Lumbar radiculitis: treatment with folk remedies

As is known, this disease is characterized by inflammation of the spinal cord roots, and also that in most cases it is a consequence of the development of osteochondrosis and therefore almost always takes a chronic form. The course of treatment in the clinic lasts for two to three weeks, but then the patient will have to treat radiculitis at home. The pain syndrome is temporarily relieved, but in the absence of proper prevention, troubles can occur at any time. Of course, you will need a wool belt for the lower back, but in addition to this, other preventive and therapeutic measures are usually taken. They will be discussed below.

How to cure radiculitis and is it possible?

Pathologies can be different. If the symptoms of radiculitis appear with healthy intervertebral discs (for example, after an injury or overexertion), if treatment is started in a timely manner, radiculitis will not return. However, if the intervertebral discs are already affected by osteochondrosis, recovery cannot be guaranteed. If the vertebral tissues are damaged as a result of an infectious disease that leaves complications, treatment with folk remedies for lumbar radiculitis will have to be repeated for a very long time, since cartilaginous tissues are restored extremely slowly.

The patient must buy an elastic warming belt, which he will need after each procedure and in order to go outside. Rapid cooling of the muscles surrounding the spine leads to the return of the acute stage of the disease - with the same unbearable pain and inability to move freely. Treatment of radiculitis with folk remedies helps stop the inflammatory processes in the damaged vertebra, but we must not forget that observation by a specialist is mandatory. First of all, this is necessary because the drug course of treatment must be repeated periodically.

Treatment of radiculitis at home can be very varied, and it is very correct to use new methods from time to time, each time consulting a doctor, so as not to cause harm to the spine. The recommendations of a specialist must be strictly applied. Especially regarding hypothermia. Doctors recommend wearing a camel medical belt “LEONARDA” after each procedure that warms the muscles, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or on the website. This is truly a medical product, and there is free delivery to any pharmacy in Russia that the buyer chooses.


Treatment of radiculitis begins with a visit to a neurologist. A specialist’s diagnosis includes an analysis of concomitant diseases, symptoms and the nature of pain. If necessary, additional studies are prescribed:

1. General and biochemical blood test. Shows the presence of inflammation in the body.

2. Radiography. It will help determine the presence of fractures, cracks and tumors.

3. Spinal puncture. Determines the acidity of cerebrospinal fluid.

4. Myelography. A contrast agent is injected into the cerebrospinal fluid, tracking the movement of which can detect disorders occurring inside the spine.

5. Ultrasound. Allows you to exclude diseases of internal organs and examine the condition of blood vessels.

6. CT. Able to accurately indicate the degree of compression of nerve fibers.

7. MRI. It is considered the most effective method in diagnosing radiculitis.

How to buy a belt correctly so that there is no fraud

Why will no doctor agree with the patient’s choice if he does not use the services of a pharmacy? Of course, the choice is up to the buyer, but in recent years people have been doing business with the consumer’s health in mind; such cases are not at all so rare. If a seller at the market or marketers in an online store claim that the wool belt they sell is therapeutic and prophylactic, this is not always the case. It may not even be wool. But only Roszdravnadzor can recognize it as therapeutic and preventive, that is, as medical, by issuing the appropriate registration certificate.

If this document is missing, the buyer is faced with an ordinary consumer product, even one with SES or Rostest certificates (these organizations do not have the right to recognize the product as medical). Positioning such products as medicinal is prohibited by law, because the consumer is being deceived, and this is enshrined in the legislation of the Russian Federation. Therefore, the patient should listen to the doctor’s recommendations; he knows exactly which belt is therapeutic and which is not. Yarn and elastic fabric “LEONARDA” are patented (patents No. 2289643, No. 2319800), and the warming therapeutic belts of this brand have a registration certificate from Roszdravnadzor (No. FSR 2010/08307), and buying their products is much easier - you don’t need to look for them for a long time.

The website contains a variety of models of medical belts, both in design and size, from which to choose exactly what you need (and the doctor will tell you exactly what you need: an orthopedic belt, a corset, a bandage, a knee pad). After each warming procedure, you will need to keep the warmth in your lower back using a woolen product. This is especially true for physical therapy, massage, baths, compresses, mustard plasters, cupping and much more, which will be discussed in detail below: how to treat lumbar radiculitis at home. With all the variety of means used independently, only one condition remains unchanged: the resulting heat in the muscles must be preserved for as long as possible and never allowed to cool down sharply.

