Treatment with folk remedies for the sciatic nerve

The sciatic nerve is the largest in our body, it can reach a diameter of 1 cm. It is responsible for the mobility of the lower extremities and runs from the lumbar area through the buttocks, thighs and legs all the way to the foot. Due to its large diameter and length, the sciatic nerve is often pinched, which occurs when there are problems with the musculoskeletal system. Pinching of the sciatic nerve is called sciatica and is manifested by severe pain in the legs, and sometimes even complete immobility.

How to prevent sciatica? What are the causes and symptoms of this disease? How to treat it at home? Find out from this article.

  • Prevention
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  • Causes of the disease

    Sciatica is a consequence of various disorders in the body. These may be problems of the musculoskeletal system, infectious diseases, or spinal injuries.

    The most common source of problems is a sedentary or sedentary lifestyle. This leads to various problems with the spine, which can further lead to pinching of the sciatic nerve.

    Diseases that cause sciatica:

    • intervertebral hernia. Protrusion of the disc nucleus from the bony ring leads to compression of the nerve roots through which the sciatic nerve passes;
    • tuberculosis, influenza and a number of other infectious diseases. The nerve is poisoned by toxins released by microorganisms that are the source of the problem;
    • poisoning with lead, arsenic, mercury, alcohol against the background of existing inflammation;
    • osteochondrosis. In the presence of this disease, the formation of osteophytes occurs - growths on the vertebrae, which can cause pinched nerves;
    • oncological diseases;
    • tumors of the spinal cord and surrounding tissues.

    The age of patients suffering from sciatica can be 25 or 55 years. Often due to poor lifestyle or injury, the disease tends to manifest itself at a young age, but most cases are observed in people over the age of 40.

    Symptoms of sciatica

    The main symptom of sciatica is sharp pain. The attack occurs suddenly and can lead to loss of mobility. The pain extends from the lower back, affects the entire back of the legs and can sometimes reach the heel. Since the nerve, starting in the lumbar region, diverges into branches, pain can be observed in both legs or only in one limb. The nature of the pain syndrome can be different, it all depends on the cause of the disorder. This may be constant acute pain or periodic attacks.

    Other symptoms:

    • impaired bowel and bladder control;
    • curvature of posture, change in gait;
    • decreased mobility of the lower extremities or their complete immobility.

    In the event of an attack of sciatica, the patient should be given first aid. To do this, you need to place him on a hard surface on his stomach, place a pillow under his chest, and free the lower part of his body from oppressive clothing. It is necessary to apply anti-inflammatory ointment to the lumbar region. The use of heating pads, warm compresses or medications is prohibited, as this may increase inflammation.

    Treatment with compresses

    When treating inflammation of the sciatic nerve with folk remedies, compresses are also used. There are many varieties from which to prepare them, but the most useful of them are: horseradish root, beeswax, turpentine and others.

    Horseradish root compress

    Grind fresh horseradish root by hand or in a meat grinder. Then add one grated potato and a tablespoon of honey to it.

    Apply vegetable oil to the sore spot and cover it with gauze folded in two layers. Then apply a centimeter layer of the finished compress and cover with cellophane. Wrap a woolen shawl or blanket around your lower back. This procedure can be performed every other day.

    Beeswax compress

    Take 300 g of bee honey and dissolve it in a water bath, without bringing to a boil. Apply a thin layer of heated honey to the affected area and cover with cellophane. Then wrap it in a wool scarf.

    Compress with turpentine

    Another cheap and good folk remedy for treating the sciatic nerve is turpentine. This product can be purchased at the market or at your local pharmacy.

    For the wrap, mix 2 tablespoons of turpentine and 3 tablespoons of warm water. Take a crust of dark bread and pour over the prepared mixture. Then put wet skin on the sore spot and secure with a bandage.

    Cabbage compress

    For the poultice, take fresh cabbage and tear off a few leaves. Then we clean them from the stalks and put them in boiling water for 3 minutes. Once the cabbage leaves become elastic, place them in the desired location and wrap them in cellophane.

    Treatment of radiculitis with cabbage compress has a calming effect. The compress not only relieves the disease, but also normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.

    Compress with vegetable oil

    To treat the sciatic nerve, you need not only expensive means, but also cheaper ones, and those that every housewife has.

    Pour half a liter of vegetable oil into a saucepan, add 100 grams of salt and 1 tablespoon of chopped nettle. Then throw it all into the fire. Once the mixture boils, add some currant leaves, elderberries and burdock root. Cook for 3 minutes, remove from heat and cool.

    Use the finished mixture in the form of compresses. To do this, put gauze on the sore spot, then the mixture and wrap everything in cellophane. For best effect, tie a wool scarf over it.

