the product 'Sustarad' cartemia have a maximum penetrating effect into the joint capsule and contribute to: - restoration of joint fluid; - reducing joint friction; - pain relief; - preventing the growth of bone spines.

The native complex has a regulating effect on the functions of the endocrine system, promotes: - normalization of hormonal levels; — prevention of destructive processes of cartilage tissue due to hormonal imbalance; - prevention of destructive processes of bone tissue due to increased blood sugar and dysfunction of the thyroid gland.

Native plant concentrates in the product are the unaltered molecular form of plant milky cells and have a maximum penetrating effect on the cells of weakened organs and systems of the human body. Biocomplex 'cartemia' is a biomass of Artemia cyst cells that stimulates the growth and division of healthy cells of joints and cartilage.

Directions for use: take 1 clear capsule orally in the morning 30 minutes before meals, in the evening - 1 colorless capsule 30 minutes before meals. Course - 30 days. 4 courses per year are recommended. For maximum effect, it is recommended to take capsules in combination with Sustarad cream.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components of the product.

Shelf life: 2 years. Storage conditions: store at a temperature not exceeding 250 C.

Ingredients: native concentrate of cinquefoil rhizomes, native concentrate of white willow bark, native concentrate of laurel leaves, native concentrate of walnut partitions, native concentrate of lingonberry fruits, native concentrate of lemon balm herb, native concentrate of burdock root, native concentrate of meadow clover flowers, native Ginkgo biloba leaf concentrate, native concentrate of St. John's wort herb, native concentrate of sweet chestnut fruits, native concentrate of white cinquefoil rhizomes, native concentrate of plantain root, native concentrate of fruits and roots of rosehip cinnamon, native concentrate of deer antlers, biocomplex 'carthemia', native concentrate of beaver musk , fenugreek, white mustard, turmeric, ginger, hyaluronic acid, glucosamine hydrochloride, chondroitin sulfate, purified Altai mumiyo.

Side effects

In the absence of contraindications, joints do not cause any adverse reactions. There is also no addiction to the drug. But one cannot ignore the individual characteristics of the body. Side effects may occur when applying the cream to affected areas of the skin (scratches, burns). These include:

  • hives;
  • redness of the skin;
  • itching;
  • burning sensation.

If your ailments worsen, you must immediately stop using the ointment for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes and contact a dermatologist at any medical institution.

Interaction with other drugs

Ointment for external use is compatible with most gels and creams for joint pain. The ointment contains plant extracts that can penetrate the systemic bloodstream, therefore, before using the dosage form, you must stop taking the following medications orally:

  1. Antifungal. Reishi mushroom extract strengthens the immune system, so simultaneous use of the cream and medications in this category can cause intoxication and damage the liver. The ointment is not recommended for use by people suffering from diseases of autoimmune etiology.
  2. Antidepressants. Medicines of this group in combination with organic cream can provoke emotional disturbances in mentally unstable patients.
  3. Anticoagulants. The ointment contains ginkgo extract, a plant that normalizes blood circulation. Anticoagulants (blood thinners) in combination with cream can cause rupture of small blood vessels, which can lead to bruising and bruising.
  4. Antibiotics. St. John's wort is popularly called a remedy for 99 diseases. The plant relieves nervous tension, preventing depression. It is strictly forbidden to use ointments with St. John's wort while taking certain antibiotics. The combination may cause photosensitivity. St. John's wort is prohibited for people who regularly use antidepressants and anticonvulsants.

Experts recommend temporarily stopping taking MAO inhibitors. The ointment is not recommended for use during the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system, diabetes and hypertension.

Before using Sustarad, you should consult your doctor.

Special conditions

To get real results from treatment with Sustarad cream, you need to complete the course from beginning to end, trying to ensure that you do not miss a single dose and be tuned in to therapy with medicinal plants.

An important point in the success of treatment with medicinal plants is their quality, which in turn depends on the time and place of collection, conditions of procurement and storage.

The drug is not a medicine.

Use in childhood

The allopathic drug can be prescribed to children over 12 years of age in the absence of contraindications. The child needs to test for an allergic reaction in advance: apply a small amount of ointment to the elbow (on the inside) and leave it for 30–45 minutes. In the absence of redness and other side effects, the product can be used for its intended purpose.

Children need to rub the cream no more than 2 times a day. Duration of use: 5-7 days. The course can be repeated if necessary, taking a break of 10 days. The amount of ointment is 2 times less than for an adult patient. It must be rubbed in completely until completely absorbed. To enhance the warming effect, after applying the cream, the affected area can be wrapped in a towel or warm scarf.


