Is it possible to catch a cold in your knees: causes, treatment with folk remedies and prevention

Inflammatory diseases of the knee

A cold knee periodically aches.
Inflammation of the knee joints can occur as a result of hypothermia or as a consequence of infectious or colds of the whole body. Joint colds are often referred to as conditions of aches and pains in the entire body, when the knees and other joints are twisted.

In this case, pain and inflammation disappear along with the cure of the respiratory disease. But very often this phenomenon remains even after treatment for ARVI. Complications of viral diseases such as influenza or tonsillitis can cause serious inflammatory complications, which over time become a prerequisite for the development of arthritis, gonarthrosis, meniscopathy, bursitis, rheumatism and other inflammatory diseases of the knee joint.

According to statistics, complications from colds account for 35% of cases of sepsis in the knees.


The pain itself . The danger is posed by an inflammatory process that can develop and lead to the progression of diseases such as:

  • bursitis - an inflammatory process that develops in the periarticular bursa, but does not concern the joint itself,
  • arthrosis - changes of a dystrophic nature that occur inside the joint and expose cartilage tissue to destruction,
  • osteoarthritis - thinning of tissues leading to bone friction,
  • arthritis is an inflammatory process inside a joint.

In the absence of correct diagnosis and timely treatment, any disease can progress , limiting joint mobility and causing discomfort.

Over time, deformity of the knee joint can develop, leading to bowed legs, constant pain, and possible fractures.

Despite the fact that initially the fact of hypothermia itself does not pose a danger, the pathologies that develop under its influence are quite serious and may subsequently require the need for joint replacement.

Why does my knees hurt?

My knees got cold as a result of hypothermia, which means they gave impetus to the development of pathogenic viruses and bacteria, which begin their activity of intoxicating the body. Toxins that are released at the site of inflammation penetrate into the blood and lymph and disrupt metabolism. Nerve receptors that stand guard signal the brain about the appearance of disorders. These signals are perceived by us as pain and aches in the joints.

Arthritis of the knee joint

Having a cold knee is not a reason for the development of the disease. Cold only becomes an impetus for the occurrence of the inflammatory process. It is quite possible that there were already hidden problems with the joint or periarticular tissues, and a cold only accelerates the development of pathology. Hidden changes in the knees can occur as the initial stages of arthritis, arthrosis, bursitis, tendinitis.

The causes of joint disorders are sports and household injuries, age-related bone depletion, excess weight, complications of the endocrine system, gout, rheumatism and other pathologies.

Clinical picture of the disease

Any inflammatory process in the joint is accompanied by pain. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the fact of pain itself, but also to its nature, as well as accompanying symptoms .

Typical manifestations of a cold knee:

  1. Pain in the joint when trying to flex and straighten a limb or when walking.
  2. Pronounced clicking when bending the leg.
  3. Swelling of the knee, external deformation of the joint.
  4. Redness and possible itching of the skin in the cold area.
  5. Increased body temperature, especially at the site of injury.
  6. Limited movement, poor functioning of the joint.

The occurrence of any symptoms is the reason for immediate contact with a specialist, since lack of treatment can lead to a worsening of the condition and complete loss of joint mobility.

Is it possible to get cold knees? Definitely yes. But most often, inflammatory processes in the joint are caused by viruses or bacteria , and colds and colds are only factors that provoke the development of the disease.

Most often, a condition where knees hurt occurs due to the development of an inflammatory process.

Signs of a cold in the knee

Different diseases of the knee joint give different clinical manifestations, but after the victim has caught a cold in the knee, the symptoms have a classic pattern of manifestation:

  1. Swelling appears around the joint.
  2. The knee swells.
  3. Redness appears.
  4. Possible itching.
  5. Severe pain when moving; if arthritis develops, the pain is constant.
  6. Stiffness of the joint, inability to bend and straighten the leg.

  7. When you have a cold, your knee swells.
    When you try to move your knee, you can hear characteristic clicks.

  8. Possible increase in temperature.

If knee pain occurs as a complication of a viral infection, then in parallel with manifestations in the joints, the patient is bothered by a runny nose, cough, sore throat, and fever.

Aching legs are a common manifestation of ARVI in children. If, during treatment and reduction of the symptoms of the underlying disease, the child’s knee pain does not go away, and the symptoms listed above appear, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo an examination. Children's bone diseases often begin as complications after colds and viral infections.


When knee pain occurs, few people think that they have a cold in their knee. Most often, the first thing a person begins to remember is whether there was an injury the day before - a fall or a bruise. It is possible that people who are at risk of developing pathology begin to think about possible arthrosis.

The connection of the bones in the knee occurs in the joint capsule. Muscles and ligaments provide reliable fixation of bones and promote proper walking, preventing the formation of dislocations. Synovial fluid is used as a lubricant. It is a yellowish substance that prevents bones from rubbing against each other and wearing out.

In this case, pain is provoked by various factors and can be either a consequence of injury or the result of an inflammatory process. The processes leading to pain can be inflammatory and dystrophic . Separately, we can highlight injury, which can often be a factor provoking any of the previously mentioned processes.

