Therapeutic exercises for pinched sciatic nerve at home

Exercises for pinching the sciatic nerve and pain in the leg will help eliminate discomfort, normalize blood circulation and unblock the nerve itself. The longest nerve is the sciatic one. Sciatica (actual strangulation) most often occurs as a result of the inflammatory process. We must remember that you cannot play sports or go to the gym during an exacerbation of the disease.

The sciatic nerve originates in the lumbar region, then it goes through the pelvis, tailbone and reaches the toes. Since its length is quite large, pain during inflammation of the sciatic nerve can manifest itself along its entire length - from the lumbar region to the fingertips. Although the nerve runs through both of a person's legs, pain is usually felt in only one. As for its intensity, it can be either slight or strong. The pain can be increasing, aching, stabbing, sharp, and so on.

Why does pathology occur?

Doctors consider primary and secondary neuropathy. The primary cause is injuries, infectious diseases and hypothermia. The list of reasons that can cause a secondary type of illness is much more extensive. These include:

  • disc displacement;
  • neoplasms of any nature;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • protrusion;
  • osteophytes;
  • spasmodic muscles;
  • curvature of the ridge;
  • tunnel syndrome;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • post-injection suppuration.

Symptoms of inflammation of the sciatic nerve

Pain, which can even occur due to lifting a heavy bag or hypothermia, night attacks are the main indicator of sciatica. In addition to the sharp shooting pain syndrome, doctors advise paying attention to:

  1. “pins and needles” and numbness from the buttocks and below;
  2. constipation, urinary incontinence;
  3. weakness and gradual muscle atrophy, limping.

When a person moves or stands for a long time, pain is more disturbing. During attacks, redness of the skin, swelling, chills, and sweating are quite possible. At first, the pain syndrome is not very expressive, but gradually becomes so strong that there is a danger of loss of consciousness. It almost hurts for a person to breathe. If the disease is not treated, the entire leg will suffer: it will become cold, bending and unbending it will be problematic, and then the ability to move the foot and toes will be lost.

Techniques and features of various types of massage for sciatica

Classic manual massage

A relaxing massage during an exacerbation helps to warm up painful areas, improve lymph and blood circulation, which helps reduce pain. Usually, even after the first session, patients feel relief.

General massage technique:

  • The patient lies on his stomach and is as relaxed as possible.
  • The painful area is warmed up by stroking.
  • The massage uses circular and ridge-like movements, without putting pressure on the affected areas.
  • Finish the massage with light strokes.

, the entire back or also the leg (for lower sciatica) is massaged in the same way . During pain, intense exposure should be avoided: vibrations, tapping, strong rubbing. All this will only increase the spasm, and will not make the patient’s life easier.

Any massage for sciatica should be done with caution due to the proximity of the spinal cord to the site of inflammation. Ideally, even a relaxing massage is best left to a professional, but if there are no contraindications or spinal injuries, loved ones can help with it at home.

Therapeutic massage, which is performed during remission and is much more intense, should only be performed by a specialist.

Video: “Massage for sciatica at home”

Vacuum (cupping) massage

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Vacuum treatment is primarily aimed at eliminating lymph circulation disorders in the affected area . Its normalization has a very beneficial effect on the condition of tissues and accelerates recovery. In addition, cupping immediately relieves pain.

The method of placing cups for medicinal purposes, which has long been used by people, is also a kind of vacuum massage. For sciatica, you can “place cupping” to alleviate the patient’s condition and activate lymph flow.

How to place jars correctly:

  1. The patient lies on his stomach. To prepare the tissues, it is better to slightly warm up the lower back with stroking and a light relaxing massage.
  2. Place small glass jars, first freeing them from oxygen with a burning “torch” (cotton wool wound around a metal object and soaked in alcohol). It is better that the jars are special for medical purposes. In the absence of them, you can get by with small ones, such as mayonnaise ones (without sharp edges).
  3. Cover with a light blanket.
  4. The duration of the procedure is from 10 to 20 minutes. Then the jars no longer hold so tightly, and they are removed.
  5. After cupping, you can do a light soothing massage with stroking. It is better for the patient to lie under a blanket for at least half an hour.

You should not use large jars, this can lead to injury. It is best to place jars before bed.

Precautionary measures:

  • Do not use synthetic materials for ignition: only natural cotton wool and alcohol should be used. This is important to avoid additional tissue intoxication in an already unhealthy area.
  • Do not use bottles instead of jars or jars that are too large. This won't help, it will only hurt.