Natural cream for joint pain has a number of structural analogues and generics in different release forms. These include:

  1. Sustagard Arthro. Available in the form of a lyophilisate, highly soluble in liquid. Used as an aid for severe joint pain. Has a powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect. The medication has a number of contraindications, which include pregnancy, childhood and breastfeeding. Stimulates regeneration processes in muscle and cartilage tissue. Price - from 660 rubles.
  2. Sustalan. An organic product, available in the form of a native cream. The composition contains antlers and deer blood, extracts of willow, elecampane, wild garlic, burdock, birch and cinquefoil. Used for joint diseases accompanied by inflammation. Restores the viscosity of synovial fluid and relieves pain attacks. It has virtually no contraindications. Price - from 365 rub.
  3. Sustavix. Available in capsule form. The composition contains collagen, deer antlers, amino acids and a vitamin and mineral complex (ascorbic acid, selenium, manganese, iodine). The product is enriched with essential oils and plant extracts. Anesthetizes, relieves swelling, relieves inflammation, slows down the aging of cartilage tissue. Cost - from 400 rubles.

Sustavix is ​​one of the analogues of Sustarad

Experts do not recommend choosing medications for joint diseases on your own. Despite their completely natural composition, dosage forms for external use have a number of contraindications.

Native complex "Sustarad: cartemia" package of 30 capsules of 500 mg.

Ingredients: Native concentrate of cinquefoil rhizomes, native concentrate of white willow bark, native concentrate of laurel leaves, native concentrate of walnut partitions, native concentrate of lingonberry fruits, native concentrate of lemon balm herb, native concentrate of burdock root, native concentrate of meadow clover flowers, native Ginkgo biloba leaf concentrate, native concentrate of St. John's wort herb, native concentrate of sweet chestnut fruits, native concentrate of white cinquefoil rhizomes, native concentrate of plantain root, native concentrate of fruits and roots of rosehip cinnamon, native concentrate of deer antlers, biocomplex "Cartemia", native concentrate of beaver musk , fenugreek, white mustard, turmeric, ginger, hyaluronic acid, glucosamine hydrochloride, chondroitin sulfate, purified Altai mumiyo.
Purpose: The natural complex “Sustarad: cartemia” is recommended to be taken for:

  • degenerative-dystrophic disorders of the joint;
  • joint destruction caused by metabolic disorders;
  • joint changes caused by inflammatory processes;
  • joint destruction caused by diseases of other organs;
  • joint destruction caused by trauma.

The Sustarad: Cartemia complex has an effect on the immune nature of arthritis, regulates immune responses to altered joint tissue and cartilage tissue. "Sustarad: cartemia" has a complex effect on all types of destruction of cartilage tissue: arthrosis, osteoarthrosis, arthritis, as well as destruction of bone tissue - osteoporosis.

Native plant concentrates in the product are the unchanged molecular form of plant milk cells and have a maximum penetrating effect on the cells of weakened organs and systems of the human body. Biocomplex “Cartemia” is a biomass of Artemia cyst cells that stimulates the growth and division of healthy cells of joints and cartilage.

The special native complex “Sustarad: cartemia” compensates for:

  • cartilage tissue for arthrosis;
  • synovial fluid in violation of metabolic and endocrine processes;
  • blood supply to the capillaries of the joint in case of circulatory disorders;
  • protective barrier functions of the joint during infection and degenerative changes;
  • bone tissue for osteoporosis;
  • the surface of the joints due to friction and destruction of cartilage.

It has a maximum penetrating effect into the joint capsule and helps restore joint fluid, reduce joint friction, eliminate pain, and prevent the growth of bone spines.

Has a regulating effect on the functions of the endocrine system. Helps normalize hormonal levels, prevent destructive processes in bone and cartilage tissue due to hormonal imbalances, due to increased blood sugar and dysfunction of the thyroid gland.

Directions for use: Orally in the morning, 1 colorless capsule 30 minutes before meals, in the evening - 1 colored capsule 30 minutes before meals. The course of admission is 30 days. 4 courses per year are recommended. For maximum effect, it is recommended to take capsules in combination with Sustarad cream.

Contraindications: Individual intolerance to the components of the product.