How to treat lower back radiculitis with fir

Baths with a decoction of fir legs are an excellent way to maintain spinal health: fir and heat restore blood flow at the periphery of the circulatory system, which means better metabolism, additional oxygen in tissues, and more stable immune defense. Almost every resident of the taiga knows how to treat radiculitis in this way. Take two-thirds of a bucket of chopped fir legs, chop them with a cleaver or hatchet, pour boiling water over them, and then heat them almost to a boil for five to ten minutes.

This decoction is infused until it cools, then it is filtered, and there is no more effective treatment for radiculitis. Fill a small bath with hot water and add a decoction. You can take such procedures once a week, or more often - fir does not cause harm, only benefit. After the bath, you need to wrap your lower back or put on a healing belt. There are times when it is not possible to take a bath. Then the fir can serve as oil, which is rubbed into the lower back, but before that, all muscles and joints must be warmed up - with a massage, special exercises, a compress or another way. Do not overcool under any circumstances; the oil should also be used warm.

For baths and bath procedures, many people prepare an emulsion from fir, so as not to chop the fir paws every time. Heat water and salicylic acid (0.75 grams per about half a liter of water) in an enamel pan, and when boiling begins, add grated baby soap (about a third of a regular briquette), dissolving it over low heat. Now you need to carefully pour fir oil into the solution, making sure to turn off the heat (it ignites very quickly). To treat radiculitis using this method, you will need about half a liter of fir oil. The emulsion is mixed for a long time and thoroughly and poured into glass containers for further use (the lids must be closed very tightly). You need to store the medicine in a basement or underground, the main thing is that it is dark and dry.

A bath with emulsion is prepared as follows: the first time, for 180 liters at a temperature of thirty-nine to forty degrees, you will need 15 milliliters of a remedy for the treatment of radiculitis, then with each new procedure the amount of emulsion increases by about 5 milligrams. Fir can irritate the thin skin of the most sensitive areas, so before taking a bath, you can lubricate your armpits and perineum with a thick layer of Vaseline or rich cream, then everything will be fine. After each procedure, we must not forget to put on a camel hair belt, which you need to buy at the pharmacy before starting health treatment. Immediately after a bath, it is better not to injure the skin: you need to wear a cotton T-shirt underneath until the skin returns to its normal state and the result of steaming goes away.

Burdock and birch are excellent treatments for radiculitis

Much of what surrounds us in the plant world is suitable for returning or maintaining health. In our time of high technology, old methods have begun to be forgotten, but many experts in the outback are still alive who willingly share recipes for cures for radiculitis. Injections sometimes do not help as effectively.

For example, ordinary burdock with spreading leaves is used not only for better hair growth (essential burdock oil), not only for the treatment of arthritis and other joint diseases. Treatment of lumbar radiculitis with folk remedies also occurs in many ways. Like applying fresh leaves to the lower back (you need to wrap yourself with oilcloth or cling film on top, which is more convenient, and then insulate your lower back). An elastic warming belt will best help secure the bandage.

A tincture of burdock is sold, but you can make it yourself. This is an effective treatment for radiculitis in the form of rubbing. The ground burdock roots need to be poured with 70% alcohol, then left for two weeks, shaking the infusion periodically. Then strain and use. This is also an absolutely harmless product. The same can be said about the symbol of the Russian land - the birch. She is not only loved and beautiful, she is a doctor not only for the soul, but also for the body. Pain from radiculitis helps to reduce its leaves, which must first be doused with boiling water, applied to the sore spine, secured with film and then put on a warming belt.

And birch sap, which should be taken according to the scheme, will help normalize metabolic processes. It is in the spring, for one and a half or two weeks, you need to drink a glass of fresh birch sap three times a day before meals (half an hour before), this will be enough for a whole year. And a good metabolism guarantees healthy intervertebral tissue, both cartilage and bone, which means that the nerve roots of the spinal cord will not be pressed and sciatica will not require treatment. These remedies have been known since ancient times, they are simple and always at hand.

Proper nutrition

Dietary nutrition is one of the main foundations of complex treatment of radiculitis.