To perform a vacuum massage, in which cups are moved over the skin, some skill may be required. It is good if it is carried out by a specialist, but if desired, the technique can be mastered.

This massage can be done with glass jars, but it is better to purchase a special silicone one, which is much more convenient because it does not require ignition.

The sequence of such a procedure:

  1. The skin in the affected area is lubricated with massage oil, quite generously.
  2. The jar is set on fire if it is glass or the air is released by compression if it is silicone. Apply to the area where there is pain.
  3. Perform movements on the skin with the cup: straight, spiral, s-shaped. The movements are slow and during them the can should not lag behind the skin. If this happens, install it again.
  4. After the procedure, it is better for the patient to wrap up his lower back and keep warm for some time.

This massage may be a little painful, but it should not hurt too much. Duration 5-15 minutes.

Acupressure (acupressure)

Massage of active points is recognized as a very effective method of treating sciatica, but it is difficult to master and is not suitable as self-treatment . Here you need to understand well what this or that point on the body is responsible for.

The procedure is carried out in several stages:

  • First, the point of greatest pain is identified by palpating the area along the sciatic nerve.
  • Massage the found point and the entire painful area.
  • They massage the buttocks.
  • Finally, massage the meridian points of the bladder.

Acupressure of known points for the treatment of sciatica does not harm and can be used as self-help.

Usually 4 points are massaged:

  1. Find the point of greatest pain in the sacral region. To do this, move the muscle away from the bone using rotational movements. This is the point at which inflammation begins.
  2. At the bottom of the buttock there is a gluteal fossa, in which the 2nd point is located.
  3. The next one is under the knee, on the back of the joint.
  4. The lowest point is at the junction of the foot and shin, in the center.

Pay attention to which points are massaged for sciatica

Massage these points clockwise and back, or simply pressing with your thumb, for 30 seconds to 5 minutes.

Honey massage

Honey massage is difficult to classify as relaxing due to some pain , which patients report. However, the effect is only on the skin, without deeply affecting the muscles. For this reason, it is also acceptable in the acute stage of sciatica, as a good method for activating blood circulation in the tissues.

For such a massage you will need high-quality honey. The technique is not particularly difficult, it can be done at home, but, like any type of massage, it is still better to entrust it to a professional, if possible.


  1. Apply a tablespoon of honey to the lower back, which is best warmed slightly.
  2. Let the honey absorb (2-3 minutes).
  3. Rub the remaining honey into the skin.
  4. Make light pats with your palms. During them, your hands will stick to the skin, and this moment causes pain. It is important not to overdo it and listen to the patient’s feelings.
  5. You need to finish the massage after a white coating appears on the skin.
  6. Remove plaque with a cloth soaked in warm water and wrap the patient’s lower back.

Pinching symptoms

Doctors consider several syndromes that indicate that the patient has a pinched nerve.

  • Lesera – straight leg does not rise;
  • Sikara – pain intensifies if a person bends the foot;
  • landing - it is impossible to take a sitting position yourself.

It hurts to walk and squat, but if you lie down or sit with your legs spread wide apart, it goes away. Signs of inflammation and pinching of the sciatic nerve are quite expressive, but they can still be confused with other diseases:

  • spondylitis;
  • myeloma;
  • ankylosing spondylitis;
  • phlebothrombosis;
  • arterial insufficiency.

Doing the right gymnastic exercises

It is good to do gymnastics in the pool, as this reduces compression and muscle tension.
When exercising in the pool, the water level should be up to your shoulders. A set of exercises in the pool includes swinging the lower limbs, walking, describing semicircles with the leg, and so on. Oriental techniques are also recommended - qigong, yoga. It is better to practice them on an ongoing basis during the remission stage. It is necessary to start classes under the supervision of a specialist who will teach you how to perform the exercises correctly. In addition, the breathing process is very important in yoga, which an instructor can also teach. If exercise therapy is combined with massage, the effect will be stronger.

You can do gymnastics at home. It must be taken into account that pain may intensify during exercise, which is why physical therapy is prescribed after the inflammatory process has been stopped.

Exercises for inflammation must be done slowly and very smoothly; jerking and sudden movements of the body and legs are unacceptable. Any exercise starts with 5-6 approaches, but over time they can be gradually increased.

Starting position - standing:

  • walk in place, trying to raise your knees as high as possible;
  • lean your hands against the wall and make smooth movements with your straight leg to the side and then back;
  • smoothly and very slowly tilt your body to the side;
  • try to tilt your body forward, but if this increases the pain, then it is better not to do this exercise for now.