    Compress with fir oil

    Treatment of the sciatic nerve also requires the use of oils. The most effective in combating this problem is fir oil, which can be bought at the pharmacy.

    Before applying the compress, apply a small amount of vegetable oil to your back or lower back to avoid getting burned, and then fold the gauze in two layers. Then pour a little fir oil and wrap the pork tenderloin in cellophane. Wrap yourself in a blanket and lie down for 1-2 hours.

    Compress with aloe and pepper

    Take 1 aloe vera leaf for poultice and grind it. The main thing is to take a leaf from a plant that is at least 3 years old. Then sprinkle the crushed leaf with red pepper and stir.

    This mixture should be applied to the sore spot and covered with cellophane. It is better to make such a compress at night and repeat the whole procedure in the morning.

    Elderberry and chamomile compress

    For a compress, take equal parts of elderberry and chamomile petals. Then pour boiling water over them and quickly place them in a linen bag or cloth. Apply a compress from a bandage to the sore spot, remove after 5-6 minutes. Treatment of radiculitis with such a compress takes about 2 weeks.


    To diagnose sciatica, the patient should go for examination to a neurologist. At the appointment, the reactions of the nerve endings in the ankle, patella and tibia, and feet are checked. If there are disorders of the sciatic nerve, the reactions will be mild or completely absent.

    The patient is also asked to raise his straight leg up; severe pain that prevents him from fully performing such a movement indicates a violation. During a visual examination, sciatica is indicated by a change in the color of the skin over the pinched area, as well as a disturbance in gait, as the body adapts to a certain position in which the pain is not so pronounced.

    Hardware diagnostics are carried out:

    • X-ray. A low-informative method that allows you to identify signs of destruction of the vertebrae or intervertebral discs that could cause pinching;
    • MRI. The most preferred option, giving a complete picture. Allows you to assess the condition of not only bones, but also muscles, nerves, and blood vessels.

    Based on the information collected, the patient can be diagnosed with sciatica and treated.

    Treatment with tinctures

    To completely cure inflammation of the sciatic nerve, it is necessary not only to treat with external methods, but also to treat the body itself with folk remedies, namely various tinctures, decoctions, and teas.

    St. John's wort tincture

    To prepare the tincture, pour boiling water over the herbs and leave for about 2 hours. Then cool and drink the drink 5 times a day for a month.

    Burdock root tincture

    Infusion of burdock root is good for inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

    To do this, take 2 tablespoons of chopped burdock root and boil it for 5 minutes in 300 ml of red wine. The tincture should be drunk 2 times a day for 2 weeks.


    At home, you can perform a whole range of measures aimed at treating sciatica. Before carrying out any manipulations, consult your doctor.

    Drug therapy

    If you have sciatica, a number of medications are prescribed to relieve pain and eliminate spasms.

    Drug groups:

    • NSAIDs. Necessary for relieving symptoms of inflammation, used in the form of oral medications, ointments, gels or injections;
    • muscle relaxants. Prescribed to relax muscles at the pinched site, which allows you to restore blood circulation and relieve pain;
    • diuretics. Needed to remove excess fluid from the body, which helps relieve swelling;
    • B vitamins. Help improve blood flow and accelerate tissue regeneration.

    Folk remedies

    Traditional medicine based on plant or animal raw materials can have a powerful effect and at the same time cause fewer side effects than medications. Before using recipes, we recommend that you make sure that there are no allergies.

    Pine bath

    For 1 glass of young needles you will need 1.5 liters of boiling water. Pour boiling water over the needles, cook for 10 minutes, then leave for 4 hours. To prepare a bath, you need to add 1 liter of infusion to 1.5 buckets of water. The water should be warm, not cold and not hot. Take a pine bath for 20 minutes, repeat 2 times a week.

    Radish juice

    Grate the radish or grind it in a blender along with the peel. Squeeze the juice from the crushed root vegetable, mix it with honey 3:1. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the lumbar region with light movements. Then you need to wrap it up for 50-60 minutes.

    Honey cake

    Mix honey with flour to form a thick mass suitable for modeling. Make a cake 1 cm thick from honey. Apply it to the sore spot, cover with plastic and wrap it with a scarf.

    Bay rub

    Take 20 pcs. bay leaf, pour 220 ml of vodka, leave for 3 days in a dark place. Rub into the affected area.

    Wax heating

    Heat the wax in a water bath until soft. Place it in gauze or cling film, apply a compress to the lower back and wrap it in something warm.


    Prepare a solution of 3 liters of water, 100 g of salt, 50 g of table vinegar. The solution should be cool. Soak a sheet in the solution, wrap yourself in it, cover yourself with a warm blanket, and lie there for 45-90 minutes.