To quench your thirst and get important vitamins, you can drink rosehip decoction.

The first step in treating radiculitis at home is organizing a proper diet. A nutritious diet is an integral and especially important part of the treatment complex. Taking a variety of medications and alternative medicine will not help you get an effective result if you violate the basic rules of a healthy diet.

To restore cartilage tissue, stimulate regeneration and metabolism processes, it is recommended to follow the following dietary rules both as part of the treatment of radiculitis and for the prevention of this disease:

Allowed foods and dishes.Prohibited foods and dishes.Additional recommendations.
Fresh fruits and vegetables rich in plant fiber: cabbage, carrots, all types of berries, citrus fruits.Animal fats. You can consume them, including butter, in limited quantities. To improve digestion and metabolism processes, it is recommended to drink more plain clean water.
Dairy and fermented milk products with low fat content.Drinks containing alcohol.You should exclude or limit black tea and coffee in your diet.
Legumes and cereals: oatmeal, rice, pearl barley, buckwheat.Sweets, any confectionery, baked goods.It is necessary to prepare food by baking, boiling or stewing.
Whole grain bread, wholemeal bread.Pasta made from premium flour.Do not fry foods in large amounts of oil.
Compotes of rose hips, dried fruits, fresh berries and fruits.Smoked meats, spices, pickles, marinades, preserves.You should eat in small portions, but at least once every two to three hours.
Natural jellies and homemade jellies, which include agar-agar.Sausages and instant dishes, semi-finished products, fast food.To improve digestion, it is recommended to eat fresh vegetables and fruits.
Vegetable oil – olive, flaxseed, sunflower.Spices, spices, sugar and salt in large quantities.It is not recommended to snack between main meals.
Lean meat of any kind, seafood, fatty sea fish, caviar.Fatty meat, as well as broths prepared on its basis.You need to eat in such a way that you still have a slight feeling of hunger.

Excess body weight is also one of the reasons contributing to the development of radiculitis. Obese patients need to reduce their daily caloric intake.

As general recommendations, we can also mention the need to reduce the amount of salt consumed. This measure will help remove harmful salt deposits from the body and promote the restoration of cartilage tissue.

Willow and barberry - treatment of radiculitis at home

Very often, the condition for the appearance of radiculitis is the deposition of salts. And a decoction of willow bark helps fight gout, rheumatoid arthritis and many other diseases. This is an excellent preventative against radiculitis. Treatment with willow bark is used in cases where antipyretic, hemostatic, and choleretic effects are needed. Preparing the decoction is no different: the bark is ground, poured with boiling water (half a liter per two tablespoons of powder), boiled over low heat for about ten minutes, and then left for three to four hours.

Then filter and drink one or two tablespoons of the broth three to four times a day. This is beneficial for the whole body, with a particularly beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and metabolic processes. As a result, treatment of radiculitis occurs faster and more effectively. This method is often recommended by homeopathic doctors. With any disease of the spine, especially with osteochondrosis (and radiculitis in most cases is its derivative), metabolism plays the most significant role.

In a slightly different way, but just as simply, you can prepare barberry bark. This will make an alcohol-containing treatment for radiculitis. Twenty-five grams of ground bark is filled with alcohol with a strength of at least seventy percent. You need to infuse the medicine for radiculitis for two weeks, and then take it drop by drop (up to thirty drops three times a day). Doctors note an improvement in the condition of patients and a decrease in pain from radiculitis, gout, and rheumatism after ten days of such treatment. The main thing is that none of these drugs will cause the body the slightest harm.


In general, vitamins for radiculitis play a very important role - they can speed up the healing process and prevent exacerbations of the disease in the future. Patients with this disorder are advised to eat more foods rich in vitamins A, C, E, and other antioxidants. If necessary, you can take supplements containing these beneficial substances.

B vitamins are very useful for radiculitis, especially B1, B6 and B12. Scientists believe that taking supplements with these vitamins in combination with over-the-counter analgesics can provide long-term pain relief for people with sciatica. Vitamin B1 can be obtained from foods such as spinach, carrots, red beets, onions, potatoes, white cabbage, beans, nuts, and various grains.

Potatoes, whole grain bread, buckwheat, millet, peppers, pork, chicken, beef, hazelnuts, walnuts, citrus fruits, spinach, tomatoes and strawberries are rich in vitamin B6.