Sustarad is a joint cream that has proven itself not only among specialists. Patients themselves respond well to this drug. First of all, I am attracted by the naturalness of the product and the absence of side effects, with the exception of an allergic reaction. And then it can occur due to individual intolerance to the component included in the composition.

Sustarad in cream form has been tried by many patients experiencing joint problems. They claim that the product relieves inflammation, swelling and pain well. However, they note that the effect is not immediately noticeable. Relief does not occur instantly, but after some time.

Thus, we can say about this ointment that it is a proven natural remedy for joint pain and problems with the musculoskeletal system. However, you should still consult a specialist before use.

Patient reviews

Sustarad learned about the cream from a friend - with the help of the product she was able to get rid of knee pain. I couldn’t buy the cream in pharmacies; I ordered it on the official website. The parcel arrived quickly, inside the box there was a jar of cream and instructions.

I applied the ointment three times a day: a small amount of the product (about the size of a walnut) was distributed in a thin layer over the affected area and rubbed in until completely absorbed. The course of application was 14 days, improvement appeared on the 4th day. The pain became less pronounced, my legs stopped getting very tired.

Angelina 45 years old

The foot of my left foot was very painful, the heel spur brought me to tears, it was something, someone who would understand me, a friend at a fair bought the cream in a jar of Sustarad, the seller recommended buying it after 10 days of use, the pain subsided and I began to step on my heel and now here in Orenburg This is the third time the fair is held and they are not there. She bought it for 350 rubles. jar with a burdock pattern. It really helped, I didn’t even believe it anymore if they didn’t come again I would order.

Maria Dobrodomova 33 years old

Having purchased this “miracle” cream, I was disappointed. For such crazy money I got some measly 30 ml. I was disappointed to see this small jar. The website didn't say anything about weight. Therefore, I ordered the cream with the idea that the tube would be standard, that is, 75 ml. So, besides the fact that I paid 990 rubles. It’s not clear why, he still doesn’t help. Having written this to the company that produces the cream, I received an answer with the following words: “Good afternoon, it is not profitable to buy one package.” That is, if I buy 2 packages of this product and pay 1800 rubles for it. I, just like for one package, will throw money away. From this conclusion: I bought Sustarad with the hope that this is exactly the product that will help. But I only received 30 ml of a non-helping cream for 990. Do not buy this cream. It will not help with joint problems. And if you suddenly decide to order something from an online store, carefully read the information about the product: its composition, weight and the amount you will pay when receiving the goods.

Anna 55 years old

I sincerely hoped that the drug would help restore health to my legs and relieve heaviness and fatigue. Unfortunately, I was mistaken; after a long course of treatment, my legs continued to hurt and swell, and the veins also stuck out like blue worms on the surface of the skin. I think the only advantage is the cooling effect, after which the legs temporarily calm down. In this situation, I simply wasted my money; I had to save the veins using other methods. Maybe this drug really helps with other problems, but in my case, it is completely useless.

Svetlana 46 years old

I bought it in different packages; I found it more convenient in a tube than in a jar. I have arthritis of the knees, I used 2 packages, and at the same time I took tablets along with Sustarad. There is a weak, short-term analgesic effect, the smell is pleasant. But nothing more.

Vlada is 54 years old

I found information about this product on the Internet. I was immediately alarmed by the fact that there are positive reviews everywhere, like a carbon copy; you can only order on the website on the Internet (it is not available in pharmacies). I decided to make sure by ordering the product on the website, after which the operator called and began persistently pushing for “a whole course (of 5 tubes) at a bargain price.” As a result, as I later understood, the product turned out to be from the CPA category (when a product of dubious quality is distributed through advertising to quickly enrich the seller and intermediary).

Dmitry 47 years old

Reviews from doctors

I periodically prescribe the cream to patients at the initial stage of arthritis. The product helps against rheumatism, has a moderate anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous and analgesic effect. It is well tolerated by patients and side effects are rare. Frequent use may cause rash or redness. It is difficult to predict the effect in advanced diseases; the use of the cream must be combined with drug therapy.

Maria, rheumatologist, 23 years of experience

Sustarad ointment has proven itself well for injuries. I recommend applying it to the affected areas when you have a muscle strain. The product quickly relieves pain and prevents the spread of swelling. To enhance the effect, after applying the ointment, wrap the limb with an elastic bandage. The skin may burn a little - this is normal, there is no reason to worry in this case. For sprains, the cream should be applied daily for 6–8 days.

Valentin, traumatologist, 13 years of experience

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