    Honey and radish rub

    Take 1 tbsp coarse salt, 1 tbsp honey, 5 tbsp radish juice, 250 ml alcohol. Mix the ingredients and rub into the affected area.


    Many physical therapy approaches are used to treat sciatica. This can be acupuncture, hirudotherapy, paraffin therapy, magnetic therapy. All procedures are carried out as prescribed by a doctor in specialized centers.



    Exercising at home for sciatica will help relieve spasm from the nerve and prevent re-pinching. However, it is not recommended to perform exercises during the period of relapse, when the pain is unbearable, swelling of the lower back and fever are observed. First, relieve the attack with medications, and then proceed to the mandatory part of the treatment - physical education.


    1. Lie flat on your back, place a cushion under your neck so that your spine is perfectly straight. Pull your knee towards your chest and hold this position for 5-10 seconds. Straighten up and repeat with the other leg.
    2. Bend your knees and pull them towards you. Try to pull as close to your chin as possible to feel the spine stretch. Hold for 3-5 seconds, relax, repeat.
    3. While lying down, cross one leg over the other, as you would when sitting on a chair. Tilt your legs to the right while simultaneously turning your head and moving your left arm to the left. Hold on, perform in the opposite direction.
    4. Place your arms straight behind your head and point your toes out. Stretch your fingertips and toes in different directions, stretching your spine.
    5. Get on your knees, sit on your heels. Place your forehead on the floor so that your stomach rests on your legs, place your arms along your body so that your palms are level with your hips and look up. Hold for 3-5 seconds.
    6. From the previous position, extend your arms in front of you, then straighten and move one leg back. Lock in this position for 3-5 seconds, repeat with the other leg.
    7. From the previous position, tuck both legs under you, leaning on your arms extended forward, stretch your spine, your buttocks should touch your heels, and your hands and forehead should touch the floor.

    An important condition during physical therapy for a pinched sciatic nerve is the absence of pain and sudden movements. As soon as you feel that you feel unwell or any of the exercises bring discomfort, give it up.


    As when performing exercise therapy, any kneading is recommended only in the remission stage, when the pain does not bother the person so much. During the massage, the lumbar area and buttocks are worked out.

    After the massage you should feel warm and relaxed; if there is pain, it means the procedure was performed incorrectly. At the same time, pain may be felt during the massage, as the massage therapist works with muscles constrained by spasms.

    1. Treat your lower back and buttocks with massage oil. Place the edges of your palms on the lumbar region. Perform active “sawing” movements towards the buttocks and ⅓ of the buttocks.
    2. Place your thumb on the point in the lumbar area where the spine ends, and perform light vibrating movements with your finger.
    3. Feel the bone grooves on both sides of the sacrum. Clench your fingers into a fist, place your knuckles at the points of these notches and lightly work them on the left and right sides.
    4. Since the cause of a pinched sciatic nerve can be a muscle spasm, the massage therapist’s task is to detect it. To do this, you need to massage the buttock and thigh area with your hands to feel the hard, spasmodic area. The patient will feel severe pain at the site of the spasm. To relieve spasm, the patient inhales and holds his breath, and the massage therapist applies deep pressure with two fingers to the area with spasm for several seconds. The removal of spasms is completed by stroking movements perpendicular to the spasmed muscle.
    5. Place three fingers on the lower back, slightly spreading them, and move them in a sliding motion along the ilium, above and below it. Do it both ways.
    6. The massage ends with light stroking movements of the lumbar region and ⅓ of the buttock.

    In addition to manual massage, hydro or vacuum massage can be used.

    If the cause of sciatica is other disorders in the spine, for example, osteochondrosis or a hernia, then it is necessary to pay attention to the treatment of these problems.

    Inflammation of the sciatic nerve

    Inflammation of the sciatic nerve is a pathological condition that leads to impaired sensitivity, pain, burning, numbness due to inflammation or damage to the nerve endings. It is the longest in the human body: it runs from the spine to the feet. Thanks to him, a person walks and feels. Symptoms of inflammation: • Pain; • Vasility of the legs; • Tingling; • Burning; • Impaired tissue sensitivity. Inflammation can be unilateral or bilateral. Various ranges of pain. It may worsen during physical activity, or may appear at night during rest. If no measures are taken, the pain will only increase. If the disease does not go away over a long period of time, it becomes chronic and will be much more difficult to cure. Causes of inflammatory processes The causes of the inflammatory process are many and varied, for example: • osteochondrosis; • injuries; • benign and malignant tumors; • venous or arterial blood clots; • disc hernias; • abscesses of soft tissues located next to the sciatic nerve; • hypothermia; • third trimester of pregnancy; • incorrectly given injection in the gluteal region; • excessive stress on the back and legs; • spinal cord canal stenosis; • diabetes. To correctly determine the cause of the disease and begin treatment, you should conduct a full examination by a specialist. Establishing a diagnosis: • laboratory tests; • visiting a neurologist, rheumatologist and surgeon; • X-ray examinations; • magnetic resonance imaging. Treatment program The treatment program should be purely individual, unique for each patient, but all possible types of treatment should be noted. Types of treatment: Physiotherapy (electrophoresis, phonophoresis) – treatment of the patient with current or ultrasound with the addition of medications. It is prescribed only after acute pain has been eliminated. Therapeutic exercise is very useful, it is aimed at increasing blood circulation and relieving pain. Acupuncture (acupuncture) relaxes muscles, soothes and relieves pain. Massage, when pressing on certain points, relieves pain and relaxes.