Conventionally, we can identify the reasons that most often cause pain:

  • bruises, blows,
  • hormonal problems,
  • congenital disorders in the structure of the musculoskeletal system,
  • infection,
  • excess weight,
  • excessive stress on the legs.

It is necessary to separately highlight the cause of hypothermia, since the pathological state of cold is caused by this.

Hypothermia can lead to the development of arthritis, an inflammatory process caused by an infection triggered by an external factor.

It is also possible to develop arthrosis, to which older people are most susceptible, since the disease is chronic and develops in an already damaged joint .

What to do if your knee has a cold

First aid for an acute complication is to immobilize the limb, secure the joint with a bandage, you can apply any pain-relieving ointment, and at the first opportunity consult a doctor and undergo an examination. This needs to be done even if the knee has stopped hurting and it seems that

If you have a cold in your knee, you should consult a doctor.

inflammation subsides. The fact is that it only seems so. As already mentioned, cold manifestations are the visible part of a hidden iceberg, which is the initial form of a particular disease.

What will the doctor do? Prescribe the necessary tests, if necessary, examinations using X-rays or ultrasound. Depending on the clinical picture, medication, physiotherapeutic procedures, and treatment with traditional medicine methods are prescribed as an addition.

You cannot ignore a medical examination; complications after a cold are more serious than the cold itself.


How to treat a cold knee is the most common question that patients ask when visiting a doctor.

It is worth noting that with timely and well-chosen treatment, the likelihood of no irreversible consequences developing is more than 85% .

First of all, if you experience pain and discomfort in your knee while walking, at rest or when squatting, you should contact a surgeon, orthopedist or traumatologist. The latter doctor is necessary in a situation where the pain was preceded by an injury.

First of all, you should undergo a set of diagnostic measures that will be aimed at identifying the problem and making the correct diagnosis:

  • a general blood and urine test allows you to identify the presence or absence of an inflammatory process in the body,
  • X-rays are necessary to determine the condition of bones and joints,
  • Magnetic resonance and computed tomography helps determine the condition of the periarticular tissues.

Based on the test results, as well as after an examination and interview, a specialist must make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Classical therapy

To eliminate inflammation in the knees, medications and physiotherapeutic procedures are used in combination with traditional home medicine recipes.


  1. Chondroprotectors
    Non-steroidal group of drugs in the form of tablets, ointments, gels: Piroxicam, Diclofenac, Artrum, etc.

  2. Muscle relaxants - means to relax skeletal muscles and prevent spasms: Baclofen, Mydocalm.
  3. Chondroprotectors are drugs containing substances that promote the restoration of cartilage tissue.
  4. Analgesics – to eliminate pain. They do not eliminate the cause of the pain: Revmoxicam, Metamizole.

Physical procedures:

  • Massages.
  • Manual therapy.
  • Electrical pulse, magnetic, laser, shock wave therapy.
  • Salt, pine or herbal baths.

Folk remedies

It is possible to treat a cold with traditional medicine no less successfully than with pharmacological drugs. The peculiarity of natural components is that they act more slowly and a long period is needed to achieve the desired result, but such treatment has much fewer side effects.


  1. Yellow clay compress
    Yellow clay is diluted with warm boiled water and applied to the knee in a thick layer. The top of the applique is covered with film and warm woolen cloth. The course of treatment is 7 times a night. You can repeat it after a week.

  2. Fresh lard is applied in a thin sheet to the sore knee, wrapped and left overnight. This procedure is repeated throughout the week.

Lotions, rubbing:

  1. Grind the potato flowers without the green tails. 4 tbsp. spoons of raw materials, pour 200 ml of alcohol and leave in the refrigerator for 10 days. Rub 2 times a day until pain disappears.
  2. Large chestnuts (5 pcs.), grate on a fine grater or chop in a blender, mix with a glass of turpentine. The tincture is ready for use after two weeks. You can store it for a long time in a dark place.

Homemade ointments:

  • 100 g honey + 5 g mummy – mix and rub on knees before bed;
  • fresh celandine leaves - 50 g - chop and put in a 0.5 liter jar, into which fill to the top with olive or unrefined sunflower oil. The ointment is ready for rubbing in after 2 weeks. Can be applied to a sore spot in combination with massage 2-3 times a day.


  1. Beautiful tincture
    Ingredients of the mixture: nettle, willow bark, parsley root. Mix in equal parts, one tbsp. pour a glass of boiling water over a spoon and leave for 1 hour. Take 100 g warm twice a day after meals.

  2. Infusion of horseradish root: grate one medium root and pour a glass of boiling water. Keep in a water bath for 20 minutes, take 2 times a day for 21 days.

Preventing knee colds

How can you get a cold in your knee? This threatens those who do not consider it necessary to wear warm underwear or leggings in cold weather, but meanwhile, folk wisdom has bequeathed to keep their feet warm.

Swimming in a cold body of water or pool, a directed stream of air from an air conditioner in a room or car, ignoring a runny nose and the first signs of a cold - all this can result in a serious problem for many years. Knee joints are very complex in structure, experience great physical stress and provide ease of movement for the human body. You need to take care of them constantly.

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