In addition, supplementation with zinc, vitamin D, lipoic acid, and omega-3 fatty acids is recommended for successful treatment of sciatica.

The main sources of vitamin B12 are various animal products, for example, meat, fish, organ meats, and dairy products. Unfortunately, many patients begin to monitor their diet and take vitamins only during exacerbations of radiculitis, and some time after the symptoms of the disease disappear, they return to their usual diet. Ideally, the body should constantly receive a sufficient amount of the nutrients listed above - this will minimize the risk of repeated attacks, as well as avoid some complications of radiculitis.

“Taiga” treatment of lumbar radiculitis with folk remedies

In places remote from civilization, where it is quite difficult to get even the most minimal medical care, for example, in the taiga, people also live, adapt and cherish recipes known since ancient times for maintaining health. And if you consider that physical activity there is much greater, and hypothermia can occur much more often, treatment of radiculitis for these places is commonplace. And the recipes used are effective. To a city dweller, many of them will seem strange and even funny against the backdrop of the equipment of a well-equipped physiotherapy room, but villagers in the taiga have no choice. The city also learns a lot from them. After all, the metabolism and functioning of the immune system in natural conditions is simply the envy of the people.

A barrel of herbs, for example. Now similar procedures - phytobarrels - exist in the most elite city beauty salons and the procedure is incredibly expensive). In distant taiga villages, such a barrel is in every bathhouse, and on Saturdays both old and young warm themselves in it, and it provides treatment for old radiculitis, and hardening for a young body. Ordinary sweet clover is dried for the winter, before the bath the grass is ground, poured with boiling water and infused directly in the barrel. Then the infusion is diluted and heated in perfumed water one by one. This procedure relieves pain from radiculitis, osteochondrosis, and gout.

The main thing is not to cool down quickly after a hot bath, and to protect your lower back (in those places, use a down scarf or a dog belt). This kind of treatment with sweet clover can also be done in a city apartment - just in the bathtub. And don’t forget to put on a warming belt afterwards. Also, following the example of the inhabitants of the taiga, city residents are recommended to eat wild berries during the season - a glass of strawberries, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, lingonberries, any that have currently reached ripeness, every day for at least two weeks. Can be mixed. This is a charge of health for the whole year.

Lumbosacral radiculitis: treatment with salt

People know a lot of recipes, and some of them amaze with their ingenuity. There are traditional methods of treating radiculitis, known to almost everyone. For example, salt. It’s easy to sew a bag to the size of your lower back from a double layer of thick cotton fabric, fill it with salt well heated in a frying pan, apply it to your back and secure it. It will heat up for a long time, the pain from radiculitis gradually goes away. It is better to lie down at this time without making sudden movements. After the procedure, be sure to wear a woolen lumbar belt.

Another recipe, which is based on salt, is somewhat more complicated, but this method is much more effective. Acute radiculitis can also be treated in this way. Mix a kilogram pack of salt with two tablespoons of dry mustard, add a few tablespoons of water and put on fire. When the mixture is hot, add ground crackers and mix well. Lay an oilcloth on the bed, then a sheet, place the patient on his stomach and apply a thick layer of ointment to the area of ​​the back affected by pain. From above it is covered with polyethylene, then with a towel and finally with a warm blanket.

The patient will have to lie like this until the salty mixture cools down. After the procedure, the skin is gently wiped with a damp, clean cloth and wrapped. You can immediately put on an elastic warming belt in order to move normally. However, you cannot go outside for at least two to three hours, and no physical activity on your back is recommended during the entire course. It is better to repeat the procedures every other day until the pain from radiculitis disappears. This will require five to ten warm-ups, which can be done even simpler than a bag of salt. Medical banks will be required. You can’t place them directly on the spine, but three pieces on each side in the middle of the soft tissues is possible, and this helps relieve the pain of radiculitis quickly, two or three procedures are enough. Experienced patients say that the acute stage does not return for a long time after cupping.