Sitting on a chair:

How to make a diagnosis

The disease is determined by a neurologist based on the results of motor tests that reveal the presence of the syndromes described above. But laboratory and instrumental studies are still necessary. As a rule, they are limited to x-rays in two planes. It may be necessary to obtain a more clear picture of the condition of the spine. In this case, a tomography will be prescribed. A radioisotope scan is done if a tumor is suspected.

When a person has inflammation of the sciatic nerve, treatment at home is not always acceptable, because the disease can manifest itself in such a serious form that the patient is prescribed bed rest in a hospital setting. Nerve-related illnesses must be taken seriously or you may lose your ability to move.

An immediate visit to a doctor is necessary in the following cases:

  • severe numbness that prevents you from moving;
  • increased body temperature;
  • transfer of pain to other locations;
  • incontinence of metabolic products;
  • swelling in the lower part of the ridge.

Disease prevention

To prevent the development of lumboischialgia, it is recommended:

  • eat rationally;
  • move more often;
  • exercise;
  • perform exercises that strengthen the back muscles and stretch the muscles;
  • when doing physical work, use the principles of biomechanics;
  • balance the load with the body’s capabilities;
  • fight excess weight;
  • promptly treat diseases of the spine, blood vessels and digestive system;
  • don't get too cold.

How to treat inflammation of the sciatic nerve

Treatment measures are aimed at:

  • relieving the patient of pain;
  • improved sensitivity of the limbs;
  • restoration of leg functionality.

To achieve this, they resort to methods of traditional and alternative medicine. Treatment begins with pain relief. Then physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises, and manual therapy come into play. In parallel, the rich experience of traditional medicine can be used.

Medicines prescribed for the treatment of sciatica include the following groups of drugs:

  • non-steroidal;
  • corticosteroids;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • biogenic stimulants;
  • muscle relaxants;
  • decongestants;
  • angioprotectors.

External means are widely used - warming creams and ointments, which contain snake or bee venom, hot pepper, camphor, turpentine. Massage for inflammation of the sciatic nerve helps improve blood circulation and restore muscle tone.

A huge role in restoring leg functions belongs to physiotherapeutic procedures, for example, magnetic and laser therapy, electrophoresis, and dynamic current treatment. Various types of physical exercises, selected for a specific patient, reduce muscle spasms and strengthen the body.

To heal at home, you will have to be patient, since sciatica responds better to the efforts of professionals. There are cases when the disease started precisely because of insufficiently active therapeutic measures. The more complex the case, the more effective drugs have to be prescribed. So, if non-steroidal drugs do not help, although a person takes them for a long time, steroid drugs are prescribed, which have significant side effects.

In many clinics, in addition to the main treatment, patients undergo courses:

  • acupuncture;
  • ozone therapy;
  • herbal medicine;
  • cupping and vacuum massage;
  • stone therapy;
  • treatment with leeches;
  • cauterizations.

Many recipes for compresses, lotions, and tinctures have been developed. But it is better not to try them on yourself without consulting your doctor. The doctor knows where and how they can help or harm. Therefore, it is necessary to consult.

Spa and hydrotherapy is an excellent way to improve overall health and regulate various pathologies, including inflammation of the sciatic nerve, the symptoms and treatment of which, due to their diversity and complexity, require long-term and careful attention.

If therapeutic methods do not produce results, the nerve has to be decompressed. This is done surgically.

It is not enough to know how to treat sciatica, that is, inflammation of the sciatic nerve. It is necessary to be aware of how to protect yourself from such a serious, life-spoiling and health-robbing illness.

Among the preventive measures, doctors recommend the following:

  • do not freeze;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • lift weights correctly;
  • develop posture;
  • sleep on hard mattresses;
  • beware of sudden movements.

A healthy body significantly increases the likelihood that the spine will work correctly, and the nerve roots will avoid inflammation and will not be pinched.

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Preventive actions

As with any pathology, it is much easier to prevent the occurrence than to treat a pinched sciatic nerve. To avoid the onset of disease, it is important to be careful about your health and follow a number of preventive measures. First of all, you need to strengthen your back muscles. To do this, special physical exercises should be carried out (they are selected by the attending physician).

It is necessary to keep your back straight if possible (do not hunch over while walking, do not sit leaning forward). If a person has a sedentary (office) job, he should take breaks - get up and walk around the room for several minutes. Lifting heavy objects is prohibited and only moderate exercise is allowed. Experts do not recommend exposing the spine to heavy physical activity. Girls with problems in the lumbar spine are not recommended to constantly wear high heels. It is important to keep your lower back warm at all times (to avoid hypothermia).

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