Treatment of the sciatic nerve according to Bubnovsky, features of the method

The principle of the procedure and indications for the use of blockade

Neuralgia of the sciatic nerve is manifested by burning pain, a sharp decrease in muscle activity and disorder of reflexes in the gluteal area, in the area of ​​​​the feet and legs. A blockade when the sciatic nerve is pinched helps to quickly return the patient to normal life, after which the neurologist prescribes a comprehensive treatment for the problem, which includes a drug complex, manual therapy, massage and exercise therapy. In other words, the principle of action is to create a local analgesic block, which inhibits receptor activity and prevents pain impulses from spreading to other parts of the human central nervous system. The procedure itself is not a treatment method.

Recommendations for blocking the sciatic nerve causes a complex of symptoms:

  • excruciating pain (not only during movement, but often at rest);
  • lower paraparesis (weakening of leg muscles, impaired reflexes);
  • decreased pelvic organ function (eg, loss of bladder control);
  • feverish state (body temperature above 38° C).

The blockade is necessary for severe sciatica, if medications and physiotherapeutic methods do not demonstrate a positive result. To diagnose sciatic nerve damage, the doctor checks the symptoms using a battery of tests and samples.

Bubnovsky's gymnastics for sciatica

These exercises for sciatica according to Bubnovsky will strengthen the muscles that surround the lumbar spine:

  1. Lie on your tummy. Legs are straight. Take turns raising your legs low with a two-second delay in this position.
  2. Lie on your tummy. Legs straightened. Place both feet on the floor and slightly raise your torso.
  3. Lie on your tummy. Place your palms on the floor and try to lift your torso, while focusing on your toes.
  4. Stand straight. Breathe through your mouth through a small slit. Use your palms to press on your tummy, as if helping it breathe.
  5. Squat down. As you inhale, lift your body up and spread your arms. When exhaling, return to the starting position.
  6. Sit on your knees. Raise your knees up by turning your pelvis to the left and then to the right.
  7. Sit on your knees. Lean your body forward, freeze for a couple of seconds, then lean your body back with the same delay.
  8. Sit on your buttocks. Tightening your gluteal muscles, try to stretch upward, as if you want to become taller.
  9. Get on all fours , placing your feet and palms on the floor. Make swings forward and backward, first with one leg, then with the other.
  10. Lie on your side. Raise the leg that touches the floor and hold it suspended for 2-3 seconds. Lie on the other side and do the same.
  11. Lie on your back. Bend your legs at the knees. While exhaling, slightly raise your torso.
  12. Lie on your back. Cross your legs. During exhalation, slightly raise the torso, but not vertically, as if moving slightly to the side.
  13. Lie on your back. Bend your legs at the knees. Raise the pelvis and gently lower it.
  14. Lie on your back. Legs are bent at the knees. Create "great".

The order of the exercises does not matter. All gymnastics should take half an hour , so you can calculate the number of exercises yourself.

The doctor emphasizes that if the exercises are done correctly, then you can observe profuse sweating.

If you do these exercises once a day, then pain (physical or emotional suffering, painful or unpleasant sensation)

At first it will become weaker, and later it will completely go away, because the blood supply to the muscles will increase, and edema
(excessive accumulation of fluid in the organs)
will subside.

Initially, classes should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor . When he is convinced that you are doing everything correctly, then you can study at home.

Dr. Bubnovsky convinces that sciatica can be forgotten forever if you return the normal functioning of the muscles that support the spine. And to do this, you need to relieve muscle spasms, strengthen the muscles (another effective way is a set of physical therapy exercises).

How is the examination and diagnosis carried out?

If sciatica is suspected, a neurologist examines the lumbar and sacral areas, then, using special instruments, evaluates the sensitivity, tone and strength of the muscles along the sciatic nerve. The doctor also asks the patient to perform a series of simple exercises in order to determine the nature of the pain based on clinical signs. Pinched sciatic nerve requires surgical treatment in the neurosurgery department or in a specially equipped neurologist's office, since the condition threatens loss of sensation in the legs and complete immobility.

To clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to identify all associated factors. For this, additional studies are prescribed:

  • blood and urine tests;
  • radiography;
  • tomography;
  • consultations with specialized specialists (rheumatologist, vertebrologist, vascular surgeon).