Development of radiculitis in childhood

Children are at risk of developing sciatica due to constant use of computers and reduced time for physical activity. The modern rhythm of life and the stress of studying lead to the inability to fully move during the day, which leads to weakening of the back muscles. In children, cervical and thoracic forms of radiculitis are diagnosed due to the development of scoliosis. It is necessary to instill in your child a love of sports and monitor posture from an early age. At the first signs of spinal curvature, you should contact a pediatric orthopedist, who will prescribe the necessary set of therapeutic measures. Due to their age, children manage to overcome the disease forever.

Lumbosacral radiculitis and copper wire

This recipe only seems anecdotal. In fact, the story happened as follows. One man worked in a parking lot for many years, in principle it was not a dusty job, he could not overstrain himself. But one day it blew so hard that he could neither sit down, nor squat, nor bend, nor straighten up.

He was treated for radiculitis with medication, which helped for a while, but he did not change his job, and therefore he caught a cold again and was never able to truly recover. Whatever he did! He tried all the methods of treating lumbar radiculitis with folk remedies known to him. Nothing helped.

But one of the clients, whose car was parked for the winter, gave him a large coil of copper wire and taught him how to use it to treat sciatica. I wrapped the whole skein around his waist right on his T-shirt and didn’t tell him to take it off for a whole week. After a few days, there was obvious relief, and when the symptoms of radiculitis disappeared and the wire had to be removed, the patient even regretted it - he got used to the fact that it supported his lower back.

But there is a more civilized way with the same effect. You just need to buy an anti-radiculitis belt, it perfectly supports the back muscles, and at the same time it warms up better than copper wire. She did not allow the person to make sudden movements, so that at least a week he would not strain and the inflamed spine would rest. The belt has the same functions. Probably, the hapless parking lot worker had no idea about this.


If left untreated, radiculitis becomes chronic and can bother a person throughout his life, worsening his quality of life and reducing his productivity. Possible complications:

1. Ischemic spinal cord infarction.

2. Blockage of veins and vessels located in the pathological area.

3. Development of paralysis of the upper and lower extremities.

4. Disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, kidneys and others.

5. Paresis.

6. Disability.

7. Psychological personality disorders.

To avoid negative consequences, consult a neurologist in a timely manner.

Acute radiculitis and mustard plasters with honey

Every person has known about the healing effects of mustard plasters since childhood - they have experienced it themselves. But this procedure for the treatment of radiculitis is fundamentally different from the one to which everyone is accustomed. The patient should be placed on his stomach and the back in the lumbar region should be lubricated with a thin layer of natural honey. Then put a layer of toilet paper or paper napkins, and mustard plasters already soaked in warm water on it, but only on the sides, in no case on the spine. Radiculitis is located in the spinal column itself, but it cannot be heated. It is enough to relax the muscles with heat to remove spasms and tightness, the pain will immediately decrease significantly.

On top of the mustard plasters you need to lay plastic film and something warm - a towel, for example, and the last layer - a blanket. This treatment for radiculitis heats up very strongly, so you should not endure the burning sensation for more than an hour, as the skin may suffer. For thin and sensitive people, it is better to increase the layer of paper under the mustard plasters. The most important thing is what the patient will do after the procedure is completed. Under no circumstances should you cool down quickly. You need to wipe your back with a cotton napkin soaked in hot water, then quickly put on a T-shirt or T-shirt, and a warming belt on top. No physical activity or sudden movements. It is better to plan this warming up for the coming sleep.

There is also a recipe using honey, furatsilin and mustard plasters. This treatment of radiculitis will not take much time. You need to dissolve one furatsilin tablet and a couple of tablespoons of honey in a quarter glass of warm water. Then dip two mustard plasters into it, stick them on both sides of the spine (without touching it) and lie there for as long as you have patience. As soon as the burning becomes too strong, the mustard plasters should be removed, the skin should be wiped with a warm, damp cloth and the treatment belt should be immediately put on the lower back. The heat from this procedure should last for a long time. Mustard oil is used in the same way: it is heated and rubbed into the muscles on both sides of the spine. After this, it is also necessary to wear a wool belt.

Radiculitis during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman's body is subjected to double stress. To ensure the normal development and functioning of a growing embryo, a large amount of nutrients is needed, the volume of blood circulating in the body increases, and weight increases. Untrained back muscles cannot cope with the increasing loads on the spine, because a woman needs to maintain balance. This leads to the need to bend forward and entails curvature of the spine. Reducing the space between the spinal discs can lead to pinched nerve endings and the development of radiculitis. It is important to lead an active lifestyle long before pregnancy to protect yourself from possible complications. Attacks of radiculitis during pregnancy can increase the tone of the uterus and lead to miscarriage or premature birth. No wonder they say that pregnant women should not be upset. Muscle spasms due to stress can also serve as a signal for the development of radiculitis.