    A contrast shower increases blood circulation, stimulates the acceleration of metabolic processes, and removes toxins. Therapeutic baths are relaxation and warming of the sore spot; for neurology, warm baths are taken with the addition of:

    • Turpentine; • Hydrogen sulfide; • Iodine; • Inert gas radon; • Salt; • Herbal: pine needles, chamomile, chestnut, juniper, calamus root, oak bark, oregano, nettle, currant leaves, mint, string, thyme, horsetail, burdock roots. Therapeutic rubs and compresses are alcohol tinctures with the addition of natural ingredients, for example: • Honey, propolis; • Horseradish; • Hot pepper; • Fir oil; • Burdock root; • Pine buds. Surgery is an invasive intervention in the human body. This method of treatment is rare because it is used when everything has already been tried, nothing has helped, and there is no other way out. Drug treatment of neurology is drugs that eliminate the cause and symptoms of the disease. Painkillers, steroidal anti-inflammatory and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, general and local use. Painkillers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: • Tramadol - the active ingredient ultram; • Percodan - the active substance is oxycodone; • Vicadin - active ingredient hydrocodone; • Numarfan - active ingredient oxymorphone; • Fort-gel - active ingredient ketoprofen; • Flamidez tablets - synonym Finigan, active ingredients paracetamol, diclofenac; • Finalgel is the active ingredient of piroxicam; • Fedin-20 capsules - the active ingredient of piroxicam; • Olfen injections, tablets, patches, gels - active ingredient diclofenac -50; • Diclofenac injections, tablets - active ingredient diclofenac -25; • Nemesil - active ingredient nimesulide; • Ibuprofen is a synonym for Nurofen, the active ingredient is ibuprofen; • Ketanov - the active ingredient of ketorolac tromethamine; • Indomethacin tablets and ointment - the active ingredient is indomethacin. Steroid anti-inflammatory drugs: • Dexamethasone; • Prednisolone tablets and ointment; • Methylprednisolone; • Cortisone; • Hydrocortisone tablets and ointment. You always need to be careful, take care of your health, dress warmly in the cold season, and beware of drafts from open windows, doors, and in public transport. Sleep on hard beds to relax at night from the stress of the day. Avoid heavy lifting and sudden squats and bending. Women are strictly prohibited from wearing heels. Conversely, special insoles are welcome. Be healthy, don't get sick.


    The best prevention of sciatica is an active lifestyle. Correct distribution of loads, alternating rest and mobility will help protect your musculoskeletal system not only from sciatica, but also from a wide range of other diseases.

    Prevention measures:

    • If you have a sedentary job, do a light warm-up every 1-2 hours. Stand up, walk slightly, bend your body. This warm-up for 10-15 minutes will help negate any negative effects of low mobility;
    • Don't lift weights. If this cannot be avoided, lift weights correctly and use a support bandage;
    • the sleeping place must be correct: moderately hard, level, it is recommended to sleep on your side;
    • include more foods containing vitamin B in your diet, or buy a suitable complex at the pharmacy after consulting your doctor;
    • Women should avoid wearing heels higher than 4 cm.

    These simple recommendations will help prevent the occurrence of sciatica or prevent re-exacerbation even if such a disease is present.

    Massage treatment

    Like many diseases, the sciatic nerve is quite easy to cure with massage, since this causes a rush of blood, as well as heating of the massaged areas of the skin. It can be treated with a regular massage based on special oils, but a massage with honey and alcohol will be cheaper and more effective.

    To do this, before the massage, dissolve 300 g of honey in a water bath. As soon as it boils, take it out. Do not let the mixture cool and, stirring constantly, slowly add 50 g of alcohol. After cooling, rub the alcohol-honey mass into the patient’s back until the hands begin to stick to the body. At the end of the procedure, rinse your back with warm water and keep warm for 2 hours to enhance the massage effect. Course: daily for 2 weeks.

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