Multifunctional trainers

Treatment of sciatica without medication implies, of course, the active use of a whole complex of special exercise equipment that Dr. Bubnovsky developed to normalize the tone of the muscular corset of the spinal column and the mobility of articular tissues. For example, stretching on a machine with a load adjusted specifically for you will help you relax muscle spasms and relieve pain.

Next, you will move on to the stage of strengthening the muscular system that supports the spinal column. The program includes a series of exercises that strengthen both the spine and the joints of the legs, including the ligaments of each foot. After finishing your exercises in the gym, you can visit the sauna and swimming pool.

Sciatic nerve blockade medications and techniques

The main symptom of a pinched nerve is pain. In order to slow down the impulse patency along the fibers of the sciatic nerve, the patient is administered various drugs. The medicine is delivered by injection into bundles of nerve tissue, thereby achieving concentration in the conduction zone. The result of the blockade depends on the choice of drug. Most often used:

  • Novocaine

In the novocaine blockade, auxiliary components (trimecaine, dicaine) may be involved to enhance the effect of the main substance.

  • Lidocaine

It is considered less toxic compared to novocaine solution; hormonal drugs and adrenaline are added to prolong the lidocaine blockade.

  • Diprospan

It relieves swelling and inflammation well, thereby restoring blood circulation in the affected area, recommended for course use (3-4 procedures at weekly intervals).

  • Diclofenac

When the sciatic nerve is pinched, blockade with diclofenac provides antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic and analgesic effects.

You can find many videos of sciatic nerve blockade techniques online. However, despite the theoretical possibility of self-medication, it is not recommended to do such things at home with sciatica, especially if the diagnosis was not carried out by a qualified specialist. In addition, incorrect administration and incorrect selection of the drug are fraught with serious consequences.

How to perform a blockade

There are a number of blockade techniques for pinching the sciatic nerve:

  • Yasenetsky's method (the patient is positioned on his stomach);
  • according to Moore's method (patient on stomach or side);
  • lateral access (in the supine position);
  • anterior approach (the patient lies on his back).

The anesthetic is administered after the appearance of paresthesia or based on the results of a special test. For pain relief, 20-40 ml of the drug is enough. Regardless of the chosen access, the blockade is easily tolerated. The patient feels relief after the first injection. At first the pain subsides, and after 10-15 minutes it completely disappears. The patient’s well-being improves significantly, and the effect lasts for a long time, provided that further medical recommendations are followed.

About the method

Dr. Bubnovsky believes that the problem lies in the muscles , in other words, specifically the muscles hurt: if the cartilage tissue (the medical system of cells and intercellular substance, united by a common origin, structure and functions)

or a ligament, the muscle is pulled together and compressed to protect the affected area.
This is a muscle spasm. This is how pain arises (physical or emotional suffering, painful or unpleasant sensation)
Pain (physical or emotional suffering, painful or unpleasant sensation)
is relieved with the help of pharmaceuticals, but the spasm remains.
A person, having gotten rid of pain (an experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage)
, tries not to use this muscle group anymore.
As a result, the muscles weaken and can no longer withstand the previous overloads. Following the logic given to us, and answering the question of how to cure sciatica, Bubnovsky believes that joints need to be developed , and muscles need to be relaxed and strengthened , because only strong muscles can protect and strengthen the cartilage and joints of our body.
The doctor called his method kinesitherapy , in other words, healing of sciatica according to Bubnovsky movement with a complete refusal of pharmaceuticals.

To implement his own methodology, Dr. Bubnovsky developed:

  • Myofascial diagnosis , with the help of which the real cause of the disease is revealed, the general condition of the musculoskeletal system becomes natural;
  • Exercise machines that relieve inflammation (Inflammation is a complex local reaction of the body to damage)
    and pain
    (physical or emotional suffering, painful or unpleasant sensation)
    , accelerating healing;
  • I made a system of exercises that relieve swelling (excessive accumulation of fluid in the organs)
    of the muscles, restore blood circulation
    (the internal environment of the human and animal body)
    , and allow unhealthy tissues of the body to self-regenerate.