Treatment of radiculitis with compresses

This is one of the most common methods among people, and a wide variety of plants and medicines are used for compresses. A very large place is given to garden fruits in the treatment of radiculitis: horseradish, black radish, cabbage leaves, potatoes. Horseradish or radish juice is mixed with hot water (otherwise pure juice can cause a skin burn), gauze folded in several layers is moistened and applied to the lower back. You should definitely buy a belt to keep warm after the procedure, or use a warm down shawl, although it does not have such a supporting effect.

The gauze is covered with either polyethylene or oilcloth, and the lower back is wrapped tightly on top. When the compress becomes unbearable, it must be removed. Both radish and horseradish, even after the bandage is removed, leave a burning sensation on the skin for a long time, unless you wipe the heated area with a hot, wet cloth repeatedly. Even irritation or a small burn may occur, so traces of such treatment for radiculitis must be removed carefully. Compresses with herbs are a completely different matter. And thyme, and St. John's wort, and linden, and chamomile, and black elderberry flowers, and hop cones, and birch leaves, and nettle, and burdock, and flax seeds - all this does not cause burns. Therefore, for radiculitis, you can keep such compresses for hours until you feel relief.

Potatoes are used in two forms - boiled in the peel and mashed in it, mixed with soda) and raw, grated with the peel on a fine grater and squeezed, mixed with kerosene. These compresses warm up thoroughly, especially the second one. Bodyaga with olive oil is very good for treating radiculitis (a tablespoon of bodyaga powder per thirty milliliters of oil). This compress does not need to be kept for more than forty minutes, and then be sure to wrap your lower back. This is where the healing belt comes in handy again.

Garlic acts on the affected area in approximately the same way as horseradish and radish. Boil the garlic directly by the heads or place it in the microwave for three minutes, then make a paste out of it using a blender. Place the resulting mixture between layers of gauze and apply to the sore spot. Some people can sleep with such a compress all night, but it is better not to risk it, since garlic can unnoticeably damage the skin. However, if the pain due to radiculitis is acute, you can make the compress work a little slower, but protect and nourish the skin. To do this, take not gauze, but linen cloth and soak it in olive or sunflower oil. The burning sensation will be felt much less, and there will be no burn.


Recipe No. 1

In a glass container, beat the white of a fresh chicken egg until foamy, then add 20 ml of ammonia and pure turpentine. Lastly, pour in 20 ml of concentrated vinegar essence. White steam will appear, the container will heat up, and the ointment will turn white.

You can prepare warming ointments at home

After the ointment has cooled, it is applied to the back area. Apply the product once a day for 7 days. Store the finished ointment in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator. Its shelf life is 2 years.

The product not only quickly relieves radiculitis, but also helps well with pain in the joints and muscles.

Recipe No. 2

To prepare the product, 10 horse chestnut fruits are dried and ground into powder. Melt 100 g of lard in a water bath, add a piece of bell pepper to it and leave on the fire for 10 minutes (this will eliminate the unpleasant odor).

After this, the lard is removed from the heat and allowed to cool, then mixed with horse chestnut powder. At the next stage, add a spoonful of camphor oil to the mixture and stir thoroughly.

The product is applied in a thin layer to the affected area, covered with polyethylene and tied with a scarf. Leave this bandage on for an hour (if you feel a strong burning sensation, remove it earlier). Relief occurs after the first use. The finished product can be stored in the refrigerator for a year.

Recipe No. 3

Half a glass of hop cones is poured into 200 ml of water and boiled over low heat until the amount of decoction is reduced by half. Cool the mixture slightly and grind it using a blender.

150 g of natural butter is dissolved in a water bath, hop gruel and a few drops of lavender oil are added. Store this ointment in a cool, dark place. It is applied to painful areas three times a day.