Where to do a sciatic nerve block

Only professionals who are fluent in diagnostic skills and techniques for carrying out procedures in various anatomical areas can be guaranteed to relieve pain without the risk of developing complications. To identify the cause of the pain and “block” the sciatic nerve, it is better to contact a clinic with a good reputation. Recently, more and more patients are choosing commercial medical centers, where they have decent equipment, quality medications and qualified staff. Some specialists practice home visits, but this practice is permissible only in exceptional cases, since sterile conditions in the treatment room are necessary for safety.



– Quote book

On the eve of Easter, I am sharing with you another recipe for Easter cake. It comes out fragrant.

Since mid-January, you can see onions for sale in chain garden stores.

The Annunciation is one of the permanent holidays, and is celebrated once a year specifically on April 7th. On the.

Now I have a simple recipe for the most delicious pie. The base of its taste is walnut.

The freshest French bread is not an ordinary addition to the first course or a base for booze.


Reviews of blockades for pinched nerves indicate the high effectiveness of the procedure. However, it is not shown to everyone. Blockade therapy should not be prescribed in the following conditions:

  • for serious cardiovascular pathologies, liver and kidney damage;
  • against the background of the patient’s history of hemorrhagic syndrome;
  • with decompensated severe shock (for example, traumatic);
  • in patients with severe damage to the central nervous system;
  • in case of infectious or necrotic processes, pronounced fibrotic changes in the area of ​​the proposed blockade.

The blockade should be used with caution in patients suffering from stomach ulcers, diabetes and severe metabolic disorders, and in pregnant and lactating patients. In such cases, supervision by a specialized doctor is necessary. Hypersensitivity to anesthetics and their intolerance manifest themselves in the form of allergic reactions (from urticaria and dermatitis to Quincke's edema and eczema). In this regard, preparation is necessary in the format of passing a special allergy test.


According to medical statistics, the most common cause of sciatic neuralgia is a herniated vertebral disc resulting from osteochondrosis. Moreover, this happens not only due to stress in the form of weight lifting, sports or heavy physical labor. Most often this happens due to muscle hypertonicity and spasms that occur due to prolonged sitting.

Therefore, in most cases, inflammation affects sedentary people who work or spend a lot of time in a sitting position. An important role is played by whether a person is overweight.

Cost of treatment

The cost of a sciatic nerve block is determined by the cost of the drugs used and the method variant. As a rule, blockades are used in combination with other therapeutic methods, so the final cost of treatment for sciatica depends on the course of medications and other services.

Find out the price of a blockade for a pinched nerve and book a consultation with an experienced neurosurgeon right now: 8 (961) 410-28-88.

Where in Rostov to make a blockade for pinched sciatic nerve

Medical Park in Rostov is one of the few medical centers in the city where the head is a practicing doctor, not a businessman. Therefore, our approach is based on the health and safety of patients, rather than seeking ways to reduce costs. If you are suffering from unbearable pain in the lower back, sacrum or gluteal muscle, you were referred to a neurologist by your therapist, or you have a relapse of pinched sciatic nerve, urgently make an appointment with the doctors of the Neurosurgery Department of Medical Park. Our specialists consult patients with various complaints in the field of neurology and neurosurgery, master all nerve blockade techniques and guarantee stable pain relief and long-term remission. The success of the treatment is confirmed by the grateful reviews of those who were helped by blockade for pinched sciatic nerve, caudal epidural and other therapeutic blockades used in neurology.

Our unique technique

Our technique is based on the impact on the root cause of pain, that is, the cure of osteochondrosis. We are based on the firm belief that you can forget about the disease if we manage to restore the muscular sheath of the spinal column and put in order the entire musculoskeletal system that supports it.

To do this, we have developed a special technique that is based on movement therapy. By using this complex, you will make an effort to treat sciatica without surgery, and also actively influence your recovery. The beginning of treatment is a special diagnosis that helps to find inflamed areas in the muscle-bone structure. After the focus is found, the kinesiotherapist prescribes a program taking into account the main and concomitant diseases.



– Quote book

On the eve of Easter, I am sharing with you another recipe for Easter cake. It comes out fragrant.

Since mid-January, you can see onions for sale in chain garden stores.

The Annunciation is one of the permanent holidays, and is celebrated once a year specifically on April 7th. On the.

Now I have a simple recipe for the most delicious pie. The base of its taste is walnut.

The freshest French bread is not an ordinary addition to the first course or a base for booze.

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