Treatment of radiculitis with folk remedies gently

You need to put several cut pods of red hot pepper in a glass jar and fill them with ammonia (take a small jar, about three hundred milliliters should contain ammonia). This remedy is not for acute radiculitis, because the mixture must be infused in a dark place for at least two weeks, but if the disease is chronic, it is useful for the prevention of acute conditions. Next, after two weeks of periodic shaking, you just need to lubricate the lower back with the tincture in a circular motion, lightly massaging, but not rubbing.

Lumbosacral radiculitis is relieved with a decoction of conifers using fir oil after a compress or bath. Such procedures are traditionally completed with a woolen lumbar belt. The decoction is prepared in the same way as described above from fir. Pine shoots and green pine cones help very well, especially if lumbosacral radiculitis is caused by hypothermia. Pour a kilogram of pine cones and/or shoots with three liters of water and boil for ten to fifteen minutes. Leave the pan tightly closed overnight to infuse, and strain in the morning. For a regular bath of hot (just under forty degrees) water you will need the entire infusion. After the procedure is completed, the lower back is lubricated with heated fir oil and a warm therapeutic belt must be put on. It is very useful for the lower back to rub fir oil deeply.

Infusion for oral administration

In the chronic form of the disease, parsley infusion has a good effect. The root of the plant must be cleaned and the greens must be washed well. The raw materials should be ground in a meat grinder. A glass of gruel is placed in a glass jar and 0.5 liters of boiling water is poured. Cover the top of the container with a towel and leave overnight.

In the morning, filter the infusion and add the juice of one lemon. The product must be drunk two days in advance. Then take a week break and repeat the dose. The course of treatment should last two months.

If, despite drug therapy and treatment with traditional methods, the patient’s condition does not improve, the pain does not subside, and motor activity is not restored, or additional symptoms appear, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Treatment of radiculitis with folk remedies is tough

A truly “armor-piercing” effect has the following composition for lubricating the affected area of ​​the back. If a person is literally broken by acute radiculitis, you can risk using it. In any case, the distracting maneuver will definitely be successful. You need to purchase a bottle of any cologne, two ordinary bottles of iodine, tincture of valerian (50 milliliters), all this is mixed with two pods of red hot pepper, previously crushed, tightly closed in a glass container and infused in a dark place for at least a day. After this, you can treat lumbosacral radiculitis by smearing the back in pain-affected areas at night. You need to sleep without taking off your warming belt. Some sources indicate that in three to four days the acute period of the disease will end.

In Siberia, an infusion of wild garlic with alcohol is used. They prepare it in large quantities, since this infusion can treat and cure not only acute radiculitis, but also many other diseases. Usually they take a two-liter jar and fill it very tightly with finely chopped wild garlic, after which they fill it with alcohol. The wild garlic is infused for a month or two (this recipe is interpreted differently in each family), then it is filtered, squeezing out the remains. This powerful rubbing has proven itself in the treatment of radiculitis, osteochondrosis, arthritis, rheumatism and many other joint diseases. The affected area is simply rubbed and then wrapped. For the lower back, a therapeutic belt is indispensable. For cervical radiculitis, tie a down shawl. For knee joints - camel knee pads "LEONARDA" are very popular. But it is necessary to keep warm after each procedure, otherwise the treatment will not have an effect.

Another, practically “thermonuclear” agent is prepared to relieve the inflammatory process in the intervertebral discs, which is caused by acute radiculitis. Menovazin, formic alcohol and tincture of hot pepper are mixed in equal proportions. The sore spot is not rubbed, but carefully and easily lubricated with this composition, and it is undesirable to do this with your bare hand; a swab on a stick is used. Next, the lower back is covered with cotton fabric and a tightly warm woolen belt is put on top. The discomfort during this procedure is literally monstrous, but its effectiveness is high. Pain from radiculitis can be relieved quickly. However, this is almost impossible to endure.

But the following remedy can compete with pain-relieving injections for radiculitis. It does contain a lot of medicine. These are Menovazin, Analgin, Validol, Drotaverine. All this is in tablets, except Menovazine. You will need two jars of it, the rest of the medicines per package. Tablets must be crushed and mixed with cologne and Menovazine. Try to stir so that all other components dissolve in the cologne. Next, the mixture is placed in a glass container and infused in a dark place for five days. Treatment of radiculitis is carried out using a cotton swab, carefully applying the medicine to the affected area. This medicinal composition also helps with other joint diseases.

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